We were in a world far much advanced, wide open space, very many ppl but equally organized. it wasn't earth, for sure. you were flying, saying sth like "it's my time, it's my time." U asked me for 2 things, u said they were very important (not sure of their significance) - DVD player and vacuum cleaner *(laugh laugh)* U explained that u had to play sth of GREAT import with the DVDp, but i knew u werent going to use the vacuum thingie for its intended purpose- it was for sth far more innovative, jus cant remb. significance????
were u there, too?? u must be glad ppl take time to dream of you;)"
July 19, 2010
On September 6/7, 2010, Apollonia Mack interprets the above dream thus:
"DVD player...you would have to record you works for the future generation to view
Vacum cleaner...you have lots ahead to tide (tie?) up
The guy got a vision of your life. Plain and simple. He did not get a dream where one has to try and decipher etc...black and white it is."
(Apollonia does not have a picture of herself up)
Where my friend and high school boyfriend Rufus Mahon writes, on the very night:
"Melise, I'm just glad to be a help in anyway I can.
Experiences in life can either make us or break us; propel us or hinder us. Now that you have put your finger on the source of the blockages, what do you intend to do about it?
Its time to release Melise....
Yes we all see the greatness bottled up inside the little body (lol) and know the explosiveness that can happen once it is ignited and freed from the holding cage that it is in.
Your on the road to a great healing Melise, don't be afraid to embark on it. You may cry some and some of the memories may be livid and painful but please don't abort the process, the world is waiting for the arrival of Melise (Maven) Huggins"

September 2010
and another angel...aiming for my success...mrose
Apollonia Mack:
"Ok...see, your journey/life has carvings/gifts already etched into your being...what first attracted me to your fb page, was the flame..that is how I see GOD, as a light..my present call card has a candle..my logo (presently being designed is a candle)..ha ha ...you ain't no joke..you work is 'cut out for you'...vacum and dvd time...and trust me, if you dont heed you CALLING, your life will be tumultous...but then again, you KNOW DAT..haha...and those haha is not laughter, yet I am happy.
Pact made....50th.."
Tom Sewe on Sept 8, 2010
"How right Apollonia is!! I refer you to our recent correspondence:
Me: "...maybe u shud join PP's Kamla Persad-Bissessar at the top ranks, we need Richards out :)
You: "...people dont join cabals love, the bosses invite; and i am not of their ilk and they/she seems to have a penchant for the ol boys; the big boys; not girls, not new..."
Political interest, i imagine, does not necessitate one conforming to merely available factions.. Last time i checked T&T was a democracy. Obviously i'm reiterating what Apollonia's saying:
"...what are you waiting on...get up and form a Party and start leading the nation and give folks like me (there are thousands) a reason to vote."
Dearie, between doing something then regretting later, and regretting not having done anything at all- do you know what is more painful and unforgivable?? Be the judge.
Deep interpretation of the dream, indeed.
Waiting and watching you :))
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