Monday, August 31, 2015

New LIfe New Year September 2015

the following came to me all on fb in one day, Sunday Aug 30, 2015
the day before national independence in this caribbean island, "the state of my independence"
and one who knows will see the synchronicity and reinforcement between the two: the post on the full moon and fears/blockages associated with dreams and visions and the reading. Thus, i thought it worthy to lodge them for reference in the life path journey.

Guest Post

Denize Sarikoz:

"This Full Moon will also highlight how we keep our fears next to our desires or goals and block them manifesting. By fearing and expecting the worst we are sabotaging our energy flow by resisting. That holds a fear projections on things that we want the most. So we create static to achieve what we want to achieve by playing with fear. This was embedded in our victim consciousness patterns that are releasing right now. You desire something so much that you fear that much to have it. This was normal. Fear was normal. But now this is becoming up to surface as our blocking mechanism. How we block our abundance and our manifestation process will be highlighted at this Full Moon. Do you have to keep fear as your safety cushion when you want to achieve something? How much you are afraid of your desire will come true? Fear only brings more statics, delays and disappointments. And you are putting them there by keeping them in your mind and visualize the fear. This is very personal and not to be confused by blaming anything outside of you when it comes to manifesting and attracting to what you want. Keeping fear as your weapon will only destroy your desires, your creative side and will make you want things and never achieve them. Practice having your goals without creating drama and more fear to push them away. You deserve to have your dreams but only if you drop the fear games that you play with yourself. heart emoticon heart emoticon xox D"

Lenormand Card Pull

the commentary on the card pull was as interesting as it was inadequate.
as always my journey is heavier and deeper than most

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