I awaken this morning from a dream where it was clear that I was releasing my years of pain, hurt and stagnancy to a long time friend, a release as it were; and do you know his response in the dream, in front of his wife? He cried. He was crying with me. Is that amazing; for the symbolism with an old long lost friend, for the warmth, for the proof of connection. And in the dream the couple housed me and someone else, unexpectedly, in the most total of fashion…as to sit with us in the room talking, and a way embracing and loving us.In this morning reflection, when I consider all the threads of my life, I realize I am or seeking, even if unknown up to this point, to connect them into some functional, holding, reliable, weave that tells the whole and truth of who I am. And the people holding those threads were the friends in times and places in previous: my friends from high school, college, graduate school, on the sideways along my life journey.
[And I cant even write this with focus, distracted I am that my wireless is and has not been working, and this morning, seems to be totally wiped out from my computer]
I just think seem to be putting humpty dumpty back together again: reconnecting with my high school crew, considering my longtime desire to return to New York city, and then, last night, from FB, I discovered POV/American Documentary advertising three job vacancies. I tried to work for them years before in or around 2000. All three jobs are in New York City. Then, no sooner did I submit for those jobs, I found another post of a creative entrepreneur who is looking for people to social media and link tourists up to interesting events and sites in their cities. One of the sites: New York City.

The significance of this revelation of me weaving the disparate threads is the title of this blog: “all my former selves”, I realize I am weaving, trying, into one.
Further significance of this revelation is that if you release your ego controlling knowing everything self, your higher self, your Hig Her Self will take over and lead you where, when, how you need to be with the words that best signify the purpose: All My Former Selves
Good Morning
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