Friday, August 23, 2013

Excerpts: Readings, Prophecies and Destinies of A Life

  1. see that photo is in three parts. the land. a wombmyn and a male/ peculiar isnt it 

     -----------these are the things that give you validation and authority over what is in someone else's hands...appearing / the truth is in the value to who

    Rob Brezsny's Free Will Astrology:
    "Somewhere there's a treasure that has no value to anyone but you, and a secret that's meaningless to everyone except you, and a frontier that harbors a revelation only you would know how to exploit. Why not go in search of those things? "

    "you are a WOMBman after all

    u birthed him into a business man"
    " an enabling birthing wombmyn midwife/ of men"
    "u r transforming (like the corbeaux) men

    perhaps u here not to birth children

    but to birth ideas
    to birth men with no ambition into those of focus

    d space(land) in d background is d space that is left for wat u birthed

    d relationship was probably part of the process needed to birth/transform into a business

    perhaps d bird came to show u that yr relationship will be diseased by it transforming to a partnership and that yr relationship would die bc of this transformation..who knows

    u are a transformer

    wen people come into contact with u they have no choice but to be changed in one form or the other..but change they will

    as much as u love him that may not be yr purpose to b mates...u were to birth him out of that a mother loves a child in the womb b4 it is born

    that was yr purpose to him...and he did say it himself

    so u have to love without the attachment as how a good parent would wen it is time to let go"


"i got my answer lol
u r a maker of men
the universe has been telling u through different ppl"

  1. Photo


    i told a guy last night who was shocked that i had no children that i never found a man worthy enough to have children for/ he tried to contend with me about 'perfection' even though i told him my definition is not his...[it is my moon...i wrote that before and at the beginning] i know i am right. if there were men worthy enough i would not be sent empowered to transform them

    my bird: Corbeaux
    my moon: Third Full Blue Aquarian Moon August Summer 2013
    my birth: midwife wombmyn maker/transformer/enabler/birther of men


Saturday, August 17, 2013

Battling Against Psychological Warfare/ Life of A Melanated Female

Richard Anthony Luke:

"There are some books so hard to find and when found they have been deleted from the net. Here is a great one, but it is set up to prevent the link from being posted so you will have to search it out yourself. Secret.Societies.And Psychological.Warfare by Michael Hoffman. Yup. It's about that psychological war I keep telling you about. The one you don't think that you are engaged in, for you are at peace. Yeah right."


yo. i think. am almost sure. that is what and why and how my life is in the turbulence it is in all corners. i have awakened to the psychological warfare against my existence, my soul, my embodiment of self from long time, if not from a child. No If. From a child, starting with the first opponent who took me on: my father...and I  learned was not safe. I was in a war. so i had to become a warrior. I am  now deconstructing and weaving the pieces into a new more enlightened understanding and this post up to today, last night, when friends who are all men, older, trying to tell me what to do, how to be, praising and beholding me only because of my attributes of their preference, that is just pure attempts to cannibalize, consume, control, own...i understand where my 'disobedience' comes from. one who is sane will never obey someone trying to kill suppress or change them = and change for their purposes and use eh

and one certainly learns there are common forms not to be when someone tells me i have trust issues, i find it funny, only the untrustworthy, scoundrels are ever the ones to mouth those words. i find it funny that they never take it as a challenge to prove and show themselves worthy, but to continue doing all the things, blindly and intentionally, that scream to me the extent to their deceit and lying. It is kind of deep

real deep/ cause i am now at the juncture that my warriorhood must take on another form. it allowed me to survive but not thrive, and it is blocking me now and for a long time, i imagine. but the war has not ended so it surely provides for a dilemma.

and you can never speak or tell these people of such ideas or realities/ they were telling me to calm down for my passion in farming and railing against a slave culture that keeps cogs from ever awakening, far less for if i was to speak this.

the camel and that eye of a needle

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Machinations of Political Imaginations

Joginder Aulakh:
" rather no woman , ever played victim -- it is the man's littleness -- that always spoke a lie ."

Staceyann Chin, "What happened to me was NOT MY FAULT".

-------quotes on a meme regarding women, victimhood, and "playing victim"

and i am wondering, when is what you experience and happened to you, "your fault"? then i wonder if a lot of my experiences these past thirteen years were "victim blaming"? i never considered or framed myself as a victim but i wonder if i have been a victim of this world capitalist domination system? or is it that i pulled the wrong tools off the shelf? or that I never knew how to play the games for the arenas i entered? what and where is the role of 'blame' and 'responsibility' and i quote Joginder because of his, "it is the man's littleness" screams out at me. ... when we choose the wrong things, the wrong places, the wrong people, the wrong choices, the wrong behavior, the wrong responses, the reactions? i feel lost and confused as ever and wonder what are the symptoms of being in connection and interface with demented sociopsychopaths. i certainly believe being lost and confused is the direct result of such. and i remember another meme that says when confused turn the picture another way, upside down, look from another angle. which is itself scary, cause in a two part deal, supposedly, the opposite direction is from the counterpart and their comments and behavior will surely leave you to think, there was a scheme, a strategy, a play, a confidence game, to get and benefit at any expense or cost; least of all any consideration to you, and you had no idea. believing someone good when they are only a smartman. this leads me to reflect on a talk i had yesterday that seemed to me a bit surreal, as if i was a tv, radio or journalist host, or writer taking notes, documenting an experience...i feel this is a good place to tag that write up and leave it in its broken, unclean, unedited raw copy. but it can be controversial. and there are ideas in there that should be copyrighted, but overall, i felt it was an unexpected boon : someone showing their brilliance that i never thought or knew, a sharp insight that seemed different from the crowd and landscape.

if nothing else, this post is taken the indirect and impersonal, applying it to the personal and then it is an external personal human interaction/interactive dynamic extrapolating it to a nationhood

and see, as i read the piece over pondering whether to make it public, the word jumps out at me. TRUST. all the pieces I am seeking weaving to integrate are about TRUST> trust on the personal internal level, trust on the interactive level with others, intimate and public, and public trust of institutions, politicians, processes and systems;; outcomes and services. and trust of individuals in all these dynamics to make the right call, see accurately, associate correctly, be honest-- and where is the blame, or responsibility> do we take responsibility for encountering and engaging snakes? or are those the 'littleness of men"?

Machinations of Political Imaginations
13 August 2013 at 12:51

it is a very rough time right now and taking a lot of imagination to survive politically

it is like the lord of the rings. there is a lot of undercurrent and machinations going on so it requires a lot of political imagination.

a neanderthal' a cromagnon reimagined
his political presence is a backward step into tribalism and 'bigmanism'
in the malaysian culture they have a big man culture...(the jefe, don, chief of africa, latin america) in malaysia, big man, baddestman, coming out of a tribal fighting culture... in his case his use of money and brer nancy - the spider in the Aesop's fable--the smart man, conniving, bob and weave, move around and get out of situation...our politics in trinidad is brer nancy ...and it is a tabanca a fallout and sooner or later him and kamla will get back together..

you know the kind of things they said about kamla when they were opposing her: moonilal, bharath, but that is there...once they can control they can get back there is this dance of conflict and this is their means of negotiation to resolve and come back again? ...all part of their hindu theory mixed with chieftain politics....the models are there you know..they just keep reinterpreting it all the Ramayana...the story of Hanuman ==the one who theif the wife of shiva...and Shiva's Tabanca.. same stories they are reinacting...all about power, success and money..

so it takes a lot of poltiical imagination. you cant relate to anyone on straight trust relationships...this is why the society cant advance because you cant use trust as a normal is the currency of business -- (human relations, dealings and social capital), you have to use scheming and brer nancy politics. so a lot of the nations' resources are absorbed into trickery, corruption, rival, conmen and conwomen

...that billion dollar road is the most expensive road in the world...where is that money the minute the road going to and your friends go and buy up all the go and buy a mountain...and that is the opposition...people, the public, know they are being conned but they cant figure it out and put their finger on it...

so for parties like us, a partner describe it as a virgin in a whore house...and one pure, it is lost..

...on the port, to get a barrel, one has about twelve stops to make...all of that is to decrease the corruption...but all it does is increase the corruption because there is a greater number of opportunity...same thing with licensing office

so jw is on his rampage and he has a lot of money to expand himself..he has stolen the golden goose---the gg is the political will of the people
what is laying the egg. giving political he has snatched that and is running with it and the giant, the unc, is running after him

surprising that jack is the name in that story...Jack and the Beanstalk...climbed up and stole something from the giant...Jack the Giant Slayer>>>

...thinking of bringing out a band next year...Jacks. Jack you Up, Jack up Your Car, JackAss, Jack and the Beanstalk, Jumping Jack, Jack Hammer, JackIron Rum (Grenada) - highest alcohol content -90% in the world...Jack be Nimble...Austin "Jack" Warner...he got jack because the teacher in school called him a jackass>" ole mas every piece will tell a story..
thought about writing a book: i transported to this country and when i land there is a fight between tribal factions...and i am told of how this country came to be there, the people and its conditions and how the war started...talking of the political philosophy of what it means to be in this place

because the person who emerges as the leader of the country, as a strongman, but he will not be the solution to or for the country."

"death threats and he can manage them by giving them some things...shady characters
so how does this work: threat pulls you down, hurts you, keeps you quiet, extortion itself makes you aparty to their criminal ring..

remember jack was minister of national security so people have their people

it is not the first threat i have gotten there are others who have their strongmen, and they assign themselves to you. 'saif'...and when you refuse them they get aggressive

these people subscribe to power as if it is a know they are not really smart you know; they have not much alternative or choice in their life (and this part reminds me of a conversation i had with hayden blades saying that the population of this country are all chasing a few opportunities, all of them knowing that one thing: that time, resource and opportunity shall soon run out, so there is a mad grab to get it all at once, and two, they all fear that the other will get it and they will get none. and in that regard, imagine the negativity transplants, and different thinkers will be subjected to, the gate keeping, shutting down, exclusion and maligning that may occur--that is the victimhood this country is predicated on--and if you speak it, you are not taking responsibility? i met someone last week and in a conversation about employment and why one such like me with so many skills and ideas and they asked me my background and when i mentioned the phd was told that once people see that they will run scared. this country..ah, another word. Fear and Scared, Coward and Curs/ Four for one. Then the lack of Trust, the absence of Honesty, and the Subterfuge, Subterfusion, Mamaguy and Double Dealing,. there is an overwhelming avalanche of stuff, paralyzing to recount)

" the people who are part of these ethnic groups" --- at this point the exchange trailed off, the focus flipped, but if it were possible to continue, that endline would be a perfect pick up point to learn and hear more.

-------end transcript such as it were/there are typos i can no longer see, but this person;s use of lens and frameworks, literature and character were fascinating to foreign me----------------------------------

it is a hell of a thing to talk to someone, know they are lying , but they have no idea that you know things, have seen things, have read things to know that they are lying, and then watch them do the subterfuge, the obfuscation, the discussion on proof, or giving false interpretations.. all to undermine your assessment that you couch as questions or propositions...

it is destabilizing really.
does that qualify for sociopsychopathic behavior? and what is that you may ask? dissonance, hypocrisy, lies, damn lies, obfuscation, projection, alterations, constructing alternate realities, reimagining history and events, challenging your charger's truth, memory, or just coming up with new shit that blows the other's mind. in short to obliterate the ground you both are standing on.

i wrote yesterday to leave the dumb shit alone ehnt?
if one is not careful, they will destroy and obliterate you, all the while speaking of 'genuinely liking you" lordamercy, calling all guides and ancestors to save, aid and deliver

makes me think of that sister they sent to st. ann's,, or the movie, liar liar,
and then it occurred to me this is the behavior of little people, they conjure up and cover up to compensate for their personal failures, all the while they assign that to you. what is the dsmv? dmsv? category for this behavior?

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

something to ponder and come back to

Rufus Mahon
When you are in a fight for your life, and the battle is getting tough; the adversary looks for a kink, crack in your armor to exploit it. Lack of repentance, lack of forgiveness will always keep your sword dull and your armor unable to protect you. Yeah, you maybe obedient to what you feel God is telling you, but without confessing the sin in your life and walking in offense and unforgiveness, defeat is guaranteed. Prayers go unanswered, forward progress is stopped and growth ceases until those issues are dealt with. So if your wondering why your being defeated, prayers not answered and your not growing, it's not the leaders fault, the teachers fault, your prayer partners fault or anybody else; it's YOU!! Confess, deal with it and get restored. Don't let something so little keep you from gaining something so great.......

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Love of Vampires

if they tell you you are too complicated to love is it true?
if they say loving you is difficult is that true?
if they say that you have not opened up to them, do you know it?
what if you opened up to them more than any one else in the past, is that true?
are these things true?

am i damaged goods?
am i handicapped: mentally, emotionally:
-thinking i am an alien
-thinking i am misunderstood wholesale
-talking different to most
do i have trust issues and baggage? or are the men i have encountered and most of the ones that surround me show themselves untrustworthy?
do you really want to be with me when you make and keep yourself open to all your ex girlfriends?
are you really committed to me when you refuse to tell your ex girlfriend you have a woman in your life?

how can you distinguish between the men telling the truth and the ones lying to you to shade their deceit?

how do you know that it is just them trying to break you feeling that you are too powerful?
how do you know the difference between gender bashing and subjugation and real personality flaws that are deal breakers?

how do you tell him I know you are a liar cause i read your phone texts: the quandary between trying to assail the truth and trying to find the real character and being besmirched yourself transgressing someone's privacy. the privacy that has no honor

how do you not bash yourself when you have insecurities about your own correctness but bounced up against confusion

what about when they tell you you are confused, crazy, wrong headed, wrong thinking, overanalyzing, and coming up with the wrong conclusions

if you are in a relationship with someone, will they have regular daily and multiple texts and conversations with an ex girlfriend?

and then you talk about building a network?
how are your ex girlfriends helping you create your life?
when you are in trouble, how come any number of your male friends so close to you not an option?

i dont understand this life
i dont understand life
I am not so smart

how do you know your feelings of sadness and loss are not just your desperation? and not this idea of love? if a man loves you does he leave you? and refuse to put in the work?

he says you never opened up
you never trusted him
you believed he was sleeping with others

 i am futilely trying to write my way out of a love morass, a need crutch? a life 2013 disappointment.
ii thought i found the man who would love me for eternity; at least that is what he promised
iii but evidently i am not the person he met, something about complex, complicated, with trust issues...and all the while i think it is him. if a man walks the straight and narrow and not shady and hypocritical, a woman cant help but be happy. i was for three months. blissfully so

now i am moving on
still cursed: "a man will never be with you but for more than a few months"

..when who and what and you thought you were so great and end up being not worth a bag of chips, at all

Friday, August 2, 2013

Where You Put Me Is Where Your Fruit -July 9 2013

these such empty posts --are journal inserts i wrote that were too controversial to place in the public domain. but a track here is laid to remind that when i am compiling for publication to look for the insert.

excuse me.

Sacrificial Lamb > Offerings to Others: Ancestors and Life Living

 these such empty posts --are journal inserts i wrote that were too controversial to place in the public domain. but a track here is laid to remind that when i am compiling for publication to look for the insert.

excuse me.