Thursday, February 24, 2011

Discourse on Deceit: the Escape from Race by the Privileged

I am all for "freedom of speech" Phillip. But I have a problem when people use your wall as a tool to make racist comments that can only lead to division. You have so much good to say, but that kind of ugliness on this wall makes me feel to press the "hide" button. Racist remarks like that are not classified as "opinions".

    • Kim Maharaj yeah Phillip, you gotta talk to Paul.
    • Phillip Edward Alexander I have spoken to him over and over and over.

      He is my brother, what else can I do?
    • Phillip Edward Alexander I delete the obvious ones, but I must admit some escapes me.

      I will talk to him again, and I apologize for his political fervor
    • Kim Maharaj haha :) delete!! i love to see his posts 'don't delete my posts!!'
    • Maven Huggins i would love to see the offending remark; wondering if it is was truth or false; also wondering how outspoken people are when they see racism off of facebook. just wondering, nah.
    • Phillip Edward Alexander Maven you encourage him too much. His contribution does not have to be as racist as they are, sorry.
    • Maven Huggins
      Ah not encouraging him. I am just supporting him since everyone seems to want to hang him to dry. I also recognize the wisdom, experience, knowing and mind expansion that happens when one lives out of TT, having done it for thirty two years.......and have a respect for that kind of seasoning that occurs. Too, PEA< i appreciate your brother being of high light hue and availing himself of the road walked by people of dark skin...

      if that is encouraging him....ah dey.

      Love ♥ is Truth
      and which aligns itself against our personal privilege

      all that said, i would love to hear what he wrote

      and PEA, to be truthful, I have never put it out in public, but i find you write stuff that is on the line or crosses the line. and i just sit back and this moving line in the sand, i have real exception to...

      and on a personal level, which i have told you before. he is your brother...and i dont like that you side with other people against your brother...they gonna come and take care of you over him? you give other people far more leeway than you do your own...whas dat?

      ah gone running in meh yard, for being out of it and for talking ting i eh have no place to talk, but you know me....
    • Phillip Edward Alexander
      Maven this whole concept of the house negro sounds vile if said by someone not of that race.

      No matter how many explanations you follow it with, there are still many other ways to describe opportunists.

      I understand my brother more than most he is me without the advantage of much work done to quell the anger.

      I understand the need to lash out at injustice must be tempered if I am not to lose half the audience and end up preaching to the already converted.

      On another note, if you see me writing questionably you are morally bound to point it out to me and not just sit back and let me sink.

      I give a lot of my life to this work that I do and I would hope that others would see and appreciate that, and further, hold me to the standards that I say I hold myself to.

      Finally, all of his inflammatory posts should be posted on his wall and on the walls of people who want that.

      I couldn't give a fly's fart in a hurricane with what is going on in America.

      My work is here and I take it very seriously
    • Maven Huggins

      So that is what it was...cause i did miss the comment of discussion...

      And so we get to realize that you all are emoting out of ignorace.
      Dear PEA< are you aware that is historic, academic and international THEORY> the house slave and the field slave. It was first and early written by my Professional Economic Mentor (i never met him), German Gunnar Myrdhal who wrote the first and best international treatise on the issue of slavery, racism and the cost and effects to America and Black Africans...that was in the 1930s if i am not mistaken.

      the famous and illustrious Malcolm El Hajj Malik Shabazz, known as Malcolm X took it up (house slave. house negro) and made it famous in his 1960s speeches

      So My Dear. these are not explanations. These are facts, Histories, Stories and International REcord that people study to earn degrees to teach about in universities...NOT EXPLANATIONS

      this only goes to show the bs emotive reactive position fake anti racists spout to avoid their own uncomfortably of a brutal bitter truth that is not history but the life many live today. the hypocrisy to see and face it straight on by people who call themselves activists trying to change a country and cult/ure strongly built on racism and the separation and dynamic of the anglo saxon african indian white folk against those who are grassroots...IS...well...wanting..

      you know i speak truth when pushed. and i want to remind you we first became great loving friends when i was able to tell you PEA< you are wrong, go back and try again; go back and read, study, research and then come back and talk to me...and that is what i find myself having to tell you today. all are all extremely ignorant of the things you say you want to change and you know more often than not, i just sign off and get silent rather than battle the ignorance every day...i find it refreshing your brother is the one person on both our pages, and all the ones i read in between who is not a black african like me, ostensibly, (cause i am mixed with lots more--chinese, native indian, east india, and spanish from venezuela; and alien from Planet X) speaking such truths. he did not have to. Most light and whites dont.

      Finally, a last resource. Read Tim WISE
      one white man trying to beat the scourge of racism in the North America mass

      and your last ignorant statement gives umbrage to your whole life and mission, as you state it. The America, north and Americas made this place. There is one socio-economic-political policy, mandate,psychic control, in all areas: AND. Racism here was defined y up there...and refined here/ tweaked by colonialism and colorisms...

      and you may wonder why i do not have links, research and citations of racism in trinidad or the might be perhaps, all these damn hyporcrits, people who deny and the total lack of truth speaking and resrarch, to admit the level of our self destructive ugliness we live in this place
    • Phillip Edward Alexander
      Maven, let me say it another way, and despite who badtalks me behind my back or otherwise, it is easy to talk, time for people to start doing.

      For whatever the justification I dont want my wall used for the race talk and the jew/muslim/yanke...e bullshit.

      Please, regardless of who came before and went, i need you all to take that debate elsewhere.
    • Maven Huggins
      why do you think we/you are having all these protests against the murdder and brutalizing and sexualizing to death, corruption, destruction and insanity of children PEA>?////it is because there is a system of identifying some as inhuman, t...he least of these as people...and once you do that, just move the mark and ruler up a few children, women, the differently abled. it is all related...and very few see that...

      where did our brutal and violent society come from?> could it be because there was brutality and violence brought by those conquering and those bringing chattel to use and all think that when the year comes up we just fip a page and that hisotry is no is taken and lived with and within us.

      you are doing bs, and just pacifying your ego until y ou decidee to go this deep, to deal with these deep hidden truths among all of us...the country not changing apart from that.

      the source of all human and earthly scourge: the deciding of who is human who is not; and then the earth is part of that...another silent inanimate use, subsume and destroy...but it is all a lie...we do not believe we corrupt and kill ourselves for what we do outside of ourselves.

      wake up PEA. your brother might be the one light in your sphere point the way,. yet, for the comfort of your friends and for you to have friends, you dismiss him. perhaps we need to embrace and focus on what we run from the most.

      ah gone.
    • Maven Huggins
      you might want to ponder how totally laughable this comment of yours is:

      "I couldn't give a fly's fart in a hurricane with what is going on in America.

      My work is here and I take it very seriously"
      that is like back has nothing to do with the walking of my body...

    • Phillip Edward Alexander
      You have freedoms with me that I dont have with you.

      Because if i had the same laugh out loud freedoms you take for granted I would ask you who do you do what for?

      Besides all of this intellectual and nice sounding stuff, do you people ever the ground?

      I want no race debate on my wall, and not interested in the yankee/jew/muslim war.

      You all deal with that elsewhere.

      I dont think that is too much to ask
    • Maven Huggins
      you have never seen me in any yankee, jew muslim war or talk. so correct your record. has not even happened in private with anyone, so correct your record

      i will also say for a third time, i am speaking in specifics, but in general, for i di...d not read the offending statement from Paul that brought this latest discussion; for you and I have talked of this in private

      and if you think you do not have freedoms with have the wrong friends whispering the wrong shit in your ear..but oops...i told you that months ago, huh>??? lets leave me and you out of this cause that is totally separate from your circle and we both know that truth.

      ah gone PEA....
    • Maven Huggins btw, fb was acting batty and sticking and non responsive, so i just sent quickly writing with all the i did not want to lose. apologies to readers.
    • Maven Huggins Here handing you your "Freedoms Card" it is inalienable; replaceable with no costs; and insured.. offered because of the authenticity of our beginnings..and that incomparable Hug. you know that
    • Maven Huggins
      PS. to really answer your question...I sometimes jook you instead of cussing your butt out...and i did promise not to bouff anymore... i do try to be a woman of my word. and also understand and know, sense when my voice becomes the solone......and respected that to keep quiet...

      there. i think i have answered all your charges...

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