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| show details 12:04 PM (35 minutes ago) |
M' Lady,
did you see in the weekend papers (can't remember which one) an
article saying that they were running out of pharmaceuticals at the
hospitals because government has not been paying their suppliers.
The suppliers... mostly import agents, have said "no more"! and will
not deliver until they are paid outstanding sums owed.
Question: Are these suppliers wrong?
luv, peter
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| show details 12:38 PM (1 minute ago) |
learn the difference between an inch of a legitimate bill Peter, and a decades miles and time long cabal's mafia attempt at an industry level shakedown
Research: Industry Collusion versus Bill Outstanding and learn something; what obtains in civilized places versus banana republics, trinidad of a particular kind
I understand I am in a banana republic disney wonderland
it is why i have ceased to entertain discussions of this type further. I shall not act like the romans but surely have no interest to engage them in their empire rape-to-build history, policies and practices.
Peter, you have actually surprised me at your lack of ability to nuance a situation and to stand in mindset that is very prevalent in Trinidad, but then again, I am not; I have to remember where I am; and just like almond tree don't bear breadfruit, trinidad society can't breed intelligence citizens.
In this banana republic, people have a fond habit of mixing apples and oranges and cant tell the difference between raw, blanched, processed, and manufactured apples. to them all is apples, and in fact, no difference between oranges. all is fruit,. all is to eat, all you get in market. all for use and consumption. done story
this place is such a fucked up place that people are no longer, if ever they were; and how can a society of scalpers, exchange merchants, exploiters, slave and slave owners and opportunists be able, to see wrong. the only thing that matters is opening and opportunity. and never a concept of conscience, ethics, appropriateness enters. hell that is not part of their brain, mind or soul workup, despite the high pretense to morality which is just cover and bought silence for the practice of rape, plunder and thievery
i am not provoked. I am learning to stop thinking, speaking and expecting sense in a place bereft.
that said.
let me repeat myself as you seem not to read it when i said it the first time, and by your return even after saying let us defer, i realize you do not wish to read or process it:
there is a difference of a legitimate bill to be paid, and people in an industry in an attempt to enact a national shakedown.
I can even go further and analyze a lot of pieces to this complex puzzle, and see those brayers and practiced conmen as pnm who are trying to legitimize a political mafia move...if they were not, we would have never heard about this, and the boys would have continued to handle their stories in back rooms and under table. They just showed how small time they were, how pathetic they played at being businessmen, getting burnt and looking for a bailout.
but lets leave all that, let me prove my point by one small legal comparison that you are free to research and look up, lest you take my foolish thought for legitimate: >
In real countries, in real places that are closer to civilization than this make believe theatre of crapo, pothounds and cobo, what the construction cabal is attempting is called COLLUSION> Industry Collusion. And in those real places, would have had them brought to Federal Jail. In fact in such real places no one is so idiot to come out in public with something like is done secretly and maybe brought to light by whistleblowers..
But then again, I also learned to stop talking laws, regulations and guidelines to a people, in a society that holds such in contempt, totally without respect
the good thing for you and others who think like you is that there is a whole lack of system, so anything goes.
Have at it.
real love is truth not pretend
{Note: In Trinidad and Tobago, the local construction industry, made up of small men conmen and opportunists in a PNM government build campaign of which foreigners and largely Chinese were brought in; The locals complained for three years or so that they were being squeezed out. The government changed. They show up with an industry bill first at 1.5 billion saying that was for bills outstanding, yet. we never heard of said bills prior. They said on national TV that if they did not get that money their industry would be destroyed. And that they have no work because the new government has not stated anything, any direction. {DO you see the gaps in this story?}. I seem to be one of the few persons in the country, by dint of the legitimacy given these claims and the silence on all quarters. This is corrupted. This Storyline. This attempt. In real countries, this is called Industry Collusion. And for a population of less than 2 million, how is there a construction bill of now 7 billion for people who said they had no work for 3 years. I will tell you how? These conmen saw the corruption the PNM was into with the foreigners and the amounts of money that left country and treasury and decided they were going to cash in by any means necessary given the opportunity of a new government. If they did have legitimate bills, which I do not doubt, at most, it would have been a few million, but what they have sought to do is receive compensation for loss of livelihood, work, and opportunities in a recession. What they are seeking to do is give/gain themselves industry pensions. This for a private sector. and if this was a real country and not a banana disney wonderland republic, we would have stats to show who is not in this cabal, to audit the claims, and to see the obvious. That bill is padded and this is the largest scale private level but public display of attempted robbery, shakedown and corruption i have ever witnessed. That is the backdrop to this exchange. Peter O'Connor is a past construction person, I have no idea if by opportunity or if he studied civil or building engineering; but he lost his fortunes by lack of patronage in trinidad decades earlier and is now a newspaper columnist. We disagree on this. And i have been shocked at the alignment people give to corrupt thinking, practice and opportunity}
Note Two: When these individuals were on news, when they first presented this information, they said the bill was 1.5 billion. NOTE THAT!!
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