those two docs (CV and Resume) are my life. in total, almost'
Jonathan Bhagan:
Mav i'v never heard a precedent along those lines before , you're also risking paying costs to the state lawyers if you lose
even if we win we're looking at a few hundred thousand tops
you can get me someone with a few years experience in Administrative
law i'd be happy to help , but its really like asking a dermatologist
(me) to attempt brain surgery
i need a team of 2-3 admin law experts , someone like Ramesh Maharaj or Kieth Scotland
Hi Jonathan,
You give a very insightful response that makes sense if that is the
But here is my suggestion and perception:
All or most of your concerns are eroded IF such a case is built on the
record of all the situations of exorbitant and wasteful employment over
the years.
I can start with calder hart who made a minimum $800K/month in eight
different top level positions
then go to various posts showing the high level of incomes foreigners
made *i am a US citizen too* and their contracts...I think of the
Canadian commissioner of police and his exorbitant package and pay out.
as validity for wanting my level of income that I never got nor pursued
because I was working for country
and the list goes on to the black woman ceo at cda making one million a
month? for how many years? three to five?
down to the endless number of indian frauds who were making the norm of
$40=$50 K per month with either no papers, fake papers/
Further to that, and this is critical., as an economist I can show how
this country is not a market economy, it is a commanded economy by the
state, meaning it is the state that controls it by various subtle means
but the bottom line is if there is no oil, oil money and high oil
prices, everything slows, stops or dies, because all find their source
sustenance and survival at the trough of the treasury.
Even now. see how many private companies are failing, international
companies and local. the only ones inured are the money laundering
exploitative slave type conglomerates that are truly diversified and
charging obscene price differentials from cost to price.
But everyone else garners their living from the state. when the state has money, it
contracts, buys goods and inputs from the private sector.
But one of the BIGGEST Myths in Trinidad is that this is a market economy, there is a private sector and the two are separate. and that is not so. I can write a model and do the research if i had access to company files to show to what enumerated extent: 50% to 80% of their inputs, outputs or services are to the state and show the rise and fall of those arrangements over time..
And I have applied for work in the private sector. Throughout. My email history record will prove that>
But one of the BIGGEST Myths in Trinidad is that this is a market economy, there is a private sector and the two are separate. and that is not so. I can write a model and do the research if i had access to company files to show to what enumerated extent: 50% to 80% of their inputs, outputs or services are to the state and show the rise and fall of those arrangements over time..
And I have applied for work in the private sector. Throughout. My email history record will prove that>
But the bottom line of suing the nation state is that it is separate
from the government state. I am holding the nation responsible for the
country it has built and promulgate that keep the best marginalized,
unemployed and seeking emigration for a life appropriate to their
pursuits and professionalism and immigrants to modern enslavement, just like
the recent colonial employment case showed and so many other people
testified to the private company bullyings of employees, the constant
thread of unemployment if they do not comply, the low levels of income,
the bad treatments, the fraudulent terms of entitled days, vacations but
try to take it and you get written up.
And my love. THERE IS NO PRECEDENT> WE/ I am seeking to create and formulate the precedent. Your whole thinking of this is what I am seeking to break. the default and orientation and location of the slave master, owner, state, and all of else, comply and fall in line. and that is erroneous.
It is like you are saying there is no precedent and not seeing as a
lawyer that the practice of law is all about creating precedent and new
avenue of rights. it just needs to be conceived, perceived, pursued. and
every one is afraid of that.
In 2008 i told margaret rose to create a class action law suit against
clico and she could not see it, i guess thought i was talking caca, and
refused to imagine it. what happened? anand ramlogan came in to power
and made a law against it. why would you need to make a law against
something you cant do. and that my dear is the riddle of our
incompetence as citizens and professionals.
mind you, he did it because he saw the tide, but really, it is because
all the people who want to feel they are so smart and strategic had
flubbed up every opportunity and step on the way to creating that clico
payout, and even then, that was one of the biggest frauds that i could
cite in my case as this country having money to burn
that was a money ponzi scheme where all the registrants got paid back
repeatedly over the years, and then returned to charge the company when
it fell. Corruption
Finally, just as I have had to bear the cost of this fraudulent economy and farce of a nation state (i can prove and outline all of that too), being unemployed, I would stipulate that the state pay my legal costs and my lawyers. And my basis for that would be all the proposals I have written and submitted to various ministries and agencies (labor, agriculture, green fund, planning) that they went on to try to implement in theft.
I write this and I realize It i s like i am petitioning the court, and it almost seems that is what i need to do , petition the court to represent myself, petition the court for my approach, and then proceed. a novel case from beginning to end And then I would indeed need a bold thinker like Maharaj, but in constructing this case I never wanted to make a rich wealthy lawyer more so. I was always hoping to find a good hearted, soul young professional cause this would be ground breaking. i would be helping their career. even if they fail, the amount of other cases that would come forward would be a career building thing. and I think I want to be part of that, part of that firm and that partnership going forward since it is me who strategized and mapped out the case anyway. I am just asking them to use their qualifications.
It is amazing to me. this is like a class i am teaching someone who is already called lawyer and should show the limitations of what and how law is taught now, in this caribbean trinidad and its huge impact.> this is why and how this society does not change. we teach no professional to think out side the box, to solve problems or to reconstruct the world , to a better standard . then when you do so, people hate you cause you showing up how incompetent and lesser they are, that too is why i am unemployed.
I am way beyond the heads and minds and qualifications of most of people here, in and out of my field.
To your points: why has the state not mitigated the unemployment of so many talented educated people? in the whole of society? Why has it not mitigated the corruption and theft from the treasury, which i point out is my patrimoney???
And no if we win we are not looking at thousands, we are looking at millions and i just explained above why As i said, I understand your points. see if anything I wrote reconstructs your thinking or gives you pause or change/
You know as I review the mails between us, I note that your response to me does not integrate the fact that fisherfolk are asking the state to cover their losses, which is my original point, and my original validation to construct this case, but your write as If I should not have the same rights and privileges, access and consideration, how is that??? why is that? And therein the core of the case
Finally, just as I have had to bear the cost of this fraudulent economy and farce of a nation state (i can prove and outline all of that too), being unemployed, I would stipulate that the state pay my legal costs and my lawyers. And my basis for that would be all the proposals I have written and submitted to various ministries and agencies (labor, agriculture, green fund, planning) that they went on to try to implement in theft.
I write this and I realize It i s like i am petitioning the court, and it almost seems that is what i need to do , petition the court to represent myself, petition the court for my approach, and then proceed. a novel case from beginning to end And then I would indeed need a bold thinker like Maharaj, but in constructing this case I never wanted to make a rich wealthy lawyer more so. I was always hoping to find a good hearted, soul young professional cause this would be ground breaking. i would be helping their career. even if they fail, the amount of other cases that would come forward would be a career building thing. and I think I want to be part of that, part of that firm and that partnership going forward since it is me who strategized and mapped out the case anyway. I am just asking them to use their qualifications.
It is amazing to me. this is like a class i am teaching someone who is already called lawyer and should show the limitations of what and how law is taught now, in this caribbean trinidad and its huge impact.> this is why and how this society does not change. we teach no professional to think out side the box, to solve problems or to reconstruct the world , to a better standard . then when you do so, people hate you cause you showing up how incompetent and lesser they are, that too is why i am unemployed.
I am way beyond the heads and minds and qualifications of most of people here, in and out of my field.
To your points: why has the state not mitigated the unemployment of so many talented educated people? in the whole of society? Why has it not mitigated the corruption and theft from the treasury, which i point out is my patrimoney???
And no if we win we are not looking at thousands, we are looking at millions and i just explained above why As i said, I understand your points. see if anything I wrote reconstructs your thinking or gives you pause or change/
You know as I review the mails between us, I note that your response to me does not integrate the fact that fisherfolk are asking the state to cover their losses, which is my original point, and my original validation to construct this case, but your write as If I should not have the same rights and privileges, access and consideration, how is that??? why is that? And therein the core of the case

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