Friday, February 28, 2014

Same or Different

"you real common, regular, run of the mill, one of the herd, and unremarkable boy"

have you ever told any one that? anyone ever told you that?

i have been pondering a conversation for some twenty four hours it seems...and not because of the conversation itself but for how it alerts about the population, culture and character of a people, in a country: trinidad.

it made me think of the pattern i see.
trinidadians dont think and engage first of all. we have been seeing that in full blown high volume color since LeRoy spoke. what they do is conflate, collapse, and package into the smallest form or denomination, whether or not it fits or is in conflict, the parts one to another.

the other thing they do is operate from a very closed and small set. and what is worse have no idea how limited their exposure and scope on any one topic. they are so ignorant of the mass of information "out there", existing, that they jump into to opinionate without even pausing to consider, 'should i research first', despite the answer being no in both cases; pausing or nonpause. the conflation is a big part of that.

and we see these phenomenons in different and sometimes humorous cases...this conflate, sameness, simpleton's simplifying, gross coarseness of thought: all animals is meat to eat: whether it be horses, flamingoes, scarlet  ibis and cocorico - both our national birds appearing on our coat of arms, or sea turtles and otters, endangered species.. all animal is ting to eat.

the other way we see this is this wont to talk. matters not if one knows what one is talking about. and to do so in a manner of pontificating and setting encyclicals, as if.

so if you are one to ask question, deconstruct, pull apart, unpack, investiquire, expand, expose, explain that would automatically become some kind of oddity.

a third part of this regards the people who embody are conditioned, taught and acculturated to inhabit this frame, i have never seen people anywhere in the world be so quick to characterize others as if they are the standard the gold bar. in africa, people will never ever tell you about yourself. they will lie first. americans, well, apart from newyorkers, the further west you go it is rare..but trinis....they feel what is it? arrogance, dominance, entitlement? or is it that the herd colonial farm animal culture is so unbelievably strong that folk will let you know how uncomfortable they are with your difference. your weirdness...and they will oppose that description but think about it...if something dont bother you, discomfort you, remove you from your secure zone, or somehow disable your default ...what would you speak on? would you have any complaint to give? and that is the funny...folk dont understand that they are complaining. and what are you complaining to me for? about your personal issue? if you were cool you would be cool and have no announcement, statement or observation to make. lets take it in stride and say it is just an observation...who goes about verbalizing their observations of another person unwanted? unless folk are that close and integrated in friendship. then i ask, are we?

last night someone asked me why another person on here blocked me...and interestingly enough I wrote much the same thing as I just did...that i was such a deep visceral soul and past life discomfort to this person that was the path, the only path that could right them to their perch. that this person despite seeing me as an enemy, i actually was enthralled with her, proud and thought much of her...but her behavior showed me different. when i lifted her up she thought i was judging her. when i thought she could succeed she thought i was looking down on her... know what i learned. this sister knew she was a damn fraud and for some reason my person/hood and being in her sphere was a like a stadium floodlight in a bathroom...every poor and speck seen. it was bizarre and instructive. that story relates here... it falls under the umbrella of things and forms of behavior of the discomforted. or another title would be...what truth do you see or yourself in the presence of others...

and the point i am making here folks is that in this trinidad...others dont provide neither right, light, scope or character for one to look upon is why there is so much reflective inglorification (read corruption, incapacity, failure, fraud and fuckery) (also read Burton Sankerali's last missive about the underside and backward form of corruption..the challenge and work not done, the calling people out, the being silence...he says that too is corruption - which relates to my post about masculine energy reposited in all of us about how we are guided to act, mainly in public contexts, at least in relation to another).

nothing but assimilation and sameness. in a manufacturing plant, we cant make both cadillacs and range rovers. and they are mostly renaults. likewise on a plantation, the slaves cant be running their own means, measures and mansions, they must either be in a closet or a row in the field and so they, the slaves, still...funny how both me and burton arrive at the same characteristic form and identity eh...the slaves end up keeping each other in line according to what massa say, and his set agenda -- and it wont be to be different.

but even when and if difference is the key. it is good not to assume an understanding but interrogate and ask questions. different to whom? different to what? what is the standard. that is the other thing beyond a complaint beyond personal discomfort. folk dont realize they are stating and indicating that somewhere someone holds a standard. you should make sure to ask them who made it, who in charge of it, and who designating compliance or this thing deep. whose standard? from where? From when? Look back and tell me if it not anything before and after the standard. a must of modern life. what would control be if we all went off cocksure on our one, directed by our soulselves....more places for this discussion to go: the absence of soul once you become undifferentiated and same sale. same self. and that is what school, religion, gangs and any form of group collective is all about. i will stop now. the thread can unravel far.

 i did not  know this was going to be as broad as it ended up being...but tha's me: I real different boy!

Good Morning

“It is better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life.”
― Elizabeth Kenny

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Masculine Energy

profound statement:

"We as a society lack masculine energy."

perhaps we define sexuality too will say a homosexual is one who sleeps with the same gender.

is it that it is better more accurately stated , perhaps we conflate sexuality and energy, when you can in fact separate the two but end up with the same outcome: lack of masculine energy...i am musing, plumb the depths with me.

but when i read that statement i had a silent eureka it the same thing when i write about the lack of courage and bravery in this place. is it lack of masculine energy when all on the plantation is one herd moving to the same piper? and pulled as giapetti puppets.

is the lack of masculine energy what allows the elites the moneyed and the politrickians as government to do us anything, rape our collective patrimony, raid the treasury in bright day sunlight and not one of us dares peep?

but instead runs to feed at the through. is that the lack of masculine energy...when women allow male folk to raid and rape their children and bedroom and say and do nothing, complicit in the destruction of new souls?

this conversation is getting deeper and deeper and by the time it is all done it may seem we may be led indeed to give leroy clarke his much wanted national award and all accompanying accolades.

the Lack of masculine energy
so profound. what is masculine but intention, will, refusal, determination, clarity. the very energy both males and females reposit. to wield use charge and source when in one mission versus are we harnessing masculine energy to create the space, society and sojourners we wish?

is it the lack of masculine energy that will have people tell you..what are you doing that for, for what gain, what do you have to benefit for taking a stand, helping another?

this lack of masculine energy can be called many other things beyond courage, character and I think about it i realize other animals of the kingdom outside of humanimals are far loftier in their existence than humans and their lack of masculine energy...all it says is that we as a specie are out of balance and who in their right minds could argue that?

funny thing too...just sunday evening i was in a conversation about being a masculine feminine with my male friend. i was asking him if men have a pantheon to explain beings and types of women. i think he told me no, which is deep to me. we come in such different forms and it is that lack of awareness and sense that keeps what maybe good men otherwise totally incapacitated to deal with us cause we not trading cracks and batting eyes. just cold straight third eye - no chaser

i cant navigate the world and juggle your frailties, especially when your purchase and purpose is to be caring and guarding me...walking the street men dont know that women are to be on the inside they on the outside, and women dont know children are to walk on the inside and they on the outside. lack of masculine energy. i am showing you that the language we use is often a misrepresentation of deeper actions, roles and functions to keep us all whole and safe.

Yolande Wilkinson:

" I also note that the diminishing of masculine energy may also logically be linked to the endangerment of the male presence in society on a whole, especially in leadership... Men seem to assert themselves less these days..."

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Brushed Death

There have been a few times I escaped death.
In 1988 when I slammed my brand new coupe under a hauler truck...and saw my life flash before my eyes.
In 1990 I think the year was when I almost drowned in Maracas Bay
In 2009 I think it was when I followed the instruction i received years ago in 2003 or 2004 to cook some yams in a calabash and place it in the forest. When I was told that I did not know it was instruction to set my brother free from his roaming and soul attachment since his death in 1987.

I think the last time I played with death the music remains...we are still dancing.
I post this here just in case I least there is a record for people to see what happened. Not even my family knows of this injury. And only a few friends: Makemba Kunle, Kevin Makuvire...

A doctor friend I told he recommended me to get an assessment by his colleague who wrote me this email...I will go see him on Thursday. But to read it is chilling To see in fact How close I came to sustaining injury or meeting my death. and if it werent for my general strength of health and without precondition...I surely may have slipped away. I think it is still possible, i post this..

IT does sadden me how we can shorten our lives, meet our demise by accident...and Natasha Richardson keeps clear in my mind...

"Dear Ms Huggins

I have read the report which states that there is possibly a tiny 'lacunar infarct' in the right side of the brain. Such an infarct is due to a tiny blood vessel becoming blocked and commonly occurs in individuals with high blood pressure of long standing. Patients may have developed weakness or sensory symptoms on the other side of the body. Because the blood vessel is tiny and the extent of damage to brain tissue is not great, there is often considerable improvement in the patient's condition over weeks or months, if any disability had developed at the time that the infarct occurred. I do not know what your symptoms have been, or what the reasons for doing the scan were, so I cannot comment on the prognosis. The scan cannot say exactly when the infarct occurred, and the reporting radiologist is also not 100% certain that the area in question is really an infarct, so the significance of the 'infarct' is uncertain unless the relevant clinical information is known, If you would like to bring the scan to my office during my usual hours (Mon, Tue, Wed 9:00AM to 12:30PM and Thu from 1:30PM to 4:30PM), I will be happy to have a look at it myself and then give it back to you."


but in the meanwhile, i am grateful I am still here
<3 div="">
life and living is fragile

Monday, February 24, 2014

Feb 24, 2014 10:30am Trinidad Time

{it's not you . it's not trinidad. it is me. i am all wrong here}
i just heard that in a film, a character said of england and thought it cherry and apt
for me and here in this place

mind you it was because of the film but an ironic thing to hear on this day this morning. ... i have no idea what happened last night. what angel touched me and removed what dark shadows, what word was spoken to me that made bad mind flee, or if it was the two brandys i drank into six weak drinnks that may have been an elixir for my spirit...or watching flight so intently, such a gripping film...some would think it was denzel as this a-class super hero pilot that brought a plane down where no other pilot in ten simulations could do who is and was really a drunk and coke head but it wasnt the story was about how the whole system contrived, lied and killed proof to hide his complicity of working impaired. from the top level all the way down to the bottom. he had been doing it for decades. all his colleagues knew he was a heavy drinker. see that topic of drinking again./ or what dream i had, who i encountered, what i did, or where i traveled.... i have no idea what -but just seven hours of sleep and i wake up so light. so clear eyed. so lively, rested, feeling a freeness that i cant quite capture...

gosh i wish i could bottle this up.
i would give you all shots of it. you would buy it

good morning
i wonder what of the cosmos this day...
i wish i could be like this every day.
no euphoria. just quiet calm, perfect balance and singular countenance.
that is it..something of vibrational integration and energy alignment

Cuz Leonis Roberts:

"gd morning ur uncle said to tell u l hello n all d best we were jus talking about everyting an every one"

"good morning ;)> nice. girl. read my post this morning..i wonder where and how that come by me...if somebody send some good works to fall upon me. If i could keep this feeling for forever I would be so blessed. blessed blessed"

and as i wrote that i wondered if there is magic that is wrought once you return in good graces with someone you had a falling out with ...but that person must have good pure energy too...and this person does I think.. we are all fallible but some of us is not of intent..or are we? I eh know...

Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Real

Kwesi Powers Juice Stewart:

"i just realized it... and it rings clear and true

the only heroes are the buddhas
everyone else is trying to pay a ransom to someone else, including their god

what does it mean to be free?

how come christians dont understand that skit where jesus overturned the tables in the temple?

no more frustration with the human race... everyone is responsible for finding their bliss"

  • Maven Huggins:

    "no more frustration with the human race"


    there is some deep stuff up there...that one needs to sit and meditate upon. serious. i myself, watching the big c on cable...had an epiphany that relates to no more frustration...but i am lost to it cause i dont think it was one thing alone...

    smoking makes my body eliminate which is one of the greatest signs and modes to generate health. see the contrariness.

    then watching the drama of cancer and learning how important it is to be there and strong for other people going through..whatever!!

    and something about why waste my time and energy wishing the world was different. or trinidad...that whole tar sands, highway, st joseph dam, china, and extortionists who are our golden boys...and that article you posted today that blew my mind...obviously i am not in the club...just endless shit that shows you how futile everything is...

    something about no more frustration with the human race..and then a moment i had between smoke signals...mouthing how hard I am on myself...i never became a parent because of that...

    just mysteries and smoke and mirrors...all of life pretending that you are not dying...and the tomfools who hasten the ride...

    "the only heroes are the buddhas
    everyone else is trying to pay a ransom to someone else, including their god"

    their god being money, pretense, fuckery, fakery, delusions of grandeur, illusions of impotent power, for a time...the ants and flies who feast on great beings after they trampeled them while breathing. after one time is for you tomorrow for me...and I know it is not this world even if there is no other..

    "what it means to be free" ?

    love the use of the term "skit"

    this all is isnt it?

    we are all going to die anyway the bliss is living according as you wish in the meanwhile, as best you can, I think
    But what do i know...still trying to attain buddha

    Deep Writing here Kwesi!!!

TrinidAlcoholians, and In Flux Vibrational Transcendence

see what i mean.  > they worship this stuff
L Torres::


me and natasha richardson this week. it has been persistent.
after me mentioning her about once or twice, turns out sunday morning is going to talk about her today, through her beau, liam neeson.
i wonder what the instruction/

then i wake up wondering if any trinidadian has ever flee this country for the much drinking and imbibing. even as a teetotaler, i think this place can wear you down or sweep you away in a flood of alcohol and a drunkenness that is imperceptible. i have surmised that is why all the vehicular homicides, vehicular suicides ...people drink so much here, they hold so much alcohol as functional and functional drunks, evidently, that when the line of alcohol induced incoherence and unconsciousness comes, there is neither alarm, indication nor sign. boop . just there. a minute ago it was not. and you are gone. goner

trinidad for me has surely been a derailment. before here i was on my way to being an aesthete, the kind that lives in the bush or a sanctuary...i even researched monasteries while in michigan...i would have been a modern type of nun if i could have found the right see the level of debauchery i have coddled and sojourned is amusing. i never thought about it before now. but i hear it all the time. up to last week: "you are too pretty to smoke". but apart from the constant chorus i ignored, i feel now in my spirit that i am being sent messages. i said so for months now, but i see it deeper and deeply now.. the messages are not just the chorus.. the incidences and the feeling and my body's response...and it is interesting.coming from a family of drinkers, i mean real drinkers. no drunks but the baptiste name is known for taking a drink and handling. this may read bad but i had a grandfather who had his grandchildren sip a rum whenever he took one which was daily. seems as though i remembered some glass in the fridge...but i was one of those grandchildren, and it was only three of us in the house, but i somehow remember it was mainly me. then two uncles, a policeman and a teacher, both drinkers, one always with a rum or whisky, the other with caribs as default, rums or whiskys. so my drinks pedigree is upper...then dont talk about my mother. I can only hear my father talk about her drinking after she got diagnosed with lupus. then that father. i have written before my father had a full blown public commercial sized bar at our house in tortuga. he is now a muslim that bar is no longer .. but for its shelves and infrastructure. there really was a bar you pulled your stools to. i dont know if my cousin mags drinks as much as she used to. we were all fortunate. never had accidents, arrears, tragedy or crisises because of our imbibing. we were just classic social trinis...but i realize now, i might be among the last to convert the road into some kind of resignation or lessening. my other cousins, i know one was reported to be drinking too much under the pressure of a highlevel international energy career, drinking johnny like folk buy bottled water.

but how do i see this personal call? not even drinking so much but feeling mashed up. i had two strong rums and llb (lemon lime bitters) chasers and yet still woke up saturday feeling slow and out of sorts. no doubt staying up till 4am, and smoking had an impact, made it worse and furthered the requirement to recover...but goodness. on saturday i had three glasses of red wine and a few cigarettes and i come home at 7pm or so with a headache and feeling pretty much out of it. come on. what the hell is that??

where is my cred. gone evidently in a call to be who, what and where is still unclear. but things i know for almost sure:: i need to stop impairing. i need to stop self medicating the trauma. i need to walk through the darkness both alone and without comfort, even if momentary; to have more clarity, heightened clarity...i actually think if i get pure again my ascension might elevate and advance..and who knows about all this obeah wombmyn talk... dont they all use smokes or alcohol to command and corral? it is an interesting experience and journey. that is all>>

funny too considering so many alcoholic friends i have passed through: so many african brothers and sisters, and i was always on the banks of their they are gone and gone on, i am in singular flow. constantly in some kind of  contrariness.

anyway, to do what i have to do, this place makes me want to flee..or maybe it is for me to force to find the personal self resolution and discipline that used to be my anal retentive character, but now almost unrecognizable if it still exists. morphed to the looseness that is this culture and place.


Zahra is not from or in Trinidad but look what she wrote just minutes ago. The vibrations?

Zahra King:
"Well looks like I've kicked the coffee habit at last...I don't enjoy drinking it any more and was getting headaches. Today I had an apple and celery smoothie instead of coffee- no headache!
As with most addictions, its pointless trying to give things up until one is this case it was my body, rather than my will which enabled me to give up coffee."

  • Maven Huggins:
    "wow. i just wrote a piece exploring just this experience...with imbibing of various sorts for various reasons and here you are. amazing. ascensions?"

  • Zahra King::
    "ha Maven Huggins- someone sitting right here just said- 'changing vibrations innit' "BOOM!

  • Maven Huggins:
    yep!!your post helps me deeply..
    I am obviously and clearly in a transition to change dimensions and vibrations but my environment and my looseness keeps me in torment, flux, bizarre. an indictment of my environment or me?
    it nevertheless tells a lot about both . kind of like lot in the bible and the one who keeps looking back, tangling up with what they should flee, who they should free from.."
Zahra King:
your 'looseness'? And yes- there's a lot of letting go of the past people/events going on also...memories and feelings re-surfacing as well..."
Maven Huggins:
yeah. liming -hanging out; my release of many of my guards; imbibing more than i ever did. it becoming a crutch and an event ..falling into the culture here...releasing the personal vanguard"

Friday, February 21, 2014

Work to Do 2014

Charles E. Lydia Sr.: "War of economics is the biggest war you should be fighting......"



Raymond Crichton, Assistant General Manager - Credit Administration

Gratuity Ministry of Planning

Class Action

Personal Reparations, Professional Restitution and Institutional Reform ~
Trinidad and Tobago/ The Case of One Citizen and Descendant

Class Action
Portion of Corruption
" Maharaj acquired a $10 million loan for his wife, Kristal, from the Agricultural Development Bank (ADB) without any collateral;"
" A $2.9 million loan was acquired by Maharaj for his adviser Calvin James from the ADB for an aquatic project. Maharaj advised the ADB to treat the loan as a Government loan;" “I applied and received a $2.6 million loan from the ADB in 2012 for a commercial aquaponics facility in Carlsen Field. It was approved and facility is functional."

Medical Class Action

Ian Randle Publishers


 from Ester Ishtar

I can see this working very well.
Sidebar - Kuan Yin is a fascinating Goddess. She brings peaceful resolutions to any problem (whereas a dark Goddess like Kali will melt someone who is causing you issues) and interestingly enough, even when evil people call on her for help, she will respond. There is a catch however - she will help them, but she will not release them from the consequences of their actions. For those who have a justifiable grievance and want justice, she will save you from the fate of karmic entanglement from harming others - hence the peaceful resolution.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Scam Of It All: Pastors, Priests, Pimps and Internet Marketing Churches and Cults

after the prosperity gospel there is the network downline marketing:
money, dreams, materialism, cars, houses, bikes, beaches,
ideas myths and memes about the good life

and all i am doing is observing the myriad ways people are sharking
and wondering two things; how to break the bank of the always pending and coming crash of all such pyramid schemes

and how to apply the scheme to closed circuits that bring about the intended outcomes with greater security averting failure and member losses.

its deep too cause i am reading reviews on line and it just dawned on me these people are paid to give these apparent independent reviews that are not/ " It’s actually been around for quite a while if you’re talking about the Internet marketing industry because most companies only last a couple years and close up shop. But it seems to still be going strong." \one only has to delve behind the veneer of the emptiness written and the double talk and double cross:

"This particular compensation plan has your second and fourth sale not go to you, but straight to your sponsor. This is known as the 2 pass up. You might think that you lose out on 2 sales, but this is going to happen with the people that you recruit. Their second and fourth sale go straight to you so you earn money without doing anything, after you’ve already sponsored some people."


"If I can explain it in a nutshell, I would tell you that it’s an online multi-level marketing type of opportunity. It was started in 2009 by a gentleman named Peter Wolfing.  If you are not familiar with the multilevel marketing industry, it’s one of those things where you get paid to recruit people & sign them up. And then you make more money when the people that you recruited, recruit more. A lot of people that are unfamiliar with this type of compensation plan might refer to it as a “pyramid scheme”. But that’s not really a fair label in my opinion. But regardless, it is in MLM type of business."

but here is the clincher...those online reviews are often long winding road pitches that proceed uphill saying that you need to know professional effective internet marketing skills. climaxing in the writer being the person you need to call, book and pay to provide you with the very link that lear jet.

it is making me think a lot

and at first i was impressed with the actors and famous people who have reported to sign up to these vehicles. but only days after and tonight did it occur to me that they are paid henchmen to bring cattle to the slaughter.. i was wondering what would make these people buy in. and the story that rich people are doing it as philanthropy...just seemed a bit touchy.

of course the bottom line in this team building exercise is that one is essentially building a plantation of sorts. a team of folk who essentially work for you the major top distributor. they will call it a team.
and the work you must do coaching, teaching and hand holding...dream building and myth creating -- filling your children's heads with ideas of endless lollies, ice cream boats and champagne caviar floats...that you are essentially talking your way into cult followers. the church were the gospel or the plan is spoken from a podium. no difference really. none at all.

But I admit, I am currently just enthralled and trying to think of ways this modus may be applied to different product, services and outputs. it is a model I am trying to rake, perfect and make loss proof. It is only then might i be justified to run my own outfit.

Looking for Bravery Among Curs

i wake up thinking what to do with all my futility, time and emptiness. what to do with the brokenness, broken heartedness. i thought to write a book. but not even an hour in and I am calling two : one person and a group out on fb. perhaps my life has purpose afterall


and the reason i do that...i also wake up thinking of so many people I wish to disband from my life. i never wish to see or speak to ever again in life. people who and they by no means are extraneous, outliers or unusual. but i think how useless people are to other people's lives. in general. Like, is it me? but the things I want to do no one in my circle has ever done them, ever think to do them and I think it so obvious the need. but more than that they will stand in your way and not bring a bucket of water to make your efforts grow if that is all they have accessible to them, they wont even do that. but more importantly i look around and see how useless people are to other people's lives. and i check myself I can talk. and i will.

I have helped people out. I have never hesitated to throw a raft, a life jacket, a hand or jump  in when I could. i make the offers and i do the work, place my money...waste even my money. when my sister was essentially a married single mother, I offered for her to come live with me, at the time I was living in a big macco house by myself, two other big bedrooms were available. I told her i would help her drop off and pick up the children, to alleviate the commute and her doing it alone. I know she thought me crazy. cause that offer was so far outside our relationship. and it is odd they look at me as someone never to take something from or take an offer...i am not sure why..but she was breaking out in melanin and acne, and her hair has fallen out and been damaged several time from unhappiness and stress, overworkload and single parenting. and I can tell you the latter was suffering.

i have helped people out. when my body products maker and company got her business smashed, she tells me i was the only client or friend to call her and i did not consider us friends as such. but i just saw someone in crisis. i saw something I would never want happen to me. and it happened on national news/public tv.. i lent her $10K to get back on her feet. on contract. know girlfriend stiffed me, played me, reneged on and ignored the contract. her loss. i dont play when i play right business. she ended up paying me back $30K or more. products and money over time. all that cause i was trying to help her out. had she honored the word she would have just been borrowed. instead she did shark.

I have helped people out. spent my money to enrich someone who turned out to be a shithound I have never helped someone so deserving but i was blinded by the resource and the potential, the wooing and the promise of a life and relationship . my own livelihood and dreams come true finally.
but it was always about land and coming from a profession, a training, a career and a history of black people abandoning land I just did not wish to see it about me, i could not contend that. so i got carried away and used, disabused of my notions. I have never been so greatly played but to this day, i have that at the altar. it is just a few months since. I await to see how the universe deals spirit justice. i have helped people now a man and his trifling family can say the have land because i did all the work to pay off a debt for them, called in contacts to have the land removed off of a repossession list. organized a fund raiser and campaign for donations to keep streaming in/only to be denied use of the land for planned and marketed projects. Ma'At of Justice must balance things out soon.

and before that I have helped people out> I helped out an organic bee farmer in my neighborhood. my policy was and is if you are doing something I support and want, there is a benefit to help you out. And my policy is if i have and you dont, and i cant use my resource for me, why not for you. that is what you call being a major ass in this environment of takers, thieves, criminals and loachos .

But i still think it necessary for good community living - how can i help elevate you so that we all are lifted up; we all function, all our needs met; Utopia Ideals for sure..

But this morning I wake up realizing how folk really are useless to each other. who helps build another? who puts a hand out to save you? and the folk i am around who can but dont, i dont want to see hide nor hair. there are many.without naming them.


I write that above and before I can leave it the other and further sides come to me. That the reality is that people really are impotent, ineffective useless selfish hands tied losers and clowns sans any or many things of value, resources even bravery. And with that, what can who do?  much of nothing.

You must have answers, see vision, view possibilities and be selfless. Then be brave to try/ See I just expect way too much in the Land of Curs

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Social Media and New DownLine Protocols: Advance Prospects for Network MulitLevel Marketing Ethics and Success

After years of shunning the sham scam pyramid scheme OrGano Gold...

From since 2010 or so I had my reiki teacher try to get me to buy into the scheme and he did so with such a craven energy that i was not mistaken to run in the opposite direction. He did let me sample the green tea after a massage/reiki session and the tea woke me up from a slumber of two to an energy of ten. So i was convinced. So much so I never tried the coffee pack he let me go with: I thought if the green tea had such an effect the coffee might have me on the moon looking for a way to get back down to earth. No thank you.

But Sunday, my girlfriend Apollonia tells me she is doing OrGano Gold. Her intent so infectious. Though she spoke of money and being a millionaire by this year and claiming her fortunes...comments that would most easily turn me off or onto a cult or scheme that i must avoid . Instead I was with her . Because I have my own schemes and plans and dreams for this 2014 that are all novel, visionary and bold. So i concurred.

But it was not just that. Seems as if she got in on stateside at a relatively high up organizational level so she is talking to the real big wigs. And i hear plans and talk of taking this to Nigeria, a country of endless populations, endless links, never ending source of downstream down line users, supporters and registrants. So the chances of pyramid crash is limited.

But my ideas at this time are vastly different from before. IN fact this time, this year, I have ideas, whereas before the opportunity was just a pyramid scheme. This time I have ideas of how this scheme can work for me beyond just getting blind adherents to sign up and pay their money. I understand its optimal operations a lot better.

It is not sufficient to merely sign up new participants
One must sign up busy effective productive worker bee sales marketing animals-- always looking for a new angle and full of endless populations. Population and Environmental Saturation is a risk

After a sign up the signee must come with purchases for coffee and endless signees of purchase coffee or drink orders to make it profitable. The more signees to a circle and network, the hungrier the environment, the more extreme and desperate the conditions the better for this kind of operations. Nigeria comes to mind.

But because of all the risk, this must not be entered into slavishly or blindly. Like for me, I am building a model where I am finding my signees before I enter. IF i were to gain a big enough circle, I would instruct them all to do the same thing I am doing currently and I have: Do the research. Collect information.  Make your personal assessments of risk, prospects, use and concerns.

At the end of the day this still is a scam if you do not work the angles. This is a pyramid scheme if the top does not look out for the interest of the bottom and integrate caution and elements to avoid failure, crash and loss against members.

All i am trying to do is map out ways by which to blunt or avoid the risks of such network multilevel schemes. And i think i have some elements. They are the following:

I immediately think of social media and how network, multilevel marketing is made for it, how social media drives that engine effortlessly, one is the car the other is the premium gas. Who knew? Who thought of it: a ready network of friends and connections; a ready link scheme of referrals. It is like the two were made for each other> HOWEVER>..this can only be explored with those persons who have the utmost and complete respect and regard and trust for you. Otherwise, you are just hawking, marketing and spamming. HUGE NO NO!!

I see a means for every facebooker to use their friends, family and circles to sell to, ever expanding should they have profiles like mine that are international and not in any way insular. So i have friends from the Phillipines, Sri Lanka, throughout Africa, the Middle East. I am also part of many groups and not all groups translate into this successfully...a group of single fathers would. a group of black businesses. both in trinidad would not. One has more link potential. One will run out of registrants quicker than the other. One has a greater risk for sooner failure than the other.

Then i also heard how this company goes into new countries and sets up arrangements to work: Brazil has shut them out to protect their own coffee - good job Brazil, but Jamaica went into partnership with them to package Blue Mountain...and again my brain light bulb went on...though Trinidad does not have a brand which is amazing to and cocoa...the latter of the best quality in the globe for hundreds of years there is no trinidad brand of either. Chocolatiers have been in trinidad for hundreds of years owning estates, buying raw product inputs at pennies to make what was and still is a luxury value added.. So here is an opportunity to make a national brand of both.

Here is an opportunity to get OrGano Gold to buy into and contract both coffee and cocoa plantations and in so doing build a national revitalization initiative and business. 

But that is another brilliant idea i let OrGano Gold bring out a brand of Trinidad Cocoa and have it as one of their items. There is such potential for this company and Trinidad and potential for me and how i would run this enterprise should I buy in..endless.

I see it as a vehicle for poverty alleviation in developing countries with massive burgeoning populations like Nigeria and other African countries, China, India, and Latin America. I see folk who do development work, with women, single mothers, single fathers, unions, -- groups already configured, operating and made as an easy mix with OrGano Gold.

People like my sister Olu who works with women in Nigeria but also regularly travels and visits India and Pakistan

And how these groups operate is seminal. Not as exploitation models but one of collectives and closed circles that both purchase and buy...and use the money to fund other programs and self- help initiatives. Not for personal gain unless one wants to branch out and create their own and another network. I also see because of these groups they can structure themselves to alleviate a crash. If they work collectively from to to bottom, as egalitarians. And if they have as a requirement the collective purchase of the product or subsidized among them all where ever possible.

Then today, another option surfaced...Of artists in developing countries. One of my friends I introduced the idea to consider and research yesterday wrote me back..he is an artist...offering to give me twenty or so of his paintings which i can frame and sell and use that money as registration buy in.
And that is a means as well. The idea that money is not needed to buy in the US$1500. So someone in one move both expands the awareness of their skill and sale of art internationally and is set up to get some kind of benefit from the OrGano Gold enterprise provided someone continues building the circle, working the network downline for that artist.

I am sure there are more avenues possible:

I think it might be possible to  marry product lines or services. What if a distributor was a spa owner or restauranteur and incorporating the costs of operations and purchases of the product into their services. so the clients get benefits and that distributor keeps making money. Provided your country location and service can absorb that price integration.. This idea applies to people who own and operate spas, retreats, conference centers, bed and breakfast, cafe's or tea shops. Serve and stock the product. you buy to sell to clients. Billed as Health product

Is a caution. There is no point in signing up people who are not major coffee drinkers or lovers. So the last point is Use your Product, Sign up people who are product users and this would make great stride I think into countries and regions who are major Coffee ALL Day ALL Night Drinkers Coffee Tea and Cocoa!!!

I shall end here

But i wanted to write this. Maybe i am giving away ideas for free. But it is also an offer, rather than you trying and messing it up you can contact me and we can build our own network , i implementing and constructing these ideas. this is what i do by the way: My profession: structuring and setting up, implementing and monitoring protocols for everything under the sun and to accomplish goals and avoid risks.

I wanted to document my ideas and see if there was any pick up


Write me If You Ready TO Jump, Build and Swim: []

Friday, February 14, 2014

February 13 Griot

  • N'Delamiko Bey: That my friend, is a pretty interesting by of 'stream of consciousness'... But I was there with you all the way.
  • Jeffrey Potter Maven, you are a griot/take weaver. I always like your musings, even the ones I have no sense of history about.

yo. let me tell you of my afternoon. in parts.
there was massive massive gridlock traffic around the savannah today.
i emerged from cascade at 3:13 . stupid insular me.
and i could not even get out
i forgot what happens at that hour afterschool
but i am rarely ever out on the roads at that hour too. at least it has been years. but today made me feel there was a reason except i could not detect it. backed up traffic out of st. anns. out of cascade. gridlock slow moving around the savannah. all roads leading east, i tried to cut through to enter back and it was the same thing. I literally took one hour and twenty minutes to get from carlton savannah to maraval. bizarre.

i wondered if that is just the new traffic that i was unaware built up over the year, months or two. and i do know i believe if still, the car ownership burgeons every year between december and january. it was sick.


tell me something..there is the power of the spoken word that some would call the 'ase' what then is the power of the written word. I woke up this morning with prayers and incantations on my mind. I wrote them down. and before twelve hours later, alter, the universe answered. I asked to be with the right people.. for the universe to direct me, bring answers, path and clarity, support and advancement. I called a friend. he was with a friend. told me to show up and that friend, his friend, ends up telling me he has the contact to give me clarity. but on top of that, yesterday was his birthday. we are both aquarians. interesting


it was nice being under the fool full moon rising at dusk under whipping breeze ...the platform of chaud cafe' i went for steak and ended up having lamb and a mediterranean salad. and a dessert i remember from east lansing's beggar's banquet: a custard with fresh fruit. this one was mascarpone


the biggest thing i am not saying that i made myself available to aid someone else, to try and find some kind of activity and livelihood only for new vistas and opportunities to unfold. and that is a great thing

but what i want to tell you.. two things;
one Trinidad is indeed a magical place. i wrote that in a prose I wrote titled This Place years ago. I saw it today. to write a thing and then see it happen and i know it is because of the locus of coordinatoes the ley lines and the small space where everybody does know everybody. who has a door a window or an underground

two, you have to talk your situation to others. without fear or favor. You might find you are in company with someone who has the key..


i met a young whipper snapper burgeoning business man today. chinese. his dad a businessman and clearly the money funding his venture. but this kid? impressive. he is using his home space to explore, research and test in preparation for a massive expanse. talk about methodical. and talking about profit in revenue per space and unit. blow mind. academic. rigorous and not banal as 'just money' ...there is a science to it. in return for his openness, i wont share what his business secret, but he kept referring to others as competitiors. take it from me, he has none. so assholes walking around talking about "i have the biggest operation in the country" are just
arrogant blowhards. it is instructive seeing various forms of maleness. legacy and inheritance opportunity plays a big part


driving around today though between my engagements i realized something: i would love to and should write an article on poverty and the poor, of which I am in the latter, despite...several aspects. and that is the point: poverty is a dynamic thing. poverty is not all at the bottom. it is fluid. i realized again that when your life swings on your day, the money you make on that day that is a level, type and quality of poverty. it is too late. and been too many hours for me to remember the nuance of it but i am sure it will circle back. the first time this came to me was when i was selling my posters Venetian Violet and i was happy when I came home having sold one for $200.


i had ganja homemade wine this evening. if you ask me what it tasted like i could not say anything other than homemade wine..


life in trinidad makes you shift. if you are awake and conscious
from organic to just pesticide free.
there is nothing you can get in its full integrity
pick your story. pick your poison


speaking of poison made me remember...a guy tonight, inskip, told me,
"it is easy to take someone out". i had to tell him. and showed him my hand: "they are clean"

which reminds me of something yowa told me today:
"i fell in love too quick with a shithound and now every man is paying"
he told me "to ease up". i told him i was trying. if you can believe it

i will end now The Dust Factory is on...


interesting too that today i would be called a griot/ last night someone described me as a Senagalese Chinese

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Futility versus Failure

"Which may be better. Sometimes this feels like a waste of time."

said by my beloved sister, in Botswana, leading and running an Ag Applied Economics program. with her PhD, the life, the mercedes, professional travel/ and in response to her telling me she does not have the life i have of being at home in leisure, wrapped in Kenyan/Tanzanian shawls, fabrics and Masai cloths. to which i wrote in caps: "I AM UNEMPOYED"

so she writes that back:
"Which may be better. Sometimes this feels like a waste of time."

do you see why i fight futility confusion confliction desperation every single day?
there is no answer
and being there and here: I know she is wasting her time.
just like i know I am dying/ a useless, irrelevant, unproductive death

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Truth in Food and Soles

Photoi need to create a Truth on Food page but i think i am too the moment. and i already have so many pages. But this would go in it. and for the asses who think corporate certification and oversight on what is organic, who has created gmos and taking over the natural world care about human health, natural ecology and holism can be referred to index their ignorance.

the rest of us can just learn and decipher with the information provided.

after this as the first post the second would be the post circulating about rubber in subway bread.

the third post would be the new review indicating that the same rubber is in McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy’s and popular store-bought products:...if anyone thinks any other mass produced breads and doughs do not have the same ingredient you are delusional. that is what globalization and mass production does; makes sameness, removes diversification, localization all for the aim of the mega corporations. that one world - one federation conspiracy theory.

but the best part about the post i found the all fast food link information in, is a comment from a local citizen..

Cecil Evans: "I wouldn't be surprised if Kiss using that too. I never see bread could roll into a ball like a Kiss white bread!"

and i thought that was just peachy because the post the organic fraud wrote about me.. guess what ? he used Kiss as brand and product to mimic me. Is stupidity really that complete and random? Yes it is folk. yes it is.

but i realize it is all about poverty. from day one. what are you taught and exposed to? what did you see your parents doing? how do you know what is quality and what is garbage when the system you are embedded and socialized in tells you shit is good and gold is for certain people? you never even see it in real life...i had a related thought earlier today...this dissonance between sense, common sense, knowledge and foolery; access, money and still backwardness --- to be apportioned some kind of validation and certification to promote, grow and feed garbage and shit and calling it food. we all know the world is upside down, some of us but the masses dont.. and get real uppity when you portray or show them how far down they are in the rabbit hole. no air. no light. no eyes...the picture i had was of people who are nouveau riche.. have plenty money but still living in filth and squalor. their value system never allows them to hire a tutor for their unlearning children, to cook wholesome nutritious foods for their pikney, to get someone to keep their house and toilets clean, bathrooms and bedrooms, corridors, and kitchens, yards and other assorted No. but betchya...they got that range rover going on...dirty crusty hooves for feet inside suede driving shoes. you can by form not that what the saying have money for anything but hell if you know the difference between sham and quality. the cost and price of everything but the value of nothing?

yeah. it all becomes clear

i love being down at the bottom with nothing
liming on nelson street and the san juan market pub with men in slippers with spotless soles.

Waking Thoughts this Day in Parts


this picture has potency because it was just last afternoon/evening that I discovered a heart shaped eczema spot on the back of my palm.

Part One

it is the full moon approaching isnt it?

it occurs to me as I just slept so peacefully, deeply, in dreams and yet aware of myself in them/ and i am now flooded with revelations:

that mercury retrograde started about a week ago. exact.
and look what has unfolded with this one cretin.
i had a passing thought once and now it is planted: what and for whom are these negative effects predilcted, expected and vulnerable. cause it does not happen with everyone/ just some. I knew last week there were some things I wanted to do on par with my life goals and missions for 2014 that i needed to get done before wednesday last. but, engaging with others, new possibilities unfolded and i had to go with the flow...and in the midst of that...two mercury bombs. of course i think i am a mercury bomb walking and living in most cases of my daily life, but leave that aside for the moment.

this is also the time i read, since last year, for things to show up as to whether what is true and real and what are shams. i am seeing it about me. and the changes it effects.

there was a moment that i paused my dream revelry right still during sleep to tell myself to meditate and got the feeling that if i did a lot of my mistakes and mis-steps, collaborating with the wrong people would never occur.

there are more but i will have to come back when they come back to me. once i start writing, they start shfting, moving and fading into the dark as I focus on one. "see why we must focus" cause all other things ceases to be and disappears. I need to focus on just good. light and loveliness..that reading a tadbit delusional and dissonant given the multiple realities of landscapes

Love this morning. i just passed through a portal or few: 11:13

signed, Dakini

Part Two
Cover Photo

it has been black history month for eleven days now.
forgiving and transcending the disney font (blink blink 0.o)
pause and ponder on the words of the great james baldwin.

from 1961 to 2014. what has changed? and "this country" applies everywhere..

But was has happened in addition the to continuation and morphing of conditions is that healthy responses, anger and rage to this and other kinds of dehumanization like misogyny is denied and pathologized.

be real still . anyway
strive to ever evolving more complete levels of consciousness

Part Three

i could easily be in the business of making dreams come true,
which is funny, this sentence is what i just wrote someone  who wished for a vacation. told them i can make that happen and do your work of getting into a new house, stocked and settled, for you...but it reminds oe of one of my faded thoughts I woke up with...the james baldwin quote above and this exchange:

Rick Williams : "Wow, this Sunday I'm doing a recital on Dred Scott and was looking for opening words of wisdom. No better description could have said better. Yet, I'm ending it with words of Peace and Patience which is our Journey in the Diaspora."

Deborah Maillard: "Hell to the Yeah!"

Maven Huggins: "Rick, your words are touching give me chills: the call for us to be radical and mission oriented on liberation yet, to be peaceful patient and compassionate, and still they bat an eye when i call myself and folk on that path, god!"

...made me think of Dream Deferred and how so many of mine have been and was in talks yesterday over afternoon wine that i probably need to stop trying to do most of what i do...for the mis match of vibration and frequency between me and people. the most simple of schisms; folk doing things for and about money only. I doing agriculture for health , love, sanity and ecological restitution. that is my activism and social change movement.

wow. i get flooded myself. and instantly sometimes led to the water source I am searching...i was going to attach the poem What is a Dream Deferred to this piece, but clicked on an open browser to use...and found and article i was reading this early morning before I fell back to sleep...i was already at the end and did not reads as follows:

"Editor’s Note : please keep your dissertations, short novels, and epic fictions you call comments to yourself. You have an enormous wealth of forums you can Bible thump in… This is not it. If you don’t believe in reality, that is your right, as it is mine NOT to believe in white Jesus, Yahweh or whatever you choose to name the superstition that prevents you from understanding the human genome.

This article is for the people who are awake. I AM that I AM … And that is the person who won’t waste our readers time with your diatribes.

If you truly believed in this god you cry about, you would be out doing charitable works, not trolling scientific articles. Now go in Peace sleepwalker."

the last word.
that was the other thought I had this morning in sleep. the extent to which the world population are really sheep. in west virginia where the water is literally an oil colored grey black mix, but the officials are telling the population it is safe and good to drink...likewise the fraud producer who is spraying his vegetables with American and EU sanctioned chemicals and because they say it is okay, safe for humans AND organic, he comes with the foolishness as validation and their sham certification. It hit me how much sheep we are as to have crossed over into another form:: i would say amoebas really, though sheep are apt though they seldom move and runaway from danger, they still have legs. hm. toss up amoeba who swims with the tide i might add or sheep that stand still and dont even blink. wow

sheep sleepwalkers.

this article is good too given my comment about us being gods. when your dna goes back 338 years, what else could that be...some of us came from a long memoried long living, transcendental intergalactic stock. i would love to talk to him and hear his life story. bet you he is another weird one. just like me/meme/moi.


A Dream Deferred

by Langston Hughes

What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?