Friday, January 3, 2014

Touch Not My Anointed...2014

while i was trying to find sleep after weeks of endless limes, my brain would not rest
as i prayed to strengthen myself to find courage for the fight ahead and to vindicate myself and vanquish my enemies, i fell upon reflection, back to 2003, when University Village Michigan State University tried to evict me. And holies upon holy, the white judge refused to allow that fuckery.
not after ten years of living there, incident free, without ever being late on rent or missing a payment. He refused to enact the order. That is one of my personal life stories of  GRACE, victory, blessings and Anointing. Obviously i am encamped all around. So it hit me, this fight i am bracing for in 2014 is neither mine nor necessary...and this came to me:


sleep wont come . as tired as I was
but why is it that upon reaching today, 2014, do i recognize some powerful truths and connections? my brain is turning..

parents of children who wreak havoc. they are not parents
i should say people with children; for if they were parents they would have never rendered their children into demise. the sins of the father falls to them seven times seven. but the sins of the mother yields direct death. but ignorant and unreading folk would not know this...

{for every plant sand croton planted, as with that heart and intention - directly so onto your children, by name, onto their head, tying and destroying their hands. as your head/mind schemed against loves and the giving, so onto the fields of your children: their life and living. for every hand stalked to stifle so too your children breaths. and never moreso as much so as the hands of the planter, the writer of such maps, the weaver of ill: mother they would call her/ a farce shown myriad times. thirty years fallow. thirty years abandoned. thirty years rejected. but vengeful to your own incompetence projected. reflected as a mirror onto self, your children, and all those who spoke, allowed and conspired. you linked the chain. "you did what you had to do" now you all five, six, eight; reap the consequences/ silence and complacency reaps not the observers' innocence. touch not my anointed nor do my priestess prophet poet no harm}

you create what you do
the sins of your hands fall to your children
abhadda kedhabhr
sending your sickness back to you and yours;
your seed and connections rotten and still born as thirty years avow

you hated what you could neither do, aspire to nor accomplish-
what you saw done in a month. nine months, or eleven/ was surely bitterness to your barren soul
not in thirty years past nor in thirty years to come and you shall die still sucking salt

the ground you walk upon is your children's broken curled and infirmed back

Ase! ase Ase!


that whole thing or just the parentheses will go in a card and arrive at Bon Air West
in a timing

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