Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dear Oprah Harpo, Can you Hook a Sister UP?

To Harpo HookUps

I am a ... Jill of Trades, Skills and Talents and of an interesting peculiar fascinating heritage and life. 

I have a PhD in Development Economics; lived and worked in Africa (I wanted to be a Prof or House Marm at Oprah’s SA school). I am a writer (three essays book published, several essays and poems on the net), poet (nine volumes compiled), blogger, journaler 44 volumes) and a film script/novel writer; artist, photographer; chef and recipe book writer. I am an entrepreneur, social and monetary; and budding life coach. I am 46 and look 32 or maybe even 26 with the right location and clothing.
I have been watching Oprah since the day she went national in 1986. I remember the Newark Delaware basement I lived in waiting for my Bachelor degree program to end. And have followed her faithfully since then. Sometime in the 90s or so, I dreamt I would like to take over from her when her time shifted or ended; which is now; but my evolution itself has shifted…I dream just to be the me I am to be, and want to put that into the world; These requests for HARPO hookups are very much in aid of me manifesting those aspects of me that are kept within, outside the public domain.

I have lived many incarnations: five states, two countries, visited many more, and still waiting for my life purpose to sing.

I come from a line of healers and alchemists with the gift of the hand and mind to alter reality. A famous character in Trinidad and Tobago was an infamous Obeah man, PaPa Neezer was my great grandmother’s nephew and I recently learned that were originally freed American slaves who fought for the British in the American Civil War and were rewarded with land in Trinidad, British protectorate, and settled in what was known as the Companies. I want this story to emerge as we break barriers and boxes; and defy simple definitions of identity. It leads to a greater open discussion on Humanity as a way to bridge the world.

The first hookup I dream for is for Oprah to help me make a Trinidad and Tobago project, called MERIKIN, part of the Smithsonian plan for a National Black Heritage Museum, and for the Smithsonian to integrate the Trinidad MERIKIN Project into their overall Smithsonian Catalog in celebration of the International Year of African Heritage.
Because of my prolific writing, of various genres:
1.       EthnoHerstoriography:
a.       “From Margin to Center” published paper circulating in journals and net

b.      “Ant Bites” a novel I attempted that really is a film script. And a novel ingenious one at that: it is in the form of Latin American writers who write in short snippets, and the pieces may or may not represent a whole; It was my attempt at fiction but being so serious minded, all that emerged were my experiences returning to Trinidad and Tobago after thirty two years outside.

2.       My 44 Volumes of Journals
3.       My Nine Volumes of Poetry
4.       My two essays published in edited volumes in 2010: one on Obama, the other on International Literacy/.Illiteracy
5.       My blogs written for
6.       MY personal blog
The second Hook Up I wish for is to be set up with One, an Agent;’ and Two, a Major International Publishing House multi book and product deal, in several genres:
Inspirational Blank Journals utilizing my sayings and quotes, and photography,
my Memoir,
 Books of Poetry,
Recipe Books, (I have at least two), and
Series of Personal Life Journals..

“Ant Bites” is an n process collection. Each chapter tells of a separate personal interaction or story that illustrates the quality, tenor and challenge or beauty of life in the Tropics, Caribbean, of a Black mixed Heritage Woman. I got to over one hundred pages and realized it is more a film script than anything else, and this film would blow the industry and people’s minds, internationally, for we rarely ever if never see black women be so complex, so free, so liberated, so unmitigated, so accomplished and dynamic: In terms of culture, travel, and experiences.  

The Third HookUp I dream is for Ant Bites to be taken up by a producer, Executive Producer (Oprah), and made into the wonderful film it is waiting to be; and it be shown all across the globe and encouraged other women of color to write their stories, make their imagery of self, country and community; a way for women to reclaim and form their experiences
I believe I am a brand waiting to happen. My first entrepreneurial effort is ArtPost Trinidad © ® (2010) which is an art based content and communications company where I will use my art pieces, or create products for clients like greeting cards, calendars, journals, notebooks, bookmarks, mugs and other paraphernalia. 

I currently work as an International Consultant with the Government of Trinidad and Tobago, Ministry of Labour and Enterpise Development, writing an Entrepreneurial Program for Women. I also do this work personally, where I coach women in Enterprise Development and Strategic Mapping…

The Fourth Hook Up I dream of is to be connected to a RainMaker who will help me develop my entrepreneurial dreams and ideas:
1.       ArtPost Trinidad
2.       Cultural Entrepreneurship which is an internet based website where all cultural, creative and artistic work of Trinidad and Tobago or the Caribbean can be marketed, sold and supported;
3.       Cultural Entrepreneurship a Build Fellow Entity where independent entrepreneurs, and conscious creatives can have work space, spa, business center from which to build, create and operate their enterprises
4.       My Retreat/.Spa/ Restaurant
5.       My Organic Farm/Fishery and Cocoa Estate

Ideas 2. And 3. Above, I have held since 2004, when I petitioned the biggest private conglomerate in my country to fund the idea. He turned out to be another Bernie Madoff…of the Caribbean; Lawrence Duprey.
When I returned to Trinidad in 2003, my plans were always to live in the ‘bush’ and have my organic farm.

These ideas and dreams are not new. They have been fostered and held, morphed and carried for decades/. My dream to be an international published writer came years after I had been writing for a long time, and largely after Terry MacMillan blew up in the national consciousness…it was then I saw, one’s writing that has been labored over long and hard, can indeed bring the bounty.
For me, my thinking is, these are treasures, skills and talents I am sitting on, like a duck looking for a golden egg, not realizing, she has been hatching them all along.. I am merely seeking to do as the bible illustrates: we are poor for our inability to see our own talents..; and to make use of them.

The Fifth Hook Up I Dream for is with Oprah directly and through her media empire:
1.       To have my own show on OWN…
2.       To have my own radio show on Oprah Sirius
a.      Both Shows will platform International Focus; An Integration of the Human Experience
b.      The Issue of Women’s Lives and Issues across the Globe; and
c.       A Platform from which to leverage: my work on behalf of all women finding and building their total self actualization

I am Maven

Requested Hookups:
1.       To connect with Smithsonian and History Agencies and Academic Departments to make the MERIKIN National Heritage Trinidad Project manifest and materialize for the Year of International African Heritage ~ We are Americans in the Caribbean; We are Africans in the Americas; We are Mixed Heritage of the World (I am Venezuelan CocoPayol, African, Chinese, Native Indian, European White)
2.       Connection with a Writing Agent to advance my writing/publishing life
3.       Connection with a Publishing House for several book and project Deals – to make public my treasure trove of writings
4.       Connection with a Director, Executive Producer to make Ant Bites a film
5.       Connection with a Rainmaker to make and emerge my brand: Social Entrepreneurship and Conscious Creative
6.       Connection with Oprah for a show on OWN
7.       Connection with Oprah for a radio Show on Sirius

Thank you!! For years of Inspiration, Teaching and Enlightenment!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

"you should do a dream blog. . ."

  • I had an amazing dream last night. i was putting together a house that really seemed like a developed part of a warehouse with a huge floor space; and the rooms were large and grand. there was a bedroom, living room, dining room and library. no kitchen i saw...and as I was putting together my space...seemed as if a furniture store continued to put up if in a home..but it was a furniture store
    of the most exquisite wood and natural objects...and my dining table was the largest it has ever been...either i had or envisioned a meal there and remember trying to decide whether to sit the two of us end to end or end to corner, it was too long, but reminds me of old world tables where the ends are set and sitting and miles apart...the rooms were fabulous though. odd...a house of inside no out..

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Never Ending New Years

Esther St Aime

"Every time we rely on someone or something outside of us to provide us with love, success or happiness, we hand our power over. As soon as they don’t provide it we are defeated. Ironically, when we decide to be love, success and happiness, we easily attract the people, events and objects that supplement this state."

There are so many options. We have so many options for a New Year. It could be the Gregorian Calendar of January 1. It could be your birthday, mine is February 6th. Or the way i am feeling/thinking now, it can also be Carnival if you live in a Carnival culture, or New Orleans., So I think Ash Wednesday can be your New Year. And there is still Easter to come, for a New Year. Not that? Any number of religious holidays: Yom Kippur. Eid Mubarak, Divali

I am realizing that we have so many options to flip the script. I am flipping one tomorrow...that has been in process all weekend carnival long..."when we decide to be love, success and happiness,"

------------at 1:50am Friday, March 18th, as i switch off the computer, clarity comes/hits. this dream signifies: From no House to Ware House! the bounty cometh...and i call the morrocoys

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Find Y(Our) Voice

written by Maven MDHuggins
[mdhuggins (C) (R) (2002)]


Find Y(Our) Voice

Find your voice
Vocalize your experiences
Put words to your thoughts and feelings
Speak a word, of your disappointments, hurts and dissuasions,
they end up being inspiration.
Share your story of unclaimed love
Say how you have been dismissed and abused
Walk your past, being feeling unloved, invalidated, alone, insecure and unprotected.
Speak and release it all once and for all
State your vulnerabilities
Tell your complexities, of how soft you are yet resorting to violence, playful or not.
It is still acting the bad stuff out
Relate your fragility in what analogy
How you have become an anomaly
Speak a truth and create, accept and step into who you already are
Maybe finding love is not for your fulfillment
But to love others, the unlovables
The lonely, the broken.
Maybe they are to be your lovers.
Find your voice
Perhaps your voice will be ours, theirs
The only sound they can ever hear
The only wave that embraces their heart.
Find your voice, it is our voice that is in yours.

                                                                                    11:09pm 5/18/02

Poems from the Archives, 2003 :Liberation Women

Liberation Women

I was looking for a poem in honor and comradeship
To send to a Sister, a warrior, a new breed in an old ship
Enacting her passion and insight for our renewed commitment
To fight these myriad wars for our identities, survivals and enabling psychic realities
Where life is preferred and lived than death
And our children are nourished in spirit and truth, parented by example and deed
Not fed on, cannibalized, and decried, blowing un-owned like reeds
Where they grow on to be soldiers and sojourners of our legacies and life songs
Not burned out empty headed cogs
In this ongoing system of Western and White Supremacy
Where we fit the same fight every 25 years or beyond
For you see it is only the few that recognize
That victory is yet to be earned, burned and convicted in our hearts and minds
In words and law, only, it has never been a change of humanity
Therefore, there is the changing same, these things move like the wind
Or when ever the latest incarnation of evil surfaces

This is not the point

I was looking for words of redemption, accolades and spiritual exhortation
Couldn’t find a one, so I had to write my soul story to give as gift
In shared comradeship and applause
To a Sister traveling the same travail
This unending path to Black people’s liberation and fight to gain
In one moment of conscious awakeness
I heard her tell us it is time to be proactive
Strategize and build a plan
Before the next storm, rain, hurricane, washout, genocide or holocaust

This Sister, to whom and her efforts, I pledge my combined allegiance
What we might do together for our collective
Is unseen and cannot be minimized
For that, the promises and potentials are endless

So let me here, send you this letter and creed of friendship
To fight with pooled resources and in togetherness
One Liberation Woman in honor of another
Soon, if we keep compiling,
The army of us, like a nation’s women
We recreate our images
By then, we will have stopped the fight to survive
To begin to thrive
In the legacy and tradition of
A Liberation People by the hand and womb of its Women               3:56pm 03.29.03

Friday, March 4, 2011

Things Not People

interesting fascinating truthful fact:
things more than people have remained with me throughout my life:
 i was born out of wedlock
thus, my father did not own me. said he waited for me to come out to claim me
my mother was young, i realize now, she was in a different headspace and wonder as a grown woman if we ever bonded, of what it took me decades to grow knowing, I doubt
I was my grandmother's Maria; and the Baptiste clan: uncles and aunts, cousins and great aunts
I was taken from that at seven
lodged into a family i had no emotional connection to; and in fact, learned what starseed, dropins, meant./.i was always different and alien to them and everybody. that has not stopped.
I grew up isolated emotionally separated and privileged in a family unit
I went to college and left my home
my brother died at 18, I 22
My mother died when i was 30, she 49
I lived in three different states before I started travelling the world
I traveled the world for a living as a development economist
Rolling stone story.. gathers no moss, connections, plants no roots
I lived in five states before I returned to Trinidad
In Trinidad, place of my birth, i discover what it means to belong no where not even to whom and where you were born; owing to the much moving and travelling and the sensibilities one develops and picks up from expansion

All through that movement...the things I have that remained: are things, nor persons or relations. Heirlooms, Jewelry, Boxes, Bottles, Paintings to mark the time, The Jewelry the most significant. Through my life i have received something from everybody; almost everybody. Nothing from Aunt Lilla,...but she came to me when she died. I suspect she did that for none other.

I am made to think on I put on two gold chains that i integrated.linked, holding my childhood signet first.

Things not people have remained with me my whole life..


On being our Brother/Sister's Keeper...Protector

"Whazir, we have no idea what that means. it sounds good, reads good. people say it, but we dont know what that means...we dont know that when our neighbor trying to do a thing, is us, his family, friends, and neighbors of his inner circle to be first in line to give that support and fuel that effort. i learned that in recent months...start a project or business..and one learns quickly who is one's real friends...the people who do what ever little to support you...are...and they are often not the ones you expect...i hope i am not off point is if we cant do it for these innocuous situations, where do we find the bravery to speak to a mother or hold the hand of a father poised to beat again? and i think i said i would stop writing perspectives...i did not yet take my numbing medicine"

Surrender: To Give Up or To Let Go'; Or Both

who is the person entity within who answers our questions, thoughts, or gives us prompts and direction? this morning before waking, often my most active sleeping mind, i considered, "interesting the life coaching conversations within our heart mind", and then easy and immediate a black graphic with simple white words appeared. It read: "Surrender, I?" or something like that. And I am not clear. Not clear it really had a question mark, not sure the I was there. But surrender was. And I responded, "No, i will not surrender to anger, pain, despair, i have trouble and hesitancy writing hopelessness, and the lack of love"

If i think long enough, i am not sure what the surrender refers to; i just give up, and put on altar the emotions that are dragging me down and morphing my soul energy.

In an attempt to wrest back control, i thought i needed to stay away from this the local loci, fb is nothing but the total cesspit of all that is wrong in trinidad and tobago. who does not get affected by a steady diet of ugliness and negativity? and how to retreat away from it? i suspect, once again, this is the source, aegis and reason for shuts off what one cannot control; either that or pelts oneself into grand schemes of action and business toward futility. all vanity. balance is evasive

i wish i never thought so much


and that is the problem isn't it. surrender. I am still fighting. fighting surrender to be like the tide: deceitful;, dishonest, inauthentic, money driven, materialistic, to be inured, vacuous, asleep unconscious..i have not surrendered; and i have not surrendered to accept what is brought as normal

how do i leave the sheep and goats, and stop fighting...? that is the task before me

"Don't be a puppet (unless you're a Muppet)"
Maven Huggins that is precisely the problem Tracy. we are surrounded by muppets and puppets. the former have not been yet given a hand


Giving up or Letting Go

David Simmons for me, surrender is about letting go (not giving up). letting go of the negatives within and outside of us. it's about recognizing that we don't always have to be "in control" (which is a tired/tiring trope that gets repeated so much everyone thinks it's commonsensical to be in control) marianne williamson writes a lot about surrender.

Maven Huggins third piece...maybe i misunderstood surrender...some more to ponder--and it could mean this...cause i was thinking of altar and seeking help/release..

David wrote: "like the most important things in life, surrender is a paradox. letting go without necessarily giving up. we surrender to the authorities, to our lovers, etc. in that, there's our own willingness to give ourselves to someone else...and in that giving of ourselves (surrendering), i think, we come to a deeper sense of self, particularly as it's tied to a collective community."