in bits and pieces i am realizing the dream: the purpose, the mission and the vehicle. last night/ this morning actually, while sleeping I had the vision for the moment. a piece of art work came to me and i could see the technique of it, layering, and it is so emblematic and symbolic of me: there are so many unknown lawyers that make up my constitution. so the message for the second time in my life is to do art. the first message came from the lupus lady whose name is escaping me at the moment. i invited to make lunch for her and a friend. she came to the house and told me the holy spirit was talking to her...as she admired my art and said, it is the spirit that guides my hand, and a female ancestor, and to keep on doing art. and since then so many things winnowed: my space to paint, the destruction of my iph so no more fancy photos. but the dream this morning made Aug 7 2015 complete. it is like i have clear marching papers that i feel totally aligned and comfortable with . and i will make space. if i am to get a suitcase and hold all the materials in there. i will have someone buy me an easel, maybe, and if i have to paint in the laundry room at the back door and landing, that is still fine and okay. we make do. no rent to studio. we will crawl. sell the car and the money will be endowment funds to live on small and buy materials. and so we going. if i do more art, then i do less fb and while i do more art and less fb, and be more outdoors, perhaps i will read more. and thus all my plans are realized. remove myself from the bottom, the dead the listless and elevate to activities of realization and inspiration.and i write 'realization' and some image from my dreams and travels, sleep and vision flashes, but it was too faded to make out..i just need be committed to the process, which i am even when i dont have answers. i give high praises and halelujahs...that christian slave game gave us wonderful imagery, words and incantations, eh,. use everything to get where you are going and ditch it when it no longer serves
Good Morning
and how could i forget my second activity: writing
putting my bits and pieces together shall never ruin my theme of alignment and authenticity, cause it is reality that forms them not me imposing them
so art: painting. photography, writing, reading; inspiration
Artelier* Conscious Creative Collective 99 Artshram*
could you believe before this the plan was to sell the car and open a bar and a restaurant? well. i am revising my way in the world too, and i realize the dead and death of activity unless i can control where, when and with whom, my place would make the world of difference, but in its current dispensation, i needed to pull back...so now it is sell the car and paint, do art, find inspiration. i cant help but think that bush and forests play a large part of that. nevertheless, I know better and feel deeply, if not veiled, shaded, distant and intuitively this artelier artshram inspiration thing will be located just where my barestaurant artisan shop cafe is located. and it would be a wonderful place.
ah,. the other small part of the vision was that this house be turned into not the restaurant bar cafe, but the artetlier/ to fill the walls even more with art, empty away all the furniture:, so make the great room, tv room and the corridors an art gallery. I can see the front garden being an art gazebo where folk can sit and paint. and a studio built in the back under the plum and mango trees. and bedrooms. the kitchen, the patio like a cafe for people to sit while the organize their purchases over cocktails and coffee.
who knows. who knows when. who knows how, despite the blind seer man in loveuntil telling me how quite back in 2011.
i give thanks and praise for the salvation. i have been despondent not knowing what or how, and flying into all these demons trying to figure it out..
all the while amidst everything. writing.

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