Jp Parsons's Doodle...so Seccember
i love jobs that require you to have a vehicle.
their asses should be providing one.
why should you run down your asset in operation to their bottom line
dynamics like that show you the real truth of situations. 'slave' and usury
one job has as its second expectation in terms of reference as:
"respect to superiors at all times" - language and mindsets like that tell a lot
then i got a call from a prospective employer who posted the job as a few words with a telephone number. I text. She is responding. She negates to identify herself, the company. She tells me she got the message but did not read the text. She instead of outlining the job tries to ask me what I contacted for, I try to tell her 'information' She for some reason can neither hear or interpret me and many may have wondered why it is I texted and did not phone. But in her approach to ask, she says, "First of all, are you experienced with letter press do you know what one is?" and her huff and arrogance just made me say, "yes, I will have to talk with you another time" . Folk out here think as employers they are somehow on some pedestal and they show all the ways and reasons that is far from the truth.
but it made me realize, folk dont apply and look for jobs in perpetuity. at some point they stop. nobody got time for that level of annoyance.
so it is a new month. a new day. what makes today different from yesterday, who says it is really the first of december and not actually the twentyfirst of ambleduary?
we got tied up in so many ways, but selah, nevertheless, i am trying to be new. Trying to test my resolve and strength. Test the truth of an old belief story and myth that I am strong like that iron. Trying to build construct a new life, Change my energy vibration to aid and manifest the life I want to come, so I want to do everything differently. the last month of 2014 , walking into 2015
and as i think of changes and new times i cant help but remember the old and recount the level ass punks i have encountered this year trying to do and build one thing or another. and so many times I thought they were done deals either for on the ground and long term familial connections, reputations, belief systems, Orisha, Africans, philosophy, or just trying to be an honest person trying to crack a nut. They all turned out to be trifling ass mother fucking nobodies. just good enough for posing, but full of shit, lacking integrity, truth, character or even basic civility to come back with a word of No. and let me tell you from the bottom street to the top of finance...folk in this place are all the same...seeming fearful to be direct, face to face and honest. No. not this time. Not today. just leave it all let it languish into nothingness. fucking curs and cowards. been saying it for years. and not just me either. and it is not just people i know either. it is also politicians who seek to serve citizens of this nation, a few I have written telling them this is my situation, this is what I consider doing, and havent received the action promised or a response. the women are no different from the men. shafeeza mohammed in san juan?? and donna who in morvant? and stacy before she got thrown under the bus. and the head of hr for some energy company, margaret somebody, reminds me too of margaret sampson browne. wrote her many years ago to offer my support in the work she does to violence and abuse victims, the woman never acknowledged or answered. I continue sailing on. like looking for jobs and applying...at some point you are not bothered in talking, reaching out or engaging another soul. folk will ask me to always believing that their people are so much better and different and you to yourself know, there are no different animals in the zoo...just the basic traditional common ones in masques. fix yourself no one will fix it for you and plenty will destroy
woke up the second time thinking of carl huggins my father. how he sold my mother's house in labaja that was a rental, my mother lived with her sisters after she had us thinking she left him and was divorcing. that would have been a house I could have lived in or continue renting to make money. labaja is now one big housing income generating site and a nice place to live. i think of how i could have turned shoe clinic into a franchise once again..this time dealing in leather crafts, shoe and phone repair and phone sales. Employing and apprenticing so many young males. So it was in my dreams. i think of all the sins my father has committed against me and my mother and wondered when will he ever pay. and not just me. he has appropriated a legacy, house and land that belonged to other siblings, but they have just washed their hands. I somehow, am still trying to transcend. in a place that gets paid to thwart, block and frustrate. committed they are to your paralysis or downfall, and if not that, aborted manifestations and plans
this is just my end of year assessment. have you done yours yet?
------------on another note, but more of the same hatefulness that seems to come effortlessly, i read someone refer to the prime minister's gift bags to children as "freeness" and I wondered, when did we ever consider gift giving to children as freeness? and wondered how much load was in that trailer truck of a statement
like i said, i am counting the days and making assessments of how far i have to go, how many mountains to climb, how many cliffs to gain, chasms to bridge, my life to change
the good news I can share with you...when i reflect on my list of goals and missions for 2014, i realize accomplishment and resolve does not always come as you picured or conceptualized. It in fact may remain on the list of things to do. rolling over into the next year, 2015, but going in, you are crystal clear on many facets: your intention, your purity, your dedication, your entitlement either by spirit, ancestors, deeds, god will, good will, integrity, spiritual justice or ancient history, as in Santa Maria! some people do you bad things but is like that was the only way to lay gold at your feet and sprinkles in your locs
the struggle is real and it continues
my legacy of wealth and royalty maintains and I continue to obtain
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