Shelly, HI
Can you tell me more about this financial consultant position?
My CV is attached. I never saw any previous.
14 hours ago
---------------------------------------------------> where did this person answer my question about the

I cannot accept your resume based on the structure of it sadly- but i do wish you the best in your future endeavors.
9 hours ago
yes. it is intense to read, huh?
=========================> note: i was being cheeky because the structure follows standard date, title, location insert, description/ it was not the structure that bothered her but the content, to read and her obvious incompetence to read above her head

too long and your areas are irrelevant, this position is for you to
give financial counselling to people to better their lives- and im sorry
that your resume does not match the requirement as it is not an
administrative position
note: now this woman is screening applicants for financial consulting and counseling. and she will say policy, planning, project management, economics, statistics and programs are "Irrelevant"
to financial consulting and counseling
me: "I do that now for a living ! as an independent!!!!'
maybe you dont know what economics and strategy and planning is about. but i understand. this place is filled with illiteracy.
i dont match the requirements. I exceed them"

you please stop messaging me? its bordering on harassment, you asked me
a question, i answered you, do you really expect anyone to hire someone
so arrogant? No wonder you are unemployed. please desist!
me: "so why are you answering idiot?
you complaining about messaging but you writing your ignorance.
Damn Right Arrogance. I studied for a living
you complaining about messaging but you writing your ignorance.
Damn Right Arrogance. I studied for a living
only inferiors identify arrogance.

answering to let you down politely, call me what you want- atleast I
know what i stand for and what I have, unlike you- who arent sure where
ur next plate of food will come from but you want to stay on fb an argue
with others- yes, way to use all that knowledge! its becoming clearer how you got those degrees you "profess" to have

my dear, but if making up an entire resume makes you superior to me
then by all means call me inferior... what else can you do? if it helps u
sleep better at night do as you please
me: "keep writing.
all i will say is that anyone who thinks policy, planning, strategy, economics and development are irrelevant to financial planning is more than an idiot . plain talk bad manners
care to stop writing now so I do not be described as harassing you?
the depth of your idiocy was to ask me why do i want to do financial planning with a phd?
darling, this twisted corrupt country is made for you.
have at it.
more ignorance: you know nothing about my life but want to tell me of "plate of food"? where you from the lagahoo?
i have wine on afternoons at chaud. no food. just wine.
I just had a whole fish, salmon, at 11pm. what did you eat today?
stupid woman you are."
me: "keep writing.
all i will say is that anyone who thinks policy, planning, strategy, economics and development are irrelevant to financial planning is more than an idiot . plain talk bad manners
care to stop writing now so I do not be described as harassing you?
the depth of your idiocy was to ask me why do i want to do financial planning with a phd?
darling, this twisted corrupt country is made for you.
have at it.
more ignorance: you know nothing about my life but want to tell me of "plate of food"? where you from the lagahoo?
i have wine on afternoons at chaud. no food. just wine.
I just had a whole fish, salmon, at 11pm. what did you eat today?
stupid woman you are."

see you have an innate need to be boastful and those are the ones who
have proven to always be the liars..it seems you googled that part about
the economic stuff cuz u use it repeatedly, careful they charge you
for plaigerizm inno, i cant wait to post this tomorrow in our outlook
group at sagicor- im sure everyone will have quite a fit of laughter-
thank you for such a comical yet harassing night- i will be sure to
share- i think i know why you dont have a job, too many people calling
you out on your lies- how would you ever be able to be somewhere
stable... im glad you drink wine, i just hope is not a bottle of eva you
coasting there on me lol... aww hun i am employed an i pay my own
bills, so even if i eat a cheese sandwich atleast i can rest assured it
is my hard earned money that bought it.. and not my false pride and
legs...but good luck tho im sure you reach where you are going so makes
no sense telling you to reach for the stars- youre already lonely and
dysfunctional... PS: i sympathise with you truly, maybe you should fix
your resume to tell the truth and more people will accept you, you
wouldnt have to ask me for a job

to that- u asked about employment and got an answer you could not
handle...which is very very sad- why would we ever hire you? You so
clearly do not have what it takes..this is my forum if i choose to
reject you kid, deal with it... thats your problem not mine and it makes
me wonder how small minded you are and coward and psychotic because I
was very polite about it... you have no one do you? and your life is
miserable, thats why you have to bother a perfect stranger? sigh im glad
i did not make a decision to process you , i would have deeply
regretted it. Amen Jesus!
3 minutes ago
me: "and you write again!WOW
i am glad to see i am so valid in your life. thank you. worthy of so much of your time. cheers
went off on you because you wrote my background is irrelevant to
financial management. and you are screening people for that field.
if that is not the eyeball of a jackass i dont know what is.
and you prove my point and this conversation is already on my wall and i am thinking of posting it to the jobs page...a whole host of you people screen and review people and paper that you have no qualifications to do so!
I dont mince words. Never have.
if that is not the eyeball of a jackass i dont know what is.
and you prove my point and this conversation is already on my wall and i am thinking of posting it to the jobs page...a whole host of you people screen and review people and paper that you have no qualifications to do so!
I dont mince words. Never have.
And no one has anything for me to prevent me
from telling them about
themselves. there are no sacred cows in my life even if you think you
have something i want."
me: "that you can take rejection-"
yes i can, and the best rejections are from those so substandard but judging others. totally incompetent to do so.
please make sure to post the whole conversation as I am and have ..."
me: "why
wouldnt they. they are your friends. you realize you cant stop talking
writing me. is there something i have for you my dear? something I can
help you with?"

dug up your profile some, your not even a trinidadian, the post was
only directed at locals bdw... but u continue on ur irrelevant rant, i
can see why you are acting the way you are acting now.. lol.. the
position bdw crazy person was for consultation- not management- clearly
you cannot even read and you are arging with me? i feel u are one of
those spammer men- who con people into giving out their information
inorder to make money to live.. stealing-theivery- so dont tell me about
how smart you are- try an find a legitimate job an quit your snakeness
me: "no
dear. you are the idiot. for you do not read , cant read and are
illiterate. many of my job inserts have been consultancies. that has
been my life. as an independent consultant.
This is not about the job.
I asked you one question...to tell me about the job and you never answered that. read from the beginning"
This is not about the job.
I asked you one question...to tell me about the job and you never answered that. read from the beginning"

definitly the con man- how do you feel stealing from people? imagine if
i had actually shared company information with you what you would have
done ?? u saw opportunity an took it- well suga i may not have a phd
which i know now u really do not have-but thank god for street sense

desist from messaging because at this point i will bring it up with my
manager as a breach of security weirdo-besides im a young person and its
disgusting to think that im talking with some old fogey who is
basically what we in trinidad call a "scammerman"
me: "i would love for your manager to contact me. I would have a wonderful conversation with him or her.
in this conversation you are the one who kept writing.
You went to sleep or night pass, morning came and you wrote me again. who is the provocateur here?
Please do refer this to your manager. I was hoping it would reach to that without me having to take it there. You are doing all the work for me.
If you write again after this....."

in this conversation you are the one who kept writing.
You went to sleep or night pass, morning came and you wrote me again. who is the provocateur here?
Please do refer this to your manager. I was hoping it would reach to that without me having to take it there. You are doing all the work for me.
If you write again after this....."