Monday, January 31, 2011

Guest Blogger: Dheena Sadik/ 93. Quit the Drama

Quit over-expecting,                                                                
Quit over-analyzing,
Quit over-explaining,
Quit over-defining,

Quit over-dissecting,
Quit all the labeling,
Quit fighting 'their' boundaries,
Quit defending 'their' systems!

Quit judging,
Quit over-trying,
Quit controlling your growth,
Quit stunting your evolution,


This is YOUR time,
This is YOUR Life,
This is YOUR journey,
These are YOUR moments,

To which you hold the RIGHTS to YOUR innate freedom,

This is YOUR Day,
to which YOU are accountable every second,


Take 100% responsibility for YOUR ride.


In the end all that matters is how genuinely and deeply you recognized God through your very core, your intuitions and your Heart as it was not about pleasing them dear Soul...

It always was, is and will be between the Divine Source that sent You and me HERE for this Human Physical Experience.

After all the bruises, tears and challenges, BREATH and simply BELIEVE that you will make it through....


With God all GREAT things are possible!

-Dr. Dheena Sadik.2011

via -

February 2011 Goals and Plans; Missions and Aims. Intent and Implement

Serious Question: Do you have any goals for February? I'd love to hear them.
    • Maven Huggins
      ‎1. Turn 46
      2. Get a publisher/printer to continue my 2011 Economic Plans
      3. Develop t-shirt from ArtPost Venetian Violet Art Image!/photo.php?fbid=154682414581999&set=a.147834161933491....34899.147830101933897
      in time for Carnival Sales
      4. Conclude all Contract Negotiations for Employment (patching together a life; a little bit from every corner--just to eat, utilities and gas) and Productivity:
      i. Eleazar Noel /ELE Training and Development
      ii. Louison's Et Al. and Toto
      5. Find a Production Partner, Creative Genius with whom to implement all my fab ideas

      ---what are you doing for February?

      I love these questions...for the first time ever in my life...i have the opportunity to craft/refine and be mindful of my goals., week by week. month by month. Thanks!!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Knowing of Self

I don't like questions and inquiries that take the fun, whimsy, mystique and magick out of things. And I done impatient already. (that was my second thought). It came after my awakening, awareness of self. my attempt to reach higher Self, H...erGod, and I said I AM...and something else to frame the question : what i want, or wish for, or reaching for...and "i want to be busy, things to do, projects to work on" came to mind and the clarifying thought was, 'If i am not making any money, let me at least be busy and productive (in worthy pursuit)'. and that came without the mirror*

then as i drank my morning lemon water, i remembered my dream, at least one of them...I was packing...the packing that i used to do when i lived come home...or went out on assignments..and the sense i feel it was wider than that...packing to go, even....cause i always took the kitchen sink. always huge life bags, that i seemed to want to squeeze everything in./..and this anxious sense i had about where i was reaching

but these dreams of travelling and packing, and airports///i need to fly and get there already..

then i came to sit in the breeze of the patio with my thoughts, and companion say, .Good Morning

last night going to bed, i thought of would be nice to get up some mornings and have the joy of morning brought.offered to you, huh...

and i had a silent thought much as I have enjoyed meeting interesting men in the last few weeks, and have enjoyed reading them like school case files/ i realize i am and will leave them where they are at. They are not ready, fit, or able to travel. and not in the speed nor distances my carrier moves. as'e

Love of Self as Premium and First is Powerful on a Sunday Morning

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

First Poem in a Long Time

Surprise, At Last
Love Wander Lust

woo a man with a broken heart
speak of stars and slew moons
slay the barren earth of a soul unknown
show your Goddess
Ban his Shrew
Rewrite his knowing.
 all of his adulthood/. Selfhood/ manhood
falling in love at first sight
leading the charge of independence
The man I want to love on his cruiser
Would cruise away If I let him
I won’t let him
The one I wish to shower, to make me
The one I wish to love, and keep safe
To behold in total greatness
And self consuming union
I tear at the thought of us making love
And swoon at the affection for his sex
To be my substance, salt, milk and honey
A life I wish for he and I to make
And rest


12:13am Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Photo Source: Visual Vibez by Dave Ponder

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"You Should Write"

mineral makeup from Texas. while we are on a landmine of minerals. lobbied to make red clay makeup and health line last clay from the north coast...aye, trinidadians
    • Maven Huggins
      more afternoon news.

      a very productive two hours:
      new marketing location secured
      and when to register my new business venture...only to discover one of the few companies i registered years covered under a network.
      talk about order and the divination of things


      then at close to business day, i get a positive rehabilitative mail from the i shall let that sit and marinate, and be guided for a righteous and beneficial response.

      let the stars shower down...

      we call on all the gods of turning situations around and making a clear path forward, one free of any such or like or different encumbrance ever/..."for the power of alchemy...
    • John Okello Brathwaite ‎@ Maven I love to read your abrupt prose....refreshing...
    • Maven Huggins chuckle...Oh...K...;)
    • Linda A. Louison you said it John... ever thought of writing Maven? I could read it endlessly
    • Maven Huggins

      i do write. not as much as I used to. fb has spoiled me
      i have three essays published; a few more essays on,
      i have endless poetry..and a blog, though i do not follow protocol there...
      everything seems to be a journal now...
      you make me think i need to keep form...though i have been shifting into art and creativity more than the written word
      but thanks...both of you.
    • Linda A. Louison Oh goodie twoshoes... thx! :)
    • Maven Huggins i used to want to make my living writing. dreaming on a big international publishing house contract...i even attempted a novel that to me, is a film script...but that has not happened yet...
    • John Okello Brathwaite I fear for the written word getting a REAL BEATING.....
    • Dean Anderson I'm glad you don't follow protocol. Reading your writings is an adventure.
    • Maven Huggins lol Dean

      Yes JOB, it is...and no one reads...less and less
    • Linda A. Louison and it's not too late....
    • Maven Huggins for..Linda?
    • Linda A. Louison to target a publishing date of course! lol :)
    • Maven Huggins
      i was trying to become my own publisher/printer...create an imprint and publish works and when big enough become an entity on my own...i started this with that aim, purpose, vision and mission:

      i now need a new publisher/printer though
    • Linda A. Louison did you get a printing price?
    • Maven Huggins
      not for my written work...i was doing the calendars/posters and greeting cards. I have those now., trying to sell and move them

      i was to do a blank journal and a caribbean series of blank cards, a friend wants to do his book, others have ask...ed me to do artistic call cards, and one person in WVA wanted me to do them a calendar...

      those items have no prices as they were never processed./

      i have no idea the cost of doing my written word
      i need to get a good publisher printer who can ride for the long haul, see the vision and not be exploitive, ugly or change strange in midstream
    • Linda A. Louison great ideas Maven... will inbox to find out more


Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Three Month 2011 Plan

Maven Huggins
My three month plan. Hm. I wrote a whole long two page word doc on what i wanted for 2011 and beyond. did not write it in three months.

also, the three month plan at the end of the year has changed that fast; where i would have been expandin...g the product line for
i am stalled. needing a new publisher/printer. the old one is an asshole

think for 3 months:
1. Purify and Elevate health and physical wellbeing: Physical CheckUps, Screenings, and put Responses in Train
2. Gain New Publisher/Printer for ArtPost Products;
a. Journal
b. Recipe Book
c. Greeting Cards
3. Expand ArtPost Line into Painted Tiles (Kitchen and Bathroom)
4. Turn 46 ;) I mean 26
5. Get my five Morrocoys and their home
6. Occupy the own home in St Joseph Hill; become mine
7. Acquire my Studio/Gallery
8. Elevate my Income Returns to Wealthy Status

thanks for this exercise Kwesi. I really had to think and work it out.
Thanks for making me get a focused time-based plan

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sitting at the New Year Sunday Breakfast Table...

...and being regaled, Again, about my Mother's Family Land details, new information.

I come from a bilingual house; my grandfather, who is from up the islands, no one sure which one, but surely they are: Montserrat my aunt just said; and another aunt said Grenada;' I know Grenada/St. Vincent. But what i also that "the up the islands" is not a chain for nothing, so when somebody from Grenada, chances are they from St. Vincent or Bequia too, and can be from Montserrat before that...and what is one of my names: Montserrat Maven, even before I learned of this...the soul knows what the brain doesn't.

but my Up the Islands Grandfather, was from a family with land, his father, Pappy had an estate in St. Joseph called AlGarub; Dada (Felix) married a Venezuelan Spanish woman, who was also from a St. Joseph estate, Wamal, that my Aunt said was a commune, and they all purchased goods in bulk and shared to all and workers. And that estate was a mountain estate that they gained access to on donkeys with panniers, the two sided baskets to bring back produce and what forest found...

From my mother's side alone, both grandparents come from land. And I sit and listen in amazement and ask, how they came by this land and heard that the government of the time, put the call out for people to come to populate this outpost and the incentive was land. so first thing, all who think and want to talk now about ridding and decrying the up the island people...from who you think you come from. who you think you is?

and then i ask, how did we lose this land, some of it in fragments still in our hands, but abandoned, and I hear about lack of paper and entitlement, deed and registration...

and it is amazing for even in my family there are those who vehemently deny that we can be from anywhere else than Trinidad, or from Africa, meanwhile, the family looking Chinese, Cocopayol and are Indian and native... we do not know who we are. we never spoke our story;' and family never knew because oft times, they left family from elsewhere, so they only know what they see.

but the point of all this is to learn how much land we come from. and now, in 2011, nothing. scrambling. and when I ask my Aunt and Mom, what was the mindset that allowed family to abandon lands to go run taxi, to take a work after "education" they respond, "we were not socialized to understand the wealth in land" that land just represented hard work, and once education was achieved, it was abandoned;  and all i hear is entrenched, early and historical disownership, disenfranchisement that astounds.
I always knew we had one estate. I did not know we had two. So we as a people, the brown people know long and well how to disempower and impoverish ourselves.

in the talk, my aunt uses the description of us living "plantation economy" and how there was no money just living on trust, and there was no commercialism...(her language) paints a clear picture...of how globalization was always in train; it tells a story of how we were rich once to be fooled into thinking richness was something else; it is complex it is deep. it is amazing to me. captures me. and is the tool of the oppressor...what you don't have is always what is better...

and this is just one side of the family. my mother's. today i am to go south to gallivant to different households of my father's family, the people i am to know...can;t wait to hear their stories. though i know little enough to is the same: settlement, land'; this time, that time. the companies...

but i started to tell you, I come from a bilingual country household. my grandparents, my black creole grandfather Felix Baptiste, married to my Cocopayol Venezuelan grandmother, Maria Bastaldo spoke Creole and Spanish in their house and homes before modern day. and made children that look like black Chinese...And only off the plantation, lost themselves, language and land in education