when you know you came close to the edge of the end, at the hands of another..and you see all around you, in a matter of days, so many other women who werent so lucky. one slashed to death. two missing. and those are just the ones in the news. this week, since weekend. always by people you trust and love. reminds me of that piece in For Black Girls Who Considered Suicide When The Rainbow Aint Enough..the one who got raped on a date she thought was innocuous, inviting the man into her home for a cooked meal...the idea of the beasts and demons we try to love all the while being excoriated of alienating our black men....
your heart gets heavy
the brave face you were attempting starts to crack
the tears roll
for all you know and cant say and cant express
then after all the chicken heads screaming about the sky is falling cause of all their acculturation to shit and calling it culture, the shame of the nation's truth finally being exposed, and still it aint really not even close by a country. turkey is in the middle east somewhere... and bemoaning the state of the country, then they turn around and post== one of the loudest proclaiming another frog crapo of money and dirty history most likely... just cause he light, weightlift chest and leave his scrawny legs like toothpicks, and these black hens calling in chorus "sexy" to buy the air time and you feel to kill yourself. cause isnt that what we were just excoriated about. are these beings from which alter creation? not one with brains for consistent logic, surely. some alice in wonder under land shit that has yet to be cateallegoried.
the ones you worried about not worth saving
and you know there aint nobody to see about you
i am looking forward to sleeping later. not two hours of sleep even. guess i am going to make up for all the over sleeping the last few days
but before going to sleep i thought something:
i now know why and how those white people are always getting mauled by wild animals, particularly the game of thrones editor just the other day...they hold this being that they are good and pure and the wild animals they are approaching will see that, and there is all this projection and fantasy, delusion, that you are loving it. want to embrace it. and in that love there is no guard. all loss of sense, if ever there was any. but, too, there is this total unknowing, ignorance, innocence, even, for playing with what is outside your realm, and then you become easy prey to predators. and thus, the end of your life.
it is that.
it is why women end up dead and mauled
playing with wild animals
the male beast of the concrete wild
some embroiled in mental illness
we think we can save them
our love will save them
same thing
same story

the brave face you were attempting starts to crack
the tears roll
for all you know and cant say and cant express
then after all the chicken heads screaming about the sky is falling cause of all their acculturation to shit and calling it culture, the shame of the nation's truth finally being exposed, and still it aint really not even close by a country. turkey is in the middle east somewhere... and bemoaning the state of the country, then they turn around and post== one of the loudest proclaiming another frog crapo of money and dirty history most likely... just cause he light, weightlift chest and leave his scrawny legs like toothpicks, and these black hens calling in chorus "sexy" to buy the air time and you feel to kill yourself. cause isnt that what we were just excoriated about. are these beings from which alter creation? not one with brains for consistent logic, surely. some alice in wonder under land shit that has yet to be cateallegoried.
the ones you worried about not worth saving
and you know there aint nobody to see about you
i am looking forward to sleeping later. not two hours of sleep even. guess i am going to make up for all the over sleeping the last few days
but before going to sleep i thought something:
i now know why and how those white people are always getting mauled by wild animals, particularly the game of thrones editor just the other day...they hold this being that they are good and pure and the wild animals they are approaching will see that, and there is all this projection and fantasy, delusion, that you are loving it. want to embrace it. and in that love there is no guard. all loss of sense, if ever there was any. but, too, there is this total unknowing, ignorance, innocence, even, for playing with what is outside your realm, and then you become easy prey to predators. and thus, the end of your life.
it is that.
it is why women end up dead and mauled
playing with wild animals
the male beast of the concrete wild
some embroiled in mental illness
we think we can save them
our love will save them
same thing
same story

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