Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Fifty Years On: Williams' Trinidad, Mandela's South Africa and King's America
dont talk to me. dont ask me nothing. dont even look for me. just do with this as you will
Sheldon Mendoza:
Sheldon Mendoza:
Williams was the worst thing to happen to Trinidad & Tobago just
like Martin Luther King was the worst thing to happen to America."
Dean Anderson:
- " I hesitate to enter the discussion between you and Sheldon but his post re: Martin Luther King Jr. irritated the @#%$ out of me. My southern born and bred Daddy who grew up on the remnants of very large cotton plantation in west tennessee told me in the early 60's when I was just a youngster in HS that Martin Luther King Jr. was the best thing that ever happened to this country."

- "lol. take it light Dean. BREATHE
I know folk think that. It is a VERY Complex Story, History and Legacy to look at. There are many men in the story like MLK. Mandela, and in our Country Williams
Men who are pillars who are viewed as being saviors and moses.. but when time passes and one interrogates where black people are in those spaces, one sees the various delusions, lies and denials
in the states, we wanted to live next to white folk
in south africa they wanted to stop carrying cards as a symbol of the repeal of apartheid
in trinidad we wanted to work in the banks...
and in all those places in 2012. what is the condition of black people? and who if it is one person, led them astray? that is the deeper question
last week thirty something men in a labor protest were murdered, shot in cold blood in South Africa. Apartheid Much?> Apartheid Still? Even under Black Rule?
In the US, Black people are still enslaved to the body, to chattel living and to debt and prison complex. What is the name of their plantations, even next to white folk's mansions?
Classic ~ Black Amernica Traditions
In Trinidad. we are not much better, none at all. Just a different culture, the same debauchery just under the Caribbean Salt, Sand, Sea and Sun...Our Carnival is the only consciousness we know and when not carnival, Fete/ Our murder rates. Our Corruption, Our Nepotism. Our Demise to a Soca Soundtrack
Morgan Job["The same afternoon Mr. Walcott made history pelting that javelin in London CXC was begging Trinidad and Tobago to forget the bread and circus projects begun by Eric Williams. He called it Blokorama, and had a ministry devoted to feeding entertainment to the mobs. CXC demanded our attention: more than 30 per cent of children who took CXC mathematics do not know what the words "perimeter, area, or probability mean!" Yet, yesterday it was Tobago's turn to join the mind numbing hysteria they call "Showing patriotism"! Yet, we must exist in a dystopian reality Keshorn Walcott's Olympic Gold cannot change:
Ira Mathur: "Its sad that 50 years of independence has led to this. We spend all our time on these blogs bringing one another down, humiliating one another. We are already a wounded people with among the highest murder rates in a non warring country in the world, among the highest road deaths in the world, among the highest rates of lifestyle diseases in the world, with the highest rates of HIV/aids after Subsaharan Africa, with among the poorest environmental records ( with no new environmental legislation for waste management in 13 years,- with hazardous toxic dumps that pass for landfills) with a drainage system that's over 40 years old and falling apart, falling on the transparency international index, falling below Barbados on the human developmental index ( we spend a smaller percent of our GDP on health and education than even Barbados). We are a country with shocking illiteracy figures - more than 40 percent of our people ar functionally illiterate and can only read signs to get by, ( to make matters worse we now have among the highest rates of children accessing internet porn in the world according to senior psychologists AND shockingly, remedial teachers instead of being doubled in numbers to combat illiteracy are being removed from schools that need them the most) And what do to our traumatized people? We attack and attack like blood thirsty hounds. We attack an MP in parliament, we humiliate those trying to do something constructive. There is nothing to celebrate sadly. We cant take the achievement of one talented boy who succeeded against so many odds and call it ours. Its a miracle that we have produced Walcott, and Minshall and Brian Lara and Naipaul. They did it despite us, not because of us. Its just sad.This is such a great country. The people are amazing. The landscape feels like paradise, yet every day we tear it apart some more and break our own spirits." Keith Rowley is neither cause nor solution to the mess: it is the post colonial culture of irresponsibility, impunity, deniability, mediocrity, promoted by Brer 'Nanse smartmen, our rulers from Hiroona, men from Naipaul's Elvira that burden this dung beetle paradise. You want to know the leaders of the parade, the harlequinade, the burlesque called Trinidad and Tobago Patriotism, then look to Parliament."]
I hope this helps and you dont get mad at me too
Embraces Dean.
The best i can say is that the stories we learn and know dont stay the same for always. I deal with that theme in matters of the heart, love and relationships as well as in politics and social dynamics. They change/.Are we able to read the stories as it shifts in time like sand.?
___may i post this, my comment if not both because this is good stuff.
- Dean Anderson
- I think I hear what you are saying. I think. However, my Daddy's and my own feelings have more to do with MLK's "peaceful resistance" in bringing about inevitable change which could have been much more violent than it was than other things. I am much older than you are and am probably "stuck in the past". I grew up during those times and they scared the hell out of me and MLK calmed me and made me less afraid and more hopeful in what was for many a time without hope.
- Maven Huggins
- i appreciate and know that Dean. I am not so young you know. old enough to have imbibed that history at 47. So i know it. But what this discussion allows me to see is that our stories through different times do not collide, are not rendered impotent or denied by another time and its stories. I can appreciate deeply MLK and what he effected and did in his time . I am just living in another wake and so my timeline is longer or changed/ know what i mean? and to speak today's truth in no way takes away from yours...
- Dean Anderson
- I understand Maven. Thanks for your insight and sharing it with me.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Friday, August 17, 2012
I Need an Exorcist versus Exorcism/ Both
- dont take me too literal, BUT, it is the closest thing I can come to...
1. to remove this cycle, experience, cloud, body, energy that is and has pervaded every area of my life...my love, my relationships, no work, no way to manifest ideas, not my own home to live in, seeming of no ability at all...to move forward
2. to remove all soul attachments on me and about me. my brother, and all who may be there unnamed and unaware
3. a energy clearing/cleansing of all my sentient and energies and feelings, and emotions from my whole life, but definitely from the last nine years in Trinidad and ten years of my life and even going back further
4. i need an overall personality shift. from the melancholy i have been since birth..did you see the pic of me as a child this week...see how serious and intense if not pained that face, already...too fucking much>>>
for 50 and beyond I need to lift the veil and be lighter, happier, more like a feather..
For these reasons...
5. i want to make sure i gather the laundry list here...i think too I want to be totally unattached to anything. complete zen buddha bodhisatva, yogi...no attachments to nothing...just floating through life.
these are the reasons
- Maven Huggins
- i need to find some powerful seer ..it is time or becoming time I sense...to do some of these things...to get some direction or answer or clarity...I cant stay in this conundrum purgatory for much longer. It is not just me afterall. I am imposing
- My Darling you want Nirvana!
- Aren't you the seer?
- Maven Huggins
- so i am on the right path then?
this reads lovely.
Belly Laugh
- Janine Le Gendre
- But you are ... but we all need help along the way
- Maven Huggins
- i wonder what kind of seer i am. for other people it seems not for me
- Maven Huggins
- i like the way you put that..."but we all need help along the way"
i am coming up to the time concluding of my need of help
- Janine Le Gendre
- we always need help.. no man is an island and all that
- for brilliant people with so much to give .. what road do you take
Marc Raven: "What do you want cast out anyways? lol"
well Marc, a good friend inboxed me asking me the same thing. I loved the answer and the evolution of the conversation, I did think and wonder if I should post it...or if it was too exposing and vulnerable...given my proclivity for testimon
but suffice it to say the persons' response was "Darling what you want is Nirvana"
i want Nirvana for the next stage of life...and to cleave off all the fragments and fragilities and frailties, beseige and challenges of my first years..
Maven Huggins: " this is my seer---the universe, and provisions and synchronicities and coincidence...the way things pop up to pontificate a recent exchange, inside or conversation. do you see that>??!!
"Golden Renewal is the mantra of the moment."
Friday, August 10, 2012
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Serena of the Marvelous Willams Sisters
Just by chance i posted this pic to my fb profile. and wrote, "they are gorgeous": it precipitated many shares, and a few comments. but the exchange and the posting opened up a new vista that i must honor and acknowledge by registering it here.
I would love to be Serena's consort, macomere and companion. First person ever I considered that.
Weird huh?
Now how to make that happen
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Resist Nothing / Fighting Cancer ~ my title to a guest post by Peter Blake
"I have had a couple of weeks of immersing my Self in the Collective Consciousness swamp of "death by cancer" and would like to share some insights with you all that I hope may help in some way.
I just found out I have skin cancer, which although is not particularly Life threatening to me at this stage, it does however thrust me into the whole cancer paradigm of unknowns, fear and suffering of regrets and sadness. My Kahuna once said that the sickness of cancer is deep seated unresolved sadness, and having experienced the past 2 weeks, I have felt the experience of that.
Through my "Experiencing" work and because of my now intimate experience of cancer, I have spent the past weeks allowing myself to unearth those areas of my Life that are still retaining any residual energy of sadness, attachment and resistance etc and particularly abandonment. A fascinating exploration, for although I have done many many explorations of ownership in these areas, it was interesting now to just "allow" the residual energy still anchored to surface for completion. Scarey and liberating at the same time. Many insights revealed their self and countless surprises of how much energy was actually still trapped within me from these incomplete resisted experiences.
One of the greatest revelations has been of how cancer of ALL types, is the extreme expression of sadness and its inherent attachments to the perception of abandonment's in all forms. It is not just about where others had abandoned me, but particularly where I had abandoned my Self. The sadness I was suppressing within me from way way back previous events and also current human events, was the very same sadness I was feeling about having these cancers right now. The experience was the same, but the consequence of death here now was the extreme version of that sadness experience.
I could experientially see now what my beloved Kahuna was sharing with me. It is the stored remnants that eventually and inevitably, manifested the NOW experience of sadness that I couldn't avoid any longer.
After 2 weeks of this final allowing, I woke on Thursday morning and was painfully looking at the large open lesion on my leg and of course, allowing my Self to feel VERY sorry for my self. All of a sudden I had a rush of insightful Chi. In a flash I "KNEW" and even stated to my Self, that I wasn't going to die from this as long as I keep "experiencing" the massive Life change this event of cancer was bringing to me. As I stayed "in-feel" with my Awareness, within a half hour I was getting insight after insight of the connection between our body and Planet wellness and the power of the system of experiencing we have to work with to neutralize these build ups of resisted enegries.
I was laughing at my self because of the simplicity of this Divine system that brings our deepest resisted experience and there inherent energy blocks to the surface to be cleared. I could see that this is a Divine Orchestration so we may remain the most optimal Human, Spiritually possible. I saw how from my experience of the cancers coming out on me when I would expose my body to the sun, the sun actually draws them to the surface, to the light, to be seen so I can connect with them and make things right within my Self. Nature was reflecting to me an answer to the treatment of this sickness. By using my Awareness to "feel", this allowed me also to bring to the surface those associated resisted experiences. By allowing them to reveal to me in the light of my Awareness, the very experiential energy that is contributing to my physical dis-harmonies and dis-eases, blocks were being removed and I could feel my vitality increasing.
I was going to do some landscaping for my therapist friend that day but with all of this happening, I decided to not work and try to write about this. The morning laughter at self was also associated with the fact that the last 3 chapters of the book were also revealing them selves to me in profoundly graphic clarity. Their subject matter was exactly what all of these insights were related to. One of those chapters is called "Ho'oponopono for the World" and is related to the power of our ability of Experiencing to heal and how it opens up the flow of Divine Chi through us all.
When I called my friend to tell him I wasn't coming, his first question to me was, what have I done about the leg cancer? Before I could answer, he immediately started asking his other practitioners at his practice if they knew anything about how to treat it. Just as he was asking this, another practitioner who works there part time was walking past and said "Ohh yeah, I've been treating them for 18 yrs now very simply with an ancient American Indian herbal treatment with enormous success". He put her on the phone ... we talked ... I made an appointment that afternoon ... we began the first session. One application that afternoon of the worst and most obvious ones and by the morning they were dead. At this rate ALL skin cancers right now will be dead within 2 weeks without any dramatic rehabilitation's.
The physical clearing had begun I believe, because the space had been opened up as the healing of my Being was being completed. The ongoing prevention will come not in the form of resisting the sun, for it was resistance that created these events in the first place. It would come in the form of embracing a Life change of increased wellness on ALL levels of my Being through nutritional, emotional, physical and Spiritual practices that optimize the amount of Chi flow through me to the very heart of our Life support system we call Mother Earth.
I couldn't help but appreciate the Divine sequencing once more that brought ALL of this TO ME, that had this angel walk past just at the right time to hear the word cancer, without drama, suffering and grief. My willingness to experience anything completely and continually neutralized any escalation of drama and resistance my mind would love to bring up. I know this escalation would have surely prolonged and maybe intensified this whole journey for me.
You know, if I put my Awareness on a person or event that has lied to me or abandoned me etc., or any area of retained sadness and I still feel a charge of any kind, then I haven't completed the process of forgiveness or Love. Both of those neutralize all residual charge between my Self and the other and leaves a space of quiet calm that has no need for talk about it any longer.
Ho'oponopono is to say "I'm Sorry - Please forgive me - Thank you - I Love you."
The catch is that I am saying it to my Divine Higher Self, not to the other and when I say each I am allowing my self to "feel" the charge and connection to the present. The REAL power of Ho'oponopono is in our ability to TRULY and Self-HONESTLY "experience" each phrase as we speak it.
I'M SORRY, is to "feel" truly sorry for the event and anything "I" have done (without thinking about what that is, but allow what is to reveal its self to me). This is the area where the sadness becomes suppressed and has been buried deeper and deeper.
PLEASE FORGIVE ME is "Humbly" truly asking for forgiveness of the Divine Source for what has happened ... without ANY blame of other OR Self. This is the humility step .. to "feel" humbled by the experience and the place I play in this bigger picture.
THANK YOU is to "feel" TRULY thankful for the experience and grateful for the opportunity to learn and apply something new. Thankful for the experience and for the other person or event showing up to play the hard role of Liar or abandon-er so I can have this opportunity.
I LOVE YOU, simply becomes a natural "Response" after having "experienced" the above steps and is the one that dissolves the residual charge.
The first steps clear the space within me, which "makes things right with Self."
The last dissolves the barriers and disconnections between me and ALL others, not just the one that has lied or abandoned me etc. That person was merely the catalyst to give me the opportunity for me to clear my space of anchored negatively charged Chi within me that I have been storing from other events as well. If I need that person to forgive me ... then I am still incomplete with my own Ho'oponopono.
So please allow your self to just simply "feel with your Awareness" and experience your sadness completely in any and all areas of your Life ... especially in the present moment when it is happening. Especially notice and experience any forms of resistance to feeling sad also in EVERY present moment. With Courage and Awareness, you will notice that even the viewpoint of not having any sadness, is a self-deception form of resistance to just simply allowing your self to experience being sad. Sadness is an intrinsic aspect of the "Human being" and can't be denied, for it shows up our deeper and hidden attachments and expectations.
Here's an ironic paradox of the Divine system of experiencing, "If I experience my sadness fully and completely in every moment that it reveals its self, then I will no longer need to "live" there."
A visit to sadness is healthy ... to live there is a death sentence.
By not experiencing it, by resisting anything ... I become trapped in it ... suppressing its energy deep within me where it covertly influences and sabotages the full and open expression of the "Being of Love" I TRULY am."
thanking him deeply for his sharing the path to wholeness and healing for us all. I had to share it and share it agan.
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