Monday, November 30, 2015

Killing Fields of the Good Ones

it is really interesting to me how it is only black males who are killed and gunned down in the streets, at their homes, here in trinidad.

i did learn just two saturdays ago that not all murders are reported or made public. so i dont know if indian males are killed

but it is interesting to me how it is only black males who are killed and gunned down in the streets, at their homes, in their neighborhoods. here in trinidad. especially Especially when the one pulling the trigger, is an indian
ask Jamal Khan, Nafeesa Mohammed's nephew

it is also interesting to me how in recent weeks, since independence day, there have been a spate of murders of black males, all in their under thirty, who come from decent people, living decent lives, no police record, no known illegal criminal activity or such associates, with children, and decent public service jobs...two of them I knew personally . one was a cousin the other a neighborhood citizen. his father and parents living in the same place and neighborhood for decades, sixty and more..

i can tell you about my cousin's killer cause he spent twenty four hours in the hospital calling his name. ask Jamal Khan, Nafeesa Mohammed's nephew

but what sent me to write this post, after the family take chain up from the police to keep this silent, it is unreported, not in the media, I dont even know if there is a police record, despite the police presence with the family, and hospital police attendant for they were afraid people would be sent to finish the that folk still are delusional in this place. they still think you have to have dirty hands to get killed, that you have to be illegal or criminal to lose your life and wellbeing. and it aint so no more. i used to think that too until two murders in my sphere since Independence

and hear my cousin's story
his father sent him out to play a number that was on his mind.

around 6pm two saturdays ago, the 21st. in bagatelle sanjuan. down the road from john. at the red crix snackette shop. evidently, someone was kille din the area i dont know how long ago or recent, and jamal''s gang came round to settle score. the boys/gang in the hood went running, my cousin, walking up the road, he did not scamper. what you running for you not in nothing, you not about that life. he kept on walking. reach the snackette, bonce up gunman khan. khan ask him where the boys run to. cousin say he dont know. gunman khan , nafeesa mohammed's nephew, pulls out gun in waist and shoots my cousin. Andre McCleod.

shit happens when demons roam
and no body knows about it when the police tell you to keep it on the down low.

i did not sign up for chain up. and after a next murder, of another good looking by all accounts decent black male, maligned because, "people dont get gunned down so, I am stating it plain.
do you know why the guy in my neighborhood got killed?

cause his baby mother's new manicou was grooming his girl child for abuse. playing with her belly button enough for the child to be discomforted, enough to tell and complain to her father. five years old. the father told the wannabe to do not touch his child. imagine the pain of not being able to remove your child. the more i ponder how much injustice and offense people must swallow in day to day living is a wonder i dont have acid reflux. well manicou wannabe gangsta man send bullets for the brother yes. Independence morning at a home lime on 6th ave. 1:30in the morning. thirteen bullets, that started with him sitting in a chair. Kevon Smith/

and these men go, bloodied and murdered, and still ignorant citizens get to wash their twisted ignorant mouths on them. i fedup.

so here. is a record. if they come for me, this might be one reason, though you have bloggers and so called journalists sending touts and street criminals to your door. the place is a dangerous place. you never know from what hind or quarter your assailant. they may sit and work in polished offices like khan, be paid by millionaire middle eastern ministers to blog for their party's election chances to tief and lord knows what else..or they may be the other party's honcho. her nephew.

ask Jamal Khan, Nafeesa Mohammed's nephew.

say a prayer
for the slaughter

somebody's got to write the record
it might as well be the family's writer

Maori Haka: Male Manhood, Masculinity > Cultures and Traditions

i cant watch this without my mind racing.

so soul stirring.

i see this and i see what possibly might be the broken and missing link in the places where indigenous cultures were destroyed and corrupted, people ripped away from their patterns, their traditions, their practices. strong bonds around gender, the role of males. i mean. can you look at these men and think anything but power. singlemindedness of a life and living>? the disparateness says something to me. but i need to learn more about that part of the world, I had a colleague there, a trini, actually, and we lost touch. when i first saw this video, I wondered about violence, what is the incidence of violence among women. (clan) comes to mind. that is closest to the word I was looking for above but only cult was coming and that is totally wrong. but cultural forms, the unbridled core and groundedness of cultural norms that appear to grip its citizens, and keep them in a line, creates this vibration of power and togetherness, honor.

i dont know if i am projecting. but there is much here to excavate, for there, and for over here...
what is the experience of western religions in that pacific region?



Male and Masculinity: Cultures and Traditions, A Global Review
who is doing that work? not just in their little space where they stand or hole where they are rooted, but who is looking at their landscape and comparing it to places elsewhere, cultures, traditions, religions, indigenous and western?
i am now realizing as with most things...we dig our deaths and then proclaim it noble, worthy, valuable, legitimate, not knowing that we are beta and below.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Blacker Berry: Resource Economic Theory of InterRacial Dating/ White Privilege Still Rules

(this pic i realize now is funny, given its subject matter match and its far background
that i did not see at first. sigh)

yeah. this post allows me to show myself
been holding this in for a good week or two

completely confused as to how and why it is, most of the hoteps,
for all that they present and promote, when the curtains are pulled
and their associations are revealed, it is always these light near white
evidently pillared beauties, that they are not left private, no but trounced, runwayed, and photographs abounding presenting to the world, "see, what i have accomplished"

i see it. i know what it is. i know what it is about, and nothing comes ever so bulls eye to prove your personal deceit.

how come your women arent black berries, black man?

then i remember last night i was thinking about the "everybody should be able to love everybody crew" usually coming from white women full on in entitlement, the same entitlement that defines patriarchy, and white anything and everything no matter what manner or level of dissonance, if i feel to kkk you on sunday but sleep with you on saturday night, that is my prerogative.../ white women's response to the backlash when people wonder about the black men they are with..and it occurred to me last night, i am waiting to see one of those white women tell their white men, to find and mate black women, to create and encourage forums where they meet, engage, and date. that...they are just as beautiful, valued and preferred as a choice. have never said or done any one of them ever.

the racism, the privilege, the choice, the entitlement,
dont be thrown off your center of your own entitlement
and if you are maligned, and allotted just a minimal of resources, and the other who maligns you comes to choose from your bag too and theirs, yet you have no access to theirs. what is that?

straight up resource economics hun.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Nafeesa Mohammed's Nephew Jamal Khan Priced the Soul of Andre Mc Cleod

the deceased, my cousin, Andre McCleod
i have so many things to say.
wonder if i will remain living among these demons for talking/writing
waiting for confirmation of an id.

but let me tell you this trinidad

all the people who are killed and murdered,
are not one, reported in the news
two, makes me wonder if it is even lodged in police records
and three, the police sometimes tell family to keep quiet and keep the matter out of the news. and not to talk to anyone.

i learned today at the family funeral
for my deceased cousin who called the name of his killer/shooter for two days before he died...
that all of that was the case.

and i am pissed and sad
cause my family take real chain up
they did not for one moment realize
to agree to silence means, that if the police decide to let this cretin off the hook, as they do for most people connected, of society or relatives of politicians,of certain ethnic groups, of money, they have no recourse. there is no record. no one knows of it.

it is a nephew of a politician who killed my cousin Andre Mc Leod.
a man who has some office job. I did not /. i forgot to commit that fact to memory: where he works. but he works in an office.

so the other thing i am telling you:
four, the people who have business, who you support, purchase from and maintain, who you sip cocktails with on the circuit, interact in places of repute...have blood on their hands, carrying the spirit of those who they cut down

ask Nafeesa Mohammed about her nephew Jamal Khan/
and let him tell you of Andre McLeod

what the story is...he shot him cause their khan clip showed up in bagatelle to get some guy who killed another guy (was any of that in the news?)...when the boys showed up the hood guys ran...they were running in the direction of Andre walking in the opposite direction. the clip or khan asked andre' where they boys, did you see them. Andre said he saw no one. and khan pull out gun and shoot. an office employee

who is protecting who? to speak and tell the truth?
how many lives in vain? cut down like weeds
and we think everybody who is gunned down is in something about something
i have learned twice this year since Aug 31, that aint so

now the odd thing, which is why i been saying crime could never solve and stop in trinidad ...and i used to say it when i realized that the police you dont think they come from a neighborhood> that they went to school with other people > who themselves turn bandit, gangsta and murderer? and in this place where school affiliation, life long friendships, relations and connections is everything, why you think a police gonna turn in his childhood friend who kill adam in another neighborhood or place?

at the funeral yesterday, a gang was present. if i tell you how i think i knew, i might be wrong.  but the clip of young boys, the choice of bandannas on their heads, either in white or red. i remember the latter most pronounced. all my cousin's people. now he is in no gang, but he grew up with all those boys. so what i am showing you is that in this small place and space, you do not separate from those you have always known, who may have entered life, behavior and realities separate and different from your own.

my cousin and i, both empaths, crystals and sensors, entered the cemetery for burial/ at the gathering of the funereal, the people, I could not breathe. hours later when I dared to tell him about it, he tells me he was in pain, his lower back was hurting him. we were sensing something real.

these are ways in which people become untouchable, and then there is another layer of the untouchables, the money, the skin, the ethnicity, the indian, the politician family, the town folk..or what ever designation you all are worshipping on any given day?

Thursday, November 26, 2015

A Black Man Theorizes Feminism, and Growing Trends of Black Female Violence

 Ozy Meriq's Graphic
 Brian TriniOne Lewis:

"I absolutely do not agree that the Violent Female behaviour we constantly see in videos is a general youth problem. It is not.

This would have been true if we were seeing a similar increase in violence amongst Male students. We are not.

It is not by chance that just about all the videos we see involve Females.
Even in 'developed' countries we see this increase in Violent Females also.

Honest assessment of the effects of the messages and conditioning of Feminist values and it's impact on the home and children must be examined.

The fact is that many Females are being raised in female authority homes, attend schools with mostly female teachers, in a society that says Females can strike males and they cannot strike Females. This is their Normal.

Females are the ones that get away with striking their children. Males are taught not to hit. Females are taught that it is okay to hit and Fight for your rights.

The fact is now time has seen removal of Social Inhibitors to control violent and other poor behaviour in Females.

But, you know what - very few Females agree with what I am saying as it is always a Males fault and focusing on their own genders' bad ways is a no-no.

Right now, 90% of Female readers are processing thoughts to cuss me, personalize my statement to indicate I am 'toting personal issues' or wish they could slap the stupid out of me. Anything to deflect the cause of the issue elsewhere."


And this piece of writing made me ask, how come Feminism has not advocated violence in its long history of a movement?


MH:  i think you should flesh this out, i was trying to understand and get to the nitty gritty but i am not clear. I need you to get behind each paragraph you wrote. feminism does not advocate violence, and i know that so well, your post got me wondering and pondering how come they have never.
 this is a deep subject though. i keep thinking on it. and what just came to me is that it is now the women's internalize violence in this hemisphere as the men did decades ago and still ongoing...all the shootings, the stabbings, ...that is what i see. if this was a feminist construct, they would be violent against the men, not so.

The problem is not feminism, the problem is deeper, wider, grander...

After and now that the men are mostly destroyed, the women now are destroying themselves

Angel of Golden Light

Angel of Golden Light by Charles Bibbs & Synthia Saint James

some retard degenerates i wake up to find out are so "sick of seeing fight videos of children and students" they made up a group out of it and called it Fight Club. six of them. no doubt to post and share more videos

and i woke up thinking how stupid and retarded people are here. I struggle to be positive amidst so much ugly . from home to public.i learned in my work life if you dont talk to people and they dont know your business they make up stories about you. same thing for the streets, the neighborhood if you have any presence, dealings or even if you are seen there. i realize this morning the home with your relatives, haters, saboteurs is the same thing. and i realize in trinidad, all are haters and saboteurs. you have to be really skilled to see it. people also equally feign friendship, support, interest, but at best, it is to know your business, to block you, to willfully refuse to help you, while they tell you "i am fresh out of ideas" when you did not ask them for ideas, you asked them to help you navigate a specific path, situation and outcome, that they are mum about. but you see them / frenemies. and enemies.

from father, to aunt, to mothers, to cousins.
i have been writing these stories / since 2010
writing even the stories and episodes of thieves and manipulators they do not know about, but twist to what can suit their own warped minds

i tell myself how strong i must be to live with and under the conditions that i do. i marvel at how everyone envy's my life and appearance. the ironer/ cleaner, my friend tells me all the time, up to last she was here, how she wishes she had my life.. but i realize now it is that she is depressed. when she was leaving after she sat in the gallery relaxing, having tea, and dinner, it was cool there rather than on the dining table where she usually eats, and our gallery is one full swoop and great room from bar to stern of the kitchen/dining room, so she was still indoors, secured indoors...anyway, she said as her son came to pick her up: i wish i was never born or not here or something crazy so. and that is when i realize. but people who meet me as high up as carlos john and i mean how much money beyond duprey you could steal, except now for sis people and owner, carlos john tell me too how i always look like i have i eh know what it is these people see or dont see, but my story always finds itself in suspension some wheres unknown between my reality and others' experiences and exposures, i just dont compute

in the last five years, i have had the most amount of stories spoken, told and whispered about me and none of them be true, but it does not stop the people speaking them.. not if they know nothing of me except I live in a neighborhood, or they know nothing about me other than where i live, and sleep in a bedroom salon sandwiched between theirs, i have had relations of what kind i do not know, ruined for talk , i have completely practically removed myself from family for endless dynamics of sabotage, jealousy, badmind, resentment, mostly all coming from women, and one sole male, a cousin. and the more i recently learned of males being more female in character and vibration than women, the more i see it every single time i bring to mind this cousin. and when i consider most males. there is a wild femaleness...erratic emotions, wild mood swings between moon and full on equatorial sun. the explosions, the violence, all of that is an attempt to them to transcend their weakness, as they see it, their femaleness. never to be that.

i did not expect to find myself writing this subject this morning, i fell into it. wanted to go back to sleep but the litany of treatment came to me after these two women here and their latest attempt to hurt, or sideline me. the funny thing is now, I just make sure and tell/ i no longer conspire with enemies. i dont keep their secrets. I dont shield for them. and i now dont even wait for questions. last night. immediately. i wrote marlon and roderick/ the latter knows and sees their darkness since he know himself. the former is the brother of the recently deceased/

when people talk of being persecuted like jesus, believe them/ interrogate even if you have to. i can support that theory/ we are given these myths and archetypes by which to mark and understand our lives. maybe even too, our purposes, our inhabitations, which may explain why certain experiences and not others. i now find it equally intriguing and not so much that I would be called a high priestess, an incarnation of maat and have so many persons about constantly showing their scales of heart versus feather. it is like how they make and send you, is the first key of what you came to do, what you came to experience, and how you are to somehow find a way to make it through.

ah yes. I was talking about retard and degenerates
and all yesterday I mused how one is to find and keep one's humanity amidst so much ugly, and how it is they made me to keep gleaming, gleaning, glinting and shining despite all the weight of ugly and deprivation put upon me but so it is. so it is. it has nothing to do with me. It is neither my dance, nor luggage, and this is not customs, I dont have to explain a damn thing. just keep on breathing and being beautiful like sunripened mangopeaches from a superfluously producing tree

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Tilling CrowdFunding for a Life Hack

"Tilling the Soil" by Mirlande Jean-Gilles

There are many articles that predict "how crowdfunding is going to change the world".
I am trying to change the world through crowdfunding!
To use crowdfunding sites as my vehicle to convey a message, garner adherents, and find my tribe and proponents, members and owners. I am trying to mine "the bottom of the well" I am building from the "bottom of the pyramid" Read CKPrahalad last book by that title.

   "Mountain Woman", Mirlande Jean-Gilles

I am a wombman full of ideas that I have never been able to get financed.
I mention CKPrahalad, before his death, he was slated to be one of the first three guest for an international speaker series I had conjured up for Trinidad and Tobago..a way to elevate the consciousness of the public. I was going to invite Oprah Winfrey, Arundhati Roy and CK Prahalad
because the majority of Trinidad's population are the bottom of the pyramid, living in a regressive society where almost every system, order, organization runs from the plantation system of taking the most from the least to make the lessers and smaller top population, rich, richer and wealthy.  We do it when we play lotto, we do it for our housing schemes as social program, we do it for employment where the mass make below living wage in this Caribbean island

I have lots to share.
This idea to pursue crowdfunding is its own philosophy, like a banyan or silk cotton tree (look them up) made of myriad roots, and an endless canopy of branches that almost form a half moon from horizon to horizon.

Philosophy of what I call myself, Wombman; what I am trying to do, harness wealth and riches frivoled at the bottom with the masses as we look at our coins individually but totally lost and missing the impact when we collectivize. '

In this year, 2015, I saw my population of approximately two million people amass a confirmed minimum of $31million to $60 million in a matter of ten weeks or so for the lotto. The range of what was amassed accounts for my ignorance on the lotto system here, and on how much is collected by nlcb, and how much they release, by percentages to stakeholders, leaving what percentage of pot for the winners. Those answers I do not know, hence the range, but can you imagine? in any case? that two million people managed to pot $30 million confirmed? upwards of $50, $60 million?

What might we do with that amount of money? How might we improve the country? We could wipe out poverty, poor living, and all health matters with that money. $10million US.

This is how I want to change the world: To show poor people and those in need and wanting, like myself, how to  change our conditions.

I am a Development Economist with a PhD. I have been unemployed for the last five years in a country that is in need of development but for the wave of greed and warped ideas of modernity as well as oil and gas have completely corrupted our sense of self, and sense. So here we have range rovers on potted holed roads, and our hospitals kill mothers and children for sport, like on a medical range, where doctors, instead of malpractice suits, get private enterprises for their bodies maimed and killed.

I have had endless ideas, for around the globe. I grew up in NYC /Brooklyn when the latter was only Jewish bubbelahs (grandmothers) and the houses, mine, had mezzuzahs on all the doors, living in brownstones down town, or uptown close to sea, all white neighborhoods, with my father's business around the corner on Church ave, Huggins Distributing. I grew up privileged. I realize in hindsight was I MTV Sweet Sixteen without the celebrity: cars from sixteen, fancy leather cowboy boots from a year before, sheepskin coats, which were expensive at the time, mere change now, I imagine, so far away am i from that life.

 "Free Are Those" by Mirlande Jean-Gilles

My biggest that I felt the most inspired was to create a United States Nationwide Legal Service Support Agency for Black African American victims of Police Brutality and other forms of Racism. I thought of the idea when that high school student was body slammed while she sat in a classroom, in her seat. I wanted to lend support to her and to the young lady, the sole human being in that classroom to have a response and presence of mind to record the event. By that time there may have been over three hundred or more incidences of killings and beatings of men and women in the country for 2015. And in those cases, apart from the race vultures, I really dont see anyone helping, talking or working toward each of these victims and their families finding, seeking and pursuing justice by financial means and law suits. This idea took a back seat when I could not find like minded persons to support such, and when a person in my activist circle dismantled something similar, I at the time, not knowing any such thing existed, but I was planning on asking this person to be on my board, but he had to run off the stage due to reported infamy. One has to be careful what one does, how and with whom, and for the moment, all my life, actually, it has been solo, hence the need for me to create what it is I need...a network for success that can bring along the greatest number of supporters... [Black Social Justice Foundation]


"Comfort Bringers" by Mirlande Jean-Gilles

This is an operation conceived where people win by giving their support and investing. It is an investing in self ; for what is created provides for all in some form or another

The other international idea I had was to create an IT - Information Technology company, owned by workers, and union members, started in Trinidad and Tobago, first purchasing the fortynine percent available from TSTT, the land line phone company, and buying a TATT network license to branch off into IT services that would include subcompanies collecting data and doing research via hand held devices. collecting demographics and mapping roads and waterways from citizens; as well as their stories of deaths, maternal, infant, and cancer incidence, rates and deaths, kinds and other surgeries and medical malpractice. As well as to collect information on locality needs as it relates to services and infrastructure-- housing, roads, drainage, lighting, water, . IT was to be a tool of national development, citizen participation, integration and service provisions/Rehabilitation.

From the formation of this IT umbrella initial company, the formula would have been packaged and applied, implemented around the globe in other emerging countries, creating a model for citizen-ownership in IT, as a vehicle to large scale income growth, generation, company creation, and reformulating the world of work for common citizens.

"Taming the Cosmos" by Mirlande Jean-Gilles

Related to this model, was the creation of a stock exchange where all these companies, wherever located, would amass on one virtual trading floor, where all of us would buy, trade, invest and support our collective companies, thus creating a major bloc to hedge against any kind of failure, cause in essence, operation is not in a vacuum. This effort too would have been the building of a black business roll and stock exchange and  [TTIT and Stock Exchange]

From the international to the local: In Trinidad, and the main mission for this crowdfunding initiative is to create the facility, the operation, generate the membership, and structures for success for a Conscious Creative Collective 99 -- an artistic collective idea I came up with about a year ago.
It is structured around what I call an ArtShram...a place where creatives can visit and operate from for free or subsidized costs/ a place for artists to present and house their goods, as well as pay for studio time and platforms to present, encompassing all forms of creativity, from music, to jewelry, to clothing to artisan food, to paintings and carvings.

[ArtShram is described here]

 I have begun to build the movement of Artshram through this facebook page of [Conscious Creative Collective 99 here] .

The other local to Trinidad Tobago Idea I had was to create an Alternative Housing Scheme : building, providing, structuring recycled homes, built of pallets, old boards and wood from dismantled homes, and homes built from modified containers, and bamboo.

In Trinidad, sixty to eighty percent of the population are working poor. Sixty percent for sure, the remaining twenty percent are those who fashion themselves middle class, but like me, with the loss of work, you are lost and bereft. There may be another seventeen percent who are business owners, of a kind, either based on government contracts, or long standing trading companies who because of their exploitation of the economy, survive low or high tide. The remainder three percent are the fulcure* filthy rich elite, owner of conglomerates, monopolies and oligopolies, as well as politicians and contractors who have made it from corruption, thievery and the raid of the treasury. Yes, Trinidad and Tobago is a banana plantation republic

This idea for housing solves a preeminent problem. For the last ten to twenty years, young people are no longer able to make a living, have sustained employment, to allow them to live on their own, move out of their family homes, purchase their own homes or even rent with longevity because of the great and high level of unemployment risks related to politics and its patrimony that shifts every election time. Life is very unstable.

As a result, we have a great number of squatter communities and camps occupied by citizens. As well as a great number of citizens, employed, nicely appearing in dress, driving fancy cars even, but living in some form or mode of squalor.

For those sites, people need prefab housing that is affordable, that is less destructive within the environment as presssed board, and old galvanize (zinc plates). For citizens who have access to land but no formal banking, they can construct homes from any option of recyclables.: palettes, old board, containers, or at the high end, heart hard wood. Using locally sourced homes directed toward family structure, locations and timelines for sustainability, this is far more affordable than what exists in the market.


Part Two
At this point, it may appear there are many pots and fires, all independent.
But these initiatives are all integrated.

IN the best of worlds, one compound of massive land acreage houses all these companies, initiatives and operations.

Another solution these initiatives seek to provide is employment and gainful entrepreneurship.

A critical point of intention to share is that the call for funds, contributions and investments are not meant to be consumed, but to make a long term sustainable endowment fund, that is utilized to gain matched funds on other markets such as from venture capitalists, millionaire funders, like Carlos of Mexico who is the IT billionaire boss.. To have an endowment used as a foundation and not for operation costs, I would hope bode well to garner greater contributions, show a level of financial responsibility during a time of greatest risk for failure, a hedge against such failure, and respect for the contributions garnered. It is a way to maintain solvency for what is an attempt to innovate business models for current times, conditions and considerations. IT is mindful of my own financial lessons and for the economic downturn that we are all seeking to survive and in the best scenario, come out on top: to preserve rare resources, while trying to seize opportunities to grow and expand.
What is impossible at the individual level, I seek to prove is possible at the collective.

Write the Plan and Make it Plain

i have been up for at least eighteen minutes, clearly waking at the power hour. it now being 4:18/ and the hardest thing for me is to allow the brain matter to catch me awake, it seizes upon me and floods my waves, so sleep flees

this time i think of how i am smack dab in the middle of a witches' brew and tempest. i observe how their faculties are waning, leaving bright lghts on behind them as they retire to sleep, doing dastardly deeds even as their memory fails. i was told my fortunes would change once an aunt dies; told that around 2011, and then i wondered which aunt, of late, i have been wondering how things will change, is it that they now being on the other side will see truths obscured to them all along? or they will see the sabotage of others they considered of well? i just think now there are way too many riddles, questions and mysteries surrounding my current, future and outcomes. just way too many
then i keep thinking of this housing imbroglio the citizens of the country find themselves in, i am so amused. so tickled and for so many reasons. one to get proof that people really are living here in a bubble, oblivious to financial matter, with zero financial literacy, and i speak with some water in my mouth because mine came as a result of burning through much, plenty and serious money. you also dont understand money and the life of the world if you think it will always be present/ if you think how it was, and what used to be will always stay the same and be ever present for your manipulations, is a great wrongheadedness..and folk who went to school to get good jobs, gainful employment, careers and sustainability are finding out it aint so, far less for us wheeling and dealing entrepreneur types like carl and melize.

i then realize the very business i had to do recycled and different mode and types of housing for myriad income brackets was an excellent idea. now that people are finally calling numbers, stating income level policies, minimum and maximum requirements, and folks are projecting out and calculating on their thumbs and fingers, then catering too the other variant dynamics like contract employment and the risk of unemployment, folk now really understanding what their real chances, and how they are closer to failure than winning, and the impossibility of the structure of life they were living, and see that squatting now gives them the better chance they ever imagined, now that squatting too has been would damn well appear that alternate housing schemes and solutions might find voge. so housing from repurposed containers, recycled wood, and even pallets might not seem so far outside the margins. but alas, that too was blindsided by the dastardly and greedy of what they themselves could not secure. selah

and even when i might have found allies like paul quinn, instead, here, are males who are more explosive, emotional and reactionary than bitches and cats on the moon. i am always left with wondering what might have been, and what may yet still come about. as I remember that dream that showed me that lost, dropped, broken jewels on public bathroom floors, missed and unseen the first time, exist for the harvesting on a second look and to be aware that jewels and valuables are to be found: silver and baubles, upon a second look in very unexpected places

that/ this/
at 4:33 in the morning

when i went to bed praying, insisting, asking telling compelling the universe to grant me socioeconomic justice , a return of all that has been lost, shaken up, compressed, exceeding and spilling over. i was writing and calculating millions before i went to bed at one am.

i somehow believe by the sights, discoveries and wonders that my gift might be to turn around the most impossible. I have done it too many times now, for others, and see it perhaps with myself, in my history, at tuskegee, my whole life, surviving in relative tack, 2013...i very well might be expert in harvesting the lost, impossible and improbable, so i am holding that out and calling it in for me.

James Wright Chanel:
"Find out what your gift is in this lifetime and stop being so mad at everybody else that using their gifts to get them where they need to be."

Friday, November 20, 2015

fathers and daughter / children

i think when you hear other people's life stories, their journeys, childhoods and traumas, you take grace, gratitude, and patience, if not getting a changed perspective on your arrangement and relations...

i realize, and i have stated previously, that i was lucky, several times over.
the main luck and blessing i focus on though is that my father never left me and us, his children, my brother...who he said was not his by the way. whether that is true of not, i would never know. but he used to say, that he never left us because he did not want anyone to come and abuse or take advantage of us. and when he used to say that would you believe I had no idea of what he spoke. only in my later years, am i in touch with the reality of abuse, incest, rape, advantage, mistreatment, exposure, insecurity, (there may have been emotional insecurity, but never any physical risk of such)

and these things seem so prevalent. with so many people, celebrities, to regular folk. then to hear how common it is for people to have grown up without a mother or father present. and i know too the difference of having someone present but in variations of vacant.

i dont know. it is a lot.
but i am thinking, in hindsight, maybe I need to give my father a break.
and i have. i always have. cause i knew what he came through. my father did something most parents dont do, that my mother even, did not do. he told us about his life, to the point where i can recite his stories as if they are mine. and just for staying present, and covering us, that is something in comparison i can praise and thank him for. then for supplying me to the exceeding level that he did. we wanted for nothing and our lives, my brothers and I, were exceptional, materially speaking. i could but wont speak for my mother. for while she too benefited, I know better than to speak at the cost for which a woman finds security. but my marina loved her some carl, down to the last breath and life she had.

so maybe even now, shall i forgive him for his trespasses toward me in adult life? that is the issue. that is the proposition. i waver, back and forth on this

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Priestess IyaMe

do you read my dreams...and even my revelations...while i am awake...and it is almost like i never am asleep, for even when sleeping, i am aware, taking notes, telling myself to remember, writing, repeating what i am told or see, or learn..trying tools and techniques to keep memory accurate...and then the dreams of flying, and all the birds: owls, songbirds and corbeauxs...


Shaun King's Privilege to Create and Destroy

Shaun King
Atlanta, GA, United States · 
["At the impassioned request of my family, friends, and closest advisors, I have decided to cease the operations of Justice Together. My best use of skill and energy here is not as an organizer or activist, but as the Senior Justice Writer for the New York Daily News. Between my obligations there, my responsibilities to our large family, and my work in graduate school, I am simply unable to faithfully and professionally serve in the capacity that this work deserves.

I refuse to be a distraction in the movement against police brutality in America. Unfortunately, I am afraid my best intentions have become a hindrance. Toward that end, we have refunded every single donation that we've ever received (all the way back to September of 2014) and will no longer be accepting donations privately or publicly. We will securely and permanently delete your contact information from all databases. 

While our original plan of launching in all 50 states was ambitious, it was, in retrospect, unsustainable. I entered this August focused and prepared to throw my entire life into what we were building, but have admitted publicly and privately that after the attacks my family has continuously suffered these past three months, I am simply not the same person. I must tend to my emotional health and the well-being of my family these next few months.

A part of me sincerely feels defeated, but anything other than this decision is simply unrealistic. I accept full responsibility for being unable to do better with this, but I assure you, with all that has been before me, this has been my best. Please forgive me for the disappointment this has caused.
Thankfully, many great organizations are continuing to form in this space and many more still need to be created. I will be rooting for you and hope that your determination to be a part of the solution continues for the rest of your life.

I will continue to write three articles a day, five days a week on injustice and hope to use that space to inform and inspire the world.

Thank you for everything.

something was happening right under my nose and i completely missed it?
and what is more and peculiar is that from the title of it appears to be the same concept and idea i just came up with a few weeks ago and was trying to get set up, remotely, me being in trinidad, but its operations in the states.

then for all this to be happening with someone who i stand behind and with, shaun king. I am flabbergasted and why so much so? because i saw Shaun's posts regarding injustice against Black Americans and thought to include him, request his participation and if nothing else, as a board member to my idea.

that said,
I have a real problem here. is years now I with Shaun King, from the time Oprah hailed him out as a Morehouse man and what seems like from way back in 2008 or so...This is not the first time Shaun started some amazing shit and then just bailed. And i am like what the fuck you did not know you had a family. And the first time I saw it, I just went along, now this being the second time, I am like what the fuck is your problem? why is this a pattern with you? and yes i am angry, he has the tools, he is effective, he has the platforms, and still always bailing. so what the hell am i missing? this is lame. after the first time, when it becomes a pattern. but i shall say no more because the regret and anger for me, is I cant even do any thing i wish to do being off the plantation to such an extent, across waters, and in the carribean. but forget it. clearly i ma just made to sit here and be frustrated , being powerless, and ineffectual to enter the gayelle. so be it. let me allow those who choose to do so, peacefully.

i ended up writing on his thread

Maven Huggins: all these people telling you not to feel defeated, but it is really projection obverse language they are speaking. you are defeated. I been with you for a long time now. since 2008 or so when Oprah promoted you. I know now this is a pattern you have created. Starting wonderful needful initiatives that you bail out and always, always citing your family ..that i will withhold speaking and writing what that appears like to me.

now weird ass shit: I did not even know you were doing anything new on justice, except that i saw your posts on the black victims of police / more funny thing: I was trying to set up a social justice initiative, nation wide, to offer legal and justice support and resources to all victims and their families. I was planning to utilize crowd funding to create an endowment and try to build matched funds. I seriously thought to ask you to be on the board. but here is my imprisonment: I am in the caribbean, off the united states land mass plantation, and too far away to set up the structures myself and the person I tried to convince to administrate i have just allowed to fade rather than me get to a point of begging and badgering. you cant give people a vision, or convince them of answers and solutions when they are blind. I was told they were afraid of themselves. here you are afraid of people outside of yourself.

so that is one reason why i am are stopping something that is needful that others may not know what and how to do and manifest, based on circumstances and competence.

and here it is you stop and close up shop, not because you are failing, because you always shut down these wildly successful initiatives, but because what? you got scared, your people around you got scared? somethings not adding up. they dont know who you are? what you were sent to do? what you were imbued with to do? who are these agents of subversion and retardation? in your circle. instead of them putting a vanguard and solutions around you they tell you to dismantle. ? where the hell would we be as a people if all our odd freedom fighters were subjected to the same and made the same choices you have of shutting down operations? harriet tubman, sojourner truth, nat turner, denmark vessey? martin and malcolm?

and yeah some of them were killed but we are at war, and who the fuck are we when our soldiers leave the field, but then i look at you and am given pause. cause perhaps the shit is wrong and a mirage from step one

But i will say this. the other thing that pisses me off about you in both these times I see you shut down is that you dont even put the call out to allow someone else to step in and take over, so if you want to leave, leave your ass on, but dont knock down the effort , and the work, and the contributions and supporters. who does the fuck that./ are you building or showing , just presenting?perpetrating?
i cant get it. who gives blood to splatter it wasting on the roadway

i am sorry. I just had to say my peace cause I was too emotionally vested. as a silent observer .supporter who you dont even know my name or background.

and because i have been frantically looking and searching for the avenues where I could enter to be of some value and relevance to my people's struggles. only to see others with the privilege to enter as they choose, erect as they will, then destroy and dismantle as they whim.

Dr. Huggins!

and then there was this, and i was oblivious

Monday, November 16, 2015

Wake up and Work

waking up is a long, endless and tedious project and process.
especially for black folk.

cause first, all of us are to wake up from the lies of this so-called civilization.
then we black folk gotta wake up from white supremacy, the white brain wash, and all the lies, myths and systems we were given to prop the structure of racism.
then all people need to also wake up from the micro structures that constrain us: from family, environment, circumstances, friends.
add some dynamics that filter into all realms like waking up from education, or miseducation, religion to make us compliant, as economic tools that make us subjugated, and all the means and methods that make us somnolent (I have no fucking idea where that word came from, i had to look it up after i was shocked fb did not flag it with a red wavy. shit. gotdamn. our brains are computers that slip out moments of brilliance . wow) zombies.

the work never ends
I sit here today faced at a deeper level recognizing no family member is a friend to my soul or future, recognizing that the shit family members have dabbled in have caused death and mayhem in my cloister. my father and mother. that i am most probably living a curse brought on by the deeds of those before me. the sins of the parents kind of thing..while being persecuted for the effects that i get blamed for ...what i had nothing to do with. and locked in a mayhem that i have neither tools, ideas, ability or solutions to get out of, and not a soul to talk to, far less to help me.

and i must learn to sit with this in grace.

an old friend dropped out of the sky and showed up at my door today. having lost his life of politics. he was bereft. his marriage a sham. and apparently done, it was done before he became a minister. he spoke of how hard it is to live here. I just listened in stunned but not silence. only hours later did i discover that he showed up at my door for solace, to see if i could help him but he never said that nor asked. he said he was surprised to see me, that he thought i had left the country. many people have that assumption since i moved out of the town brown scene. but it was like he was almost broken. and struggling mightily to find a life raft before his treading water grew exhaustive enough for him to stop and drown. and i see this all the time. people who have no thought to spare for those who are less than or suffering. even tonight, here, someone else, of privilege and clique, support and maintenance...meaning she is in the flow so she will always be catered for, says it is easy for anyone to work hard and buy a house. I started to answer and stopped. I no longer have energy. maybe she will learn, maybe she wont. there are a whole half or more of the population for whom that is and never will be an option. i have met them these few years. and if you dont know anyone like that your life is too small and incestuous/ then there are a whole class of young professionals, trained, that if they are not at the treasury trough, in good with the boys and girls of glory, will without doubt, find out what it is to do without...that is the thing i thought listening to my former friend today: nothing here last. you may be on top for a day or five, but you will come down sooner or later. from the dupreys, to the johns, and the fall may not be as critical and traumatic..and i heard today, "i am sorry I did not thief, at least to last me a six months" and i got another insight into this place. folk are always squirreling away for the downfall that they know is coming. hence it is a reason d'etre for all the corruption.

it was my friend that dropped me that tidbit of an echo...that in his experience folk of experiences like mine , family dynamics like mine is that somebody, some few dabbled and the shit just sprung back. and there is a whole ballpark where that batted ball had option to land and resonate any number of runs.

so i am contending. finding stretching, reaching...and sitting.
wondering if i am to rail and rage , get more violent against my condition..
but i am confused...cause i read of so many other people from hony who have lost their mojo, their trains stop running the route or stopping on their platforms. their lives dried up or ended, and they are still breathing and living. ..they arent thinking of the same sources. so you see how it is we must distance ourselves from our source? see the ignorance, the swirl, the pit, the water, the environment...if it be enlightened or full of ignorance, that is what you will be echoed back/fed or told. all the while none of them seeing their withholding, their denial, their decisions that have fed the fulcrum of your stagnation.

and then when there is no where to run, you have to stay and sprout just in the same cesspit that created your sepsis. make yourself well. do well with the defeat, the failures, the futility

see the work./ neverending./

On Violence

Sheldon Mendoza:

Nobody is being taught how to handle Intimate Relationships when they become an Adult, they are just expected to "Do the Right thing" by Society, after being thrown unarmed onto the battlefield...
Every Man and Woman appears to be going through a series of Trial and Error in an effort to understand each other and their roles together.

And anytime either one of the parties mishandle it, they are being chastised and judged for it...Society really expects a Teenager to automatically make a smooth transition into Adulthood while battling with all his/her insecurities and fears and his/her Hormones...Most Parents think its Taboo to discuss Sex with their Children and many have never discussed Infidelity or Adultery but most of all none have been clearly able to explain LOVE.

But when one of the parties decide to lash out at the other in a Violent way or decides to end it all by Murder or Suicide...everyone seems to know what they should have done or could have done....but the only solution that Society really recommends is "Jail for Everyone""

Maven Huggins:

do you realize you write a post with some embedded perspectives, assumptions, given and default? As if it is normal, accepted, logical to "lash out" "in a violent way" "decides to end it all" "by murder and suicide"

there is formal academic language for that -- it escapes me now..but you are putting out for others to read who may not have the tools to screen and analyze what they are reading.

one might well take from your post, those are reasonable, understandable responses and end results.

very interesting!

 Sheldon Mendoza:

"And indeed they are...nothing is unreasonable...there is a reason for everything and one of the reasons why they "lash out" is because of the subject of my status...Violence is part of our "Nature" it is not unreasonable to be is unfortunate that after reasoning you think you have no choice but to resort to Violence...I hate to use the word "never" but No Man really just comes home one day and kills his wife and child...he must have gone through a lot of reasoning and had what he thought was a good reason to do this...

We must not continue to make things Taboo and run from including them in our discourse...Many people have used Murder or Suicide as their Solution because it is somewhere in their "reasoning book" or reference points....It is there either genetically, cuturally or otherwise but when they look into their minds for ways to deal with their current situations....these are some of the Solutions that pops up....

Maybe the problem is not that it makes the list but maybe its because its at the forefront....Death is a part of Life....and we live in a world where we are being told that when there was only Four People on the Planet...Cain killed Abel and their was Three...we can't continue to run from our Violent is as much a part of us as Peace is...but we must have many more options in Life before choosing Death."

 Maven Huggins: wow. this keeps getting deeper and deeper
now you are validating the behavior of men to be violent, kill, maim and slit the throats of their children and women

got you.

"but No Man really just comes home one day and kills his wife and child...he must have gone through a lot of reasoning and had what he thought was a good reason to do this."

i pause whether to share this story as I feel, one i dont want this to be about me, two i dont like casting pearls, and experiences, who knows how people might receive out of intent.

but two weeks ago I had a person very close to me do me some psychic violence, merely removing and throwing away gifts given to me that i put down in a public part of where i live.

when i went for it and expected to be told it was moved, it is in xyz place...the person said nothing other than yes, i moved it.

i literally got enraged and saw me slamming that person across the bathroom where they were and I stood at the door, of an ensuite bedroom>

I was shocked at myself for the thought. I recognized I was out of my mind to let anyone take me there, and just controlled myself. reel myself back to myself.

when i retell the story after the fact, I remember being quite entitled to my feelings and responses, and was even affronted by the mentality that people think they can agitate and aggravate people and then turn around and tell them they are enraged. bitch i am not psycho, that is a rationale response to madness. but there is a line you do not cross. and harm to others is not a privilege, right or entitlement. and certainly not to people weaker than you.

that mindset is what makes the europeans think they can go to lesser countries bomb, kill and enslave.
that mindset is what has men beating women, and women and men beating children and people thinking they can beat the elderly. and animals.

your language is amazing to me. but, carry on>
i just felt i have been here long enough with you to engage it and put out a call. that is all

Btw, i have written of this experience when it happened.
And you remind me of a post i thought to write today...the total satisfaction one gets from not reacting and responding and lashing out to people you realize are intentionally trying to fuck you up. it is like they want a rise, an engagement and a conversation or argument. they are trying to break you down. the flight and rise from refusing them that is like nothing else, and talk about elevation? being an eagle among pecking chickens. but all of that is a level of owning self, being responsible, respectful regardless of your environment and the demons about you

and what i am saying is your way of writing about this, to the mindless masses is not going to lead to ways of life to deal, before death

But i fully know and recognize I am not in my element eh, nor my people, so carry on. i am the interloper.

Further to that, I wonder if you saw the many posts i have written about violence here in trinidad? where just recently, i acknowledged proof of my suspicion that most men in trinidad have hit or beat up their women...almost all. I learned this from talking to aged men, and I talk about the only thing that changes them is age, the waning of testosterone, and wisdom, when possible, or merely just growing out of patterns for a variety of reasons. I learned this from two of my closest partners.

i even wrote a post about when will women realize this before they get beat down.

but aside from that, have you seen my posts where I would lead and be a sharpshooter and take out a whole bunch of folk. the last i wrote about it was last night and that so called 'benz businessman; who lick up that woman, and caused a multiple car mash up, and left the scene, come back hours after and still fail a breathalyzer, with attorney in tow. folk like that need to be catered for

so you not talking to someone with stripped notions of beingness, but one who at least tries to have a code of justice and to say merely that we are violent and therefore it is acceptable is one of the most backward, barbaric and ignorant things possible. but i also write a lot about chaos and how we are nothing but lesser animals, Animals, have more value systems than we do, and they never ever rationalize them away for their own excuses or interests.

we are so far away from spirit life it is not funny. we are more base than basic/ stripped of everything...i am at a loss as to describe what that is, it is beyond darkness...

 Sheldon Mendoza:

"I think most times people are afraid to admit their reality but you can admit to your reality without committing to it...just like I said Society really recommend Jail as the only if they don't have any other way to treat with people who made mistakes than to call them a Criminal....and Jail them....

I am not saying Jail is not one of the solutions in their reference box but should it be at the forefront??? Most people react emotionally after anything happens...its always Hang them High or Jail them for Life...its never "Rehabilitate" them or Forgive them...because they have Violence at the top of their reference point list too....

So lets start addressing our Social Ills holistically and stop hiding behind whats "Formal" and whats not....if people can't read between the lines that simply means...We still have a lot more Educating to do."
Maven Huggins:   

and that is my point...did your post and language lead to educating...only after this exchange do you get close to something and still dont say it... people need to be taught how to one, sit with themselves and their pain, turmoil and anger, ; two, learn how to do that without lashing out and in violence; three...people need to be taught how to stop reacting emotionally. and there it is. That last part, but it does not stand alone. there are many other steps before that, and many other steps after...and all for the value and belief system -- that all have a right to life, safety, security and undeniable existence without the imposition of another, either psychically, emotionally, mentally or physically; no violence of any kind

Sheldon Mendoza:

"Maven Huggins, the problem here is less in what I write and more in how you see it...and not because you didn't see what I meant but because you "assumed" others wouldn't...and therefore although you could read between the lines...everyone is not at bright as you...However let me continue being real and admitting what the reality is...I am in no way defending any man who beats or kills him woman or child...I am acknowledging it being part of our reality and making a statement that it is as a result of "Cause and Effect" ...I am not saying its justified I am just saying there is a reason for it...Now if you want to go deep then look deeper into my status....Nobody is trained how to deal with these is a series of TRIAL and ERROR.....and like you said....even you had the "Thought" ,...but you won the fight with yourself....Everyone is not so we must address this by making mention of the "Reasons" for it happening...which again I think is either Education or Miseducation or a Lack of Education."

Maven Huggins:

thanks for that clarification.
though by the end it was not needed

but and not to continue this thread...the other thing that I seized upon in the original post... LOVE>

people do not know what love is. all that they utter it is not "clearly able to explain love"

a lot of times all this violence exists because we have been born, raised , trained and programmed out of love

we have no , zero zilch idea on what love is. real or imagined,
we only have fairytales, projections and a range of more violence, passive aggression, treachery , destabilization and co-dependency ..and those things are what we call love.

Maven Huggins local tv content

Sheldon Mendoza:  I agree
Maven Huggins woo sah

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Let the Process Carry On

i truly wonder how people on fb find people. i have no idea how this guy found me. no mutual friends. no mutual interests i can see but this was on his page. seems to me like it is a reinterpretation of a modern black buddha, which is really nothing but a buddha.
and what is more is that this form and image, no mention of how her face echos mine in many ways, but the form i am marching to inhabit..i wrote about it when i woke up yesterday. to be silent, peaceful, set apart and away. the mehindi, the withdrawal from societies, people and civilization in its forms
but what amuses me is that as much as this is the direction i march toward, I keep looking back and gathering my old friends and connections, especailly to find out that they are the antithesis of what i am today. they are all polished, refined, professional ladies of alpha kappa alpha, and here i am, their old soror, a bohemian at best, on the margins of a different solar system. but i know it is me grasping at a time and people of my self that brought me joy and a semblance of a valid, valuable, working self. selah. we take what we can and move on.. heart emoticon to those who knew me once upon a time, and were good friends to my life and soul.

i give thanks for current friends, light and angels who reminded me of such beauty within yesterday

"Of course I remember meeting you...loved your vibes from the getgo"
There is so many things that resonate and then no longer resonate as vibrations change/raise/lower And certain posts appear when the vibration of a person is on the level...nothing before it's time as they say"

"When I see you..please note the seeing here is beyond the vision of the eye...when I see you I see something that is shaping up into something specific... Like molten metal taking shape...might look funny to some, weird to others, absurd to another lot,amazing to the next..simply for its lack of form...but once the desired design begins to take shape and hardened, then things begin to change...the new shape reveals purpose...Molt On Maven. You are well on your way."

"The falling and floundering is all a part of the transformative process...
In the cocoon the caterpillar is broken up and destroyed and crushed and bent...before becoming the being that soars...its vibration is changed as is its body and life / Let the process carry on. You are beautiful through it all"

---part of this reads like it could be an independent meme

Monday, November 9, 2015

Wrong Headed Feminism

first of all have been misidentified, misnamed, from day one.

second, it is not a movement, fight or struggle of women against men
that is one of its biggest lies, and you know we in this western dominated planet wide civilization live and belabor under great and bold lies, so just add this to the list

third, it is really a struggle of women, among themselves, against themselves,, by themselves, cause we all must create our paths become the fullness of femalehood possible, but alas, most of those constructions are closed off to most women in the planet, they think in terms of reproducing and servicing men, families and the society/culture - how in the latter I am not sure., except that they be silent witness to a morass of ills, crimes and destructions

but ultimately, feminism, ideally would be called matriarchy or sacredness
because it is women who birth, bring, teach and train all human beings, and by extension, all animals and creatures on the planet, because , all men and women suck at their bosom, stay in their house and home for formative years, long before they are pushed out into the school and world. so what tools, identifiers, philosophies and vibrations do they leave your bosom with. we are the first teachers, and if you are living a patriarchy, perhaps it was you who released your hold or allowed a foreign mindset to take over.

the sacredness i speak of is in relation and return to the sacred feminine. that is the hidden, unspoken purpose, struggle and movement of women to find themselves , to find their spirit souls, find their purposes in the world, to teach righteousness and the right path to all beings so when they leave the bosom and home they are on the vibration of life and honor not destruction or subjugation.

part of that sacredness is the matriarchal role as i construct it, the conveying of the culture for and of life, livity, wellbeing, respect for the planet. the mirroring of the cosmos to the planet to the earth as gaia, a woman everything is female , of balance, or reproduction, of womb. and what that should mean.

so in the absence of all of that what do we have?
the direct opposite

not understanding the real problem at its core, we create these movements of empty machinery , that are just spinning wheels provided for us lost cogs, mindless to keep the merry go round moving, but elevations never attaining or changing. marking and marching in the same spot

if women were doing what they were created to do, there would be no female creatures accepting brutality from beings their kind made. the prisons would not be full of zombie males, high on their testosterone. dont be fooled, the first drug problem the planet knows is neither cocaine, heroine or marijuana, it is testosterone, masculinity and subjugation. and so we are reaping all the whirlwinds.

and no correction appears in sight
but one of the biggest errors of feminism as historically constructed and conferred, was its associations and evolution from threads of white movement for the life and future wellbeing of the planet and its inhabitants can be sans melanin