Fidel's death reinforces something I know personally of and about death.
Can you imagine Fidel living through the coming tourism and annexation to US business interests? no. i cant either. And that tells me something I have seen before.
Old people, when they feel and believe, know and choose not to continue contending to oncoming freight train changes, they just ticket out. I saw it with my grandfather when my aunt decided to rebuild his house. A sense that their time is over, passed, they are now irrelevant, of no good, that anything or time more would be stations they have neither bearing or direction. I think the same for Fidel. I wont disimagine that Trump probably sent him out. Look at the american men he outlived, his many comrades who were felled by cia ploys...and to contend with trump. . him having lived through obama, also tells us something in hindsight.
go through comandante. go through general. you are indeed large/ exce-grande
thank you Fidel
thank you for Africa
thank you for training so many black african doctors from around the globe. we wont mind that by the time I tried to come and get training, you had stopped that global free program. but i thank you for the thousands you created to fill the world
your legacy is beyond measure. let no man or woman say different
"That time in 1987 when Fidel Castro sent Cuban troops to help Angola repel apartheid South Africa's invasion. Viva Cuito Cuanavale!"
Africland Post:
"I wanna let all Africans and black people in general know the truth. There is no one single foreign leader in this world who have done so much for our continent like Fidel Castro. Castro single handedly helped Africa fight colonialism by donating both soldiers and medical doctors to help not just one country but over dozen countries in Africa, from Congo to Cape verde, from Angola to South Africa. Do not buy into the western media labelling him as a dictator, this man has done way way much more that those who are pretending to be our friends and allies but only here to fill their pockets. Same western media and western governments listed Mandela as a terrorists until 2004, those same governments supported apartheid in SA and to small extent Namibia. Let's pay our respect to Castro because the man did right by us and we are forever grateful. Also, under Castro, Cuba is the only western hemisphere country to treat it's black citizens with dignity and equality, with many Afro-cubans becoming some of the world's best doctors."
thank you for Africa
thank you for training so many black african doctors from around the globe. we wont mind that by the time I tried to come and get training, you had stopped that global free program. but i thank you for the thousands you created to fill the world
your legacy is beyond measure. let no man or woman say different
"That time in 1987 when Fidel Castro sent Cuban troops to help Angola repel apartheid South Africa's invasion. Viva Cuito Cuanavale!"
Africland Post:
"I wanna let all Africans and black people in general know the truth. There is no one single foreign leader in this world who have done so much for our continent like Fidel Castro. Castro single handedly helped Africa fight colonialism by donating both soldiers and medical doctors to help not just one country but over dozen countries in Africa, from Congo to Cape verde, from Angola to South Africa. Do not buy into the western media labelling him as a dictator, this man has done way way much more that those who are pretending to be our friends and allies but only here to fill their pockets. Same western media and western governments listed Mandela as a terrorists until 2004, those same governments supported apartheid in SA and to small extent Namibia. Let's pay our respect to Castro because the man did right by us and we are forever grateful. Also, under Castro, Cuba is the only western hemisphere country to treat it's black citizens with dignity and equality, with many Afro-cubans becoming some of the world's best doctors."
if you were about black women i would put you up as my profile pic. but
seeing as though i never saw nary a one in your camp or counsel...let
me just be in honor comrade civilo.
epic life. epic leadership. epic tide. epic revolution
i might name a son after you though
epic life. epic leadership. epic tide. epic revolution
i might name a son after you though