Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Ancestor Gold Horses and Butterflies

Amun Rah Apedemak Ptah
What is a dead Ancestor supposed to do for you in the Afterlife that they didn't do for you while they were living? What can they do for you when they're dead???

  • Jesse Sirvira We will have to die to find out right.....but ....while they was alive they did much for me.....mostly ...GAVE ME WISDOM....

  • Abasi BasidaBossman Hanif what they didn't do when they were living...I call on my ancestors for guidance...listen or see the signs...there's always a response. Also...learn lessons from the life they lead. I used to think it bullshit, till I put it to the test . 
     ancestors got me the place I live now...I dedicated a whole room to spirit for that

  • Nikki Fatu Thompson This is one of those things you will have to search out for yourself. Search, study and put to the test for yourself to understand!
    For me my Ancestors warn me of people places and things today. As far as when I'm dead - I plan to be one!

  • Nikki Fatu Thompson I'm working on it! Just because you are old and die is not a guaranteed that you will be one! There are rules to this! Ase? Ase'

  • Blu Azure I know right.

  • Teeyin The-Ancient Ri'chard many have already said it. The ancestors were your foundation in life and become your guardian and support in the spirit realm. Ancestral reverence will allow them to focus on you and assist you.

  • Amun Rah Apedemak Ptah I disagree, if they have not done for you while they are here then there is absolutely nothing they can do for you on the other side. I'm talking about physical wealth, knowledge, wisdoms businesses, land, trades. Inheritance and skills.

  • Jesse Sirvira: "Amun Rah Apedemak Ptah....if that is all they are worth to you then cool...funny have a KEMETIC name.....but....that is none of my business.....dead ancient GODS RIGHT....moving forward...bless me my ANCESTORS......"

  • Amun Rah Apedemak Ptah : "No, Jesse Sirvira these names are neither gods nor ancestors. We have it all wrong. If we had it right we would see the impact, power and influence of these "gods" in our daily lives. Our world and our situations would be a better place. We have not become the Light of the World. We have not become Champions of African Restoration."

  • Jesse Sirvira Amun not a GOD?

  • Teeyin The-Ancient Ri'chard One cant expect something from nothing.

  • Krystle Nixon Jesus talked to dead people.

  • Amun Rah Apedemak Ptah This has absolute nothing to do with something from nothing. An Ancestor is a Parent, Guardian, Protector, Provider, Planner etc for it's respective children while they are here. Children do not ask to be born. It is a Parents desire for whatever reason to have children. Therefore it is the Parents DUTY to provide and prepare for the children while they are here. NOT in the so called afterlife.

    "People who plan for 10 years raise plants. People who plan for 100 years raise People"

  • Chan Bridges : "Thank you Amun Rah Apedemak Ptah...ancestors have their time while they are here. People speak as if all ancestors are wise and spiritual living beings. I know plenty who were idiots while living in the flesh. We have our time now to make it better for those that come after us, while we live. Once dead it's a wrap."

    Furthermore where were the ancestors when Europeans, including Spain and Arabs were pillaging Africa for slaves. Where are they now when little children starve and die in Africa. It's no different than all other religious mythology.

  • Amun Rah Apedemak Ptah : "No different Chan Bridges. No different indeed."

  • Maven Huggins i ignored this post the first time for i felt the post was too simplistic. my answer totally inadequate. and when i first saw it no one answered. I have not read any of the comments except the previous four. seventeen others are hidden. but i will share the first thought i had when i first saw this post. perhaps it can be edification.

    the fact is reincarnation does exist. we come back we circle round it is why when you niece or son comes he looks and acts just like brother ben on your mother;s side. or she speaks things that was known only to grammaMae. but we uplift our ancestors to do just that...that they become elevated in the after that we do not reincarnate back into the same spells, curses, and generational idiocy...

    we are essentially praying to and for ourselves that we do not repeat bad cycles.

    I hope this helps. I hope it is shared in good ground...if nothing else that is the most basic

  • second basic: we are uplifting them for being among the few who survived...all that we traveled through. if that aint enough for y'all to say as'e, I dont know what is.


  • Amun Rah Apedemak Ptah: " Mama Maven Huggins. By that logic we are obviously still failing. We are supposed to get better with each incarnation not worst."

    My point still stands. All that needs to be done should be done here and now. Ain't nothing nobody can do for you after they're gone.

  • Martin Zepeda They laid a foundation while they are alive. My father lives through me. He laid a foundation for me that is here and it's up to me to build on that foundation for my sons. We have been separated from our foundation that was laid-culture. My father started the search for that foundation and I add to his work by my study. My language is not Spanish or English but Nahuatl. I have been seperated from what my ancestors left for me. Now it's up to me to find out what exactly they left and not let an outsider tell me what they left me.

  • Maven HugginsMaven Huggins for sure we are failing. we are lost and with no hope for rising. you see my page. you know i write that. ...has nothing to do with us surviving to this point though. and i have to say we are no longer surviving. we are being killed and killing ourselves very slowly. the folk who been dying recently arent even fit to call themselves ancestors. which is something i never thought of before. they came bereft . they left bereft. at least in my lines. i can see some beneficials to those who came before. i might be unusual. Annunaki Aunts appearing in dreams. A grandmother I astral traveled to in an african village despite her being spanish from venezuela and wiping my third eye saying "teacher say you well smart": three times. to signify three teachers. my uncle, someone else and god!
    another ancestor who was the biggest healer shaman in my country...a mixed heritage amongst most ethnic groups

    and they made me to know and try to be better. and I am. i have escaped many a pitfall. so maybe My story is isolated...

    you make me think though...valid points for recent times.

    That is the thing Zepeda,... what are you doing with your life ? that pays homage to those who came before. wow. By that code I realize i have done exceedingly well. and I aint even finished yet. and I am currently stuck. but i did good.

    Thank you for this post.. You brought me that realization.
    Woo Sah!!!

Friday, July 11, 2014

While Hamas and Israel Rages....

couldnt. then i forgot since waking. i went to spread and give some love reminders to persons of my camp, reach on their page and was promptly put back in memory. funny how things happen eh...this was the thought:

if no one ever taught you what you currently know what would you know?
if you were not trained, told how to be, how to act, what to think, told what was valuable and what was not .. and more importantly, taught and trained who was valuable and who was not, what would you think? now
If you were not given certain books to read, and led into certain practices and initiations, what would be your pattern ? today?

it struck me as it may strike many of us upon our journey (yeah right) how much of created beings we are. and i thought this of religion. the specific thought I had was if no one ever taught black folk about a white blue eyed god, or about a mythological figure called christ, there may have been a prophet revolutionary called hesus..who would we call and cling to? that seemed so weighty when i thought of it this morning. if we did not grow up being taught of god. what and who would we incline to? Not nature, physics, the cosmos, the moon and the stars? for what is more abiding than that. every day you wake up there is the earth and her sibling planets. every night you fall to slumber you are watched over by nut the stars and moon alignments. (see what i did there). i went back to what was before the books were written. ahhhhkemosabi

so many points I am making
one, go back to what was before . what existed before books. what stories the ancients told.
two, what stories did your ancestors and ancestral bloodline tell. for that is your source, not someone who has no lineal or lineage connection to you. if it aint physical/metaphysical, it is just a myth, a belief, a lie...** asterisks for me to ponder that more longitudinally
three, having delayed writing this , a further level reveals itself and it is this: first we are taught and trained what to think and know and believe and to dismiss and unknow (wow. another angle), but then somewhere in our journey of living, this challenge must rise, and the awareness and consciousness builds for us to see we did not come with this. we were not born with this. you only are born and come with what you know, what you reveal to yourself, what lessons you learn, but the indoctrination. NO> that is not real. what does it take for us to get to that point. and then when it arrives, not to dismiss it. how do you know what you know. and dont tell me anyone told you, you read it in a book, or it was what you were trained and taught. tell me starting with you as agent and authority. and that is where many would be lost for they are never to see themselves thusly
four, what is also amusing to me as much as I am a bibliophile, I am coming into a new realm, realizing how much books are the tools of the ignorant. this life is something else youknow. as much as  you learn and evolve. there will come a time where you reach a crossroad and destination to realize what brought you thus far and to here, was a lie or best yet, misleading. incorrect. i see why ignorance is clung to with such passion. it is hard navigating what you dont know.
five, and that is why all those things are taught, to give the douens something to hold on to while they travel. never mind that it takes you down to the nethers, not up to the ethers, but whos business is that? not kermit's/ not the muppets of the world. wow. Muppets. excellent metaphor
I will done here cause i feel i would never stop writing
this thing unfolds onto itself and new territory

but who would you be if knowledge was not given onto you, but you onto it?

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Belief Facts Fiction Myths

is there any source and value to derive in the word believe being
be lie ve
that could be : "be lie see" "be live a lie"
in any case is there anything to mine in the fact that lie is in the middle of belief?

if you ask me what i believe right now I will be hard pressed to answer i think so long i have been asked or ask myself that question but i know my life has disbanded with so many of them. starting with who i think i am, what i believe about myself and the world I live in and what came before and what living is about. so much. my place in it...etc etc etc...

beliefs is what fucks us up i see. clearly
it allows us to hide ourselves from truth, reality, facts
drowning being dragged behind moving eighteen ton truck wheelers and flagged after jet spray.. for our beliefs

an interesting thing

i am also coming so completely close and clear to mending the breach of who i might think i am as a human fossil and entity, related and connected to those who have gone before me. and there are some surprises: Asians. First Peoples and for Sure, Africans. Black Melanin Indigenous Folk. i have learned genetics so my allegiance cant be greater to metaphors, allegories, imaginations, myths and creative stolen identities that have and show no real gene dna connection to my existence. and even if so, it cant be at the expense of those whose mirror image is mine there is some madness in that.

and that is the thing.
we live such norms of pathology and dysfunction and called that normative
it is scary as shit. but this is the world erected and created for us.
by whom you never ask. for whom you never ask, and for what purpose, you never consider

but all the while, ready to wield swords for those who have and would slit your throat

i just cant.
i am about the business of gathering up my fragments to make a whole
i am not at the church or altar burning candles to symbols of my destruction, identity and cultural theft, and various crypts for parts of my broken unknown self.
no sah

so forgive me
i am usually not declarative cause i am and have not been apart of and from anything under the sun. but as these days grow more cumbersome, I am finding it necessary to powder out the territory. folk keep getting lost in parts round me.

there are some things that i shall always be for. they include justice. truth. thriving. striving and struggling ceased to be on the list. i learned we claim those words but they are the source of our living death and deadliness.

after justice and truth i am for righteousness.. i think superseding all that I am for mother nature. she keeps me breathing and living. in her womb of this planet earth so from and first and after that, everything else and next.

just being logical
or trying. at least. with magick

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

What a Man In Life So In Death

Image- Slavery Memorial in Ogier-Fombrun Museum in Haiti. Sculpture depicting the walking slaves.

"The Occult Power & Virtue of the Dead Ancestors.

There is life after death & there is the Most High & there are spirits. We who are mystics accept this truth without debate . It is self evident. I am posting this for Black People who love to talk about invoking the ancestors.

What a man was in life so is he in death.

Examples: 1. my father was sick once & I went to the cemetery to speak to the dead . I found the grave of an old woman & i did the rite. After the ritual was done , I had a dream about the old lady. She rebuked me for coming to her grave. She said, "young man I will pray to God to heal your father because you bound me with words but next time don't come to my home with rum & sorcery for I am a child of God & a christian. I hate rum, give me fruit juice." In Jamaica, rum is heavily used in spirituality. 2. A friend of mine in Sydenham, Spanish Town fell asleep under her mango tree. She was disturbed from her sleep by what she described as great wind. When she opened her eyes she saw two ghosts : a slave with chains being chased by his white master. Note. Sydenham was part of the slave plantation of Innswood estate.

Both factual experiences indicate that the dead carry their consciousness to the next life.

I see many black people in Jamaica & America who are children of former slaves talking about calling ancestors. If your ancestors were slaves you can not call them for help until you have freed them by blood sacrifices. Only one kind of animal can be used. If they died as slaves they are still in slavery.

 The power of the dead is determined by the circumstances of his/her death.

 Would you use a dead who died in poverty to get wealth ? You may use him to kill but not to give you wealth . Oops !!! Make sure he was not a coward!!! Now you know this truth I will delete you if you talk about your enslaved ancestors as if they can help you. I don't waste knowledge on fools neither do I caste pearls before swines."

Via Frater Chris

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Bast. Sacred Feminine. Babalon

Nefertum Procer Khepri:

...the goddess of witchcraft and sexual magick in the Egyptian pantheon. If you ever had the urge to do anything of a bizarre sexual nature, you were entering the realm of Bast. Who exactly was she?
Often identified as the Egyptian cat goddess, Bast is one of the most ancient forms of Babalon, the Mother goddess. Bast is portrayed as both a cat and lion.
The Sacred Cat of Bast
664-525 B.C.; Late Period, Dynasty 26; Bronze; height 26.4 cm
that all potentialities manifested and had their day in the sun. Bast is readily identified as the Beast(666) because she "presided" over the vast sexual experiments of Atlantis (and later Egypt) which gave rise to mermaids, minotaurs, centaurs, Pegasus and the like.
Amazon cultures were known to be able to breed without the use of a male. Because the human body is primarily androgynous, a separation of the sexes is not theoretically necessary for procreation. This contention about the Amazons is backed up by the fact that the zona pellucida (the reproductive body in the female which contains a sack) can be penetrated by a latent male protein within the inherited genetic structure of the female that the body thinks and treats like a sperm. This results in a virgin birth.
Crowley's concept of the Scarlet Woman or Babalon is another name for the goddess Bast. Scarlet is chosen because it is the color of blood.Blood represents the passage of the moon and the menstrual period. The lunar calendar is therefore the calendar of Bast and represents the true time line.
In regard to her lunar aspect, Bast's offspring were known as children of the moon. As the moon reflects the sun, so does the sun reflect Sirius."

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Problem Creators and Solvers/ The Collapse of All Things Into One

tomorrow is carl huggins' birthday
i just dreamt of him. since 10:30
he had excavated (that word has come up so much in my vocabulary over the last few days) our family home. each room was torn up. at first it seemed, they, my parents, were wripping everything up to rewire the house and put in wifi. i remember i was in my brother's front room when i had that sense. but then i started walking around and though it was our brooklyn house, maya was laying on a cushion looking outside a ceiling to floor window, watching all the busyness and the flurry of men and women walking and working and moving and organizing a building site. maya is my niece, eleven years old, of trinidad, she did not exist in my brooklyn life, nor is she from that side of the family.  i walked to my bedroom and it was totally tore up. but it was neither the same arrangement it used to be. there were shoes on the floor . new shoes the brand i recognized. from trinidad. i had one in beige. there was one in all black. and another that my eye saw as if it just appeared, same shoe but with a sling back and red white and black. black shoe with a red rectangular tab on the top right front and some red black and white somewhere. and i sat to try them on and feel their fit. they were my size. but they were my mother's shoes. she was a shoe and style boss. they both fit and i imagined wearing the sling back one not as match but as accessory to outfit, might be off, but they were stylish shoes. then i sat, laid with maya for awhile. then i got down and went looking for my father.
dressed he was in knee length shorts, tapered, suit, tie, and jacket.  a few weeks ago I envisioned that look for men. but i dont know why i thought it original it is old and all over the magazines. we said a cool greeting. and i asked him what he was doing and it is like he told me he was surveying to scale everything and on the ground it was like i was on massive land, like the twelve acres or more. and the intimation was he was scaling the land to give apportions. to me inclusive. when i thought of it either in the dream or emerging out of it, i realized i am the first in line and oldest to get any portion, the most. then i kept walking and there were two women there, and it is as if they were my siblings. and i do have two step sisters. but they in the dream were grown, different and not the sisters i have now. and its like i just remembered in a flash that the one i was talking to with a ceasar hair style and a suit, black and white check suit, that she was a lawyer and i started asking her about the land. and before she could answer me she asked me what did the other sister say, as if she is a lawyer too, more versed and intuitive and skilled and like this one, who was more prominent in my mind as a lawyer was checking to see and set her thermometer by this other sister. it was wild. but we were walking up and over mounds and the land was vast. it was kind of like being on long island but not. more like being in south africa where there is no end to the land  you are standing, not its boundaries. just horizons.

i find this to be a hella odd dream

mind you, my father is the reason for my privileged life this cycle
but he has also robbed and disinherited me of land and two homes already via the death of my mother. this is a dream of my past, current and i believe future life. mixing up people from all stages. sources of problems solving the problems they created?
