first of all have been misidentified, misnamed, from day one.
second, it is not a movement, fight or struggle of women against men
that is one of its biggest lies, and you know we in this western dominated planet wide civilization live and belabor under great and bold lies, so just add this to the list
third, it is really a struggle of women, among themselves, against themselves,, by themselves, cause we all must create our paths alone...to become the fullness of femalehood possible, but alas, most of those constructions are closed off to most women in the planet, they think in terms of reproducing and servicing men, families and the society/culture - how in the latter I am not sure., except that they be silent witness to a morass of ills, crimes and destructions
but ultimately, feminism, ideally would be called matriarchy or sacredness
because it is women who birth, bring, teach and train all human beings, and by extension, all animals and creatures on the planet, because , all men and women suck at their bosom, stay in their house and home for formative years, long before they are pushed out into the school and world. so what tools, identifiers, philosophies and vibrations do they leave your bosom with. we are the first teachers, and if you are living a patriarchy, perhaps it was you who released your hold or allowed a foreign mindset to take over.
the sacredness i speak of is in relation and return to the sacred feminine. that is the hidden, unspoken purpose, struggle and movement of women to find themselves , to find their spirit souls, find their purposes in the world, to teach righteousness and the right path to all beings so when they leave the bosom and home they are on the vibration of life and honor not destruction or subjugation.
part of that sacredness is the matriarchal role as i construct it, the conveying of the culture for and of life, livity, wellbeing, respect for the planet. the mirroring of the cosmos to the planet to the earth as gaia, a woman goddess..how everything is female , of balance, or reproduction, of womb. and what that should mean.
so in the absence of all of that what do we have?
the direct opposite
not understanding the real problem at its core, we create these movements of empty machinery , that are just spinning wheels provided for us lost cogs, mindless to keep the merry go round moving, but elevations never attaining or changing. marking and marching in the same spot

and no correction appears in sight
but one of the biggest errors of feminism as historically constructed and conferred, was its associations and evolution from threads of white supremacism..no movement for the life and future wellbeing of the planet and its inhabitants can be sans melanin
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