People are asking what next.
Who to call to coach and train on activism. And this man called Micah White exists, been writing, and tweeting.
Does that not tell us we are not quite legit. not quite tied in, connected. Not really from the tunnel of real legitimate valid uprising???
me searching today found him. and i am stunned how much of his work echoes what i have been writing on this facebook since 2008 or so, with PEA when he was first initially emerging, and who I named back then.
"the end of protest"
"Your protest doesnt work if it isn't tied to the levers of power"
"we activist are to become the politicians we want to push"
i been advocating trinidadians, that if you feel you have a skill, then put yourself up to run that ministry.
And for no years in Trinidad, since the falseness of so many marches, one I observed: keithnoel and the pea march in white... I realized what a farce, and stage presentation of protests that mean nothing.
and here is the man saying just what and how I saw the election of trump: an opportunity for massive radical change:
"on the other side of trump is a glorious people's revolutionary government..."
the only thing though, most are seeing the potential for revolution in general terms. as well/.... when he speaks of women taking over power. but i am one step ahead of him. It cant be white women. their focus is on their race and color that trumps all else for them: power. gender, interests. and their movement has serially ignored and run over and thrown under the bus, black women, so they cant do shit for the black and brown women of the world. let them bake bread for us. and send us money. let them be the black women's handmaiden and patrons. #2017
" Listen up, this is the end of protest. Options now are electoral insurrection or armed insurrection."
"women are the future"