Saturday, August 1, 2015

Development Matters: Singapore to Trinidad

to be singaporean..."i succeeded in life because of the efforts of others, so there is an obligation to help others succeed"

so by that trinidad, never again shall any of you utter the word singapore in your speak or writing relating to anything trinidadian, eh.

repeat: bbc singapore at 50
and i cant remember if it is the deceased lee who said that or some other senior man of the society.

do you notice here in trinidad no one who is considered successful has ever a story about other people who helped them? and do you realize our success here are along the lines of a few things: music, of which you gain access to the treasury, art, which you sell yourself, money, which you thieved and schemed from citizens, or a part of a conglomerate that exploits the nation and citizens by trader prices. or with a sex tape, or getting into a school or some colonial award, the latter two are so common I dare not include them but only because small minded people still think that is something significant in this day and age. in this day and age it is getting into all the top tier schools in your field, or getting millions of dollars, almost to get your academics completed. but entry, to one, not so much

i sit here and i am pulling my legs trying to think of success stories of individuals, of industry, and where there is, the story, and that story is about how others helped you succeed, and at the end of that story your obligation, commitment and declaration that your purpose from now on is to help others succeed.

notice how that is almost vacant, and i only use the word almost, for what and who i may not know of. but everybody else damn selfish. everybody struggling and striving./ no matter what they driving and where they living, they may lose it all if the next check, kickback or month;s work were to be taken away, and then the others who may have that, havent a penny to spare, an then there are some of us with none of  that and damn if we will use anything we have to place on the altar of another. except for me. one of my lessons as I was recounting last night due to TeQuila telling me to take the lessons and move on, I realize I have thought way too much of wolves and other forms of the lowest bottom feeders and predators. do you have any idea that there is a whole class of people, men i have been exposed to, i presume there might be women to, whose only action and productivity in life is constant scanning their life and environment to see who they can take to the cleaners? who can benefit them to accomplish one tax, task or another? I saw it. i have seen it twice. and more times for those instances outside my life. like duprey? how you think he got the idea to siphon off money from citizens? he scanned his environment to see how he may clean up and thus he sold you wolf certificates, and kept on raking in the money in order to pay you, to make the billing and the pr, to collect from new victims.  marketing and stories are amazing aint it? it is your first vehicle of sales...the reportage, the reputations, and the value of sheep herding corralling envy behaviors. if you in the new thing, i must be too.

anyway. i thought that point was intriguing.
not a poor person talking about helping others, but a big grown man who spanned several dispensations of a country, having made it to the pinnacle and can now speak of "that is what it means to be his country's nationality." which by the way, had nothing to do with ethnicity, which by the way, singaporeans went through a national pogrom to dismantle and downplay that structure, to become the nation of success , both on the macro and i am not too sure of the micro. I would love to go there and do my own observations. i think i heard or read that the malay, the ethnic lower group ...well...let me learn more before i speak on that.

here in trinidad i see idiots all day every day confusing and conflating ethnicity and nationality and why and how does that happen? when you have been brainwashed to believe and promote race, and difference, when in fact, there is only one, the human. of course some of the latter, are on different vibrations: some humaning more than others, those are the real cosmic spirits

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