is a dead Ancestor supposed to do for you in the Afterlife that they
didn't do for you while they were living? What can they do for you when
they're dead???
- Abasi BasidaBossman Hanif what they didn't do when they were living...I call on my ancestors for guidance...listen or see the signs...there's always a response. Also...learn lessons from the life they lead. I used to think it bullshit, till I put it to the test .
ancestors got me the place I live now...I dedicated a whole room to spirit for that - Amun Rah Apedemak Ptah : "No, Jesse Sirvira these names are neither gods nor ancestors. We have it all wrong. If we had it right we would see the impact, power and influence of these "gods" in our daily lives. Our world and our situations would be a better place. We have not become the Light of the World. We have not become Champions of African Restoration."
- Amun Rah Apedemak Ptah This has absolute nothing to do with something from nothing. An Ancestor is a Parent, Guardian, Protector, Provider, Planner etc for it's respective children while they are here. Children do not ask to be born. It is a Parents desire for whatever reason to have children. Therefore it is the Parents DUTY to provide and prepare for the children while they are here. NOT in the so called afterlife.
"People who plan for 10 years raise plants. People who plan for 100 years raise People" - Chan Bridges : "Thank you Amun Rah Apedemak Ptah...ancestors have their time while they are here. People speak as if all ancestors are wise and spiritual living beings. I know plenty who were idiots while living in the flesh. We have our time now to make it better for those that come after us, while we live. Once dead it's a wrap."
Furthermore where were the ancestors when Europeans, including Spain and Arabs were pillaging Africa for slaves. Where are they now when little children starve and die in Africa. It's no different than all other religious mythology. - Maven Huggins i ignored this post the first time for i felt the post was too simplistic. my answer totally inadequate. and when i first saw it no one answered. I have not read any of the comments except the previous four. seventeen others are hidden. but i will share the first thought i had when i first saw this post. perhaps it can be edification.
the fact is reincarnation does exist. we come back we circle round it is why when you niece or son comes he looks and acts just like brother ben on your mother;s side. or she speaks things that was known only to grammaMae. but we uplift our ancestors to do just that...that they become elevated in the after life...so that we do not reincarnate back into the same spells, curses, and generational idiocy...
we are essentially praying to and for ourselves that we do not repeat bad cycles.
I hope this helps. I hope it is shared in good ground...if nothing else that is the most basic - Amun Rah Apedemak Ptah: " Mama Maven Huggins. By that logic we are obviously still failing. We are supposed to get better with each incarnation not worst."
My point still stands. All that needs to be done should be done here and now. Ain't nothing nobody can do for you after they're gone. - Martin Zepeda They laid a foundation while they are alive. My father lives through me. He laid a foundation for me that is here and it's up to me to build on that foundation for my sons. We have been separated from our foundation that was laid-culture. My father started the search for that foundation and I add to his work by my study. My language is not Spanish or English but Nahuatl. I have been seperated from what my ancestors left for me. Now it's up to me to find out what exactly they left and not let an outsider tell me what they left me.
Maven Huggins for sure we are failing. we are lost and with no hope for rising. you see my page. you know i write that. ...has nothing to do with us surviving to this point though. and i have to say we are no longer surviving. we are being killed and killing ourselves very slowly. the folk who been dying recently arent even fit to call themselves ancestors. which is something i never thought of before. they came bereft . they left bereft. at least in my lines. i can see some beneficials to those who came before. i might be unusual. Annunaki Aunts appearing in dreams. A grandmother I astral traveled to in an african village despite her being spanish from venezuela and wiping my third eye saying "teacher say you well smart": three times. to signify three teachers. my uncle, someone else and god!
another ancestor who was the biggest healer shaman in my country...a mixed heritage amongst most ethnic groups
and they made me to know and try to be better. and I am. i have escaped many a pitfall. so maybe My story is isolated...
you make me think though...valid points for recent times.
That is the thing Zepeda,... what are you doing with your life ? that pays homage to those who came before. wow. By that code I realize i have done exceedingly well. and I aint even finished yet. and I am currently stuck. but i did good.
Thank you for this post.. You brought me that realization.
Woo Sah!!!
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