as i view notifications i am taking back to this graphic. quite profound really
i think this morning. well. something comes to mind in response to what its message and word poses> it is possible that we underestimate how common and pervasive man is sociopsychopathic manipulative sadomasochistic. i think we underestimate since it is not our bend as humans to see truth, get past our denials, and rationales, to admit our base craven sickness as human forms and living/ the financial crisis is the only real shocking thing that happened to prove this whole dynamic. look how all things appeared honky dory only masquing turmoil and set timed disaster behind the curtains of grand appearances.. look at trinidad lawrence duprey and ewart williams for example and one if thinking correctly begins to see what i speak of. they too are sociopsychopaths. and still free and on podiums. so you see the system and population itself is sick to accept them, their performances and exactings. with impunity they exist in grand great unmeasured balls to still show their face in public
so perhaps if this is the condition...these are the same characters whose seed gives birth to these women, so why would unconscious asleep women not cleave to parts of what made them? what would women choose if they are not aware of teh sickness they themselves swim and breathe?
why would women be any separate from the greater population of other men who get railroaded every day in daily life. see trinidad public spectre, life and conditions. the men and children are being phucked too just as equally. it is just that the women and children are preyed upon in hierarchy, so for them it is multiple forms of abusive realities. I submit for the males too in silent ways so we have what, a pool of really sick bastards that if you feign to be natural and in the flow of the population, from them you will chose and the rest of the asleep will make graphics wondering how and why and yet, no one putting the pieces together to realize they are standing back looking at themselves phucking another part of themselves/ just maybe under different conditions, in a different settings with a lot of compromises (money, post, job, position) that delude them into thinking they are different, above or better, when in fact, by doing so, you are perpetuating, investing and strengthening the said system
did you get that?
in other words, maybe, if you want to wonder why women end up, fall in love, stay with and make children for douchebags > ask yourself why you do?
It is not just about who we mate.
This is a classic case of how SocioPsychoPathology is inhered in a population from early, inculcated, perpetuated and colonialized
Gillian Goddard:
Gillian Goddard Yup Brian. It's the solidifying of the teaching of greed, competition, envy, working in isolation and AGAINST others, the silent agreement of unfairness through contact (as manifested in the 20% lists) and a complete silence and acceptance by those of us with access because we love our children and want them to get what should, in all fairness, be available to all. I guess that in a way we almost, as a society, cannot imagine what it would be if everyone had access to a GREAT school. It's not that expensive. Most of the good schools actually have worse facilities and worse paid teachers than the middling or mediocre schools. I wonder what the Common Entrance experience was of the worse of our politicians?
Gillian Goddard Vomiting sounds like a super-appropriate response here Elana. Let's keep putting attention and articulating what we want and not let it be sidetracked by complacency and a new crisis (which our governments keep in ready supply on the shelves.) What DO we parents and children and ex-members of the system want? What would make us and our children and our relationships with each other thrive when it comes to learning? And where can we find places that we can openly talk about this? Where can we cry about seeing what happened to our children when they hit 10 and the pressure was exerted? We need spaces. Robert Anthony Young, when are you going to have a session about this in your space?
Janine Mendes-Franco Let me know when that session is...I'm so there! The system is a proven failure - and yet, we keep doing the same thing and expecting different results. Change has to come from parents, as the powers that be have no vested interest in changing the status quo. To do that requires a shift in thinking; a major overhaul. I agree: great schools that respect and honour the spirit and interests of children should be the norm rather than the exception.
Natasha Ramnauth Why would the State have an interest in changing the system when the PARENTS so obviously want it? For years I have heard parents complain about lessons, the stress and strain on them, on their child etc but when asked, what would you do to change the system the answers never cease to amaze. Instead of subscribing to the ideal that the education experience should start at a standard base so that across the board, all schools should provide a quality experience, they mumble something about that will never happen. Of course it won't until we demand it. I have come to the conclusion that many Trinidadians prefer the drama and angst. ASlso wish to feel superior, even at the expense
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