Sunday, March 31, 2013

Dream Sequence/s

Easter Sunday morning

with my eyes still hammered shut i rise to write the memory. Frandy La France

another one.
a big two story square house. i lived elsewhere? was i away at school? one of those dreams that have no definitive time location but in fact mixes characters to confuse you. i am now, with other persons in my realm now, one, a cousin of no relation, but it was as if i was a cousin with my parents, but i dont recall my brother being present, which is odd. my brother is deceased.

but in the dream i am returning home. my mother was there, she is deceased. it is like she is the one who picked me up. and someone else was with her but of no form, name or voice. it is odd that i would be picked up and not drive as i have always had my own car so perhaps that meant i returned home to my country, versus, home when we lived abroad. the house is kind of elaborate but very comfortable . i keep seeing both floors at the same time as if there was a balcony upstairs inside or my vision of it. but here is the point. i arrive to go to my room and all these flies are swarming about. and i ask my mom what is going on in there, and i never ventured in to unearth the reasons or to get close to the flies but seems as though the closer i got more flies emerged from a center. so i left and seemingly unlike me, softly quarreled about what kind of house is being maintained that a room can "have a dead pigeon decaying and so many flies in the room" . that was the case. i dont remember my mom saying anything, it is like she was silent, which is how my dreams all my life have been with her and my brother, both deceased, when they appear, they are moving around, communicating even, participating, present but never talking verbally, not audio, not by lips.

but my father seemed to arrive after, and i complain to him. i am not sure what he says or does. but a space for me to sleep will be made at the top floor, that has glass for walls, covered in curtains, or art, or curious, and all i think about is 'great, an opportunity for me to rise with the sun' since my sleeping pattern is to get up long after the sun rises.

a cousin i do not talk to and have a very acrimonious relationship with seemed to have walked into the room, but i dont remember him saying or doing anything.

another sequence to the dream is that i am showering and i try to turn on lights, and the light panel is right by the shower and i am trying to connect electrical parts for lights have not been used and were disconnected.

this is all i remember. i wish i was taking notes while i was dreaming. I am grateful my mind brought back this much to share. seems more convoluted than yesterdays, but let me hear you

Good Sunday Spirit Brother

to the rest of my lovelies too...I wish you a morning dew
i rise after a good knowing that the one i am standing in the gap for is standing strong, unmoved and resilient, protected. he always has been. things dont affect him. a great union, reunion and home coming. there is much work to be done i believe, but so far it is clear we --i dont know what to say--yes it comes...we are known. they know us. long time i believe. so all is as it is should be.

peculiar people
piqued timing
easter rises
new epochs
arising creations

when your life fulfills scriptures you just read as literature, what can you say?
are you still a nonbeliever
or just grateful for evolutions


Easter Monday April Fools Morning

  • Hi Frandy, you there...
    dream last night i remember:
    was on a yacht, one of wood, not an old one, but not a new one of all the glass and metal, but a yacht of age, but still clean, nice, shelacked shiny wood..
    liming with friends from college. Like i was at a reunion or a wedding and partying, having fun dashing and diving in a shallow pool
    and like the yacht was docked in the street of a city. white people were there still, as if they were co-patrons, yacht operators, yacht owners, facilitators...
    and my one interaction was greeting women friends from my past, some not so friendly, some seeming i had beef with
    this is a kind of weird dream
  • .what you think?

  •  Frandy La France
    You have some baggage in the past that you must learn to let go. This is holding you up . You are meditating in your dreams. Reflecting your past. How can you change it for the better. You can not continue to have the same heart you had last year or 8 yrs ago. Do things to change , create a mantra for yourself. You can do it!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

PreDestined: Write Our Story He Told Me...

i slept long last night. almost twelve hours, practically twelve hours.
the life i been living has come to some kind of halt. interestingly enough, from inertia and force from outside it, but on both side circles of the people living it. manipulative people who wake up after decades of taking cool people for granted, thwarting their dreams, shitting on their gifts...and on the other side, demon beast biddies who resent the casual enormity of a person who thinks she has nothing but evidently has everything. but what i am getting to is that these mutual forces outside these two people, on the same date and night, exerted forces on this particular weekend that allowed a break from the regular running and moving  so i get to sleep. so it created a break, of what i surmise was a living un/in/sustainable. perhaps that is the end of prologue. this is a curtain call. and the alter beings are arranging the stage for us to enter. enter enter royalty/ even as they are despised.

funny to me because all the events occurring are serving to bring two people together faster than what they were prepared to enact, i think. they may have wanted it, but both were fearful to admit into it. caution, i gather. but all the shenanigans are just serving to sever all things faster, so that manifestation can fire. the same fire pictured in the blaze. was command and designation.

then last night in between my sleep i had a sense and revelation...that since from the first i was unwelcomed, upon meeting, upon sight; and to learn at my horror that my peeps are violated by him and me, is it his size, his spirit enormity, his energy they see, another entity that bullshit cant comport? and one of us is they try to exclude and designate..only the outer gates...

 it might be that we may have halos even the blindingly wicked can see and thus all the further resentment, anger, manipulation, tears and prayers ( i was told all the crying and begging trinis call prayers - i learn something new every day)...and thus the exclusion for violations of homes, and commands to galleries and such...we must be two powerful beings. i know i always was, people see my energy and it enrages them, always been so but i think something else and bigger happens when the two of us come together and we have no idea the magnitude and reflection of that...we must develop more awareness. i suspect that could earn us greater enmity as the path lengthens, the circle broadens. the fear that we are immovable, what is beyond formidable? cause I was told i was that before now, so what now when there is cohort thrice my size?

amazing to me what the ancients and universe designates.
and the futile attempt to interfere, thwart or immobilize...

this issue of power people
and when power people come together

i never knew such entities and people existed before now. makes so much so clear

but last night it came to me that ...we are both stars
i just wish i could clarify some names and deities surrounding this giant so i can understand the character waking too

the seer's words 'mother of the stars' come to mind, again and again, like rasa

gets me to the pair of crystals that was taken, expropriated; and who that person thinks those crystals were from, about.. but i had hexed those and said any energy and intention brought to bear on them will be sent back to the sender...and i say so again. as I watch it unfolding. this lesson of learning not to resist, but to go with the flow gracefully. ...makes so much so clear....we can seize upon something and in our own twisted psyche and desperation take it to mean something outside of ourselves, and give it mean it harm but what we dont and never know is that the thing we seized upon was us, or some manifestation of us and we projected our own destruction by our own wickedness. i hope i write that clear it comes out like a jumble and even i dont want to read it again for clarity. let it sort it sorts out itself.

and it is deep. added deep. we are in a project with its last month of possibility, to make it, to clear it, to cleanse it, and here it is this person is forced to spend energy massaging an exit, and getting battered, cause all the histrionics and being present for it, is going to be a beating. can that energy be sacrificed for that and still be used to manifest dreams, dreams that have been deferred for years and decades. so see here how patterns dont change, even when they are proclaimed is just more of the same

i am writing this cause it will be told and read. i will ask first if my help is needed, then i will share. just awareness. i had already told and shared that it is the ancestors and spirit guides and alter beings and spirits designating this union, this purpose, this coming together, the lives and events involved, we just have to do nothing to fuck it up...but just stay out of the way of the weaving of a new story.

and i was not even going to write about that, but a fb inbox exchange allowed me to write a line i thought was a good post and as i came to paste it, i realized how it related to my experiences, my cohort's experiences. how it is life. >... "impropriety, no matter how infinitesimal, feeds a world of ills? effortlessly..."

someone steps out of bounds, says something out of timing, people or persons react/respond or ignore it, and then they become the demon because they did not engage the infinitesimal impropriety feeds a world of ills

hm. ok.

so let me get to my dreams last night...i remember none of them. just this morning...i was somewhere...the states? my cousin Andy was about us? i was around a lot of white women friends, who i just met and made. we were like travelling on a trip? or touring?  but it came to one point where i felt my mouth was rimmed with a white line of dried saliva. i could not speak for the filling of my mouth with saliva. i was rushing to find a bathroom where i could wash my mouth .. i could only find a basic, coastal type fish house bar and the bathroom was kind of wood and tin, and the sink was inadequate for me to get a proper wash, but washing my mouth still was not perfect, complete or adequate. I have no idea what that is about. maybe some of my guides on here can tell me. i google about a dream and get feedback on mouthwash (hangs head and shakes)

I think i am seeing way more about me than i can ever tell, say, speak or testify. and i am among myriad types of sheep who are all deaf, dumb and blind and do not understand my language for them to even hear my speaking. so i am stuck to witness all this madness in silence, in powerlessness?  in effective communications?
in personal discomfort of my own parts and existence?

that is all.
but that is not all
I remember a question and meditation i awakened with this morning...wondering...'how does one understand anger enough to stop giving into that reaction?' what is anger? and then i jumped to Maya and me. tantrums, tirades, rants, and rages. Anger. And it occurred to me that perhaps it is the stunned resistance that we must ever contend with such stupidity from inferior beings, coming at us with bullshit that makes us see red

i dont know. but i thought of other areas and people where i have totally signed off. like trinidad, where it matters not what comes around the bend anymore, but when i first landed here i was full of righteous indignation of what i thought my country should be and who i thought my country men should be of what upstanding character...but when i realize it was only shit and effluent floating around here, and after nine years of agitating to do, be, contribute, align, and it was only shit on my face, I just switched off, to the mad response of many, why i wonder...but i have no response and surely no anger. you realize the banana republic for what it is and you dont try to make cream from the hay. that is all. So how can i bring this approach and awareness to the people who seem to set me off. is it that they have my buttons? hmmm (rewire electric panel) it that i am still holding on to historic relations (i cut carl huggins off what is the hold back to cutting them off too?) or is it my own lack of power, agency; that makes my reality of no power palpable, each and every time? I dont know. I just know i want to get like ninja and what ever words or deeds spoken i just bend back and it flies over.

been calling the ancestors to encamp around us, keep us walking the right path, the straight path forward, protect and embolden us against the demons and principalities and sociopsychopathologies that passes for persons we live amongst...

This morning chuck full and i am still yet to get out the gates.
interesting times

Friday, March 29, 2013

"They hate it when you SURVIVE through the bull......"

it has been a long time since i have written.
for many reasons
there has been a technology poltergeist about me for months, if not years. having destroyed three laptops? since 2010, and new machines since december 2012. it is phenomenal. at one point i wondered if it was one of the aftereffects, costs and result of being intergalactic...pulling energy from machines to stay alive, especially when the blood of the human fragile is not enough...

but i decide i would write/copy/share this entry just as i wrote these words:
"we dont know what this is, but perhaps it ist he morrocoy buried and recoiled in know they are the earth's totem... and so as Jp writes, it has been and was a heavy "messy" Thursday before Easter....but it is because Ishtar is walking about under her full moon of closures and completions of understanding all things that passeth"

and it was in response to posting this doodle from my lovely fb artist friend, Jp Parsons, whose daily doodle I reproduce to my page every day...

for it, she wrote: "Thursday before Easter has always been heavy on my heart.."
and so it was, this Thursday, yesterday, was "messy" challenging, deeply angering, painful and sad for me and my counterpart in separate incidents as if on clockwork and staging. The level of alter reality synchronicity, evolving, evolution, instruction, seering, messaging and revelation and epiphanies we have had since Feb 10, 2013 have been unbelievable. He designated to me to write them all down, all our thoughts and experiences, utterings after we realized the bubbling fount that is us when we get together. and so seeing this doodle and its words, i add it to my writing/muse/revelation that i had this beset have i been, i had been deep inside myself all day Thursday pondering the Bs in our life -- Barataria, Bon Air, Baptistes and it will be interesting to find out missy's it is...

been bewailing matters
asking 'why me'
'what i do these people'

but as i pondered mutual situations in double households and what is at stake, on the table, at risk; and most importantly, when i look at how things are panning, shifting, setting, domino falling, and the position of all things, and how fast things are occurring as if we are light beings here on earth. three years passed already in three months...the beach lime in particular, tells me...i was called, designated and sent. i am chosen and the chosen one and that, therein, ergo, the hate.

connectedly, the reality just hit me, i am being pushed and goaded to make a play that sets their hand. and i just realized it is not for me to do that. and as i ponder i see all the signs and messages that have wandered to me in the  last few days and weeks...being told by counterpart: "it is what it is supposed to be" and "everybody have to do what they have to do" (we all play our roles, even if you came to be an ugly, crass, graciousless person after faking and frauding as nice all your life- we all come to do what we were sent to do! damn all those who are offended) I tell you if we can understand these tidbits now as humans, our life will seriously bloom...this is the real toolkit of how to become zen the buddha (my saying).

So no matter what folks do or how they play...things are the way they are. and how are they? i was chosen. I was selected. by whom i have no answers: ancestors, parents, planets, my origins, my obe, my past lives, my karma, the universe, mother earth-gaia-being one of her such as myself...and the ultimate messages of my beingness that have come to me: "the mother of the stars" said by that blind seerman two years ago/ and one now who thinks i am the "one waited for-Empress Royalty" i giggle every time. but marvel when folk reach for evidence like the BK server agreeing with the most serious of faces, no joke "doh mind her, she from another planet". i know she said

"dont let them steal your joy" for that is surely the most basic purpose they came for
they were made for this: scowls, out of timing tongues, dark eyes, cleft mouths with false teeths. beware of those with false teeth. I saying so today. i will learn if that is just gibberish>

and that is the point...the gibberish...i am learning all that i have marched, lived and espoused, thinking it was gibberish, was all for a purpose, my attainment and elevation. It is what i was made strong for, perhaps.

and so much to say...was recounting to list all the things I help and solved for a special someone in the last few months. him telling me for those gifts, "my way is paid for by him" amazing eh, but i always took it as par for course, nothing special, and he always telling me i downplay myself. , who everyone thinks is so arrogant. but i am learning how people see and what they think of you is blood of their issues, nothing to do with this Full Friday morning, seems as if everything is falling into place. Goddess Ishtar Easter was and has been with me afterall. This Full Completion Moon, that ends all things once and for all, is ending my strife and beat up. Let me be more silent and eruptions can be permitted. I am in the fire with the greatest of demons and beasts ...their moves intentions, actions and motivations warrant such ...guess it is good he is a bush fireman of controlled blazes.

fire woman for bush fireman.
and do we need to start listing all the commonalities.

it is amazing. I wish i could tell you. and believe me, all that i wrote above, I did not
when things are aligned and planets designate it so, for ages and aeons before your time on earth, tell me what farthling of a speck of inconsequential human can do to alter it.

And (leaning in as he does)...that is why they hate you. Ultimate Woman.
Su Ming once benedicted me Universal

And so it is. I write for your knowing too

Bless Lovely You
Fight nothing and no one
Resist no tide nor flow


and as i go foraging for a pic of Ishtar and mentioning of this March 27 Full Moon, I stumble upon what i wrote yesterday, twenty one hours ago: "They hate it when you SURVIVE through the bull......"
So what i just wrote is the fulmination, completion and outpouring of what i knew in my heart...coming to the fore for the purpose and upliftment of someone else. I knew it all along. Arent all our experiences to remind us of what we knew, but lost and forgot, travelling back here?

and that also gives me the title to this piece...

two days ago too...counterpart casually said to me, "you just dont let go" do you...and i agreed it was a mission. Precursor again, which is also past and prologue. So the larger charge here is for me to let go. I am not moving. I stand. Still. But I let go. I release all the negativity and residue folk leave with you when you ponder, integrate or try to make sense of the ill that is their life designate and mission.

"within all her combined aspects, Ishtar promotes the concept of Divine Discernment"

Jp Parsons, the artist of the doodle above, the first art appearing writes this to me in afterthought:

Jp Parsons The words are from the sun Maven Huggins- you are working beside me- weaving light. Light is glass to me - transparent tangible truth that God exist. You reach unto the sun and give me words which manifest into art... They drip like honey that Natalisa Robish-Strickland has made from my home-- my beach of love where I kisses and became the mother of David Parsons and Margaret Parsons... The sands of my past melting into nothingness - which is everything. This weekend- this rebirth of the spirit is not lost upon me.
I weep, sad for my lost past.. Sad for my babies... They are standing in their thresholds beside me... Wanting to fly.

Fly beside me, I whisper
Never ever give up
You are meant for greatness!
You are made of the same
The sun- the son
To walk beside you
Along the beach
Is all I desire.
I love- I am.
