Kathleen Wells

In a nationwide survey by The Washington Post and the Kaiser Family Foundation, black women see Michelle Obama as a role model whose values and challenges mirror their own.
Maven Huggins hm. the only thing I got close to..is the interview with the author and the media person on CNN.. that I did not see,.that everyone after wondered if the journalist went in too hard, but in my view, she never dealt wtih the issue head on...as in , "is this another black woman lynching, dehumanizing and stripping?"
but it would have been inappropriate too, kind of like bringing a water hose at the wrong fire when a bucket will do
But someone , some one of us Dark Skinned Black Sharp Knowledgeable Black Women Scholars/Activist/Academics, need to lead and open up this discussion...that integrates:
1/ the whole international stripping and dehumanizing of black woman identity
2/ the rampant pervasive epidemic of writing about black woman pathology: not good looking, not chosen, not marriageable, the black misogyny by black men, the bitch and ho framework, applied totally...etc etc.
3/ the treatment of the first lady, extreme to monkey face, subtle to comments about her butt, arms, body...like we are right back to the slave block, even at the house the slaves built
the irony and complexity is a bit too much to take in.
We need someone, a female Tavis and Cornel to take our interests on.
The Black Men aint gonna do it. We are as invisible to them as any white man...I had a very conscious, awake brother begin to go wrong with me and challenge my posting that Michelle Obama is a worthy model ( i came to that recognition) for all us Black women:
Married to a worthy man...she chose right...Not Politically Speaking but in terms of Personal dynamics Only: a man who chose a dark black woman, loves her to the end of the universe, which does not exist, and loyal to his family and girls. Show me some black men like that. There are not many. There are more prominent black men with other if not white women
She is schooled, educated and intelligent. She self actualized her self
She has the Grace of God. Have you ever seen that woman bother to defend her self or to attack her perpetrators.
My heart is heavy these days. Even as I see the good and cling to it
Kathleen Wells We all see it, Maven -- you are not alone.
January 20, 2012
Maven Huggins tell me bout it bout it Frandy,...i am surprised folk have not created a Social ProBlack ProAfrican ProAfricanAmerican WombMan Campaign around Michelle to combat the Black Woman Hating that has become rampant in recent years.
I am trying to start it right here. Right now. and looking for folk who will help me take it to the next and upper levels
Maven Huggins well is a damn good thing that wasnt my criteria eh...
"Being at the top of any social ladder"
second of all, is a real damn good thing I gave the caveat "that Policies have nothing to do with this position, choice and campaign
Man of Character as it Relates to Family, his dedication as a black man to Family, his love and adoration for His Wife and Girl Children.
Well, when you do your ProBlack Pro African ProAfrican American Woman Campaign, Choose Cynthia Mckinley, but you all lose all kinds of points with me, when I talk Ocean and you want to bring Air to my Party
This was not posted for a debate and i find it so interesting...who shows up to contest and engage
The Entitlement and Privilege you are showing i would suggest requires some self Checking
Maven Huggins i needed to emphasize a Man who chose a Black Wife, and his commitment and adoration to that Black Woman who has been vilified, put in monkey face and all manner of dehumanized...did you ever raise your voice against that Tyehimba? Anywhere?
and that is a rhetorical question eh. please. thankis I dont need an answer
Maven Huggins aye aye. Tyehimba Salandy delete his comment? I wasnt looking for you to do that Tyehimba...
I cant find that iconic early picture of them hugging up in the southside of Chicago: nobodies, at the bottom, but still beaming with love...that is what I am talking about, regaling and lifting up..
Maven Huggins Bless. Bless Bless. Thank you!!!
When we open the floor on politics, which I wont, cause i know the beast, mindset and ideology they come with...but this wasnt about that...and it is about lifting up the best of black womanhood..in this western white supremacist hemisphere, where black men choose many and much beyond a chocolate sister, and to do so with commitment, adoration, respect and love still after so many years...show me some other such models that appear as authentic and then i will consider..
Further, Tye, this is beyond woman-based model campaign, and i do take issue to how you write that, but i dont have time with pissant issues...this is a small and cornered attempt to fight against the dehumanization and pathology they persist on painting this woman and by dint, me...and it is not any imagination on my part. do a google search on black woman and see the stories that come up just from 2011 alone: unmarriageable, angry, attitude, ugly, not chosen on dating sites. naked, exploited and self exploiting...on and on and on...
and yes, it was spurred by Obama singing a bar of Al Green. any black man who will sing me Al Green, wins...
I am learning for the first time in my life...the value of compartmentalization...something I believe men have taken the liberty to do since time memorial/immemorial
Maven Huggins i apologize for persisting Tyehimba, but i feel there are some real things here to interrogate that because of who you are and what you say you are about require that i point it out
I find it interesting that you merely say woman when i am specifically dealing with black woman-ness and how it is vilified normally, which is what this post is trying to combat
For you to oversight that screams
then i want to ask something...growing up...did you sing the international campaign, "i want to be like Mike?" barring of course how you may have grown, get deeper, wiser, smarter, and not look outside of self for emulation...but I am wondering what kid did not sing that???they still do, make commercials from that meme
for you to have a problem that any black woman of worth be placed in that pedestal, is also telling
and I will leave that there
i suggest that we integrate mindsets and positions and dont even know it. that we present it without interrogating it, and then rationalize it, surely out of some ideology and politic, but not realizing we live another ideology that is not life giving to another entity
today, my focus on the life and love of a Black Chocolate Woman
and this exchange is taking me to new places of inquiry and self checking eh,...it is not a one way street
thanks again and peace
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