Monday, February 28, 2011

Second Spring SOLO -

where did you find this story> and what made you share it?
i am glad you is my story:

my great aunt and uncle owned a cafe, Second has been closed down for decades, I am not even able to say how long as I lived away..but we still own the buildings...having cause to get a vehicle out of the garage, I saw trays and trays --the wooden trays with metal ends, filled with original old historic SOLO bottles...and I asked my cousin, "Never throw them away. I felt they were antiques, and I can see myself making some one of my concoction, bottling and distributing them in those bottles...but on further thought as I write this, perhaps I will just keep them for decoration, nailing the crates to wall even...those SOLO crates and bottles own such memory for me. I practically grew up in that cafe, my aunt being my grandfather's last sister who grew up into adulthood in my grandfather's house...not my great grandparents...and then too Mr. Makmadeen died the year of my yeah...those bottles in numerous crates held personal meaning for me, and now they mean national Historic significance with this story.

I am copying to put in a personal note...Cheers


The story of Joseph Charles and Solo soft drinks.

"Joseph Charles: How Solo got its name

Serjad Makmadeen was born in Princes Town in 1910 and was the last of the eight children of Makmadeen, an immigrant from the Punjab, and his wife Rosalin Jamaria who hailed from Martinique.
When he was ...still quite young the family moved to Bellevue in St James, and he attended primary school up to the age of ten.
After this, economic circumstances forced him to leave school and he secured employment as "the gardener" at the large property known as Ellerslie in Maraval.
Life for young Serjad Makmadeen was extremely difficult. Poverty stalked his existence.

Each morning he rose early and after his meagre breakfast of a cup of "cocoa tea" he walked across Long Circular Road to start the day's work with only a short break for lunch which he had prepared and brought with him.
Serjad worked as a gardener until he was 13, when he got a job as a baker's apprentice at the MI Bakery on Charlotte Street, in Port of Spain.
Soon he became involved in selling bread and cakes and would deliver his goods to customers on a bicycle.
To develop a large clientele, Serjad gave an extra loaf to anyone who had purchased more than 12 loaves, paying for this extra loaf out of his own pocket.
This allowed him to build up a substantial clientele in a short space of time and he soon became the bakery's top salesman.

Having come from a situation of poverty, Serjad was determined to make a better way of life for himself.
He saved his small salary and began to look for opportunities of self-improvement.
In the thirties, whilst still working at the bakery, he learnt that one Mrs Bajnath had a small soft drink plant for sale in St James.
Having accumulated $350, Serjad borrowed $250 from his friend Nagib Elias, and bought Mrs Bajnath's soft drink plant.
It was at this time that he got married to Khairoon Khan who worked with her husband in running the plant. Everything was done manually: She washed the bottles, boiled the syrup and hand filled the bottles, also adding the carbonated water and capping the bottles. The plant produced one bottle of soft drink per minute.

Using old beer bottles, two flavours of soft drink were produced: Cola Champagne and Banana.
Serjad would make one or two cases of soft drinks per day after he finished work at the bakery, which he would take with him on his rounds the next day.
As he knew most of his customers well, he was able to convince them to buy his soft drinks.
The difficulty of an East Indian breaking into the soft drink business in a colonial society was evident from Serjad's following experience.
When he first acquired the plant he wrote several times to various soft drink producers in England enquiring on how he could make improvements. He got no replies.

It was evident by his name that he was not an Englishman but an East Indian so Serjad recognising this, changed his name to JOSEPH CHARLES, which quickly led to communication between himself and the hitherto silent producers.
Joseph Charles soon started to have a problem with the availability of bottles.
His clientele was growing and he could not get enough bottles to satisfy the demand. Moreover he did not have sufficient capital to buy new bottles.

He read in a magazine that a soft drink factory in Montreal was closing down and its assets were up for sale. He realised that this would be the source of empty soft drink bottles, which he promptly bought and shipped to Trinidad.
The bottles, however, had a brand name "SOLO" and a logo – a pilot drinking from a bottle of soft drink presumably after a solo flight – stamped on them. Joseph made the expedient decision to keep the brand that has been maintained to this day, along with the distinctive heavy glass Solo bottles.

This acquisition of the brand, which later gave birth to the popular catch phrase "A roti and a red Solo", was one of those happy accidents which are a combination of outside influences, business decision-making and sheer good luck.
After the Second World War and with demand for his soft drinks, Joseph bought an additional plant from the Dugar Brothers in British Guiana and went into the soft drink business as a full time occupation.
He relocated his factory to the area under his house on Panka Lane, St James.

This plant was an improvement on the old one and had the capacity to produce eight bottles per minute. By 1950, a new plant was set up at the corner of White Street and Tragarete Road opposite the Queen's Park Oval with new equipment imported from the United States. This plant produced 72 bottles of soft drink per minute.

During the decade of the 50s, Joseph Charles sought to consolidate his business. He was forever striving for consistency in flavours and paying particular attention to cleanliness and quality. At his new plant he now employed 20 workers including his two sons, Vernon and the younger Kenneth, who would go to the factory after school and at vacation time to assist and learn from their father. Joseph worked long hours to develop his business, beginning at 4 o'clock in the morning and sometimes leaving the factory at 11 o'clock in the evening. He now hired salesmen to sell his products and made sure that they left the factory at 4 a.m. so as to be the first to get to the customers.

Despite his limited formal education, he ensured that he knew how the plant operated and single handed modified his factory so that it produced 144 bottles per minute. At this time he introduced four new flavours: Cola, Grape, Cream Soda and Orange; added a shift system and increased his staff to 65 people.

By 1958, the White Street plant became too small for Solo to service its customers efficiently and Joseph Charles was able to secure a loan from the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce for $1.8 million and in January 1960 constructed a new state of the art factory in San Juan on the Churchill Roosevelt Highway. The new plant and machinery were purchased from the United States and were fully automated.
In 1962 he introduced the still widely popular SOLO APPLE J.

Joseph Charles died in 1965 and is succeeded by his youngest son Kenneth and his family who now own and operate the company. Like his father before him, Ken has continued to buy new technology to increase efficiency and productivity of the factory and it is now a fully computerised plant. Joseph Charles Bottling Works is a popular and well liked company.

It is involved in many community activities and sponsors the steelband Solo Pan Knights as well as table tennis and badminton competitions.
It supports power boat racing, and "Mr Solo" is a regular and popular champion.
The highest accolade for any brand is affectionate reference to it in popular culture.
The Joseph Charles company has achieved this with two of its brands, "DOUBLES AND APPLE J" sung in calypso, and its slogan "A ROTI AND A RED SOLO" included in a rap.

When Miss Universe, Trinidadian Wendy Fitzwilliam said publicly that she missed her "ROTI AND RED SOLO", she confirmed that the company first founded by Joseph Charles had truly entered the Caribbean heart.
Joseph Charles was a good family man and imparted sound values to his children.
He was self-taught, read a lot and mastered the mechanical workings of his plant.
He was a man of integrity and charity – always helping the poor in many ways, and sponsoring dinners for them at regular intervals.
He looked after his employees, often providing houses for many.
He shunned publicity and was a most humble person.
The Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce is indeed honoured to induct Mr Joseph Charles into the Business Hall of Fame."

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Interesting Times. New Signs

The most beautiful atrium building in NYC has been shuttered up for 65 years. And I pause and remember how I often muse and imagine the millions and myriad building treasures shut up, unused and abandoned throughout the world. Treasures: Hidden and Obscured.

It is Sunday morning and with my current muse and reflections, and seeing my last fb post last night, feel pulled, torn and led to never post again on fb...never say never...but this would and is such an apt last post:

 Maven Huggins
"To go against the dominant thinking of your friends, of most of the people you see every day, is perhaps the most difficult act of heroism you can perform."    - Theodore H. White

And I awaken this morning, thinking, thinking..puzzled.
Twice in two weeks, my foray into public did not end well. Last week, was my Grandmother Maria's gold bangle snatched. Last night was someone pouring beer on my leg because I stepped on her friend's toes by accident, turned around to apologize and that was the response, though lagged by a few moments. I went off on her ass, I got Brooklyn. And realized, that is a note to take: i have returned/reversed Brooklyn at 46;/ By then all the people i was with, came and pulled me away, but i was so incensed, i pitched an empty Jack Daniel bottle at her feet. I can see she was stunned, See these bitches look at me, hear my voice and see my reserved, withdrawn demeanor, believe I am a pushover, them doing shit to test me, and then, what? I must go brookalistic (brooklyn ballistic) on their ass.

But i find i am like that in day to day life as well; my tolerance level is withering, withdrawing...i can not contend much that passes for normal and acceptable by most...but in terms of going out socially and encountering these character beasts and animals, leads me to think i need to stay home. Makes me think i am hanging around the wrong animals, in the wrong paddock, the wrong farm, the wrong jungle. Two incidents in two weeks. Does that not mean I need to stay home and apart? Is it that the level of mentality is redounding to nothing but base instinct; and me being the radar I am, catch it on the zeitgeist. Or is it clear that the time and moments for dallying below my socio-economic status level is over. In a recession. And as the world is in mental meltdown, everything destroyed with the collective mind: economy, civility, opportunity, decency?

The cruel Irony: My cousin chides me for always suggesting and wanting to go to places that cost money, but guess what she misses, those places have a lesser level concentrate of ghetto, trifling and trash. So thus, by the money spent, the veneer, a limit is placed on the possibility of being thrashed. And even if this is occurring to just me a lone, maybe that is the point: i am being called out. Away, apart and from. Peculiar.

I see that as the message. If I am not on first class penthouse patio in rare aire, and clearly, in the presence of  obvious opposing, ominous and humongous muscular male protection, I need to stay out the fray. I shudder and hesitate to think what is next, what is to come... Professor Deosoran already frightened me during the week when he talked about people being preyed upon in their home; bashed in and violated, and I wonder how it is I can be even more invisible and obscure in my day to day life, living, entering and returning to my home? And is this really part of living, how one can be invisible to be safe; how one can not attract attention to stay alive? And how can a character as me do that: foreign unplaceable accent, hair my own and not a weave cascading down my back, a black chic who acts, moves, swivels like an international model on bohemian day? with my bejeweled wrists and ears? And with an aire of grand possibility, unlimited movement, and stories and experiences of epic modern proportions> How does someone like that move without being notice, least of all for that glow of light within to skin? Impossible.

And that is what I surmise last night: two cheap greasy nasty ghetto gutter gullies , saw me, they were there for a long time, watching me and my family/friends having too good a time: too beautiful, all of us, all men and man passing up with some comment, pouring us some drink, bringing their stash and lime to be with us...Edmund Dillon stop beating iron to say hi; Camera Glamla Kamla shaking my hands, photo taking with my friend, giving her compliment, reminding me it was since 2009 when we first spoke, she and I...i was too damn dont sully someone who already is; you try to bring down what shines to  your duttiness...the war is expanding...the native masses are losing their minds, they no longer attack the systems and themselves, they now look and focus locked on those of us who were born transcended traversed and inoculated from their stock.

Everyone is talking about it in different ways: these are not humans, these are beasts. So, how to beware

I awake this morning believing something is up. Lots is in the air. And last of all, that l must cease being around one who is family and used to be my best friend. She too is disintegrating and hasnt a clue. I wonder if it is in the water...

I was at UWI yesterday looking at the young people; so many of the boys are battie, the other few on the line in pants tighter than what i wore when i was a size 2, with their full bottom exposed/skinny three quarters, with more flare than Pointe-e-Pierre. and the girls made me think of 'nastyfatnasty' what we called women back in the day who did not know how to carry their bodies, selves and weight; just everything out and showing, in shadow and cleavages...or if not masculine with their hand and chest the men. I swear on some imperceptible way, the girls are now boys and the boys are now girls...

And people are not growing better, not refining and improving but unraveling and it scares me, because I do not want to do that, be that but i feel if you are around these coarse and ugly stimuli, one is forced for survival to mirror and too, become animalistic.

While at the same time, there is a set that chides you for naming a spade, when it is called, so we are in this perpetual cyclical vortex, where nothing is anything and everything is mad; and no one is true to any core..we are all just floating, bouncing or destroying each other as microscopic cells in space, cleaving, repelling, diseased, or ever increasing unsafe spaces. So where can one be, free...

I wake up this Sunday with all those dynamics; and clueless as to what to do with it all...but feeling withdrawal, silent prayer, to the stars, self, universe, black holes, is best. So much i have to do to survive; so much i have to compromise, after spending half a life and all my youth in preparation so i would never have to; so that compromise would not be the pillow and bed I sleep at night, nor the shoe I wear, no matter what occasion, purpose, for daily walking . but here it is, here i am, that is what it is.

The changes that are now taking place will happen quickly but intensely for much of Humanity and emotions could...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Prevalence of Sexual Abuse and The Protections Afforded Me...Would that All Mothers and Fathers

Maven Huggins
I have just been reading all the contributions to the hour, mostly by Tricia Trotman Maraj and not shocked, just sad and stunted to see the extent to which abuse is normal life. For A LOT of people. One in three US women have been sexually assaulted. IF that is the rate so high up north, any idea what the rate is here in Trinidad and Tobago.. And the more i think I know, I seem to sense and learn it is worse. It sickens me but not in a cliche way...just a listlessness...I left the page and came back to write one thing and now two.

Growing up, and after I grew up, My father always said, he never left our family and home, despite me wanting my mother to leave him, but she was mad in love with my father...but they were dysfunctional, should have never been married, and married because i was born to them---but my mother did not need to do grandfather told her that...but the love the love that we do not know what is love...anyway...the point: is that my father said he never left us for he did not want anyone to come into and interfere with us: me and my brother. I share that, not knowing how truthful it was, for my father is far more selfish and diabolical than that nice reading statement. but i also know we are vastly complex creatures...and i do believe for what ever the motivation, that was some protection i was afforded. my father did not leave me to the vagaries and vagrants that may have come along. my father did not interfere with me either. So for some odd reason, i have been spared that experience. i extend grace to others who were not so protected

But what i really came to tell you that shocked me is that when my cousin/.sister had her children, two girls, my Aunt.Mother had refused to let her husband take care of those children if their mother was not around. She let up a little in recent years, they are now 7 and 8; but what was shocking is that my AuntMother told me my Grandmother had never let my Grandfather take care of his children and girlchildren. And reportedly, my grandmother said "she not leaving any of her girlchildren with no man, not even their father"/ I was shocked. I come from a good home. Good family. Good people. Father who took care of us/all. a strict but loving man, feared by some, loving by others...but these are the people who i was born to. And I was never interfered with but was held as a preferred child by all.. i am not family members still say to me in middle life how special i have been accorded and treated my whole how can my grandmother have that kind of thought...but that is the point... They dont make mothers and women like my grandmother...who was protecting for what was not needed...that is when incidents will stop happening. i wish my life and story could be salve but it dont work that way. i feel deeply sad for the extent to which we make and corrupt destroy each other and nothing i do can change what others will choose. no law is going to correct that. and all i think is pawpaw cant bear breadfruit; and pawpaw dont stop to think whether not to sprout seeds.. There is need for a Balm from Gilead in the Gully

Discourse on Deceit: the Escape from Race by the Privileged

I am all for "freedom of speech" Phillip. But I have a problem when people use your wall as a tool to make racist comments that can only lead to division. You have so much good to say, but that kind of ugliness on this wall makes me feel to press the "hide" button. Racist remarks like that are not classified as "opinions".

    • Kim Maharaj yeah Phillip, you gotta talk to Paul.
    • Phillip Edward Alexander I have spoken to him over and over and over.

      He is my brother, what else can I do?
    • Phillip Edward Alexander I delete the obvious ones, but I must admit some escapes me.

      I will talk to him again, and I apologize for his political fervor
    • Kim Maharaj haha :) delete!! i love to see his posts 'don't delete my posts!!'
    • Maven Huggins i would love to see the offending remark; wondering if it is was truth or false; also wondering how outspoken people are when they see racism off of facebook. just wondering, nah.
    • Phillip Edward Alexander Maven you encourage him too much. His contribution does not have to be as racist as they are, sorry.
    • Maven Huggins
      Ah not encouraging him. I am just supporting him since everyone seems to want to hang him to dry. I also recognize the wisdom, experience, knowing and mind expansion that happens when one lives out of TT, having done it for thirty two years.......and have a respect for that kind of seasoning that occurs. Too, PEA< i appreciate your brother being of high light hue and availing himself of the road walked by people of dark skin...

      if that is encouraging him....ah dey.

      Love ♥ is Truth
      and which aligns itself against our personal privilege

      all that said, i would love to hear what he wrote

      and PEA, to be truthful, I have never put it out in public, but i find you write stuff that is on the line or crosses the line. and i just sit back and this moving line in the sand, i have real exception to...

      and on a personal level, which i have told you before. he is your brother...and i dont like that you side with other people against your brother...they gonna come and take care of you over him? you give other people far more leeway than you do your own...whas dat?

      ah gone running in meh yard, for being out of it and for talking ting i eh have no place to talk, but you know me....
    • Phillip Edward Alexander
      Maven this whole concept of the house negro sounds vile if said by someone not of that race.

      No matter how many explanations you follow it with, there are still many other ways to describe opportunists.

      I understand my brother more than most he is me without the advantage of much work done to quell the anger.

      I understand the need to lash out at injustice must be tempered if I am not to lose half the audience and end up preaching to the already converted.

      On another note, if you see me writing questionably you are morally bound to point it out to me and not just sit back and let me sink.

      I give a lot of my life to this work that I do and I would hope that others would see and appreciate that, and further, hold me to the standards that I say I hold myself to.

      Finally, all of his inflammatory posts should be posted on his wall and on the walls of people who want that.

      I couldn't give a fly's fart in a hurricane with what is going on in America.

      My work is here and I take it very seriously
    • Maven Huggins

      So that is what it was...cause i did miss the comment of discussion...

      And so we get to realize that you all are emoting out of ignorace.
      Dear PEA< are you aware that is historic, academic and international THEORY> the house slave and the field slave. It was first and early written by my Professional Economic Mentor (i never met him), German Gunnar Myrdhal who wrote the first and best international treatise on the issue of slavery, racism and the cost and effects to America and Black Africans...that was in the 1930s if i am not mistaken.

      the famous and illustrious Malcolm El Hajj Malik Shabazz, known as Malcolm X took it up (house slave. house negro) and made it famous in his 1960s speeches

      So My Dear. these are not explanations. These are facts, Histories, Stories and International REcord that people study to earn degrees to teach about in universities...NOT EXPLANATIONS

      this only goes to show the bs emotive reactive position fake anti racists spout to avoid their own uncomfortably of a brutal bitter truth that is not history but the life many live today. the hypocrisy to see and face it straight on by people who call themselves activists trying to change a country and cult/ure strongly built on racism and the separation and dynamic of the anglo saxon african indian white folk against those who are grassroots...IS...well...wanting..

      you know i speak truth when pushed. and i want to remind you we first became great loving friends when i was able to tell you PEA< you are wrong, go back and try again; go back and read, study, research and then come back and talk to me...and that is what i find myself having to tell you today. all are all extremely ignorant of the things you say you want to change and you know more often than not, i just sign off and get silent rather than battle the ignorance every day...i find it refreshing your brother is the one person on both our pages, and all the ones i read in between who is not a black african like me, ostensibly, (cause i am mixed with lots more--chinese, native indian, east india, and spanish from venezuela; and alien from Planet X) speaking such truths. he did not have to. Most light and whites dont.

      Finally, a last resource. Read Tim WISE
      one white man trying to beat the scourge of racism in the North America mass

      and your last ignorant statement gives umbrage to your whole life and mission, as you state it. The America, north and Americas made this place. There is one socio-economic-political policy, mandate,psychic control, in all areas: AND. Racism here was defined y up there...and refined here/ tweaked by colonialism and colorisms...

      and you may wonder why i do not have links, research and citations of racism in trinidad or the might be perhaps, all these damn hyporcrits, people who deny and the total lack of truth speaking and resrarch, to admit the level of our self destructive ugliness we live in this place
    • Phillip Edward Alexander
      Maven, let me say it another way, and despite who badtalks me behind my back or otherwise, it is easy to talk, time for people to start doing.

      For whatever the justification I dont want my wall used for the race talk and the jew/muslim/yanke...e bullshit.

      Please, regardless of who came before and went, i need you all to take that debate elsewhere.
    • Maven Huggins
      why do you think we/you are having all these protests against the murdder and brutalizing and sexualizing to death, corruption, destruction and insanity of children PEA>?////it is because there is a system of identifying some as inhuman, t...he least of these as people...and once you do that, just move the mark and ruler up a few children, women, the differently abled. it is all related...and very few see that...

      where did our brutal and violent society come from?> could it be because there was brutality and violence brought by those conquering and those bringing chattel to use and all think that when the year comes up we just fip a page and that hisotry is no is taken and lived with and within us.

      you are doing bs, and just pacifying your ego until y ou decidee to go this deep, to deal with these deep hidden truths among all of us...the country not changing apart from that.

      the source of all human and earthly scourge: the deciding of who is human who is not; and then the earth is part of that...another silent inanimate use, subsume and destroy...but it is all a lie...we do not believe we corrupt and kill ourselves for what we do outside of ourselves.

      wake up PEA. your brother might be the one light in your sphere point the way,. yet, for the comfort of your friends and for you to have friends, you dismiss him. perhaps we need to embrace and focus on what we run from the most.

      ah gone.
    • Maven Huggins
      you might want to ponder how totally laughable this comment of yours is:

      "I couldn't give a fly's fart in a hurricane with what is going on in America.

      My work is here and I take it very seriously"
      that is like back has nothing to do with the walking of my body...

    • Phillip Edward Alexander
      You have freedoms with me that I dont have with you.

      Because if i had the same laugh out loud freedoms you take for granted I would ask you who do you do what for?

      Besides all of this intellectual and nice sounding stuff, do you people ever the ground?

      I want no race debate on my wall, and not interested in the yankee/jew/muslim war.

      You all deal with that elsewhere.

      I dont think that is too much to ask
    • Maven Huggins
      you have never seen me in any yankee, jew muslim war or talk. so correct your record. has not even happened in private with anyone, so correct your record

      i will also say for a third time, i am speaking in specifics, but in general, for i di...d not read the offending statement from Paul that brought this latest discussion; for you and I have talked of this in private

      and if you think you do not have freedoms with have the wrong friends whispering the wrong shit in your ear..but oops...i told you that months ago, huh>??? lets leave me and you out of this cause that is totally separate from your circle and we both know that truth.

      ah gone PEA....
    • Maven Huggins btw, fb was acting batty and sticking and non responsive, so i just sent quickly writing with all the i did not want to lose. apologies to readers.
    • Maven Huggins Here handing you your "Freedoms Card" it is inalienable; replaceable with no costs; and insured.. offered because of the authenticity of our beginnings..and that incomparable Hug. you know that
    • Maven Huggins
      PS. to really answer your question...I sometimes jook you instead of cussing your butt out...and i did promise not to bouff anymore... i do try to be a woman of my word. and also understand and know, sense when my voice becomes the solone......and respected that to keep quiet...

      there. i think i have answered all your charges...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Esoterics Writing

I have come to believe that that there are two races on this earth. "the human race" which evolved from apes and " MAN " created in the image and likeness of GOD. we both look alike. what else could explain the animal like behavior that exists today. MANKIND IS UNDER ATTACK FROM THE HUMAN RACE. they look like us but they not us. WE ARE GOD'S PEOPLE.

  • Jonell DeGannes and 4 others like this.
      Maven Huggins very very interesting post

    • Maven Huggins the earth people versus the intergalactic folk

    • Roger DeCaires yes ! its a strange belief i have since in my teenage hood. we inter-marry and breed with these animals.

    • Maven Huggins i never met anyone who knew, spoke or thought this...when i write i am not from here, it all relates to this; it is a real thing. the bible refers to it; but people do not know what they read. someone on my stream just told me i took blasphemy to a another they have no idea.

    • Roger DeCaires no! nothing like that Maven.! i dont think that any "being" who which have overcome the problems of quantum and astral physics would indulge in individual and collective atrocities and barbarisms. i am speaking about a creature that looks like us but is not "divine".

    • Maven Huggins
      nothing like what roger>?
      you say no and go on to explain exactly what you wrote and i confer
      i get it. it is not a new thought to me: "creatures that look human but are not divine" the you tube and net is full of such material, thought and phenomena

    • Roger DeCaires
      Yes ! You are right in many ways . I have seen the photographs of The Nephilim graves with there skeletal remains . I am always remind myself the words of Jesus "in my fathers house there are many mansions " it tells me that there are other... divine intelligent people in the universe , the Book of Job , speaks of the sons of God . Its just that human creature I believe who looks like us , interbreed with us is not the same as the Man The creator breathed into and became a living soul . I always ask the question who was those beings that Cain found a wife among . It certainly was not among his fathers daughters . To those of you who think Maven and I Talking nonsense. We are talking and exchanging ideas of Esoteric knowledge. Please do not join in if you don't know . Very few are able to delve into such knowledge and remain sane . 

    • Roger DeCaires Maven have you read widely in the nature of esoteric belief .

    • Maven Huggins i have. i was coming to respond after your longer last message---...did not see the last one line question on email ---to tell you i wish you were on my fb page when i first got on fb...that is/was what my page was about back then; a lot of discussions, sharing of information, videos and materials in that was wild and deep...I learned that I am Annunaki..not by anything else but this:

      a guy who is no longer here with me...told me about them...and shared with me a host of materials...and what i noticed is that all glyphs of them, they all hold a bucket.

      my great aunt, when she died, i was in michigan, she in trinidad. None of my family had yet called me to tell me she passed...but on a sunday night precisely about 1:50/55am...a spirit appeared to me. It was the most physical form of a spirit i had ever seen. Scared the shit out of me even though I knew all my life, when the spirits appear to you have and hold no fear, they are there to tell you something...I got scared. out my mind scared. tried to compose myself and walk back to the room, but each time i ran back,,,cause the person was as if a physical person was there: a woman in a dress. in the shape and form of most of our grandmothers: full figured, big belly, ample breasts. And holding a paint pail type bucket...For decades i did not know who that spirit was, because it could have been my grandmother or my great aunt and did not think the latter would come to me, i know we were close, but not that close for her to appear to me..,.that was 1995. Go to 2008...I learn of Annunakis. and see they are always depicted with a pail bucket...
      that and other "bizarre" experiences--astral travelling to my family ancestral spirit compound; and other things I have learned, I realize...that is one small piece of my identity..and it makes sense...

      i learned a lot too about star seed children, people who just dont fit in, with their parents, family, etc...who are always like creatures from another planet...guess what. guess why...cause they are from another planet.

      Roger, I have had crazy experiences, interactions and stories, all my life, is only now with my recent knowledge it makes sense.

      i had a Reiki Master i used to go to for psychic massages/reiki...real Reiki, not anything in Trinidad is like a psychic massage that removes from your spirit field all the energy, harps, kinks, weight, injuries to your energy body/ feel like a feather...who was outerplanet. he would speak some language undecipherable, see and talk to your guides..he told me in the 90s that i was from an outer planet that as yet had no name...they now. now. talking about that planet x coming into orbit.

      crazy shit like that
      humbly speaking, i have not just read widely in esoteric belief, i was living it and then came to the knowledge to explain it.

      add to this i have read a lot into world religions, their origins and morphs for political and evil machinations of the kind you describe...there is a book i used to have...that predated all of that.them...i seem to remember them as the people before the bible...and their name starts with a Z--the zoyasters I think...anyway..and the sacred feminine...before the world and these evil men, you describe, decided to turn the world and women from their identity and is deep..deep deep

      it is why my way in this world has never been easy..and this morning i wrote to a friend..the more i learn to adjust, the more i grow in sensibility I think to manage better, in the population i find myself, the more i get disabused of that notion...the more the energy and entities come...

      fascinating stuff
      that is why i was shocked at what you is behind me...once i learn something i keep stepping, dont keep mixing around in has been a long time since i saw somebody on that scene and least of all writing about it

      Another part of this story,.,.,is before i came home i had this pull to be a shaman..had all these books, fascinated with the topic, being a healer, and alchemy. mucho books on all those subjects and from different if not all original traditions...then i come home and in the last two years discovered that i am direct relation to Pa Neezer. you from should know who that is...he was my great grandmother's nephew, her God Son..and my great Grandmother, Eliza was a Healer by Hand...

      i knew none of that growing up. or any time before two years ago. I am 46. I realized my family must have been shame in ignorance. I realize there are quite a few unusual people in my family line, both sides, father and mother...i am surrounded by them.. my aunt showing up to me when she died, i believe now was her trying to alert me to my true identity...

      another story of alerting me to my identity is in my notes...Mama Venezuelan was she i traveled to see at the ancestral compound...but i mentioned that already.

      boy Roger, you eh know what you ask.

      on some level, i believe my life is to be in that sphere. esoteric bush living, off the plantation...healing others to their true psychic self, maybe...but it aint happen i am still to be in this warped energy field. ;)


      Maven Huggins:
      "i look back on my life and see an invisible not having children...cause i was not then aware of who/what i was making. that today is a new revelation..

      before today i used to say it was because i never ever wanted to be a single mother, i never ever wanted to bring a child into this world who was not held, heralded and protected by love and training by not just me but a whole host of people. seem like i had sense enough to know that child bringing and rearing was no walk in the park; i never wanted any children that their father did not want; that their sperm did not know how to birth a father, the right and capable father. that the risk and chance to fuck up was too high to take with another being's spirit.."

      today, i have a new piece...the universe was guiding me before the knowledge came./.

      and i often talk of these children made as breeding,. interestingly enough.. and you don't breed higher consciousness beings...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Life IN Gold...

tonight things occurred in my life that never happened in my 46 years prior.

i was a moving mark.
travelling all over the world and this country, to and in crowds; and for the first time, I was marked, because i raised my hand to take a my gold bracelet, one of three, on one hand, shone in the bright lights. the vultures were watching...the young unbred hungry vultures.

and when the snatch happened, would you believe my NY flipped, and I grabbed him. Had him by the shirt: an orange and white striped on a tall lanky young fella...and a white shirt behind him. I let go. Remembering all the times in news of people who stand up to keep what is being taken and either losing eye, limb or grandmother;'s gold band, older than I and many, and in gold they do not make any more. I let go. There will be more. The other side is already on my hand. In replacement. After the incident, I knew i would go into perpetual replay, so i told myself, let it go. We all do as we must, as what we know how, according to our options, and according to our base and hungers. Let it go.

But I did have thoughts
How does this happen to Vigilant Vanguard Me? NYC me? Me always Hawking my surroundings me?

Then i immediately think of my company. I always have a silent admonishment for the company we keep. I try not to go out with folk who cannot bring me back, or folk who dont or cant have my back, or folk who dont know how. Yet, Here i am, there i was. IN just such a situation. When I snatched that little fella, why wasnt someone of my circle there to grab a hand; to check the scene. to be on call?? But most, very few operate that way; and usually just those so trained. I never was. But I am or used to be, Mafia.
So the traits maintain. Except for tonight...Seems like I had another spirit oversight; a step in. Cause these stories are not me.

And I wonder are we to stay home or have big burly security on either side and to the back and front of us...I wish. But I saw it..Had i been surrounded....

But it gets worse.
I get home and unpack my little bag. Only to discover my folder with my license and $210 or so is gone.. how fkg bizarre now. Either that fell out when I took out my handkerchief or my iph...

i must have really been gone from my body. what else could have happened? Me be left floating out there somewhere and my body return home. I am not absentminded; at least i used not to be. Is old catching a hold of me? or do I go into spiritual vacuums and spirit cover and attachment, where my natural known self is over-riden?

And i hate being one of these persons who search for meaning in every feather that flies. And I am thinking, what is it>? am i to step into a new being. A new identity, a new form. Am i paying alms for the riches that is about to befall me. Am i shearing off the old in ways that are just merely and small, symbolic

I cant even be mad. I am more perplexed than anything else..Truly So.

And then I get home and I was just going to write " to be a mark or to walk with security"/./ but the first entry on my fb stream is PEA, mentioning Daniel..where I spoke of him this morning and said, I would never let my children out of my sight. But i have no children. And i take nothing or no one for granted. Nothing is a given. My experience tonight says that...I am no longer free of returning home the way i left. I am even asking myself is it that i must lock myself up and never wear my stuff. But so much of it is left unworn anyhow. What i wear is nothing compared to what i was handed down or own...then i think of all those who lose far more...And i think, what is the use. Not like i have children to pass the heirloomsLi to; and it just makes space for more...when I open up the carrier to take out the other side, I realize...the pieces for replacement will just get bigger...Let them take them...the have nots...they are just scrambling for something from nothing...there is a cost. My tab came up.

But what else?> What else...? was this alm for life and lost of Daniel..the gold of my family stock..My license to replace; a new life come upon' and dollars that are like pennies..but not equal to a son who i would never let out of my sight. not him or any gold child.

so i release it all for those lost and the unnamed losses...

.....and seeing my hand from which Mama's bracelet was snatched..with the other side of the bracelet replaced... it hits me:
i have lost nothing that cannot be replaced. in humble gratitude...nothing of time, it will mean Mama did not live for a bracelet...did not die requiring decree for her things...just life only to protect uphold and maintain. what is the point of having children if you cannot do that of simplest things for them: protect, uphold and maintain?

Light, Prayers and Praises

Friday, February 18, 2011

Before Any Identity...Energy

  • Elaine Prescott Johnson I had a workshop yesterday given by Dr. Molefi Asante and they featured Lotus Academy in a documentary. They were explaining to teachers and administrators how important it is for African American children to have African centered education. Do you still feel this way? Has your philosophy changed over the years into something more universal? Even after raising 4 African american boys. Sorry for such a loaded question. Just curious.
    14 hours ago · · 2 peopleLoading...
  • Gregory D. Wells
    Hi Elaine, that’s not a loaded question, but an excellent one! I appreciate it, and this will help to draw out the nuances of the Lotus story. My answer is a little long for FB, but please bear with me.

    I respect Dr. Asante a lot, and under...stand what he is trying to do to help African-Americans embrace African culture to raise our cultural self-esteem in the midst of pervasive Western or Euro-centric cultural values and standards. In some sense, he is trying to fight the Euro-centric cultural point of view with the Afro-centric point of view.

    It’s interesting to note that when Kubu (Lotus) started, it was not Afro-centric. It was more inclusive. It was Afro-Asian-Centric. Thus, its philosophy included many cultures, not just African, and Eastern philosophy was a very strong component. When I left Lotus, Eastern philosophy seemed to leave with me.

    The argument between Euro-centricism and Afro-centricisim is actually founded in the functional differences between the 2 sides of the brain - left vs. right hemispheres, (or the frontal-line of the body vs. the spinal-line of the body). European (Western) culture tends to be more left brain, while the African (Eastern) cultures tend to be more right brain. They both have their limitations without the use of the other. The point is to use the whole-brain, and thus, not to be self-divided or in self-conflict. So, before we became African or European, we were already human. Thus, the point is to embrace our total human inheritance from all the world cultures, not just our particular historical "tribe" based on geography or skin color.

    So, if I were teaching today, I would start and stay with the absolute non-conditional Truth - which is true education, that will set a person free (and not merely to be a trained “productive citizen” for the Corporate State). Thus, I would teach the children, working from the most superficial level of appearances to the Root Profundity of all appearances, this:

    “before you became an African, you were already human; and before you became a human, you were already the mind; and before you became the mind, you were already the body; and before you became the body, you were already Spirit-Energy -- and Spirit-Energy is the Radiant-Force of Consciousness Itself, and everything and everyone that arises is nothing but a temporary modification of this Conscious-Light. Thus, at the Root Profundity, all functional and superficial appearances are Only Conscious-Light - Only You, As You Is.”

    Now, that would likely be very controversial, but it is the Very Truth.

    Thanks again for your question! Please feel free (you or anyone else) to any question. ♥ Love, g

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Outrage: Self Hatred, SocioPsychoPathology and, Are We What We Rail Against

You all need to see the documentary Outrage (2009). It blew my mind.
It said that DC has more gays, homosexuals and down low men than SanFran. \\
 it was also deep when a question was framed as to the women who marry and defend these men. but the point of the whole film is the damaging and extreme legislation these folk pass, despite their lives...that is where the idea of "Self-Hatred" entered

It was so extreme, I realized that one must in all sanity assume all are gay, (Ed Koch was gay for crying out loud: Crist in Florida, tapped to be the next Republican frontrunner for 2012 is gay for crying out loud; and I realized the connection of the pres being a black man; and the trends, lines and zeitgeist...the next step is a white gay male in the white house, for we have crossed the greatest taboo...and if you connect this to all the homosexual illuminati theories...well...was it a staging...) especially in recent days and times and the blurring of gender lines among males...the metros, the beautiful more groomed than me metros

the film was also interesting for the names mentioned but no investigation or comment given...those well groomed, super coiffed, gorgeous politicos)...Romney?

I speak as a hetero woman; not against gay men or people...but there are consequence of not living truth in personal life..and it affects all of us, no matter what label we carry. "An indictment of closeted politicians who lobby for anti-gay legislation in the U.S." is what the film is about...but as I reflect on it, and saw so many riveting characters and stories in the documentary, my muse ran away with me...

Barney Frank had a good line: "you have the right to personal privacy, but not legislative protection" or something like that.

Wow. The Closet...For some, for the grand great ones, The Closet is the Location of staunch Manhood...the message from a scene from another film inserted in the documentary..where Al Pacino is the is that ego that proclaims manhood of gays as those preferring the closet, if i got it right, but i missed what film that was, al Pacino was great as always in that snippet. Reminiscent of the "u want the truth, you can't handle the truth" twist...and form..he is saying, character is withholding the truth...bizarre.  (sociopsychopathology ~ self hatred and the genocide of others)

A Gay Activist called all the legislation from the 70s and 80s as exactly that, in the time of HIV>AiDS...genocidal!!@! the doc said that the greatest number of high flying politicos was in the republican party heyday of Ronald Reagan..

It was a captivating film.
It also showed how closeted gays seem to cleave and drive to the Republican party as a means of cover and one expects the wolf in the herd of sheep; and the party;'s religious the shed

overall points of the film:
how those who profess the greatest and most extreme level of anti-gay sentiments are the ones who are flaming the closet.

Real Deep cause the larger human question remains: are we what we are against?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

if i tiptoe a dream slowly...MenTalk (C) (R) (2011, mdhuggins)

Roger. a few weeks ago i fancied having a circle of men speak, share, open, unpack and process through their lives and experiences together.....i wanted to film and shoot the process, perhaps over a series of gatherings. i would have called it Men Talk...i would have sold the use and distribution rights to media to show it..i would have put the call out for whatever men would want to do the next series and the next; or organize different MenTalks around the nation...I read you and think you would be a great candidate to participate in something like that...there were only four others, you would be the fifth, ranging in age from the 20s to 50.. right now..but not limited

the one thing about all the males so far...they are all men.  they are all nice men trying...but struggling to process...

men need to talk. women need to talk too, but well...i guess the do sometimes or society makes it alright for them to; men need to be given the pass, the landscape and the support to do that..and if we make it public and national i think we may begin to teach, wayshow and example what might be possible other than the lashing out in myriad ways we see..

i have not acted on this because i do not know (wonder) if i have the means. i did not have the equipment (although I hear I may have access to it). I think of one place to have the first one (but then I wonder if the people will try to steal the idea and project from me)..that has happened more times than i care to remember in short eight years in trinidad...but i write it here, because i am also believing, learning and thinking...that if i cant do something, send it out to the universe, maybe someone else is more capable than me...( but that has not been the case: visions are not easily transferable things; and even if someone executed, some elements or seminal character pieces would be missing...)

there are some of us who just try to hold up others; hold space for others, so that the best of themselves may be free...freed...


(wow, what was that>?)

"The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn; the bird sleeps in the egg; and in the highest vision of the soul, a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities..." ~James Allen

Friday, February 11, 2011

Chris Love's Key to My Life (RE: What do you need to do to stop yourself)

Chris Love
Take a moment to 'think'.
Many years ago, I taught myself to say a phrase in my head many times throughout the day: " I remember myself...I am here".
That would remind me to be 'present', at that moment in time.
Then, I would take an 'assessme...nt' of the thoughts and emotions that had been running, unchecked, through my mind and body and how they were making me feel at that moment.
I would cull out the ones I didn't want then, or that seemed contrary to the task at hand, then I could change my thinking or perception of the situations around me.
( The Fourth Way by P D Ouspensky...warning, Ouspensky is very intellectually centered, lacking heart centered thinking...maybe Maurice Nichole's books are easier to read)
Saved loads of energy this, the state of things outside me stopped determining how I felt and thought inside.
It's a way to break habitual reactions...the Buddhists call them 'habit mind'.
("Gnani Yoga" by Ramasharaka)

Compassionate Revolution Noble Resistance #Eygpt * Egypt

i was and am and have been wracking my brain to understand what it is that galvanized that population; what it is within them that had the christians shielding the muslims at prayer, and vice versa; what it is that allowed civilians to conduct themselves in that of most noblest of ways...for 18 days; what it is that allowed and made those people be committed to freedom or death or death for freedom'; and gave them a mettle, steel and resolve that they would have stood there for as long as it took. I am just shuddered into silence to figure that out. once we figure that out, we may very well have solved the human problem on the planet. for nothing mattered but country and high ideals not politics or personal petty interests.

this would be a wonderful academic exploration and symposium