Sunday, August 28, 2011

The State is Indeed an Emergency

at this hour a thought awakens me...
    •  everything here, good and bad, but we are talking of the bad is a reflection of the people. know how bizarre and unusual for me to be on fb at this hour, then to open up in this page, which I never stay, close or leave on; and then to see your post, first and only -- reflecting the thought that awoke me from sleep that i expressly came to write.

      ][Jason Dopson: "So if I posted that Trinidad and Tobago is polluted because of the people that live there will that get me in trouble for saying the truth? Imagine,a city,the industrial capital of the world,one fifth the size of T&T and ten times more people has cleaner air than a Caribbean island."][

      the thought that awakens me this early Sunday morning is this:
      the man that everyone is complaining about is a reflection, the karma, the energy, the very act and character of the people who are now gnashing their teeth, wailing and complaining.. and on this very forum of fb. so much confusion people have fomented; people who would copy people's words, make and keep record of people's posts, to repost, share and fling back; who would repost and share to others in secret, silence, deceit and treachery, to bring trouble in failed attempts at infamy...all of that was done, is done, as normal on facebook. the ugly that is human interaction in this small mental space of a country iis now coming back to bite them in the ass. coming back in spades. the thought magnified, shaken up and compounded ===what they did is being brought back and done to them, only difference now, with power, silence, and fascism/ i just sit back in silence, watching

      i and a few others keep writing this place is the people within, all the problems are wrought from each hand and heart, but look like the sheep and slaves mamaguy themselves in thought too, for the actions and intentions dont change, and seem they just repeat the same, breeding and recycling to live over and over again/blind, deaf and dumb douens.

      it truly is interesting the reflection. of the inner to the outer. from the personal hand to the government decree, one same mentality.

      it is almost funny. i think it is, really.

      Rise and Shine People, Another Day Awaits Thee to Fill Thine Character; Fulfill Thine Destiny. One Aim. One Country. ent?
      ~zaboca doh bear breadfruit/ banana republic leaders are of the least of the people/ and the governments they form, the level of population illiteracy and incapacity

Friday, August 26, 2011

thoughts on my mind this morning:
Pat Bishop's evident sense and duty of work, at all cost to health, wellbeing and life, as told by some of her closests ...the ide of  "working to and till the cost of life" comes to me. I wonder who else have i seen that kind of ethic; i wonder where it comes from; what it comes from? I wonder if slavery and indentureship .> a complete release to exhaustion and inevitable death that to my mind seems to bring it closer, sooner. a powerlessness? a fatalism? am i right? and i was...when I heard of her death, how she went and the complaints she made earlier in the day, just what was explained this morning is exactly what i subscribed/ so now i wonder why>? what is that about? what anthropology and ethnography or cultural frame is that?

then waking up to Irene and the recognition that she is pointed and directed to slam straight into my childhood home; and the footage of folk going on about their business as normal. and the bloomberg host speaks of the ny character, "you can tell a NewYorker but you cant tell 'em nothing", how they appear to be ignoring warnings and he says the reckoning will be told on Monday morning..

and the me in global world assessment dont end there/
a car bombing in Abuja, the Nigerian recent capital, at the UN building
And I think, well. perhaps there is no where to go other than where i am, despite my how many tentacles sent out to all, everywhere and sundry; old haunts and new places. all of them under some kind of strain, bent, destroyed and buckling. there is no where left to escape/;that ended since 1998, why are folk like me still raising rugs and digging up overgrowth?

i wonder if i have the mettle to do what i did twenty years prior? i think the deep truth of the matter, is now the fire is now just embers. Think i want to just sit and make hearth and home, whatever that home may be or not. it just is

the fact of the matter is that this is a global reaping time. It is a time of economic shifts and political realignment; great and grave instability; all at the whims and subjectivity to the weather, the one we created with our global warming as if we did not need to live here...well. sociopsychopathology at its height needs to play itself out...i wonder if this is really the time to go trolloping through the cumulative sewers of our times?

and what am i watching at this hour Friday, August 26, 2011 9:48pm
CNN's Living with Slums, Part Two, Manila Phillipines
the host: "my revulsion of how people are living, leads to admiration as to what is required of them to survive"

and that leads me to put my own strivings in context/ there are no words. is it possible to list 2011 current  human afflictions created by human darkness/ and yet, i number among the fortunate. so let me rest and sit content and carefully easy. in honor of those not with either privilege or luxury

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

State of Emergencies and Other Life Curfews

A Trinidad State Siege
in a curfew of sense and science                                        
to maintain center as it falls away
to write truth in and out of emergencies
to discern facts from falsehoods in all states
to decipher cats and snakes before they both hiss and bite
to understand it is not for the lack of procedures but the absence of character
to lead outside a constitution
to wipe the president inconsequential
the CoP into brasoblivion
his standin a mimic of a former herald
to dissonance a memory
to dislocate a direction
to fragment a piece of a 2x4 nation
to rewrite the culture when their was none
and to that all without rights
but with valid ids and passport
to escape where
I think to make good work of prison
if they come for me
will they let me get dressed and take enough tampons
Will i have time to finish a law degree
to contest the extent of illegality
i will petition the kangaroo court
off their plantation
the finest silks and counsel from london and other nations
all toward reverse colonialization
the state of emergency is the absence of mind
to make a viral meme of the trivial
to  leave the national desecration
the international farce untouched
clowns on an open stage
as if in denial
all puppets stuffed with bagasse
sheep of cotton dressed in wool
the wolves in self cannibalism
no equator to equate the equalities of  shifting inequities
only rampant iniquity
never ending one after the other
just this time, I cant find the steps to climb back down
From current heights
Brainwaves at zero

12:01am August 24, 2011 mdhuggins

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Day of Life Counts, Counting and Reckonings

  three times death called/came/paid a visit
i am still here to write and ride about it...

the first time was in 1988, speeding my grey 1988 Toyota Corolla SLR5 on the 95. A double connector UPS truck pulled out in front of me. and me thinking i am NASCAR big driver, geared down to slow and revved up around him in the lane he just escaped from...not realizing, dummy i was in the hour, that there was something there: a tow truck for gravel and sand. I went straight under. The whole :life flashes before your eyes: true. I survived only to enter into another drama. to discover my insurance was a there i met Attorney James Willson Jr.

and that is another door to a story...

second time, was Maracas beach around same time, 1988 or 1989. might even have been 1990...whole family outing for one of my visits; swimming, jumping waves just as the tide changed...and it came in without notice, endless waves battering and slamming, so i could not get neither my footing or my bearing. the depth of the water seemed to double in seconds. I had a moment. a flash of a fragment of a second moment. staring at a crossroad. to panic . and the only thing that made it a crossroad was the conversation. of Hig Her Self telling me, If I panic, that would be the end. And that is fine, but my family would be done. cause we had just lost my brother not a year (it seemed) or three i think it had to be 1988/89/..and that is what made me take the other option, to calm down, and just keep the motion of swimming, no matter what, at the moment I was pointed to shore...I survived that. made it out the water and silently sat down. not a person noticed anything or amiss or asked a question

third time, was just in 2009, which is a very involved story whose first thread showed up in 2004...but anyway, the spirits came for me, for i had the temerity and the ignorance to take the brother who had died since 1987 to the door of light; and i was told beforehand it was dangerous business; told that because i was looking for help and support to do what needed to have been done, and by me. But instead all i got were warnings and dangersigns to leave it/ but i could not. it was not an option/ i was called and my brother was beseeching/tagg
ing me. Remember the incident like it was yesterday. They do come for you. And it is bizarre and unexplainable how you can be in two dimensions at the same time, and how folk stories can become real when you are living them. but I just got up, from sleep, wrapped in blankets, and ran. Yes blankets/its cold up in the mountains at night.. I slammed onto the floor and sat their stunned in disbelief.

But let me tell you something. when you travel that near and dangerous; that connected to death and released from its clutches, you become bold/ you know of a strength, belly and mettle. not to test the edges, but knowing that you good for the gauntlet

three times they came for me, but yet I live. IS who child I am, or hoards that keeping me/ still

Alvin made me write hear him talk of his constant friend through life, death
Since a youthful twenty three have i been knowing death and the dead. Before that, it was my grandmother at my 9. the first one I know to hearsay she say, "that is my chile"

As'e ase Ashe
three or four major life crossroads have been re/playing in my mind over the last few weeks and days...

1. my not accepting Edgar Ridley's offer to work at his NYC Management Consulting Co in 2000;
2. not to accept Jabulani Thangase's of Thabani Wines, offer that I move to Cape Town from the Chicago Food
does it seem around the same timeline? 2000;

the other two seem less definitive Nos than an incapacity to conceive, implement; or tied to an idea that i was still striving toward; or for the fact that it was just the outworking of factors...

3. moving south in 1988;
4. not putting my household in storage and just getting in the car to zigzag the ride chasing sunsets in 2003

But i was weak then/ weak and tired/ no such explanations/excuses for the others

i wonder how lack of memory, change of memory will refine these reflections. #nevereverlookback

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Life as a Veritable Circus of Distraction, a Muse

Musing on Distraction
How Distraction takes away from Growth, Development and Personal, Professional and Self Actualization Aspirations
How Distraction Bars from Enterprise Development and Entrepreneurial Endeavors
Is it the Distraction, involvement in Distractions, or the Person that is the Barrier?
Distractions such as Film, Food, Photography, Art, Painting, Liming, Sleeping, Networking,

As I ponder the condition and status of my life as where it currently stands in trajectory of where I came from and where I want to go. Then refining thought on what are my obstacles, barriers, challenges as I summon up the bravery to tell the truth of my success or failure that at midlife I am still a late bloomer, clueless as to my life work and purpose, I somehow focus on the predomination of distractions.

Distractions did not even emerge as its stand alone factor, but enmeshed in a larger context of ‘what have I done all these years’ and see all my life existence and involvements were one prolonged, ongoing series and puzzles of distractions. My predomination with striving, struggling, fighting against demons, and enemies everywhere; that when I found myself on the margins and self alienated from populations and masses, I consoled myself with food, solitude, films and movies, documentaries, books, a 2000 book library I built and reading, reading, reading; and then for a time, traveling and dotting the world; becoming this idea of artistic alternative bohemian and what held all this together was a web of educational pursuits that began in 1988 when I returned to school to do a Masters. So for fourteen years I pursued graduate degrees, and when I could not find work with a PhD in Development Economics, I returned to the Caribbean of my birth but after thirty two years of being an emigrant, my status remained, full of talent and potential with an unending fount of idea creations, I remained mired in Distractions. Distractions have been my succor. My means of a dead survival’; the means of which I stayed alive personally but was disastrous professionally, socially; for even as I did all that/. This, I was in essence a hermit, so that too is a distraction. I see that my life has been stalled and growth stagnant for distractions. I have been pondering this for the last few days ever since the word came to me in quiet consciousness as I pondered, how and why of my reality and status.  How has this halted my growth?

Was my growth ever in train? Beyond education, did I ever do anything that was growth oriented?
And I think the truth of the matter is that I was never living with a mission. I was just bouncing, floating, roiling and flowing with life and opportunity. I think the fact is that distractions only happen, take hold and become institutionalized, as they did in my life, when one is absent any groundedness, lost to any goal or mission. I realize that my only goals in life were one to be a doctor as a child; and two, to finish the school I started after I realized I was totally out of my elements, interests, collective, without network and support, but I refused to quit; and just aimed to finish and move on. Just that “Moving On” had no picture, clarity, direction. I think these factors culminating are fertile Petri for distraction.

And this is the fog of reality I merge from at midlife. Having a life where I never had a thought for money, never cared about money, never a concern. At midlife when it is neither saved, invested, growing, stored, nor shows up in constant unbroken flow; and absent to list as any asset, save my self and my brain, I see the follies of my youth. The question then becomes how does one grow at mid life, mid stage, when one is seemingly, so far behind the curve? All because of the circus of distraction my life.

In recent years, I can see consistent themes that pop up in my history. My interest, coaching, support and involvement in Entrepreneurship is one. It is said of me that I am very ambitious, enterprising and creative. All of that but yet still, I seem to come up short in how to make my ideas grow into endeavors.
Beyond helping others in their entrepreneurial endeavors, which too, is a Distraction, I have decided, my dream is to be a Money Making Driving Growing, Saving, Investing, as Manna and Rain Falling Entrepreneur. I ask myself, why this has not happened. I feel beyond the pieces I may not have, it is because of how I fill the spaces in my life when I am not on and in active search and pursuit of my goals and objectives: Distractions. / Beyond not having the multimillion of dollars to fund my many grand schemes and ideas.  For instance, my latest dream is to create a multi activity edutainment center in the central part of my country that includes an aquarium, an arboretum, a museum, an observatory roof deck, bowling alley, skating rink, electronic game arcade, jazz supper club, automated recording studio, cafĂ© and restaurant. And this is seminal of many if not all my social entrepreneurship, business or financial ideas…Massive in both costs and resource structure. Usually though, my ideas for business are not for the sole aim of making money but to build, grow, nurture and develop human beings, their skills, capacities, innovation, and creativity as well as thinking abilities.

Then I think am I qualified to do so, for I have not been any of those things, sufficient enough to take me out of my subjugations (and distractions). I am now discovering the power of distractions. The revelation is a scary prospect. For if my attempts to self determination in entrepreneurship are lacking and I give up my distractions, then where will I be? Will the multimillion dollars I need for the complex show up immediately? Will the goal of making my first million this year 2011 occur? Or what of my recent quote of three million to show up, mainly as restitution for all my works, products, production for my life thus far: the package that is my art work, my writings, essays, poetry compiled in nine volumes; my photography from my travels, my greeting cards and posters made from my art and photographs. Will that happen quicker sans Distractions used to keep my alive above despondent and my soul sailing with hope, as well as my heart buoyed sans the love it has never had?

Where-from, my long lost Growth, Actualization and Fulfillment? Is the cost and price, really my distractions?
The whole idea of this revelation on Distraction was that for their presence, I have not spent the time, energies and resources required to find my salvation, to search for saviors, to identify the means by which I march and build myself what it is I want. But the trajectory of thought is not so direct. Are there jobs I did not take because I preferred to stay home with my distractions, I don’t think so.
Were their opportunity costs to my distractions? Of course; that is how life works. What we are not doing is at the cost of what we are doing.  And that is the point, even if I cannot map it out.. I will continue to muse on this issue to see the clarity that comes…how to get rid of my distractions so that my goals and dreams move closer. To reality. Within reach. To manifestation. Now rather than later.


how i always thought all my life that i can do it alone; that i needed no one
the absence of teams, support and networks
the absence of those accomplished in the dreams of my life in my surrounding

Monday, August 15, 2011

Origins of Directions or Mis...

this is a blog and a book needing to happen

"I’ve worked mostly closely with two amazing Trinidadian feminists, Rhoda Reddock and Pat Mohammed. I strongly believe both are super people who somehow build institutions, handle admin, teach students, participate in activism, produce reams of published work, and literally help invent a Caribbean feminist scholarship that didn’t exist before"

Gabrielle Jamela Hosein

Marching to 2013

How can one be a writer and fail to write? Especially when such rich material abounds?

Attending/Observing/Passive Co-Hosting a Young Women's Entrepreneurial Camp that was mis-named,  poorly constructed, lacking orientation, introduction or guidance, but yet still the host gets to say in a banana republic landscape that an inaugural program was implemented as if it were a success; but here success is determined by appearance, clocking in and certificates; content, outcomes, followups and learning unrequired. And in that same program, a field trip turns into a complete social disaster for the lack of proper protocols, introductions, guidance and information of the supposedly knowledgeable to the initiates, resulting in host cuss out to all and sundry, parents madvex and attendee pullouts. Out of eleven participants the first day,  to fifteen the second day, the program closed with seven young women. Yes, a success. Yet, despite all this material, I am not writing.

Perhaps I am tired observing all the infamy and dysfunction of myths, lies and self-delusions of this place. Perhaps, I wish not to write another tome of another failure I am privy to stare in shock and state in bewilderment to find the words to describe and justify. How do these things happen? How is it all possible, I ask myself as I type?

But what makes me come to write today, is Hollis "Wayne" King, who I met this weekend, after being told of him for some time by his mother and my cousin, says to me a variety of things between the two days I have encountered him: That "i need to do something with my hair"; That "we need to sit and talk; privately"; That, "I see various things about you: you are ambitious; you are frustrated"; and finally caps it with an assignment that is a question - "in preparation for when we meet, I want to ask you to consider a question and have an answer for me, "what do you see yourself doing in 2013?"

I come to write it down now. My thoughts and insights. I just considered: "Being paid to write". Then I realize, I just need income: anything that will provide me sustenance and that will not make me want to blow my brains out"

But when he said it to me last night, I first considered, "I want to make money" or, I can be in a house, i  am not sure where, but I am just writing, being paid to write". I need want dream for multimillion dollar book deals. For my nine volumes of poetry. For my recipe books. For my collection of three essays. For the development of an ethnographic muse and exploration starting with From Margin to Center. But it is more than that. I want to be a brand. And want the means, backing, funding to produce a multi product empire that includes and integrates my art and the products therefrom emerging: posters for now but i can see mugs, student notebooks, journals, etc. And then within the last few days, i get the message in a dream to do sculpting...not sure. not clear...

Then I think of all my entrepreneurial dreams, projections and aspirations. To own a restaurant, jazz supper club, cafe.  And the latest multimillion dollar project and idea: a family orientated multiple entertainment  complex that holds an aquarium, skating rink, bowling alley, arboretum, meditation garden, restaurant, club and roof observatory.

And when we talked, Hollis asked me when I was replying to him, "Did you hear what you just said?" and I said, what? That i want to return to New York? For I do? But, am I to really be in New York when in fact a spirit man will tell me to get five morrocoys for my living, livelihood, well being and prosperity? People in hell want ice water, and youths in UK want trainers, but will I riot and destruct for New York>? Where do i belong for my healing and well being is my question. Who do I belong with, for I realize I am just around deceitful people and embedded in a deceptive ugly culture and society.

So the question Hollis asks me challenges me to dig deep and explore my thoughts/. he did say that it required bravery and courage. I will take bravery. couRage has too long been my demise, I think. The reason for my ineffectiveness and stagnancy. I wonder now and actually believe my going to the bush, to build a shack and squat is just an escape hatch. I realize that I am broken, afraid and without the mettle to start over, so much failure has followed me for so long, in the midst of my apparent successes.
My living so hard and bold with so much fire and determination down a dead end road has left me traumatized I think. I have a new condition, totally hidden post traumatic distress, disorder and life dysfunction. Total stagnancy. How long can one tread in the same place and still not get to China?

I realize I am afraid to be around people. And certainly afraid to be around cabal and networks. The chatter, gossip and talk it inspires, I would rather do without. So even to talk openly with Hollis presents some challenges.

Challenges and Barriers/Box me In and Out
And this supposedly is the time when my planets align to free me; where the clouds shift and move to clear my skies; where all my bounty lies. This time. Of obscurity and confusion; absence and prolonged suspensions.

Yet, I still dream and claim my 3Million by December as I march to 2013


I read this link and article, entrepreneurs/, and realize I above all else I want to be an Entrepreneur. This list and article also tell sme that in fact, I am a Remarkable Entrepreneur; just sans team, right environment, and absent any one around me whose life I wish to live or lead... with work that leads to zero profit i can do anything with; and scared as hell of failing, which i appear to be doing with aplomb. Nevertheless, here i am, channeling still aspirations...

Post PostScript
Aquarius horoscope for Aug 15 2011 by DailyHoroscope

You are not in control of a certain situation now, Aquarius, and that may be bothering you. Because you believe yourself to be both knowledgeable and wise in a particular area, you naturally believe that you would be the best person to make a critical decision, or to guide others. But you don't have that option. However, if you remain confident, compassionate, and patient, you will have your chance to shine. A reversal of fortune is in the offing, and that good fortune will be yours if you don't give up.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

One of My Favorite Poems that Fills my Heart and Salves my Soul by a man and a poet whose name is that of my country


A question Chicanitas sometimes ask
while others wonder: Why is the sky blue
or the grass so green?
Why am I so brown?

God made you brown, mi'ja
color bronce--color of your raza, your people
connecting you to your raices, your roots
your story/historia
as you begin moving towards your future.

God made you brown, mija
color bronce, beautiful/strong,
reminding you of the goodness
de tu mama, de tus abuelas, your grandmothers
y tus antepasados, your ancestors.

God made you brown, mi'ja
to wear as a crown for you are royalty--a princess,
la raza nueva, the people of the sun.
It is the color of Chicana women--
leaders/madres of Chicano warriors
luchando por la paz y la dignidad
de la justicia de la naciĂłn, Aztlan!

God wants to understand . . . brown
is not a color . . . it is: a state of being
a very human texture
alive and full of song, celebrating--
dancing to the new world
which is for everyone . . .

Finally mi'ja
God made you brown because
it is one of HER favorite celebrations!​ki/Trinidad_Sanchez

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


i wake up with the word, concept, idea and architecture of alignment on my mind

of hip to shoulder
of spine
of mind to heart
of heart to hand
of word to deed
of actions to seasons
of sun to north
of moon to south
of the stars to season
of time to dimensions
of earth to universe
of feet to ground
of spending to income
of desires to ability
of truth to reality
of denial to zero
of life to flow
to within
to higher energies
to what is
align yourself to happenstance

when both your passions and priorities are on pause
be aligned
dedicated consciousness is required
to be aligned

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Mysteries of Life, the World, Prayer and Fortunes ~ Where, How and From Whom, Emancipation?

The Mysteries of Life, the World, Prayer and Fortunes ~ Where, How and From Whom, Emancipation?

Today is Emancipation Day in Trinidad and Tobago, the celebration of the freedom of African peoples from slavery, so -called/ or just of a kind. But I ask, emancipation from which slavery? When did that occur? What are the signs and proof of that Emancipation? Is it in the way we treat, make way, support and uplift one another? Do we? or Don't?

From my personal record we are not emancipated; we have yet after all these hundreds of years to confer a full understanding of freedom/ definitely that s a human handicap but moreso for those who were colonized, shackled and robbed of ancestors, born land associated culture and mind. I assert that we are in fact more enslaved than before. For back then, we had the shackles to dissuade our delusions. This time. this year, we may have money, vehicles, status among pigs, positions amidst curs and parliamentary musical chairs as a cacophony of noise to mask the bitter truth.

Emancipation is absent a consciousness, the required awareness and knowledge when it is not even a dream far less reality. I know it is those that look like me who have harmed me, who have sought to restrict and remove my freedoms; who have sought to thwart my way, squash my reward, deny and reverse my preparations. It is those who look like me, non and unknown to family but kin carrying my maternal family name who have poisoned my food. I know it is those who look like me, who mistrust and misunderstand me; sought to scheme and rob me of the money they thought I had more than them/ theirs.

It is the child who looked like me who snatched Maria's bracelet from my right hand. It is those who look ike me who have refused to give me work and livelihood in the land of my birth. The folk, so-called who fought to give black people work in banks, who decreed never shall she work with us in this town. It is their sons who seek women who do not look like me or their mothers. What part of that is Emancipation? But I guess they think they ingratiated the right and authority to take over from massa, to design and decree who shall and who shall not. Ask Tracy.

Nevertheless, despite a long and winding story I can tell of Black folk, women and men in Trinidad and the Tobago, this morning's meditation emerged from my prayer and conversation to God and The HigHerSelf...I was beseeching the LadyLord for things: for my own comfort, for my own provisions. And then I realized, LadyLord, Have Your Way...thinking, I may want a home in grass land, in the forest green, to grow food, to be held, beheld, and groomed by nature, but perhaps it is elsewhere they want me, like in town, among the beasts, buildings and grime deceit of a city.

Then I thought of how I have observed provisions bestowed to others, by others. We are told to pray, to seek prayer for what we want, but I have seen and known how it is humans who make a way, say a word, tell a story, give a testimony, ask and beseech on the behalf of those they love and care. My mother asked her uncle to leave and will his house to the daughter who lived with him. The other is already married with her own fortunes chosen. That was provision provided and bestowed. Without praying. To anything or anyone outside of family who know stories, truths, realities, histories, affinities, their own lives and dynamics.  And if those around and about you cant speak and intercede for you, then who?

That to me is Emancipation. Even if it is not a closed circle. For my mother was Emancipated enough to hold power. Use her influence. See a need. Keep her authority. Have a voice. And speak into being what should be/ to speak the interest of another, coming up behind her. For often if we stay silent any agenda is in intrained, fills a gap, or absence/ empty space will always be filled. By what, by whom, by whose interest, to what effect, to what outcome are the questions the mindful asks every minute of every day. That is politics of life making. The open side of the circle is that my cousin has yet, after more than time and despite her Orisa priesthood, her so-called education and exposure , history, mother, family affiliations, sense and propriety, to show up to thank my mother for paving her way.  That is lack of Emancipation.

Stories like this weigh on my mind, make me to wonder what is this Emancipation about/ this holiday then in this land, when those who grew up steeped in the culture, formed of the culture, never left and know all the knicks, nooks and crannies of this northern east west corridor story, are the pillars of the celebratory cauldron, but miss the foundational libations, blessings, gratitutde and pourings and outpourings. Then it is just the art of poseur, masque and more costumed carnivalia, is it not? Both on the personal, and the public processional? For as I write, in silent background playing, depictions of some ritual on the Promenade with the pouring of ketchup and somehow i think - what a grave error and injustice out of tradition and made up waverings...if you pour libations to and for me, please do not come with anything manufactured, just of the earth's bounty and her creature's natural weavings. More proof of the staging of lies, ignorance and delusions that fool the masses of the ignorant; into scenes of what looks good, no character, no truth, holding no life nor water of birth.

And so I continue pondering, What is Emancipation, and celebrated by those who require, ask, seek and bitch to get emollient from the government. How is that not different from receiving an off day from Massa and the plantation and he giving the meats and treats for the field's night celebration> Where is the self direction? The Self Determination? And are we still bought and sold, on different blocks with Massa's money. This year, 2011, The Year of the Descendants of African People, 2. 4 Million? And still they need ask for more, a house, a center? From where and what have they done the Thirty one years or less, hence?

So you see my muse this Emancipation morning then? My flummox. My confusion. Where, How and From Whom, Emancipation? Clearly from what I see, it comes from the minds and hands of the righteous men and women/ Or is it that The Great One of the Unversals puts it in the hearts of these uprighted persons to act as they do? If so, then often enough it is absent, absconded, vacuous and treachery instead. The plan and life is to 'Make them feel they are free, the sheep, while we ever increase the shackles, pacifications and maladies of those asleep, incapable of seeing and thinking.

So you see then why Life, the World, Prayer and Fortunes are Mysteries? We are told and taught one thing, but I have seen fortunes made and destroyed by the men and women roaming the land, by their deeds, misdeeds and do-nothing, absent agency, another agenda is enacted. Whoever is out the gate, off the plantation, and not considered, loses; or those who are considered, but, thwarted. It all emerges from the minds, hearts and deeds of men/women/. Tell them to prayer and take their land is the famous African tenet.

Emancipation is left to the vagaries and differences within the minds, hearts and intentions of men and women/ It always has been: the love they have, were given or lost to, that they share or withhold, in bitterness or sweetness of fortunes. I only wonder of the karma, curses, protections, and shields that flow in between the spaces of those of us watching and witnessing.

Witnessing . Witnessing the lies and the aftermath. The wakes and the costs of the lies we are told, dead alive, dead asleep/ walking jumbies, waking demons, weeping douens of no eyes, the other three hundred sixty four days. to repeat again. Independence comes next (August 30).

The Mysteries of Life, the World, Prayer and Fortunes ~ Where, How and From Whom, Emancipation?