who would imagine that someone would look to be in a relationship with the other sex, for the sole and main purpose to do some personal work of character and mental emotional and physical stability and evolution /
bizarre eh. and flies against the idea of "do your work first" but there are conditions and realities where this is the specific requirement and order
like feeling one may be physically inhabited by energies and entities that give you impetus and impulses that are outside the norm. to be specific, i see that perhaps lacking physical contact, affection and closeness for someone who is physical. they may break boundaries with people around them. touching, hitting, kicking. and it is not that they mean to do harm, or want to be violent, such people may not be aware of themselves, their strengths. and it is made worse when they are naturally a physical affectionate person. one who does not shy away from human contact.
then i think of seeking therapy and sitting talking to a professional psychologist, and part of me wishes to talk to someone who cares about you, then apart from that, I think it might be a wonderful thing to have a personal witness of that experience of therapy...that your mate goes to your sessions, hears everything as it would aid them understanding you, learning about your history and your struggle
but on another level, i think life might trip you up enough and so much that you really need accompaniment for the journey. it is no longer one where you are free, should, or is suggested that you proceed alone.
i am learning some vulnerabilities, fragilities , tragedies, humilities and overall humanity of life that no one ever talks about. and you know we see it and dont even know it, dont name it. like that woman who was found after carnival at the savannah, she was clearly by herself and if not, not enough folk looking after or for her. or folk who take actions because of a total lack of support in their lives, no one to talk to, no one to reach out to, and i am the first to admit that no matter how it appears you have friends, family, love and support, they may not be that real and when you look for them in that depth, you find you are swimming and or drowning alone so there is need for others, reinforcements, outside resources/ in a space where no such thing exists, in fact.
I realize now, i need emotional, physical, mental and emotional support to live. and i think to do that along the smartest proficient way possible/
i even feel there are so few people who are skilled to even respond to something like that, to address such needs, i dont believe life coaches are either that human, compassion filled or competent to recognize such a wide need. that level of depth does not get turned off
i woke up this morning and wondered why are there not women forms of that alternative spiritual naturopath in st. augustine. i forget his name. but he talks and knows of alien beings, ley lines, and energy. where are the women spiritualists power agent healers? just like if you were a mother, you would not necessarily send your daughter to a male therapist, likewise, there would be a preference sometime for a female version of these capacities. and i just dont see them.
and i think this post is deep cause of the depth of exposure, but seriously, on another level, i see us sisters struggling and our anger. and bite is our ways of dealing with our trauma and our writing change. stories and calls on fb are a way for us to deal with the matter on the macro, but here it is for me, I wish to do my micro.
you know i am watching k. michelle at the moment, and i think if there can be a physical escort accompaniment at all times it would avert and avoid situations and incidences occurring . just like papoose, the husband of remy on love and hip hop n... keeping her away from certain people and forces. these are examples of what i try to frame here.
i wonder though if all this is at all possible outside of money, outside of folk seeking to take advantage. if anyone is capable of being that altruistic, and sublimating their interests and ego dynamic for and with the wellbeing of another
i keep thinking how life is all about "what eh meet you eh pass you"
no matter how sane people appear, they aint this deep

-------------------------Post Script. Universe's Vibration (3pm)
i must really learn to cut myself a break.
I clearly am very much in line with the universe, part of its vibration energy. if you were to decode the energy you would find my small piece of dna in the wave. i often write things and then hours after see the same message from other and higher sources, this is one such.
i wrote a long post this morning about this need, and how things and life, and mind and spirit, thus leading the body, goes awry in the absence of necessity.
See: https://www.facebook.com/maven.huggins/posts/10153924525565148
give thanks. I am just a healer, always scanning for viruses, defects and imbalance. and seeking the right correction/ that is the best one can ask of oneself. in this life.

IFA: Yoruba Scientific Spirituality
is nothing on this planet that you can accomplish on you own. You need
a partner to work with you to achieve your vision. This reality is
deified as Ibeji, the inseparable twins.
The Europoid would have you believe that an individual can manifest things alone. This is why he is obsessed with putting an individual's name on every human achievement in history.
In IFA: Yoruba Scientific Spirituality, individual names are marginalized in the telling of history because Africans do not live under the illusion that an individual is ever alone responsible for any achievement. Ironically, the lack of emphasis on individual names in history is why the Europoid says Africans have no history. If they only knew that we don't need to record names for the last few thousand years to validate ourselves.
Unlike the 10,000 year old Europoid race, the African race is 400,000 years old in the homosapien form (7 million years old if we begin with the first hominoids in Africa). We are beyond the concept of individual because we understand the broad picture which is the accumulation of millions of years of African culture. There is no I. There is only we. This is Ibeji."
give thanks. I am just a healer, always scanning for viruses, defects and imbalance. and seeking the right correction/ that is the best one can ask of oneself. in this life.

IFA: Yoruba Scientific Spirituality
The Europoid would have you believe that an individual can manifest things alone. This is why he is obsessed with putting an individual's name on every human achievement in history.
In IFA: Yoruba Scientific Spirituality, individual names are marginalized in the telling of history because Africans do not live under the illusion that an individual is ever alone responsible for any achievement. Ironically, the lack of emphasis on individual names in history is why the Europoid says Africans have no history. If they only knew that we don't need to record names for the last few thousand years to validate ourselves.
Unlike the 10,000 year old Europoid race, the African race is 400,000 years old in the homosapien form (7 million years old if we begin with the first hominoids in Africa). We are beyond the concept of individual because we understand the broad picture which is the accumulation of millions of years of African culture. There is no I. There is only we. This is Ibeji."
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