Monday, April 22, 2013


and i have to tell you that is what the forest refreshed me from and of yesterday.
i am surrounded by assholes. we do not understand the extent to which sexism influences our every moment of daily  life as women:  men who expect that you know nothing to little and definitely not to rival their knowledge and understanding; that anything you say has to be wrong or needs correcting; that your solutions can not possibly work let alone make sense. they whose every refrain is "you not listening" and that is such a weighty phrase: why must i listen to you? are you listening to me? where does the saying of that phrase come from? why is it not part of my framework? if someone is not listening, I just repeat myself. but i think that is a direct flow of assumed presumed authority and heft; thus instruction and correction. i am and have been surrounded by assholes.

the electrician even came on site. saw me at the gate decorating, passed by just giving greetings and waves behind a darkened but closed window, so i ignored him while we both worked...only for me to hear him ask my partner, "who was i?" and i think he went on to state...'she walking around as if she is..." and i was doing nothing but my work and guiding the tent vendors. but why and how does someone see someone on a property that way...only because, i am not supposed to be those things...and worse yet, being a black hen chicken. further to in command of every place I stand, owned or not.

i have been and am surrounded and infused by assholes. i just try to bear it. I cant fight it.
i also realize women cant fight men and their behaviors and mindset. Is like they come out born, lying and being deceitful, serving and intent to dismiss, erode and undermine your knowing and intuition. and i realize what violence and abuse that is. when  you can look at someone in their face and tell them what they know is not true when you know it is true. and men effortlessly connect on that vibration of lies to women, obscuring and without plan or strategy, invoke the wall of silence, the grid of deflection. the sheer of deceit. but if a woman has sense and is square within herself. there is a split second on the faces of these menials where you can see they are scanning their brains to figure out what lie to insert and play. fascinating experience i had in the last few days.  sad too. regrettable. but people will only be the animal they are, nothing else. no matter how far they went to obscure that too. a masque wears off sooner than later.

But i am not fighting or resisting. I just let go. I just shut down. but yesterday, for some reason, the forest lifted me back up.  Enough so that another set of men were calling my name on stage, to a crowd. Senor Ruiz and Noel La Pierre. and imagine this, even got an apology from one man nine years or so after the fact. there is hope. you may not live to see and hear it  but it comes. they turn around at some point . and even if they never do, they know in their hearts they are shit hounds. that is often why they act the ass. They know they are not up to snuff. So the ugly behavior becomes the shield and defense mechanism. I make that out just recently.

Hm Deep stuff
i need to get a shield

and i happen to think this dynamic is very strong and moreso here in the caribbean and trinidad in particular. it is kind of vile.

and no matter how much you like a fella, male friend or relative, you can hardly find the words to validate and instruct them. so more silence. and thus, reinforcement, pass and proliferation

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sometimes I need help to understand my world and psyche

"Moon enters Aquarius- Apr 04- 4.41am EDT- When the Moon visits Aquarius she is offering you the opportunity to connect with people of like mind but also gives you the support to give your spiritual gifts to the world."

at a real loss for words this evening
feeling completely confused and blindsided, wronged and completely wrong myself
far outside my bounds and lane i find myself
fighting it seems with all i have for what is not mine
and yet, taking blows after having performed, accomplished, for someone else's interest and coffer. their legacy and future
working outside my comfort zone and far inside my errors...
i do not contend much and when i do --not well at all.
one of anger and temper should not be tested by fire
it is just fuel to rage

and I am stunned wondering what is it i am really dealing with here
the line of "people with like minds" brings out the muse
at the base of it I am not among people with like minds. and maybe everything else i write after that is inconsequential, unnecessary and for redundancy emphasis, surplus.


am i wrong, really? Or is it i am being dealt bullshit, even if it has no name and then my reaction is called into question? am i in fact very legitimate? or am i dealing with people's buttons and insecurities? am i insensitive? speak to bluntly? not diplomatic? I never pretend to be nor do i ever call myself that. and i try to give disclaimers. I am probably more man that most and that there is critical problem number one, for a woman..while still being a woman. and what kind of woman is allowed that latitude?

when does specifying a possible need indicate someone as being negative? everything one does is with the intent to avoid what is unwanted. since when is that a personal affront? I need help to understand this dynamic, but it is a help that will never be forthcoming. and is it that i threw water in someone else's garden ? Cause if i talk of blackened toes, if yours arent, do you bother to engage, fight or challenge me? no. there is no need to? so then the push back is what? just your shit and projections? but i must be patient, kind and coddle with?

i am around people who want the benefits of my talents and gifts, they respect me? do they respect women? do they like women? do they have hangups about women, strong women? competent women? and if you exceed your designated area, do they attack and try to bring you down? is this patriarchy, in very vague forms that make it hard to see? am i expecting common dogs to be pedigree? too much..unbridled expectations?

and any attempt at a conversation just goes in circles, obscurity, and the reading of anything but purity, so what is the point? futile

i realize i might be overly emotional for many reasons. i am tired. i am battered. but yet still i stand ready to give others what has never been forthcoming to me and yet i am chastised? something does not make sense. but i also too think it is karma. people who stood in the gap for me and got burnt> so now it is my turn. and i am not sure what i am reaping. not sure what i am experiencing. not sure how to turn and analyze the experience. not sure if i am in total error, partial for my lack of proper responses or if shit deserves shit begets shit. and i am just dealing with some pedestrian ordinary male expecting dominance bullshit. and still clueless as to how to respond. Apologize or Recognize? Fascinating really. I feel I need therapy.

but one thing I know.
i tried to have an event in January for Feb, a month distance. And it was neither seen, accepted, trusted or believed possible and it went no where. Now with those same people we are doing an event in less than that month, twentyone days. so you tell me. what is the proof of this whole tasty pudding?

i wish the moon would bring me like minded hearted people. but perhaps this is my cross. to be weird, peculiar, different and unwired among the opposites

apart from what ever is the truth< i am inadequate to the task
i have no clue what is right and wrong, up or down
where is error and where is safe

when you give your gifts to others and it is not enough to earn a pass
not enough to get grace

sometimes we write shit just so to make room for more...that is this...

i could do a meditation and academic program on anger, rage and reaction/
on deconstructing psyches and thinking
on understanding the true motivations, emotives, triggers and insecurities among and within personalities, genders and hidden mental dynamics

work out all my own kinks
So i will know when and why I stop swimming, singing, smiling and shining>..

and when you have to think of doing that on a day when you shone so bright, something is desperately deeply wrong...but only you know it

perhaps you were too bright in their eyes
and being damaged and broken, bouncing back is hard

you ask me to tell you that i love you after a long taxing day, when nothing but the cloak of my love for you covered me, went before me, dripped from me, motivated me, fired me..talked for me...and even when you left me to defend myself...yet


planetary activations Apr 03 and 04

by Dale Osadchuk (Notes) on Tuesday, 2 April 2013 at 21:18

Capricorn Fourth Quarter Moon- Apr 03- 12.37am EDT to Apr 06- 12.37pm EDT- Moon in Capricorn square Venus in Aries- 3.13am EDT- sextile Mercury in Pisces- 4.57am EDT- square Mars in Aries- 6.35am EDT- As we mentioned yesterday the Fourth Quarter phase is about realignment and revision. It asks us to focus on what is working and strengthen that. It also asks us to release what is not working so we are not stuck in old patterns. The squares to Venus and Mars are asking us to prepare for a new relationship vision that gets activated on Apr 07. Remember this also means the relationship with self.Moon enters Aquarius- Apr 04- 4.41am EDT- When the Moon visits Aquarius she is offering you the opportunity to connect with people of like mind but also gives you the support to give your spiritual gifts to the world. Pluto in Capricorn sextile Chiron in Pisces- 8.53am EDT- Pluto (transformation) and Chiron (healing) work well together. This is healing and transformation not just on a personal level but an opportunity to heal the collective wound. Moon in Aquarius sextile Uranus in Aries- 8.02pm EDT- square Saturn in Scorpio- 9.48pm EDT- These two aspects give us breakthrough (Uranus) and new ways to release limitation (Saturn) so the foundation of our life supports our Soul Purpose gifts. Breakthrough is an inner process. When you are free within nothing can block you from living your purpose.

  • Jp Parsons
    Good night... Be up in a few hours .. Have a blessed day.

  • Maven Huggins
    Good Night>>>
    life is heavy on my mind this evening I dont even have words
    But it is interesting that you would write me g'night...i wondered if you would sense something was wrong...
    But i only write to share with you that i ponder your thank you on the posting...and keep thinking {we were soaring this morning, the light fantastic, only for me to be shot down this evening , even as i went onto more stars and grand accomplishments this afternoon...and all because I think i am dealing with sexist male privilege, dominance and subjugation by any means. I am not sure. but trying to process.
    i just had to tell you. and what i write is inadequate and may be confusing, but...thanks so much. just a bit confused this evening

  • Jp Parsons
    No... I sense it... It is a tricky place you walk.. A between here and there.. Trying to help- without any secure footing.
    I will send Reiki to help you. Try and spend mornings with man.. His evenings he is struggling tooo much.. And feels like lashing out.
    Sing... Shake off his behavior. Do use your voice- tell him you will not tolerate disrespect.. You can walk away from him, tell him.. You are a queen and deserve proper treatment.

  • Maven Huggins
    it is not his behavior as much as it is his cousin, but he stands by just as oblivious and refusing to intervene. it is sexism. asking the blind to see
    after such a spectacular day it ended in fights i had with both of them. I feel horrible. Feel deeply stunted and sad that such a mixture is possible and suffering the reality of that truth alone.
    i really am amazed. the compromise of relationships and relating, even when successful

  • Jp Parsons
    When you use your voice... To defend yourself, how do you feel?
    They are afraid you will commit to all these outsiders...

  • Jp Parsons
    My eyes are heavy.. Sleep in dragging he to the beach... Where I melt upon the white soft sand to become the winds... Goodnight sweet friend... If it is meant to be.. It will. Be light! (Hugs)
    Is dragging me.. Tired

  • Maven Huggins
    i am down on myself about that. I have my own problems. I have a temper. I am very angry about lots in life. and when it is triggered by a lot of bullshit, and it always is, I live in bullshit nation no. 1, I get enraged. I shout. In the last few years i have taken to cussing. I am not pretty and so it makes me sad because i feel now i am way out of line and control but i realize the truth of it is i have been subjected to nonstop madness for a long time. A long time..and being a woman and a black woman with very masculine behaviors and privileges, does not earn me stripes or stars but a lot of negativity, from all sides depending on the situation
    i am just stunned to find it so internally with two people I hoped to be connected with. And yes my love tries, but his own issues gets in the way. I saw tonight that he is fearful to gel with me in a way that his cousin will feel i have him under control. and he expresses a refusal to intervene unless "i am being disrespected" and he said tonight, given my cussing and shouting, who should be protected from if his cousin needs protection from me, so I really feel unhappy for all what is unacceptable...

  • Maven Huggins
    good night love.
    sorry to write all this when you were trying to rest.
    I shall be okay...
    forgive me...bad timing
    sweet dreams

  • Jp Parsons
    Oh dear lord. That last part med me raise my eyebrows... Who should be protected from whom?
    Dear Lord! (Sigh)
    I must respond... The only lesson I learned- from leaving my husband - for a woman... And she decided she couldn't leave her life... Is this:
    To have a drama triangle there are 3 players:
    The victim
    The persecutor
    The rescuer
    There can be one person playing 2 roles... This morning.. After all the turbulent energy-- you might be n the rescuer mode...
    And your mate also in this mode.
    It will be interesting.
    If I can imagine...the cousin might be doing some under handed playing.. Kick back with money.. I wonder his motivation- or lack there of.
    Be calm..
    Be light
    Be love
    Be whole
    (Hugging you)
    You are a marvelous spirit... You see the potential and are ready to honor the work... They might not be.
    Night night.

  • Maven Huggins
    You have gifts!!!
    You can see and read? Do you know that?
    You just wrote their characters and stories and I told you nothing of that...
    Me and my Love are Rescuers. Of each other and my love is trying to rescue his cousin who is some sort of money risk ...I would write embezzler but that would be unfair. My love told me he had to get him out of jail and used his house as collateral. but says he does not know the story and never asked. He does say he is trying to make him whole
    And tonight I did think in my deep recess in time my love will see what his cousin is doing to me...he is intimidated by me. he is a charlatan, a fake. but actually wondered what all must i endure till then. but my love is not innocent either. he too is sexist but he is in process....and if not for that, just to be aware in general
    i am almost floored by your reading

  • Maven Huggins
    yes, my love has no idea what he said to me, and that is why i feel paralyzed now. I feel as much as the love is, and how hard he is working and trying there is something eggregious and unforgiving in that remark...even in anger
    i am tired trying to work through
    g'nite friend. thanks

  • Jp Parsons
    Yes.. I know I read some people well.. Not all.. Only very select connects..
    Babe girl I will send the angels to stand by you.
    They will give you composure- you shall never need to raise your voice again.
    You can whisper your disdain .
    You can move mountains with a whisper.
    Night Love

  • Maven Huggins
    if i could accomplish that in all areas, all interactions, all engagements, when i am flying and gay to when i am down in the dumps Jp, I will have accomplished all things in life. Just that.
    My anger and my rage,
    my intensity of emotions
    my apparent lack of control
    are my curses.
    I wish you could do that magic
    no matter how i try or think i am managing. some ass always shows me I am too

  • Jp Parsons
    When you truly want
    You will truly do
    Zzzzzz ...

  • Maven Huggins
    ...yeah, i think i take some kind of pride in breathing fire on bs.
    and if one is to do that one should have all thine ducks in a row at one's own castle and land...
    not when you havent a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of...
    something upside down about that and that is me. upside down

  • Jp Parsons
    Laughing... Zzzz god I adore u

Planting Unknown Seeds...Preserving Legacies, Claiming Family and Protecting Maternal HandiWoRks

 Kerala, India
An Ayurvedic Garden
two things wake me up
the flash memory of a scene in a dream/ an odd dream/one i dare not write...(this was fb)
[for my blog I can tell you, I dreamt of poop. I was trying to and instead the toilet seat closed and it smashed and smudged and dropped and soiled my clothes and it was my clothes I appeared to use to clean it up but it had no smell what so ever. that is it. that is all. the only part i remember of dreaming, this scene. when i research it is supposedly about a financial windfall...the money for Miss Merle Chase's farm? is it that I keep finding mothers along my path? ones to give fire and purpose to their buried legacies?]...and the revelation of the universe, how it works, how it ehnt business with personalities and contexts; how cruel, funny and jokster it is...we thought that January 1, 2014 was too soon a time to break out inaugurations for the sensitivity of others being left behind, so we canceled the first idea we had. the annual birthday party, just at an elevated location and deportment. to that we said no.

but instead two days ago the universe gives us an idea that is a solution for our debt challenge and the path to our future--- a fundraiser that is essentially, a party and an inauguration, when? on April 21, 2013. how peculiar.

see. it is not about us
we just not need stand in our way
it is clearly our time. and designated by the stars, full moons and the universe

Continue Ancestors
Make a Way. In Protection

  • Jp Parsons How incredible to have set the date... Is there a particular star alignment assisting?

  • Maven Huggins i believe so. it is the birthdate of a mother, the death date of her husband, the father, and it is appropriate for a lime, proving itself to be sunday. the date identified itself for the purpose at hand. saving a legacy left by the mother. in danger of being lost

  • Jp Parsons Tell me about your mom- your favorite memory? If u have the time...

    • Maven Huggins

      hi Jp. Morning
      you ask a complex question.
      that post is not about me or my blood, but now my family...
      the parents listed are the dates of my love's parents.
      his mother bought land, a farm, that the children neglected, he has taken it over, it has a TT$100K debt, we are in danger of losing it if that is not paid by May 15.
      i just met him on January 11/ his birthday is Jan 1
      we met and we have been together every single day since, but we are in the same spot: trying to make gold into our lives of hay and failure.
      but it is amazing because it appears we are being driven, directed and moved and staged as if we are puppets in a drama neither of our making, intention, timing, preference. but things are just happening for us, for our upliftment, fulfillment and benefit, is amazing to watch
      favorite memory of my mother:
      something i have never contemplated.
      i dont think i have one
      we were not bonded, i have come to think as a mature woman, when i look back, we were never close, we never talked, (women generally do not like me and it occurs to me now that she might have been the first woman in my life not to like me...who knows)> She died in 1994 of lupus, as did my brother, in his first attack that was really a doctor's malpractice and murder, he gave me 6 times the normal adult dosage of steroids and it killed him/wiped him out.
      sorry to be such a downer this morning...
      but this is life as it is

    • Maven Huggins

      in some weird spiritual way that land that my 'mother in law' bought, i feel that my love's parents are and are becoming, somehow, my parents and i have taken over in some indirect way to ensure their legacy is protected...and assured...somehow...
      the mother did what i am in line and in mind to do. since i returned to trinidad i wanted a farm...

    • Maven Huggins

      before i was involved with my love, when i first visited the land, i asked if i could live things like that. he had said no.
      now he has given it to me on a platter...cause i help him figure out how to navigate the problems he has on leasing lots but keeping ownership...he has a huge development plan for the twelve acres...

    • Jp Parsons

      Awesome!!! It is not a downer.. It is fact- history- truth. All good!! All God!!!
      A healing place.. An art and healing center!!
      Send me the address...
      I can send energy- along.. And ask the angels to assist you in your flourishing this land- and making it abundant.. It is not much.. However, I believe we are all woven and connected..
    • Jp Parsons

      Damn that doctor .. Sigh.
      I can relate to your story. I am glad you are finding family.
      It is an incredible thing to have community.. To feel your roots...

    • Maven Huggins

      Jp. I knew some seed was planting here. i just knew it. see my post i just made..
      the Address is
      Lot No 8
      Road Reserve
      off Tumpuna Road
      San Rafael

    • Jp Parsons

      Okay! Will meditate upon it! (Grinning)

    • Maven Huggins

      thanks so much. Abundantly Jp. You have no idea what this means.
      yesterday i /we were at the ocean, cleansing and asking for more provisions and a path to be made. Here you are today

    • Jp Parsons

      Dear.. When I was a child.. My sister and I would stand upon huge round concrete culverts.. And we would move it along with our feet... We loved playing upon it..
      Thank God.. The grass was soft and thick.. I fell forward.. And it rolled over me.
      I have not thought of that memory for years..
      It conveys to me- how stressed you are.
      Connect to every person you know!!!
      Ask for assistance.. And ask them to ask friends as well!

    • Jp Parsons

      Does his land have ocean connected? Do you have photos?

    • Maven Huggins

      that photo i posted that you asked for more of, is of his land and the driveway

    • i have two pages for you:
      Women Inspired...your offer to help made me think of is my creation

      Writing, Emerging A Women's Crusade to save Women and Children of the Planet
      Page: 145 like this.

    • Jp Parsons

      It is lush and lovely!!
      Tell me exactly what you are trying to do? Raise money to pay taxes?
      So you do not loose the land?

    • Maven Huggins

      and D'Ruin
      the last page I created, it is what we call the vandalized and stripped house
      the land is not close to the ocean, but you know i live on a very tiny island. the land, however is half surrounded by two rivers; the caroni and the cumuto the former gets quite deep, high, wide and unwieldly during rainy season, high as 30 ft possibly>>walking the land last week there was debris from swift moving waters as that high in the tree from last year

      a vision in the making that is all an establishment, a landmark, a business, a home and venue and this page holds the elements of its projected manifestation in protection, homage and love
      Page: 4 like this.

    • Jp Parsons

      Wow!!! So rivers run on the land!! Cool!!
      I can't access much on this cell phone... Will try.

    • Maven Huggins

      lots of things we are trying to do:
      spurned by one thing:
      1. to refurbish the house for us to live and build a life
      2. have an organic farm, permaculture, mixed produce and animals
      (it used to be a farm)
      3. create a bamboo furniture and furnishings cottage industry. the land is covered in bamboo
      4. produce my love's product line of food seasonings, and pepper sauce (if you go through my pics, and my food page, you will see the mass of things I make, culinary - condiments, fruit and healing elixirs, etc
      5. apart from all the above though, here is my partner's ultimate dream goal for the land. we have the cadastral maps and land use plans for it already:
      he wants to have
      a. a residential land development of apartments and town houses, as a means of income and financial wellbeing...this is where i told him how to do this without selling his mothers legacy away from the family, so there will be land use leases for lifetimes of the purchaser
      b. sportsland tours-- a company of his where he organizes travel tours to sports events
      c. have a full sports training complex for international athletes: track, tennis, football, soccer...etc..pool and tennis...
      d. an ecolodge where folk like you can come and visit, relax, breathe fresh air, be taken care of
      that is it. the LOT of the plans
      the first thing is a debt his mother took to do production but it never completed, the full loan was never disbursed to her so she could not do what she was supposed to. then she died. and then this mess.
      the debt was really 40K, it has grown to 100k, and the folk are really trying to get their hands on our property. it is in a rural place and a lot of development is going up there so it is clearly designated profitable and preferred.
      that is the story

      To educate folk on how heals and elevates life/ Teaching Food Literacy April 25 at 11:09pm Report your page then should be a thrust towards eating to heal oneself.....and list the curative powers of different ingredients along with the products. Lots of ppl think of food only as a source of...
      Page: 177 like this.

    • Jp Parsons

      The about needs to be re-written as a place for future healing art centers...
      The name of the place- I am sorry is not as positive as it could be... d'ruin... Ruin .. Means to tears down-
      If it means something better in your language- then explain the name..

    • Maven Huggins

      i am a development economist with a phd
      An artist, published writer, and agriculture economist
      see how it all fits together
      we have plans to acquire the use of our neighbor's abandoned land who is a writer/publisher-- and build a house for her and a retreat for artist writers like you and myself can produce... grinning..

      Jp Parsons
      Wow!!! What a story indeed!!
      I love that you love academics!! Love the PhD.. One day I will have mine..,
      Hmmmm .. Stirring up more business!
      Do you have a model plan? A photo of what the building looks like?
      I can connect to others... We need Oprah and Deepak to invest in this!!!
      Ooooo I do know someone.. Wait.. A car dealer here.. He has money... His name is Jack Francione.. Let me message him...

      {and i think: just be yourself and things will fall into place}


      "Connect to every person you know!!!
      Ask for assistance.. And ask them to ask friends as well!"

      you know there is a saint by that name...
      and of what his purpose and designs?

      "In the Roman Catholic Church he is the patron saint of desperate cases and lost causes."

      Jude. Judy. Jp Parsons

      I say no more
      • Maven Huggins

        it is not silly. but I saw your post and went kite flying with it...
        that post made me see you as that landmark's project least out there...see I linked all the people i knew. Following instructions.
        Thank you Abundantly
        Jp! Thanks for being a friend. Thanks for owning me. those oh so many days ago

      • Jp Parsons

        We gots to get you soaring... Spread your name... Will write on one persons page...I hope he come through..

      • Maven Huggins

        you have no idea
        that is my love's mission for my life...he thinks i am the sun the stars and the moon and that i am underutilized and need to be known and famous...and he is right, so are you...i have so much material. endless writings. a life time for a few people's worth...when all i want is to live in lush green and be loved and love...
        So this is interesting.

      Jude: "Let us believe in goodness of people!"

      me:   "miracles and magic. and faery dust people of the grand great galactic"

    -------------------6:41am Tuesday April 2, 2013
    Frandy, Good Morning
    I had a sea bath in the eastern seas yesterday/ but it was too rough, great strong undertow to get deep enough. no other treatments. just me and my love at the sea.
    but i wake up and force my eyes open to tell you. the dreams keep coming. I dont have much memory but as i was thinking one thing a scene popped in my head. I dreamt shit last night. like i was trying to go to the bathroom and a toilet lid closed on me and like the shit was smashed and pushed onto me and my clothes, and as I cleaned it up it had no scent. just stain...
    that is ALL i remember. nothing else. I hope more comes to me.
    what you think that means?