Cathedrals, Chandeliers, Wood, Men, Family => Home
so many thoughts, a friend request from an unknown, no content, no mutual friends and a pulling name, Marie Rose. I thank whomever is behind that seemingly fake profile for the beautiful picture of me--a Mother, a Maria, spirit woman healer, in blue, and with child.
second, Barack is talking and there is a news white o...ut. Nothing going on but the man.
third, i was so completely far away in a dream that the phone rang three times evidently, and i never heard it the first time. heard it the last time, while still in the dream, and only waking up at its persistent ring. i never have the ringer on. it gave me something to think about. i usually sleep light. but not when i travel
in that dream seems i was having family and very close friends (family) over and someone, a man said something...but for the life of me i cannot go back to see or remember who that man was and he mentioned something about the use of space or where things were, and i told him go ahead and realign me...and he moved my furniture. first of all i seemed to live in a massive beautiful wood structure of an open floor plan. in what would (wood) be cathedral ceilings, patterned as if there were waves,..when the dream was interrupted, i was sitting on the sofa admiring how beautiful the place was and thinking to myself, i will get a chandelier for there, the great room, and really clearly having a sense that i could not afford it right then...but it was right before putting away all these amazing foreign expensive white wines, from Germany, France. wines with unbelievable whole front labels--you know the labels of expensive as hell never open foreign language...and one was in a blue bottle, already opened, and another one i looked at...someone had unloaded them so i was deciding to leave them in the rack or what to put in the fridge.
and i remember my bed being moved from one place to what would seem to be the living room and there were a gathering of men, and i would swear my father seemed to be there in the midst of all, the one on the edge, but that is almost an impossibility, and it would seem that it was the women with me in the sideboard...but that is not clear..but my layout was odd..bedroom in great room, and sideboards and chaise lounge close together but no vision of the kitchen, and then we were in another side room that opened out via grand french doors (but you did not see what type of doors) and we were deciding where to put that other bed.) Like both beds were i sleep in both at the same time, mine
But when I woke up from the dream, I could not remember the start of the dream and I know there was a start. And i am also clear that i had a sense of completeness in that dream, a spiritual emotional life completeness that was striking...
So i wake up again, from another dream emphasizing 'family' to know my salvation and future, as was my origin, resides within, there, and with them
I feel sorry for those who wish to be in my life but cannot be; such was the person calling me. I am elsewhere

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