Friday, March 28, 2014

When Pa Neezer was put in a Trance ad taken to the Forest Every Night ...

i wake up from a weird night of sleep, travels and transformations that were beyond me and my words; even to clearly state what happened...

i go outside, move some tree seedlings around -- put them along my salon windows and realize it is still true: the things my eye sees, the visions i want do still come to pass...years ago i saw thought and wanted trees to obscure those windows...i continue on some kind of busyness: sweeping my atelier ceiling, and throwing refined camphor up to its ledges...then i get to the things that occurred to me last night during sleep: i pull out one passport to realize it is expired. i then set about writing a list of things to do: my eye test, my passport renewal, court orders, ...i write an inbox...and then i sit set to writing..trying to write what i can bring forth from last night...a cat. i am a dog person but a cat was about me, a companion. and yes, i think it was black. not my preference i would have ever thought. what i ended up doing was writing on the last thought i had before i went to sleep last night: "the last two days were weird" so i was trying to defend and explain why that was so. i think i did. and it all adds up to transformations. i transformed anger into calm serene to avoid wild foaming antics. and then yesterday i spent three hours despite a lack of sleep conceiving and building an idea with a supporter who sees my myriad talents. and it was like playing jacks. all the pieces and the ball are about me. I just needed to gather them up in my hands. and like everything every single aspect of this vision is at an outreach hands distance. all shelved, sitting, looming. just gather and integrate..even parts prior..the person who i gave that loan to...she. she can be a part of the whole scheme...what i am saying is seeing how all the parts make a whole, can make a whole..but last night's sleep was a bug out...i was seeing myself. i was afraid at one point . it was like i was being put in a trance under some kind of spell, to be taught things to, to be reprogrammed? to see things... but i was conscious and awake. telling myself to try to remember. to take notes but i was asleep. sleeping. and i have no real sense of what that was, what it was about. what was happening, who was doing it. it is still a mystery. and i was and am safe. but as I closed my journal, turned on the tv, turned on conversations ongoing...the channel i turn to for one movie has something totally different playing. I turned on /wanted to watch The Machinist about an insomniac worker who has an accident. but guess what is on instead with no listing for before or after? Limitless. The scene where he is regaling Robert de Niro in the restaurant scene, where Bradley Cooper is on fire and they agree to meet tomorrow for cooper to deliver the mental goods...that hit dream and experiences, observations and moment of fear confusion and confoundedness...was and is best described as some kind of Limitless transformation...some way i was seeing myself morph and transform and it was disconcerting...a mix of going inside a cell to see all its mutations as it develops but you are also watching it through the microscope..that kind of split observational shit...
i am not crazy. i am being set apart.


"i'm on the same level as you. you're definitely in transformation mode...the old self yielding to the new...the phoenix being consumed by its own fire"  Daddy David Simmons

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Human of NYC

Maven Huggins:

"sometimes i wish i could go back and live life over again....starting from high school.."

  • David Simmons: " what would you change?"

  • Maven Huggins: " i knew someone would ask me that...and it would be you huh?

    i would never have left nyc.

    what would have transpired from that decision, i have no idea-- but surely this pursuit of school, academic rigor and accomplishment, the waste of my youth would not have been..

    perhaps i would have started with a house on E 42 st at the young age of 26..maybe i would have taken over my father's business then i would have been a brooklyn business babe--"

  • David Simmons: " what's the difference between that imagined do-over and your life now?"

  • Twa Makandal Ishtar: " You still have force left inside you Maven Huggins. Go and get it."

  • Maven Huggins: "omg. epic question. cosmic answer

    that question is so epic i am not even sure i understand it; can make the distinctions between the parts..

    the imagined do -over:: i would not have derailed my life from what was effortlessly before me, i would not have flee from where i belonged, where i was grounded, from the people who knew me best and purely (high school and neighborhood folk)..i would not have went off on this search that had neither answer, salvation, or deliverance it was futile and proved so in a myriad of ways>>.i would have surely had a life had i stayed in nyc: community, context, children, more loves, legitimate living and livelihood

    my life now: ? WOW>
    i am out of time, out of timing, out of stream, out of pond, out of source, the salmon swimming upstream in strange waters, catching nothing and earning the ire of every living thing about weird and unbelonging my existence...thirteen years of fallow for the completion of that search i went on at 18 completed in 2002...and having done that, my one misdirected mission it was like, what else . what now. what then. and i had/ have no it has been thirteen years and counting of wilderness

    fascinating amusing deep entertaining stuff. but very true

    i realized today i have not so much as failed at all. it is just that the ride ended. and it wasnt a ride. it was a twisted mission. wrongheaded goal, for whom? for what? all dead and gone and what is left estranged: my father, mother and brother, respectively

    wow...that pursuit made and had me doing things that i deeply regret...Vincent and Junia...two spirits of the pod who sought to return through me, and I denied them...

    i write with good equanimity...i can feel the emotion welling and rising behind me but i have swam and drowned in that water so many times before, now i just sail and navigate it so it is a good thing.... one tear rolls, eyes fill, but in context...i have crossed over

    it is funny though this comes up now because i am on Humans of NYC webpage...and it brings back so much memory, so much reality..

    that is it "

    David Simmons: "i think you're still very much on the ride, in  the river and flow of things. your witnessing here is proof of that. someone whose ride has ended wouldn't even bother. maybe you haven't reached that point of (divine) intervention yet. but trust me, it's on its way"

    Maven Huggins: " Twa,

    even if my force remains, which i know it does not. i have been battered too long survived too fire that i could easily see in hindsight that took me up and through a lot of stuff is now gone, ebbed at best, warm coals if that...i am older. the fire that fuels us depletes and i notice something our black consciousness scholars write about all the time...if you are spending your energy fighting white supremacy and the vagaries of capitalism like patriarchy, misogyny and other so-called deformities for a white nappy head black wombmyn liking her self, you dont have energy to rise and thrive.kind of like fighting the small stuff so your destiny remains undone...

    but apart from that i know too that time passes, the opportunity and the Time for things have windows that expire, close, burglar proofing gets installed....what my father did in the 70s and 80s is no longer less so possible...a man with no education rising to the top of his game in a place like NYC with mafioso, and cliques like man too from the Caribbean. never again!.. same for me...

    my time in nyc was then, striving with my set. for me to return now i would be doing the same thing i am doing here: being out of time and sequence with a next group of people...

    my folk went on to have marriages, divorces, children and grandchildren, and i am still here bohemian on adventures, no pot nor window, just jaunts and the day's sun, no promises or entitlements for tomorrow.

    do you know what it is like being 49 and living like 25? being 49 and looking like 28 on a good day, 36 to folk who have soul any and all cases, I am out of sequence, out of files, just floating...that is a deep existence...i wish i could find other folk like that. I dont find them. know what i see there are a lot of women who never went on to those things but none of them have youth or youthfulness about them...that is the weird thing...Like i am some kind of fairy faery denying decrying all standards and does not make for an easy ride. might be fun but very futile, frustrating and fooling i think...something there i cant quite put my hand on...just out of timing..allround out of timing

    but it is like i was born for this
    i was born and i was given a name that before me did not exist in the world.
    ...i ponder what that means all the time..and if nothing else,, my life proves an existence that is uncompared as far as i can great cost and price.. but selah...

    i try to be sanguine. it is what it is..

    the gathering of my men here.."

    Cathy Burroughs: " I think about this alot!! But whats done is done..."

    Maven Huggins: " from your lips, mind, heart and hand David Simmons to God Universe Gaia Cosmic Intergalactic Ears and Manifestations!!!"

    Twa Makandal Ishtar: " You have been on the ride all this time . You just have not witnessed it . The EGO is a Trickster. For what I have just read. You are a success story. Your eyes and ears have finally blossomed Maven Huggins.

Powers Art Magic and Writing

two things this morning:

one a coincidence that sends me on dreams of high
just as i rolled over and thought of the electricity that went out hours earlier, as if i was conjuring it and telling it now it is time. bap, it came on.
and i was like, gosh, if only my brain waves could and would command every living and inanimate, outcome and process of a thing, at any time.

the second a search to a revelations

then i started to research power of the mind and removing of obstacles and other tethers that keep one from manifesting, progressing...and i arrived at my search last night--how to remove someone completely-- cause this woman running amok in the streets roaming without censure or control she either has to be removed, committed or deported. any other option i would hate to consider. but things cant continue as they are. and i wonder why and what is it about me that brings the demons but more than that cause the demons and soucouyant exists all over, but it is always only me who seeks to deal with a problem. everyone else burys their head in the sand, lives with the problem, squelches their pain and disturbances, makes room, houses and entertains the madness. i am the only one who stands up and says this the way it occurred to me and i thought about this once before with my the men...when you want to habitate with a woman it is good form to provide her with a house, you all find your own house, but never to bring her into the family home. not when it is a compound. not when it is a legacy. not when your children are there: grown or young. let the blood, family and legacy be and remain.
it is why i have suffered so, i refuse to jump from frying pan into fire. i refuse, though grateful and gracious for the offers, never to find myself in a house of man. but neither has any such offer been made to put me in my own. that i have done for myself..but all that to say in search for one thing i land on another

from removing someone permanently to removing obstacles and stumbling blocks permanently/ to reading this one link that was of no new information at all and by the middle i started jumping paragraphs but there was a nugget in there for me to get to: a prayer...but it was the first line that struck me:

"GOD works through me bringing all my plans and purposes to completion. Whatever I start, I bring to a successful conclusion. My aim in life is to give wonderful service, and all those whom I contact are blessed by what I have to offer. All my work comes to full fruition in divine order. Thank you GOD for all my wonderful blessings."

and that first gave me a revelation...i knew and even up to yesterday or a day or two ago, remembered and wrote on someone's post about the days where i used to know and tell myself, "that anything i put my hand to turns to gold" and it was true. everything i said that i wanted, went after, pursued or started, i completed. maybe sometimes with great struggles and under amazing duress, but i finished, i was successful, with accolades, and attaining levels of accomplishments noted by others, I concluded

...but this...this was new: "GOD works through me bringing all my plans and purposes to completion."...the revelation is that i have completed and concluded everything i have ever started. that is not ongoing like my art and writing. but everything else was completed. the issue is that I have not known what to start anew since the last great thing i completed. That new, nothing of it thought, pursued or imagined has stuck. It is like there can be no completion if you dont even know what to set your mind to and having a range of things doing neither count nor work, sadly. and part of it too is that there is no internal purpose. i have no drive or mission anymore. nothing motivates me with a fire. too much have failed to flourish and become its own entity beyond an exploration or flirtation and those things we know are not real...they are slots and expeditions to fill up the time, to entertain the mental. and i am not even sure in this timing of things if i am to figure out what plans and purpose to construct. everything seems to be in a we shall see what life brings priority.. i have long thought something magnificent happened within me at 9-11 it was seeing the crashing down of fields of work and study, careers that never got started, the folly of mankind, the futility of money, the error of ego, the lie of pride,

and i read my words over and think perhaps that is the thing to do: art, magic and writing. it wont be the first time i am told that is revealed. my art is proof enough. it is a creature onto its own making, nothing about me.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Other People See

Natalie Briggs:

"Okay guys ... looking for some more people for a story... This time I am looking for educated professionals who have pretty much abandoned the fields they were trained for. I'm talking about people with Masters and Doctorates who because they could not find jobs, or because they became disillusioned decided to move onto to something else, for example starting a small business in an area that had nothing to do with their former field e.g. leaving banking to do carpentry) ... Thanks much. Inbox or comment."

  • Teocah Arieal Ainka Dove: " Maven Huggins...... PERFECT CANDIDATE!"

  • Natalie Briggs: I thought so myself and I was going to give her a call anyway. Thanks Teocah 
  • Maven Huggins: "lol. yes Teocah. you know me Well "

  • Teocah Arieal Ainka Dove: "Natalie, when I read her resume...... and realized her predicament.... I considered dropping out of school and planting garden..

    In any other small island a woman of her intellectual capacity and education would have been an advisor... or in charge of some strategic programme..

    So much skills.. much education...... so much one woman... trapped in this 
     DOT with people with no true vision!"

and then there is the key, the puzzle, the mystery:

Abasi BasidaBossman Hanif:

"If it come to you...somehow...somewhere... at some did something to magnetize or manifest it. That goes for any and everybody. The sooner you accept that...the sooner you can figure out how to magnetize and manifest the righteous desires of your heart....or you can you just be one of those folk who like to hope, ask, and pray for shit they don't deserve..aint work for...and aint never gonna have like they want cuz the universe knows they aint worthy of it and won't appreciate it...even if they say they are and will."

    Friday, March 21, 2014

    Mesh Lamp Yields Guidance from Beyonds

     Maven Huggins

    black people fraid land like they fraid the sea and snakes

    and think about it: the snake is their wisdom to live, the energy in their back supporting their evolution. the sea is the water they first foremost and initially emerged from...cosmos and the womb. and land...the thing the very thing that gives them life

    ehnt see black people have lost all of their minds.

    the living dead
    zombie douens

    • Edward Bowen:
      "thieving lumber right now in sans souci!"

    • Maven Huggins: you or they thieving lumber? from who? for what?

      boy...was talking last night..things about to get ratchetreacherous

    • Edward Bowen: "zombie douens"

    • Maven Huggins:lol you too quick for me unno...not ready for the reader to imbibe AND Use my Lingo...smh

      where they stealing this lumber from? I hope not dismantling the house?

    • Edward Bowen: "raping the land which sustains their paradise and claiming rights of entitlement because dem figure white man have to pay, or even if yuh semi white and hybrid like me"

    • Maven Huggins: wow. you've mentioned that before. fascinating story to be told

    • Edward Bowen:
      it's an ongoing scene you kno'! Annnnnyway, one of the secrets of land management is to accommodate for the failure, of your fellow man's intelligence, and trust that nature herself will, take care of, assery and stupedness. One's premise is to trust the abundances of mother nature, Gaia, that she will accommodate the shortsightednesses of greedy muthafuckas and in due course inspire me to outplant the destruction....."

      Maven Huggins:

      i with that Eddie. I see that already. What people plant for your demise is your very success and proliferation they incanted, invested, and entrenched. Serious Talk Dey. And I was prophetic inbox, cause I wrote their first and then, now, here: We shall Keep each other in savor, favor and mind!! So it is Done.
     ========written inbox:


    "I fear, that as you are witchypoo, that at some time you will be called upon to use your eloquence in verbage, to scribe a spell of correction, so profound and reeking of soul hearted meaning, that those who read it will acquire new ideas of life, or if not prepared, send them to another life"

    wow. Edward. that is such a powerful appointment and capacity you have just bestowed upon me. And not for nothing did my own appointments regarding the same (treachery) wake me up and come on this fb this hour...the words you speak of your 'fear' is what i must command in my own dealings, for my own restitution. Powerful beyond belief!!! I want to post it but not sure if who posts everything we shall hold each other in favor, savor, saviorship. lol. I am astounded. Blessedly so!!!

    you have no idea what you just did there for me Eddie

    you providing/telling me what I am to do< how i am to operate, what work I will be doing. how to execute my charge and powers...and above all that you gives me an answer to a battle and war I am in ...for land I saved and was then denied-- i mentioned it before..

    But beyond that., I walk away realizing i am to write a book of spells...i have two to write now if not three or four

    1. spell for an employment installation

    2. spell to win the war on this land san rafael

    3. Spell to repel the negative vibes and energy one holds against you innocently

    4. spell to repel the curses loved ones befall you - mother

    5. spell to clear the way and remove blockages, obstacles
    6 a spell for reparations, restitution, and corrective appropriations for blessings denied and delayed.




    and a spell for peace in the conduct of actions to come"
    "you well know the thing!!! in total"

    Tuesday, March 18, 2014

    Readings, Signs and Wonders

    "Are you there

    Glad you answered back I was just about to go to my bed

    Do you have time for your reading let
    chuckle...yes i do

    Me see what the spirits will tell me

    Give me 5 mins to prepare myself

    There is two men who have left you with land and money

    The wife blocks you from it

     >>> are these my uncles: Pat and Leroy??

    two men? say more? how old are they? which generation? are the men alive now? Describe the men

    you speak as if one wife for both men?

    One maybe

    Where is your success

    You left a man with money

    One still holds you dear in his heart

    I'm still looking

    You have mostly men spirits who stands beside you

    Do you stay withna couple husband and wife
    will mostly let you read and tell me now questions from me
    A woman and man stand really close to you about your financial life

    They seem not to let you sink

    You have blockage

    Nothing that can not be Fix

    It can be fix
    This block has also given you trouble with men.

    s the man and woman over my financial life my maternal grandparents?

    Did you have some confrontation with a women long ago
    plenty women: My motheraunt, my aunt, - regularly
     This woman seems to be cause of this blockages
    is it my mother? BirthMother? Deceased?
     You are going to find a picture of St. Micheal
    You are going to petion him for 3 days at


    And before you go to sleep

    Get much sleep you going to need it for dreams

    You're going to write psalm 91 on blank paper or parchment

    And wrap it around candle wood
     Get a pail for it to burn
     You will hold and ask st Michael to rid you of blockages
    Take these ashes to a ocean or river and throw them in
    Walk away don't look back

    Don't even think
    About what has just been done
    You are speaking with dantor
    Your message was heard

    Any questions

    Pls respond I have to go
    is the man and woman over my financial my maternal grandparents?

    Let me check

    is the woman i had a confrontation with who put blockages in my life my birth mother?

    Yes , this can be fixed
    who is the man who still holds me favorable in his heart? how can we find his name?


    I see three men
    no what? Three men what?

    But one of them you may have left

    This can be past men
    Let's worry about you now

    So what do you want to do
    trying to make sense of this...what to do, how to claim...and the burning of psalm 91 will reverse all the blockages.
     interesting eh. I laid down to nap this afternoon and that is what i prayed for , envisioned: Being installed and removed from all my blockages and impedings
    what are my options?
    what can i do?
    Do what I told you to do . You will do it once at 12 noon

    Petion st micheal
    i have to get the pics of st. michael. have to get other check to get what i need

    Make sure to throw seven pennies into the water with the ashes

    Get off the internet
    How ever you feel is urgent. But Saturday is a good day

    I have to go speak with frandy
    saturday is a good day to do which part? You told me many things
     what is candle wood?
     It's a wood that burns on its own
    If you can not find it , get some wood that burn easily

    Some type of match stick

    You will ask for forgiveness and you will give it in your petition
    You don't have to say any specific names

    You just know you have sent it out there to be heard
     To those you know and those you don't know you have offended
    That's all that has to be said

    Now time to burn baby burn
    Understand if I seemed impatient before , it was not me
    It was her
    Do you understand everything that I have written
    no. more that i do not know or understand...the land and money. who the men are that i left, that left me money, that still are partial to me..
    This maybe your father and grandfather
    is it really possible that it is my mother who cursed me but somehow i know this to be true

    I can not tell from which side
     It's waiting for you
    I know it was one of the wives
    Well for now that is not to worry about

    Let's get the gates opened

    Forgiveness forgiveness forgiveness
    dont have to tell... i only had one grandfather. my mothers father. the mother who cursed and blocked my life. her father. i was actually born to him and his wife, my grandmother Maria Bastaldo. My mother was unmarried and i know she never bonded with me my father we are estranged he is married to a younger woman who did ugly to get him, my mother hired her she went after my father. i think now my father has all his property that really belonged to my paternal maternals: grandmother and great grandmother and all he owned in this woman's name
    It is the most powerful weapon

    Known to mankind
    so the house and land i live in now will be mine for certain soon, one day?
    that would be what my grandfather left
     Then get to work on yourself for the better
    Did this give you any clarity
    i asked many questions above
     Some these questions are all up to you now. You now know what you have to do. The ball is in your court. I can tell you to go right , and you turn left an change the pattern of the web"
    I am stuck here wondering pondering if my mother hated and jealoused me so much that she so cursed my life and blocked me for years and decades that are still in program still...

    and deep in my heart belly and mind i know it to be true.
    Just stunning to behold this form of confirmation..

    if her sisters and family are so deceitful and hateful why would she be any different
    and i knew of that jealousy even still as a young teenager...jealous of some cowboy boots my father bought me at fifteen

    i think the curse happened at college with my college boyfriend Andre Moxie and my brother telling my mother he was living there just because he spent the night -- Andre was making so much noise in arrogance in the kitchen while my mother talked ot my brother on the phone.

    She then told my father i had a man living there.
    They then shortly disowned me.

    It is then she cursed me for all time, with all men.

    i am actually stunned stunned into silence and pause.
     hours later in a plate of food of okra rice and stirfry vegetables:
    what is the science of the pentagram?
    a plate of food just formed a natural perfect pentagram with a hot scotch bonnet at the pinnacle.
