Sagittarius Energy Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
someone who blanked me
over a year ago
promised to help me take my business, ArtPost Trinidad to a regional level
we had meetings. we planned a strategy. then he disappeared
saying he was busy
I wondered why
i wondered if i overwhelmed him
asked for too much
you know how we conscious and female creatures do: look for self blame and indictment.
now today,
he writes
with no apology
i keep telling you all
these males in this place* are peculiar
twisted, un-non-integrated, fragmented and broken
this man employed
on tv
with his own business
family and children
yet, he reaches out to me....
- 12:43Hayden Blades
Is there someway that we can find the time to brainstorm. I need to recharge my passion and I may need your help. It does not matter where we meet, I am tired of waiting for the world to enable my path. Let me know how you feel. - 13:00Maven Huggins
no problem
Maven Huggins:
sometimes the universe gives me too much
sometimes the universe thinks too highly of me
sometimes there is no place to scream
cause the madness is at the very outlet: here: fb
someone who blanked me in a big way over a year ago is knocking
asking me to revitalize them
when they were supposed to be helping me take my business to the next level
i just stare at the mail
and reflecting on how and to what extent clearly the universe, guides, gods and ancestors think i am valid worthy and big enough to not go off
i just thought of grace and wondered if i am capable
so instead i come here to write
who am i that i cant save and provide for myself?
suffer endless persecution and lack of love
but yet still, sought by others
makes no sense
but Gita just told me...my path is not to make sense. not for me anyway
and the tears flow
i have much money, gold, holy water, prayers, offerings and praise
my tears
and no matter what they say of me, my energy is pure/ remains so
they may lie and say otherwise
But...the nature lifts me up and proves different
my true character
not the misunderstanding folk buy, announce, trade and barter
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