Sunday, February 12, 2012
Whitney ~ Stars Fall From the Sky
Whitney died at 48. I just turned 47 on Monday past, February 6th
"Let Whitney tribute what i would do for the Grammys tomorrow." (today)
NYC Journalist just Inboxed me that Whitney Houston died.
and I thought she was writing to tell me Whitney Houston needs a writer.
wish i could run out to somwhere, to someplace, full of Whitney a flash mob of all her hits.. i would so do that. Need to do that..Whitney just phucked up my evening and my Chocolat reverie
"cacao holds the power to unfold hidden yearnings and reveal destines"
evidently I am not drinking enough or the right kind or raw enough cacao.
and i am angry at Whitney. I have no information but this is not seeming like an accident. the timing is too peculiar...night of Clive Davis/ dinner, night before Grammys...and not like I was entwined with sister/ gave her up long ago when i realized she was just ghetto dressed up
and I do get to say and be truthful, with no fear, I was on the turnpike with sister
hope the path she now takes brings her peace
sad/ from the heights of joy to/and pain, and,
where do broken hearts, souls and pieces go?
Peace Whitney.
the words 'your love is my love' comes to mind...and then i think of her song.
How Apt.
Music video by Whitney Houston performing My Love Is Your Love. (C) 1998 Arista Records, Inc.
is a black wombman's pain universal?
cause why do I have tears for Whitney
even as I am mad at her
And been dismissed her, for years now?
Life is Wild. and you gotta live long enough
to surprise yourself
Nandi Keyi-Ogunlade I feel the same way. Totally amazed that I feel this profound sadness at this.
Melville Foster It's like taking an ax and destroying a Steinway.
Malcolm Arnold some one who has touched the very soul of so many will always be mourned --as it should be Let us celebrate her and the star she reached and not concentrate on her individual human struggles
Richard Ian Jay for potential unrealized.
Malcolm Arnold The old man , " Master have I learnt all my lessons in life ? Master " no my son you are still alive ! she reached her full potential

Maven Huggins was just thinking of that but not in that way. i did actually realize there was no more road for her to reach. i did realize unless she fixed herself even if alive she was not going to create any more muse or anything for that matter, it appears; and then i twas stunning that could be so for a mere 48 year old with such a voice
I see one us humans tell ourselves stories for what we do not know and cant understand/ but likewise, for trying to posit fill in and complete stories...when they just may be dangling threads
Malcolm Arnold ANd , do we need to know all .Where knowing finishes FAITH starts
Malcolm Arnold and this is our own personal version of FAITH . NOT blind faith following another's words or explanations
Chris Love Because, regardless of color and gender, it grieves us to see someone who had the capacity to shine so brightly, to lighten us with music; someone who had such incredible control of voice, give in to the quicksand of dark people who suck others dry and leave them as a shell of what they once were.
Maven Huggins funny too
I had to stifle the impetus to get up and tell dat...through the paul riveire..and had to remember where I was and who I am around...
i feel this is kind of a second michael jackson but not really...she was never as deep as he...just another tragic black chick, with talent blown
and some of us are struggling to make it. others blow it . on their backs, through their nose, by their choices. gdmanit
maybe this can be a balm for the ache in your soul.
May Whitney Houston's soul rest peacefully. She spread so much light: I remember that early video of her in the white dress singing "The Greatest Love," and it was like she was an angel. Gratitude and praise for her existence, and prayers that she find happiness now. On the human plane a true tragedy, but here's to knowing that God gets the final say...
Maven Huggins
girl, i am just sitting here trying to process...the palpable ache in my soul. you bring the exact words.
then it gets me to thinking how we better know and learn what is pain and what to do /how to treat with it, lest it destroys us, either quickly or slowly...
know how to be at peace at all and everything, in every moment. attached to nothing, either or.
and I have learned from walking on the dark side, having to go there for loved ones, that happiness nor peace is not promised in transition or death. Many who pass on are roaming this earth, tormented, unawares, struggling to get back. I do not make up what I am writing...i lived it with my brother, the one who passed in 1988.>>>
But love you Chantalle for any case, no matter what it is, we have no power, and I do as in all things, give it to a higHer Power and the Light...
I think of my brokenheartedness and think of those her crew, friends and family as they circle a shot at the beverly hills hotel, aljazeera
Maven Huggins shared a link.
Music video by Whitney Houston performing It's Not Right But It's Okay. (C) 1999 Arista Records Inc.
Masego Makepe Yes. She should have left Bobby after 72 days of marriage. He introduced her to all this poison. Her music changed too reflecting the mess she was in. But like most women she stayed too long to her demise, making excuses for herself...I mean, how can it not be rite but be ok. Hell no. Ke tshaba Satan!

Maven Huggins hey. i just happy there are more harsh truth writers than I/ I agree
see I wrote that black folk need an intervention; and perhaps black women in particular. see how common this story. anyway you want to dice or slice: Bad Choices, Bad Associations, A Sliding Slope to Destruction and the JoyTrauma of the Demons all the Happy way ..
how do we make peace with the conditions and experiences about us?
Son of Baldwin asks, "who should pay tribute to Whitney Houston?"
and I have two responses/questions
one, is the world upside down and turned in on itself when the old must stand in for the young? I think of Aretha Franklin/
second, what of the world when even the young and younger are all gone? I think ..of the English soul chick rail thin bouffant hair who drank drugged herself to death (Amy Winehouse)
who pays tribute to Whitney should have some measure of that woman's grit and rough I say, turnpike/ the funny thing is though that there is no one like Whitney; the only one close to her was decades older and just died, Ms. Etta James. She was rough, ghetto before there was the term; and it was polished over for the audience; since then no one has been like Whitney; straight ghetto but packaged and created as a pop vehicle fooling people. so eVeryone was shocked at here association with Bobby...failing to see that water always gets to its level.
then I get to a whole new and different class of folk, from across the ocean.
many sever breaks and disconnects
when Dr. Drew picks you up, your story is written
when EuroNews is ticker taping you, and,
AlJazeera has full coverage-- with a bitingly harsh bitter revealing interview with an English Entertainment Journalist/Columnist, Rob Shuter
"her reality show, Mrs. Bobby Brown showed the truth and dropped the veil that Clive and the record company kept hidden for decades..." (go back to what I glibly mentioned...
You Know you are BIG
Black Folk Need an INTERVENTION
Black History Month
Don and Whitney
Ticker is Rolling
Whitney Houston's Publicist is saying, "no one is surprised, though shocked"///news report..911 call... this is as I suspected....
we need an intervention
Whitney died at 48. I just turned 47 on Monday past, February 6th
"Let Whitney tribute what i would do for the Grammys tomorrow." (today)
NYC Journalist just Inboxed me that Whitney Houston died.
and I thought she was writing to tell me Whitney Houston needs a writer.
wish i could run out to somwhere, to someplace, full of Whitney a flash mob of all her hits.. i would so do that. Need to do that..Whitney just phucked up my evening and my Chocolat reverie
"cacao holds the power to unfold hidden yearnings and reveal destines"
evidently I am not drinking enough or the right kind or raw enough cacao.
and i am angry at Whitney. I have no information but this is not seeming like an accident. the timing is too peculiar...night of Clive Davis/ dinner, night before Grammys...and not like I was entwined with sister/ gave her up long ago when i realized she was just ghetto dressed up
and I do get to say and be truthful, with no fear, I was on the turnpike with sister
hope the path she now takes brings her peace
sad/ from the heights of joy to/and pain, and,
where do broken hearts, souls and pieces go?
Peace Whitney.
the words 'your love is my love' comes to mind...and then i think of her song.
How Apt.
Music video by Whitney Houston performing My Love Is Your Love. (C) 1998 Arista Records, Inc.
is a black wombman's pain universal?
cause why do I have tears for Whitney
even as I am mad at her
And been dismissed her, for years now?
Life is Wild. and you gotta live long enough
to surprise yourself
Nandi Keyi-Ogunlade I feel the same way. Totally amazed that I feel this profound sadness at this.
Melville Foster It's like taking an ax and destroying a Steinway.
Malcolm Arnold some one who has touched the very soul of so many will always be mourned --as it should be Let us celebrate her and the star she reached and not concentrate on her individual human struggles
Richard Ian Jay for potential unrealized.
Malcolm Arnold The old man , " Master have I learnt all my lessons in life ? Master " no my son you are still alive ! she reached her full potential

Maven Huggins was just thinking of that but not in that way. i did actually realize there was no more road for her to reach. i did realize unless she fixed herself even if alive she was not going to create any more muse or anything for that matter, it appears; and then i twas stunning that could be so for a mere 48 year old with such a voice
I see one us humans tell ourselves stories for what we do not know and cant understand/ but likewise, for trying to posit fill in and complete stories...when they just may be dangling threads
Malcolm Arnold ANd , do we need to know all .Where knowing finishes FAITH starts
Malcolm Arnold and this is our own personal version of FAITH . NOT blind faith following another's words or explanations
Chris Love Because, regardless of color and gender, it grieves us to see someone who had the capacity to shine so brightly, to lighten us with music; someone who had such incredible control of voice, give in to the quicksand of dark people who suck others dry and leave them as a shell of what they once were.
Maven Huggins funny too
I had to stifle the impetus to get up and tell dat...through the paul riveire..and had to remember where I was and who I am around...
i feel this is kind of a second michael jackson but not really...she was never as deep as he...just another tragic black chick, with talent blown
and some of us are struggling to make it. others blow it . on their backs, through their nose, by their choices. gdmanit
maybe this can be a balm for the ache in your soul.
May Whitney Houston's soul rest peacefully. She spread so much light: I remember that early video of her in the white dress singing "The Greatest Love," and it was like she was an angel. Gratitude and praise for her existence, and prayers that she find happiness now. On the human plane a true tragedy, but here's to knowing that God gets the final say...
Maven Huggins
girl, i am just sitting here trying to process...the palpable ache in my soul. you bring the exact words.
then it gets me to thinking how we better know and learn what is pain and what to do /how to treat with it, lest it destroys us, either quickly or slowly...
know how to be at peace at all and everything, in every moment. attached to nothing, either or.
and I have learned from walking on the dark side, having to go there for loved ones, that happiness nor peace is not promised in transition or death. Many who pass on are roaming this earth, tormented, unawares, struggling to get back. I do not make up what I am writing...i lived it with my brother, the one who passed in 1988.>>>
But love you Chantalle for any case, no matter what it is, we have no power, and I do as in all things, give it to a higHer Power and the Light...
I think of my brokenheartedness and think of those her crew, friends and family as they circle a shot at the beverly hills hotel, aljazeera
Maven Huggins shared a link.
Music video by Whitney Houston performing It's Not Right But It's Okay. (C) 1999 Arista Records Inc.
Masego Makepe Yes. She should have left Bobby after 72 days of marriage. He introduced her to all this poison. Her music changed too reflecting the mess she was in. But like most women she stayed too long to her demise, making excuses for herself...I mean, how can it not be rite but be ok. Hell no. Ke tshaba Satan!

Maven Huggins hey. i just happy there are more harsh truth writers than I/ I agree
see I wrote that black folk need an intervention; and perhaps black women in particular. see how common this story. anyway you want to dice or slice: Bad Choices, Bad Associations, A Sliding Slope to Destruction and the JoyTrauma of the Demons all the Happy way ..
how do we make peace with the conditions and experiences about us?
"Let Whitney tribute what i would do for the Grammys tomorrow." (today)
NYC Journalist just Inboxed me that Whitney Houston died.
and I thought she was writing to tell me Whitney Houston needs a writer.
wish i could run out to somwhere, to someplace, full of Whitney a flash mob of all her hits.. i would so do that. Need to do that..Whitney just phucked up my evening and my Chocolat reverie
"cacao holds the power to unfold hidden yearnings and reveal destines"
evidently I am not drinking enough or the right kind or raw enough cacao.
and i am angry at Whitney. I have no information but this is not seeming like an accident. the timing is too peculiar...night of Clive Davis/ dinner, night before Grammys...and not like I was entwined with sister/ gave her up long ago when i realized she was just ghetto dressed up
and I do get to say and be truthful, with no fear, I was on the turnpike with sister
hope the path she now takes brings her peace
sad/ from the heights of joy to/and pain, and,
where do broken hearts, souls and pieces go?
Peace Whitney.
the words 'your love is my love' comes to mind...and then i think of her song.
How Apt.
evidently I am not drinking enough or the right kind or raw enough cacao.
and i am angry at Whitney. I have no information but this is not seeming like an accident. the timing is too peculiar...night of Clive Davis/ dinner, night before Grammys...and not like I was entwined with sister/ gave her up long ago when i realized she was just ghetto dressed up
and I do get to say and be truthful, with no fear, I was on the turnpike with sister
hope the path she now takes brings her peace
sad/ from the heights of joy to/and pain, and,
where do broken hearts, souls and pieces go?
Peace Whitney.
the words 'your love is my love' comes to mind...and then i think of her song.
How Apt.
Music video by Whitney Houston performing My Love Is Your Love. (C) 1998 Arista Records, Inc.
is a black wombman's pain universal?
cause why do I have tears for Whitney
even as I am mad at her
And been dismissed her, for years now?
Life is Wild. and you gotta live long enough
to surprise yourself
cause why do I have tears for Whitney
even as I am mad at her
And been dismissed her, for years now?
Life is Wild. and you gotta live long enough
to surprise yourself
Nandi Keyi-Ogunlade I feel the same way. Totally amazed that I feel this profound sadness at this.
Melville Foster It's like taking an ax and destroying a Steinway.
Malcolm Arnold some one who has touched the very soul of so many will always be mourned --as it should be Let us celebrate her and the star she reached and not concentrate on her individual human struggles
Richard Ian Jay for potential unrealized.
Malcolm Arnold The old man , " Master have I learnt all my lessons in life ? Master " no my son you are still alive ! she reached her full potential
Maven Huggins was just thinking of that but not in that way. i did actually realize there was no more road for her to reach. i did realize unless she fixed herself even if alive she was not going to create any more muse or anything for that matter, it appears; and then i twas stunning that could be so for a mere 48 year old with such a voice
I see one us humans tell ourselves stories for what we do not know and cant understand/ but likewise, for trying to posit fill in and complete stories...when they just may be dangling threads
Malcolm Arnold ANd , do we need to know all .Where knowing finishes FAITH starts
Malcolm Arnold and this is our own personal version of FAITH . NOT blind faith following another's words or explanations
Chris Love Because, regardless of color and gender, it grieves us to see someone who had the capacity to shine so brightly, to lighten us with music; someone who had such incredible control of voice, give in to the quicksand of dark people who suck others dry and leave them as a shell of what they once were.
I had to stifle the impetus to get up and tell dat...through the paul riveire..and had to remember where I was and who I am around...
i feel this is kind of a second michael jackson but not really...she was never as deep as he...just another tragic black chick, with talent blown
and some of us are struggling to make it. others blow it . on their backs, through their nose, by their choices. gdmanit
maybe this can be a balm for the ache in your soul.
May Whitney Houston's soul rest peacefully. She spread so much light: I remember that early video of her in the white dress singing "The Greatest Love," and it was like she was an angel. Gratitude and praise for her existence, and prayers that she find happiness now. On the human plane a true tragedy, but here's to knowing that God gets the final say...
Maven Huggins
girl, i am just sitting here trying to process...the palpable ache in my soul. you bring the exact words.
then it gets me to thinking how we better know and learn what is pain and what to do /how to treat with it, lest it destroys us, either quickly or slowly...
know how to be at peace at all and everything, in every moment. attached to nothing, either or.
and I have learned from walking on the dark side, having to go there for loved ones, that happiness nor peace is not promised in transition or death. Many who pass on are roaming this earth, tormented, unawares, struggling to get back. I do not make up what I am writing...i lived it with my brother, the one who passed in 1988.>>>
But love you Chantalle for any case, no matter what it is, we have no power, and I do as in all things, give it to a higHer Power and the Light...
I think of my brokenheartedness and think of those her crew, friends and family as they circle a shot at the beverly hills hotel, aljazeera
Maven Huggins shared a link.
Music video by Whitney Houston performing It's Not Right But It's Okay. (C) 1999 Arista Records Inc.
Masego Makepe Yes. She should have left Bobby after 72 days of marriage. He introduced her to all this poison. Her music changed too reflecting the mess she was in. But like most women she stayed too long to her demise, making excuses for herself...I mean, how can it not be rite but be ok. Hell no. Ke tshaba Satan!
Maven Huggins hey. i just happy there are more harsh truth writers than I/ I agree
see I wrote that black folk need an intervention; and perhaps black women in particular. see how common this story. anyway you want to dice or slice: Bad Choices, Bad Associations, A Sliding Slope to Destruction and the JoyTrauma of the Demons all the Happy way ..
how do we make peace with the conditions and experiences about us?
Son of Baldwin asks, "who should pay tribute to Whitney Houston?"
and I have two responses/questions
one, is the world upside down and turned in on itself when the old must stand in for the young? I think of Aretha Franklin/
second, what of the world when even the young and younger are all gone? I think ..of the English soul chick rail thin bouffant hair who drank drugged herself to death (Amy Winehouse)
who pays tribute to Whitney should have some measure of that woman's grit and rough I say, turnpike/ the funny thing is though that there is no one like Whitney; the only one close to her was decades older and just died, Ms. Etta James. She was rough, ghetto before there was the term; and it was polished over for the audience; since then no one has been like Whitney; straight ghetto but packaged and created as a pop vehicle fooling people. so eVeryone was shocked at here association with Bobby...failing to see that water always gets to its level.
then I get to a whole new and different class of folk, from across the ocean.
many sever breaks and disconnects
and I have two responses/questions
one, is the world upside down and turned in on itself when the old must stand in for the young? I think of Aretha Franklin/
second, what of the world when even the young and younger are all gone? I think ..of the English soul chick rail thin bouffant hair who drank drugged herself to death (Amy Winehouse)
who pays tribute to Whitney should have some measure of that woman's grit and rough I say, turnpike/ the funny thing is though that there is no one like Whitney; the only one close to her was decades older and just died, Ms. Etta James. She was rough, ghetto before there was the term; and it was polished over for the audience; since then no one has been like Whitney; straight ghetto but packaged and created as a pop vehicle fooling people. so eVeryone was shocked at here association with Bobby...failing to see that water always gets to its level.
then I get to a whole new and different class of folk, from across the ocean.
many sever breaks and disconnects
when Dr. Drew picks you up, your story is written
when EuroNews is ticker taping you, and,
AlJazeera has full coverage-- with a bitingly harsh bitter revealing interview with an English Entertainment Journalist/Columnist, Rob Shuter
"her reality show, Mrs. Bobby Brown showed the truth and dropped the veil that Clive and the record company kept hidden for decades..." (go back to what I glibly mentioned...
You Know you are BIG
Black Folk Need an INTERVENTION
Black History Month
Don and Whitney
Ticker is Rolling
Whitney Houston's Publicist is saying, "no one is surprised, though shocked"///news report..911 call... this is as I suspected....
we need an intervention
Black Folk Need an INTERVENTION
Black History Month
Don and Whitney
Ticker is Rolling
Whitney Houston's Publicist is saying, "no one is surprised, though shocked"///news report..911 call... this is as I suspected....
we need an intervention
I stopped half way through an article about Whitney today. The pen or the person had allegiance to their structure, but didn't capture the struggle or the soul of our late performer. Perhaps without her guidance there are things we'll be guessing about, but also blessing about. I have deep and tumultuous affairs of my own to scrutinize and understand, my own vices to battle, my own struggle with balancing being eccentric with what is acceptable, normal and even celebrated. Rest in greater hands, Whitney.
Maven Huggins hm. i like your words...i can stand with them. In them. But i take the lesson, did so a long time ago, actually, to be extra careful with who I associate, assign, take in; to watch my choices, my paths...I was always afraid of catching a demise or destroying another, particularly in the case of having a child. I always thought something was wrong with me to be so careful about unperceived consequences, but I learned early I guess the case of unintended consequences and how immovable and irreversible they can be.
and that has been the path and the lesson here..
"I have deep and tumultuous affairs of my own to scrutinize and understand, my own vices to battle, my own struggle with balancing being eccentric with what is acceptable, normal and even celebrated."
I want to say "Yes" to your quote and continue with..."but let them and nothing destroy me"...I even channeled that last night when I posted about dealing with pain; knowing what to do and how to do that it is not our march to death...but the truth is dear Kahshanna, and I feel I can take the liberty to share my inner journey with you on your posts, I dont even do 'tumultuous", I live in a country where women regularly and daily pay for that mistake at the hands of their men...and not in the indirect way of Whitney either; but at direct violence
Its deep/ but i write cause i love the compassion you share here
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
From Piers Morgan TV SHow
Singer-songwriter Chaka Khan first recorded the single "I'm Every Woman," a song Houston took to new heights 15 years later. Calling the late star her "little sister," Chaka Khan questions the decision to proceed with Clive Davis' annual pre-Grammy party just hours after Houston's passing:
"I thought that was complete insanity," Chaka Khan tells Morgan. "I don't know what could motivate a person, to have a party, in a building, where the person, whose life he had influenced so enormously, and whose life had been affected by her...I don't understand how that party went on."
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
To See The Myth of All Things - Black History Month
iI Am and of The Journey People of The African Continent and its Islands
Some of us may even be from other plats and Planets, Interspecies
As such, my history predates the minute men and subjugators
Even though I may have largely personally escaped, I am still shackled by the least or those still, all unknown, without and within my gaze
Thus, my story exceeds a month of telling, much less so to even gather, and never in all these days, decades and centuries, been known or compiled by their various end threads. Farther and Further still, Truth
I am Not Black. Melanin itself is not; Those, they were created on your shores, under your economy and its lands creations. Not the start of my timeline.
In fact, we traveled, flew, sailed, moored and returned back a few times before you were born.
I came with the One Mother who birthed you, surely, surrey, you would see the folly of the child trying to write to limit the story of the ancients, beyond its suckling breasts, even.
Having come before you, I know Life. In your passion for self destruction and the patterns of mental illnesses of full sociopsychopathological dynamics, I shall also remain after you.
Place and Know yourself. I stand outside your Games and Annihilation Myths
"Half the Story has never been told" A man told me that on Monday, and he was neither citing Bob, nor the bible, but speaking what he lived with his own blood call and life.
from the Stone of Sincerity

Part TWO
may. be.
this February of 2011
is Soul Train February 2011
I am thinking..
and perhaps from now on till the end of time, each February can showcase the story, history, experience and journeypeople of deep melanin, of different lands, locations and titles to name...just a thought
as we reinvision and correct the vision and record; tell our own stories : THE NEW FRENCH SOUND OF BLUE-EYED SOUL Produced, composed, performed, arranged, recorded & mixed by Gilles Paulet. Discover the Video : MOONSHOES...
Some of us may even be from other plats and Planets, Interspecies
As such, my history predates the minute men and subjugators
Even though I may have largely personally escaped, I am still shackled by the least or those still, all unknown, without and within my gaze
Thus, my story exceeds a month of telling, much less so to even gather, and never in all these days, decades and centuries, been known or compiled by their various end threads. Farther and Further still, Truth
I am Not Black. Melanin itself is not; Those, they were created on your shores, under your economy and its lands creations. Not the start of my timeline.
In fact, we traveled, flew, sailed, moored and returned back a few times before you were born.
I came with the One Mother who birthed you, surely, surrey, you would see the folly of the child trying to write to limit the story of the ancients, beyond its suckling breasts, even.
Having come before you, I know Life. In your passion for self destruction and the patterns of mental illnesses of full sociopsychopathological dynamics, I shall also remain after you.
Place and Know yourself. I stand outside your Games and Annihilation Myths
"Half the Story has never been told" A man told me that on Monday, and he was neither citing Bob, nor the bible, but speaking what he lived with his own blood call and life.
from the Stone of Sincerity

Part TWO
may. be.
this February of 2011
is Soul Train February 2011
I am thinking..
and perhaps from now on till the end of time, each February can showcase the story, history, experience and journeypeople of deep melanin, of different lands, locations and titles to name...just a thought
as we reinvision and correct the vision and record; tell our own stories
may. be.
this February of 2011
is Soul Train February 2011
I am thinking..
and perhaps from now on till the end of time, each February can showcase the story, history, experience and journeypeople of deep melanin, of different lands, locations and titles to name...just a thought
as we reinvision and correct the vision and record; tell our own stories
MOONSHOES : THE NEW FRENCH SOUND OF BLUE-EYED SOUL Produced, composed, performed, arranged, recorded & mixed by Gilles Paulet. Discover the Video : MOONSHOES...
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