men are such superb complete liars. not from my judgment. just from their words and this award.
i mean, the chemistry and biology proves how much they are made up of a lie...afterall...their first formation as a human is as a female fetus. all along as he grows and lives, after birth, he is called male and man when in fact he was just given an imbalanced allele to make him appear other than he is: woman/female.
it is why they are so intrinsically female yet trained, beaten and altered to be stoic and unnatural.
but this is the pinnacle of the western this domination and civilization lie.
they do everything better than us, even being female, but yet, we remain the portal, body, being and pussy they emerge from. who is it that has the envy?
let this show and teach you one truth, no matter how total they plaster the land with a pr, there is a lie denied and a truth promoted and told just by looking at your clit in the mirror. every single one of you females. if you cant think it through, check your lips. that is proof. now, when are you going to wake up
they compare the strong black ones they can never beat to horses, those most elegant of four legged creatures. for her strength is as a load bearer with double strengths, and then they tell the white ones the pinnacle of your being is a man.

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