dont talk to me. dont ask me nothing. dont even look for me. just do with this as you will
Sheldon Mendoza:
Sheldon Mendoza:

- "lol. take it light Dean. BREATHE
I know folk think that. It is a VERY Complex Story, History and Legacy to look at. There are many men in the story like MLK. Mandela, and in our Country Williams
Men who are pillars who are viewed as being saviors and moses.. but when time passes and one interrogates where black people are in those spaces, one sees the various delusions, lies and denials
in the states, we wanted to live next to white folk
in south africa they wanted to stop carrying cards as a symbol of the repeal of apartheid
in trinidad we wanted to work in the banks...
and in all those places in 2012. what is the condition of black people? and who if it is one person, led them astray? that is the deeper question
last week thirty something men in a labor protest were murdered, shot in cold blood in South Africa. Apartheid Much?> Apartheid Still? Even under Black Rule?
In the US, Black people are still enslaved to the body, to chattel living and to debt and prison complex. What is the name of their plantations, even next to white folk's mansions?
Classic ~ Black Amernica Traditions
In Trinidad. we are not much better, none at all. Just a different culture, the same debauchery just under the Caribbean Salt, Sand, Sea and Sun...Our Carnival is the only consciousness we know and when not carnival, Fete/ Our murder rates. Our Corruption, Our Nepotism. Our Demise to a Soca Soundtrack
Morgan Job
I hope this helps and you dont get mad at me too
Embraces Dean.
The best i can say is that the stories we learn and know dont stay the same for always. I deal with that theme in matters of the heart, love and relationships as well as in politics and social dynamics. They change/.Are we able to read the stories as it shifts in time like sand.?
___may i post this, my comment if not both because this is good stuff.
- Dean Anderson
- I think I hear what you are saying. I think. However, my Daddy's and my own feelings have more to do with MLK's "peaceful resistance" in bringing about inevitable change which could have been much more violent than it was than other things. I am much older than you are and am probably "stuck in the past". I grew up during those times and they scared the hell out of me and MLK calmed me and made me less afraid and more hopeful in what was for many a time without hope.
- Maven Huggins
- i appreciate and know that Dean. I am not so young you know. old enough to have imbibed that history at 47. So i know it. But what this discussion allows me to see is that our stories through different times do not collide, are not rendered impotent or denied by another time and its stories. I can appreciate deeply MLK and what he effected and did in his time . I am just living in another wake and so my timeline is longer or changed/ know what i mean? and to speak today's truth in no way takes away from yours...
- Dean Anderson
- I understand Maven. Thanks for your insight and sharing it with me.
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