good morning class. and mates
we begin this morning exploring extreme social change mobilization
i want to introduce two thoughts and considerations
perhaps three
one: the quarter, as the bar, have been raised
two: the issue of occupation - prove I dont belong
and three: repatriation, new forms
what does wayne hope to accomplish by his death?
who in the public sphere has talked to this man to discover for and instruct us as to his highest goal, intention and purpose; to avoid us being left in the dark, partying in carnival feteing the lime, eating and drinking as per usual. what is it that he expects or hope to change with his death and demise? Are we so and such a country of required reverence to lift up his name, carry on the struggle after he is gone or the first to run the rum laden caravan down to los iros or chatham, the latter where how many hundreds of acres of untouched forests were bulldozed by the regime, the pnm, the blacker of the black folks, the curly haired version of hte current ones. so we see there is only sameness in this landscape?
it got me to thinking, we are in the age of new scripts and odd strategies. for the old is all played, played out, tried and tired, has its limits and in this context of no end to the greed, surely there is no pause to gain, no action to shame. you will be run over. "demons and douens: "do what they have to do". i was awakened out of sleep to remember that is what chase said in explanation to a third party of my involvement, success and his partnership with me, proof that he was in a scheme all along. so it got me to thinking, whose schemes?
so i see in this world of seeking correction and in this time of protest action, we are left with two modes and models. one acts out on the offending party, the other works in on the internal, the self, and we have two such examples in this current timing. this mercury retrograde. cause surely, even before yesterday, the movement was in antithesis to what we all would collectively expect.
hong kong youth protestors: polite, kind, silent, industrious, meticulous and unoffensive, unaggressive, amassing ever and daily more bodies by their what ? tibetan actions, to not be anti, but stand for something. the new paradigm. and to be so consistent with it as to not allow the smallest of behaviors out of alignment with that mission and protocol. the ideal has become the pedestrian. literally as they inhabit concrete, city squares and streets
and wayne. killing himself in sacrifice before the great hindu gods of money, land and highways. he tramples himself before the gore and gory, the caustic, brute and coarse brutality of doh care for five years and somehow he thinks his frail form shalll give them pause. mere carrion before a flock of vultures. what is the purpose, what is his aim? why is he has he chosen to internalize their ugliness onto himself as if somehow he believes there will be an alchemic transformation that in the process and transition of his death and passing of his soul, these people become enlightened and suddenly the creatures form of our better selves to lift us all up and serve.. Is that the intent, the dream and the goal?
the second thought i want to introduce is the idea that:
"occupation is ninetyfive percent of the law"
so in spaces of wickedness, ugly, cruel manipulations , machinations and usury...
instead of sitting idly by as victims, waiting for the law written by and for criminals to get away with their actions, it is to flip the script. to be bold, crazy and mad at the levels and edges of no turning back, at the edge where blazing fire becomes water and wind, the skirts of Oya...and to occupy.
you occupy and make the criminals them prove that you do not there belong.
the onus is not on you then to prove them wrong. the onus is on them to tell and weave and concoct a story for why you would plant yourself -- someone from whom all signs and purposes is quite sane and law abiding...and they could never do it for they would have to conjure up facts and factions for themselves and you. never knowing how to preempt you in a new story. but you see if you maintain and play in the storyline that you all lived together, the offending party already knows the parts played, the lines to tell and thus how to cage and tell more narcissitic lies and sociopsychopathic rationales for their scheme. do you follow me? does it make sense?
you occupy. with your trove of proof. receipts and collections of money used. calls made to ministers. meetings held at banks to renegotiate deals, the eighth one all the previous seven were failed by you and your trifling cohorts. all the years prior the collective of you could not succeed, but for one year, one person, one little black girl. and then. no grace. no gratitude. a betrayal of plans proposals and documents submitted to all and sundry. prove those did not exist.
the crusades must ride again. more brutal than first marauding
there is in this time no longer the polish of constructs such as karma,
we know now that god is a myth , the bible his hind of slave quarters
to keep you in fear and ensnared, believing you have no rights or entitlement to men who are bold to do more, steal more, plunder and gut you
occupy and lift the bar for them to prove the impossibility, thus writing a calculus equation that leaves you with the whole, the function, the proof, and all derivatives.
relatedly I want to deal with the idea of repatriation but to use the concept , again and as always for a new time, a new form. a repatriation that takes action and wrong doing directly to the hands and bodies of the offenders., not to fight the system but the exact person, cog, slave, and agent who enacted the series of events to unwind or unleash a circuit/circuitry.
so i envision the deputy permanent secretaries , the two of them, male and female, howard and creese and their minion in hr. who are withholding people's monies and end of contract gratuities to be withheld themselves. from their lives. from returning to their homes, families, children. to experience the same disruption of flows they have caused. to repatriate their actions directly back to them. this is the reverse timing of an eye for an eye. we are now all awakening, well. that is a lie. we are all more asleep than ever. still blindsided by the doctrines and enslavement of our minds and lack of thinking processes. we watch a sequence of events and will still tell and talk to ourselves in deep denial, dissonance and rationale building. so for the few of us awake, we have no choice but to close the war for we cant even agree that this there is egregious action from inside against those standing outside the gates. the barbarians are inside
and that is the one theme amongst all three of these ideas: that the barbarians are inside. having taken up all mantles, there is no entry to break the cycle except by extreme, alternate and contrary actions. we can no longer be civil, considerate, fearful, patient. the longer we wait the more entrenched the offense, embedded within a maize and labyrinthe of oppression, subjugation and projected powerlessness. the ways they seek to make their point. let them, do not fight them on the platform they have erected, for it is theirs my dear, they own it. it is to place them on yours and from their. shut all doors. let them stew in the demise of their own makings.
this is the call of the current change makers.
let this be the battle cry
let the warriors and agents reveal themselves
gone are the days of the righteous going down inflamed
infamy of futility, purity of martyrdom
we are indeed embroiled in a game of thrones
claim yours. as i seek to secure, recollect, recompense and occupy mine!!
and the 69 trumpets proclaimed at the portals of 1:11 exceeding 3:33rd degrees
for the completion of nine/ the last to be the first. and no one else dare to bring
anything more

we begin this morning exploring extreme social change mobilization
i want to introduce two thoughts and considerations
perhaps three
one: the quarter, as the bar, have been raised
two: the issue of occupation - prove I dont belong
and three: repatriation, new forms
what does wayne hope to accomplish by his death?
who in the public sphere has talked to this man to discover for and instruct us as to his highest goal, intention and purpose; to avoid us being left in the dark, partying in carnival feteing the lime, eating and drinking as per usual. what is it that he expects or hope to change with his death and demise? Are we so and such a country of required reverence to lift up his name, carry on the struggle after he is gone or the first to run the rum laden caravan down to los iros or chatham, the latter where how many hundreds of acres of untouched forests were bulldozed by the regime, the pnm, the blacker of the black folks, the curly haired version of hte current ones. so we see there is only sameness in this landscape?
it got me to thinking, we are in the age of new scripts and odd strategies. for the old is all played, played out, tried and tired, has its limits and in this context of no end to the greed, surely there is no pause to gain, no action to shame. you will be run over. "demons and douens: "do what they have to do". i was awakened out of sleep to remember that is what chase said in explanation to a third party of my involvement, success and his partnership with me, proof that he was in a scheme all along. so it got me to thinking, whose schemes?
so i see in this world of seeking correction and in this time of protest action, we are left with two modes and models. one acts out on the offending party, the other works in on the internal, the self, and we have two such examples in this current timing. this mercury retrograde. cause surely, even before yesterday, the movement was in antithesis to what we all would collectively expect.
hong kong youth protestors: polite, kind, silent, industrious, meticulous and unoffensive, unaggressive, amassing ever and daily more bodies by their what ? tibetan actions, to not be anti, but stand for something. the new paradigm. and to be so consistent with it as to not allow the smallest of behaviors out of alignment with that mission and protocol. the ideal has become the pedestrian. literally as they inhabit concrete, city squares and streets
and wayne. killing himself in sacrifice before the great hindu gods of money, land and highways. he tramples himself before the gore and gory, the caustic, brute and coarse brutality of doh care for five years and somehow he thinks his frail form shalll give them pause. mere carrion before a flock of vultures. what is the purpose, what is his aim? why is he has he chosen to internalize their ugliness onto himself as if somehow he believes there will be an alchemic transformation that in the process and transition of his death and passing of his soul, these people become enlightened and suddenly the creatures form of our better selves to lift us all up and serve.. Is that the intent, the dream and the goal?
the second thought i want to introduce is the idea that:
"occupation is ninetyfive percent of the law"
so in spaces of wickedness, ugly, cruel manipulations , machinations and usury...
instead of sitting idly by as victims, waiting for the law written by and for criminals to get away with their actions, it is to flip the script. to be bold, crazy and mad at the levels and edges of no turning back, at the edge where blazing fire becomes water and wind, the skirts of Oya...and to occupy.
you occupy and make the criminals them prove that you do not there belong.
the onus is not on you then to prove them wrong. the onus is on them to tell and weave and concoct a story for why you would plant yourself -- someone from whom all signs and purposes is quite sane and law abiding...and they could never do it for they would have to conjure up facts and factions for themselves and you. never knowing how to preempt you in a new story. but you see if you maintain and play in the storyline that you all lived together, the offending party already knows the parts played, the lines to tell and thus how to cage and tell more narcissitic lies and sociopsychopathic rationales for their scheme. do you follow me? does it make sense?
you occupy. with your trove of proof. receipts and collections of money used. calls made to ministers. meetings held at banks to renegotiate deals, the eighth one all the previous seven were failed by you and your trifling cohorts. all the years prior the collective of you could not succeed, but for one year, one person, one little black girl. and then. no grace. no gratitude. a betrayal of plans proposals and documents submitted to all and sundry. prove those did not exist.
the crusades must ride again. more brutal than first marauding
there is in this time no longer the polish of constructs such as karma,
we know now that god is a myth , the bible his hind of slave quarters
to keep you in fear and ensnared, believing you have no rights or entitlement to men who are bold to do more, steal more, plunder and gut you
occupy and lift the bar for them to prove the impossibility, thus writing a calculus equation that leaves you with the whole, the function, the proof, and all derivatives.
relatedly I want to deal with the idea of repatriation but to use the concept , again and as always for a new time, a new form. a repatriation that takes action and wrong doing directly to the hands and bodies of the offenders., not to fight the system but the exact person, cog, slave, and agent who enacted the series of events to unwind or unleash a circuit/circuitry.
so i envision the deputy permanent secretaries , the two of them, male and female, howard and creese and their minion in hr. who are withholding people's monies and end of contract gratuities to be withheld themselves. from their lives. from returning to their homes, families, children. to experience the same disruption of flows they have caused. to repatriate their actions directly back to them. this is the reverse timing of an eye for an eye. we are now all awakening, well. that is a lie. we are all more asleep than ever. still blindsided by the doctrines and enslavement of our minds and lack of thinking processes. we watch a sequence of events and will still tell and talk to ourselves in deep denial, dissonance and rationale building. so for the few of us awake, we have no choice but to close the war for we cant even agree that this there is egregious action from inside against those standing outside the gates. the barbarians are inside
and that is the one theme amongst all three of these ideas: that the barbarians are inside. having taken up all mantles, there is no entry to break the cycle except by extreme, alternate and contrary actions. we can no longer be civil, considerate, fearful, patient. the longer we wait the more entrenched the offense, embedded within a maize and labyrinthe of oppression, subjugation and projected powerlessness. the ways they seek to make their point. let them, do not fight them on the platform they have erected, for it is theirs my dear, they own it. it is to place them on yours and from their. shut all doors. let them stew in the demise of their own makings.
this is the call of the current change makers.
let this be the battle cry
let the warriors and agents reveal themselves
gone are the days of the righteous going down inflamed
infamy of futility, purity of martyrdom
we are indeed embroiled in a game of thrones
claim yours. as i seek to secure, recollect, recompense and occupy mine!!
and the 69 trumpets proclaimed at the portals of 1:11 exceeding 3:33rd degrees
for the completion of nine/ the last to be the first. and no one else dare to bring
anything more

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