Friday, April 29, 2016

People. Of the Twenty First Century

i keep trying to tell people that nothing matters except people.
not your product, not your goods, not your services.
those are the things that keep them after you have won them
but those things dont matter. cause you can have things, glorious things, like oil, carnival, nature, forest, bush, animals, but if the people not right, it wont last, it will whither away

i just read someone write: "Jamaica's biggest export is Jamaica" and that was a lightbulb. That is why their lilt is taken for all others caribe. That is why their music has carried and trends for decades. That is why we have a trade dispute. It is the people.not what they have after them

I think other countries, no other country has its people as its main export commodity as Jamaica, but other countries successful have people of the right mind and soul to support other people when they arrive. so if you go to Kenya for Kilimanjaro or South Africa for Animal Safaris, the people there will not allow you to have one solitary complaint. But Jamaica, carrying and imbuing, speaking, living, dancing and singing their very being. Jamaican.

I hope you get it.
The key to getting what we want is not anything else but PEOPLE
You have destroyed a globe and billions of people to get to that revelation, after they have mostly been corrupted beyond measure

Vanguards and Other Angels Inbox Standing/Landing

Trinidad: Land of Turtles, Ancients and Angels

"U probably know this already but still wanted to share as I saw yr number sequence. Angel Numbers - Number Sequences - Repeating 1's 1 11 111 1111 Number 1 resonates with the vibrations and attributes of new beginnings, independence, individuality, masculinity, assertiveness, success, leadership, originality, initiative, the pioneer, organizer, instinct, courage, inspiration, strength, creation and creativity, self-reliance, tenacity, forcefulness, authority, strong willpower, leniency, attainment, happiness, glory, fame, uniqueness, omniscience, fulfillment, innovation, risk-taking, high achievements, instinct, oneness with life, self-development, progress, tenacity, leadership, strength, ambition, motivation, striving forward and progress, ambition and will power, positivity and positiveness, pioneering, raw energy, force, activity, self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative, intuition, organization, achievement and success, strength and self-reliance, authority, love, attainment, fulfilment and omniscience. Number 1, being the number of 'new' is the number from which all manifestation begins. It is the energy that begins all actions and leads the way in new directions. 1 is the number of new projects, courage, originality and decisiveness and the desire for expansion on all levels. Every number is divisible by 1. We are all one, therefore we are all connected and associated by thought. When the Angel Number 1 appears to you repeatedly it is a message to watch your thoughts and focus upon your positive desires, rather than your negative fears. The 1 number sequence (in all it’s forms) is most often the first sequence that appears to many people. Once the 1111 is acknowledged, the number sequence changes to another combination along with new life experiences, directions and opportunities. The Angel Number 1 tells of new beginnings and changes. It denotes leadership and independence and tells of new starts and new actions that will take self-reliance and determination. Leadership takes courage, strong willpower and decisiveness in all areas, so that the goal can be achieved. When Angel Number 1 appear repeatedly it signifies that an energetic gateway has opened up for you, and this will rapidly manifest your thoughts into reality. The message is to choose your thoughts wisely, ensuring that they match your true desires. Do not put your energy into focusing on fears as you may manifest them into your life. The number 11 is a ‘karmic’, Master Number. The Master Number 11 tells us that to become involved with the higher-self is to know our life purpose and soul mission. Once we learn to blend the higher-self with our daily thinking pattern, we will learn how to avoid the obstacles and pitfalls experienced when we operate fully on a materialistic level. As we learn to blend the two levels we mature and develop spiritually. It makes us grow stronger and develop an inner-strength that will help us to steer our lives in the right direction. Balance within gives us great strength to our character. The essence of the message of the number sequence of 11 is to develop intuition, clairvoyance, spiritual healing and metaphysical faculties. The Number 11 symbolizes the principle of spiritual enlightenment. When Angel Number 11 appears repeatedly in your life your angels are asking you to pay attention to your repetitive thoughts and ideas as they hold the ‘answers’ to your prayers. When you recognize an Angel Number 111 sequence appearing to you frequently, take note of your thoughts at the time that they occur. When a series of 111's appear, monitor your thoughts carefully and be sure to only think about what it is you really want, not what you don't want. The 1111 sequences is most often the first sequence that appears to many people. Once the 1111 is noticed and acknowledged, the number sequences progress onto other numbers and your angels have other messages to pass on to you. The 1111 number sequence is a sign that there is an opportunity opening up for you, and your thoughts are manifesting them into form at lightening speed. The 1111 is similar to the bright light of a flashbulb. It means that the Universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts and is manifesting your ideas into material form. Be aware that you will manifest your thoughts, therefore, do not think negative thoughts as these are what you will draw into your life. Use the positive energies of the Universe to bring to fruition your deepest desires, hopes and dreams."

Long Read. wow. Yes. Thanks much Adafih. I knew that but NEVER in such detail. and you serve an angelic and spirit purpose.

I am preparing to leave and you know earlier this week i was afraid i would be cut down in the journey from now to my flight. but I spoke it, wrote it, and i was reassured and now i am fine but this here reinforces that.

And in the last few weeks I have talked about my visions plans and dreams so much, which is why i am leaving. an old friend is willing to house and provide for me and we put our heads together to see what empires we might build

And i been working with an artist here for five months now and yesterday he told me to market myself that i might be surprised to see what comes my way. All of that is the same message you sent me, do you see???

love you sister guardian
you are surely one of my vanguards in fleet


U know I am a 11 number sequence
My birthday is 22 of the 11 mth"

well then that makes sense. we are named and numbered for our purposes, I believe

22 us double 11
My son also has the same birthday
And I had him on my 22nd birthday
My golden birthday"
you have it reinforced. that is something

323 I saw that sequence in a post u just wrote. It means to maintain faith in the processes of the Universe, and trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be at this time. Reality is continuously changing, shifting and evolving into new experiences. The easier you can fully accept change, the quicker your soul can find balance and peace in the present moment.
I find it so interesting that all the number patterns are saying the same thing
About u and change and evolution
Fascinating "

wow. that makes me so happy. I have worked hard to get to that place!

 "U also in that same post use 35 which further supports
And 35 is associated with number 8. Number 8 is karma
All again connected to some big change
Or turn around of events"
and that is what I see happening. my life is turning around. on all fronts

And yr friend also saw number 111 in yr post
111 Angel Number 111 also encourages you to assist and inspire the human race via your natural abilities, relying upon your inner-wisdom and intuition to guide you. Be an inspirational guiding light to bring illumination to others and to help raise spiritual awareness. Trust that the angels support you in your ‘lightwork’.

I find that number describes u so well
So amazing
Look how many messages you got
1111 111 323 8 35 2211

And I was searching for something for u and landed in 101
Angels trumpeting in your ear
That's a lot of communication

I sure I leave out some numbers
And they all in d sane theme of change and purpose and being light and trusting the God in u
All good things to come. Wonderful/"
This is all amazing. and matches the energy i felt. I only wished you had written this on the would have been enlightening to others to that psychic on that show i wrote about

BC I see the numbers I will receive it as a double blessing
I too will see change in my life
It is a reminder for me to remain positive bc I manifest what I believe

"This is all amazing. and matches the energy i felt. I only wished you had written this on the would have been enlightening to others to that psychic on that show i wrote about.

"U see u just did some light work there"

"I feel me sucking back into old negative energy a past relationship. This message was for me too. Not to look back and block my blessing
That change will come. Better things will come if u focus on the positive"

That is correct.
me doing lightwork is an elevation

"yes, it amazing eh"
How messages can be double edged like that
That is y we must always help others"

"In helping u I have immediately received my blessing
Same numbers but different message for u and me

Reminding me to stay on that right path
Not to look back to turn into a pillar of salt
Jus stay focus in the positive
111 was for yr friend too
A message for three

He is dense. he wont get it

"but he was used as an instrument/ to deliver a message even if he is unaware
He Still got a message"me:
cool. i am going to take a breather. it has been an intense day sister. from since 6:30 this morning


"Makes u wonder how much times we blessed,protected and unaware of the gifts we received or wat we were saved from"

Thank you for guiding me Adafih!!!!
 "Go back to yr post u will see this
35 equals 8 equals 323 equals karma equals infinity"

Maven Huggins[ Maven Huggins
1 hr ·
Just like that, effortlessly, in thirtyfive minutes i had reason to reference an angelic vanguard of a spirit army, three times, to two different people. the third was in a blog post.]

Adafih Noble- Lue Shue
Adafih Noble- Lue Shue: " 8 Maven Huggins"

me:oh...hhhh.. thanks. chuckle. I completely missed it. I walking you know. walking the path, but even i am asleep in the heights i have been installed.
 "8 is the infinity sign"
yes. gosh.. so amazing how you show up at certain times

111 equals 3 in 1
I do believe u got divine messages
God is a god of order"

and a long time ago i was told that i have three spirit guides travelling with me, intergalactic beings
"Everything has a number a pattern a sequence
If only everyone can see the math"

ok. gonna take a breather. my head hurts

Too much heights"
 after many hours break, i return on line at 1:11am it is.

and read this:

Joke. I just came off this message and in my feed shows up in big bold letters the word 'decoded'. Thats it from me"
"I kid u not
With a neon yellow background

but this one most of all . i love the bravery, the honesty. This is the first message this person has ever written me ever, nor has she ever engaged in any other way, not even on my posts. Nothing

"Hi Maven. I've been keeping up with your posts and find myself intrigued ... maybe a little scared as well because you seem to be the type to strip masks and lay bare things that may not be quite ready for the light ... but mostly I'm intrigued.
So much of what you write, resonates with me. I would love to sit and talk sometime. Would you be willing?"

oh my gosh. of course. Hi Ruth.
MY reaction is usually because that is the kind of message I write, and never receive.

Sure we can meet. and I am proud of you to move against whatever fear there may be. Just let me know.

The only problem is I no longer have mobility. my car is down...but you are very welcome with me and you are safe.

and thanks for reading

"Thanks for that, Maven. Let's aim to meet during next week. We'll figure out the when and where as we go along. You can get me at ====,, and of course on FB. Looking forward!
I am ---
wow. i meant to write com.
the energies are high today. smh
"Yes, they are. I'll call over the weekend. Take care and thanks again."


I took a nap after an intense morning of birds in windows, like minded innovators, and Fuck You Bitches and Pomegranates to find these two women in my inbox.

Pomegranate Fuck You Bitches

Ode and Lament
to the beings on this corner space

If there was any reason to leave a place
it would be the inability of not having any one to call
should you need to get to W.h.o. at W.h.e.r.e

I wake up no different than my yesterday
No less happy than how I went to bed
But just with some harsh truth of realities
And no need to deny them

Fuck you bitches
Coward men who let your wives tell you who to friend
Cardboard males like my cousins
Who allow all manner of shit by these scheming women
Who turn on and off social media to fit your deceptions
i am no longer entertained by married family having baby with outside woman, the latter by herself, covered by a brother, the daddy never present. everybody knows, she a fool or just playing.
I know I am done when cousins end up being prime assholes.

Fuck you bitches
Who used to be really tight good friends
For whatever your reasons, be they racial, status, or fear.
Fuck the bitches who I have deeply favored
Narine telling me years ago, "you would be with a coolie like me"
Saved from Deen a sociopsychopath pervert, I heard from the book, and assorted others, with face, stories and excuses.

You were all just the ones that I trusted
Fuck you and your fake fraudulent offers of jobs, associations, inroads. This is not the marketing tool my friend had yesterday envisioned.

But Fuck you
cause I can.
I realize I continue to be highly favored and privileged.
I could sit on my ass and not slit my wrists
Without assignments on this plantation
Six years of absence dont exactly equate to one grand exit

But as I sing this song and beat this rhythm of pan
Not even feeling the pain, but it must be some kind of burn
I realize, the greatest gift and in your face clapback
Is to write in a message, to where are you?
"I am on a flight to Morocco"

A sign of my origins
A Pomegranate picked weeks ago
To eat
I since decided to save\
To plant it somewhere in coordinates
Against and With
The Magnolia

Fuck you Bitches
The inabilities and blocks here
Were not my end,
Merely a new Stronger Beginning

Fuck You Bitches
I was the only Badass Female
Wombmyn among endless Lessers

Lilla's visit to me those many decades might have been the clue
She showed up with her paint can bucket
The kind the Sumerian of Annunaki Giant

Fuck you Bitches
The Art, Science, Physics and Maths of Gifts
When you have nothing I need
I have nothing to lose
I am not taking a number in your struggles

Fuck you bitches
I, channeling CardiB,
Can keep writing lines of this

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

13 Years in Exile- Harriet Tubman II

lol. you should have a show. lmao
"Lolol I'm such a dud on camera - you have to see it to believe it - I'm just a writer in my bones
that dud can work for you and carry the joke and laughter. trust me
Lol I'll need a good producer . Several ppl ask me to go on camera or on radio, but iknow they can't produce me .
Maybe I'll end up on camera one day - it'll probably have to be on the Internet"

What do you imagine a producer does and why you thought those specific people could not produce you.

I ask because i think i am a great producer. But doh ask me what i produce. other than a great fete is all just in my head

"Because I am a producer
Lol I wouldn't ask you lol
I am a producer with a writer's perspective -"
i merely have a sharp eye for what works and how and my sense is from up north and international. not parochial
"They are not writers at all . These "producers"
Because I'm not a boldface person I will need a producers guidance . But this is purely a hypothetical discussion . Lolol I did some acting once on Westwood park. Hated every second of being on camera." then you can write material then for someone else to produce.

if i am serious...all of this today came out of a message from a dream and awakening, to write about my time in exile in trinidad. if i get through i will send it to you to review and help produce...;p)

we shall see
"I can write and produce - just not myself . Sure send me stuff. I can help you shape and frame it.
Off the bat, I would say you are a novel waiting to happen . Did you ever write a novel ? It feels like you have one tucked away somewhere ."
"13 years in exile" just describe, in chapters, what you saw . We can rework the title after .
Trinidad is the most barren relationship one could have With a country. Unless you play the same carnival character every year, then you in the right place ."

 we see the same things. that "unless you play the same carnival character every year.." That is one of my themes from this place, the repetition of the same things days in day out, years in year out I do have material. One that is ;novel' in particular. it is not a novel. I thought and intended that it would be. but it is not. it is episodal, no development, more a movie script than a story. I can send it to you and we can start with that while I write 13 years if you wish... it will be a challenge Camille. It does not conform to structure or genre. I have learned there is a name for it that now escapes me. and that sandra cisneros and another latin american writer formed that pattern...that kind of writing

 "We don't have models for our nuances but we will find a metaphor for the shape too . When I write something I always want it to be like a panorama arrangement. And i always love when ppl tell me " that was just like a calypso""

lol. well you will tell me if i wrote a calypso.. that seems to resonate...i wish it were true, if only to hearken back to a part of my family: Roderick/Chucky, Seadly/Penguin, Roland Gordon.. Krisson Joseph

"Whaaat you in de thing !!!
How are you related !"

all those people are cousins and their children

"Awww well calypso is in your bones . So you good To go"

wink emoticon we could hope

Freedom Plans and Conversations; Spring to Summer 2016 Harriet Tubman

 This is two conversations
Two friends. 
one male
the other female
the former i have known for a long time
a friend and ex boyfriend from grad school
the female, a fbriend who I have never met off line
One reinforced theme emerged
from two very different origins
to arrive me at the same place:

Keep Going, Dont Stop
like Miss Harriet Tubman told the slaves she was freeing

My Harriett is a man, my friend. 
He is My Rumi and Gibran
representing "The meaning of true love, compassion, acceptance and human potential."
I have to tell you...i just woke up about fortyfive minutes ago from my 5am bedtime, surprisingly spry and alert. I was having a dream of some facilitative workshop or something and in my bag was envelopes and elastic bands of money, two of them. and i left them in my bag and went somewhere. not sure how far. when i returned i remember thinking how odd. (what is mine and for me is left in tact?) anyway, the workshop seemed to be taking place in this huge upstairs house with one huge humongous grand room surrounding a bathroom and a kitchen, in an L shape. it is a house upper st. anns where i lived that i looked at to rent once upon a time. and the room seemed full of people and smaller but the sense i had it was that house. and different people, different ethnicities, but i remember a moment where i could have opened my mouth to instruct, suggest or say something and i did not and praised myself for so doing..but that dream somehow seemed to have told me to write about my experiences these thirteen years.

somehow as I lay between sleep and wake and after the dream that i kept returning to, I got the idea to write about this time. Then i thought to start writing now. And then i thought to tell you, to please make sure i make it out of here.

"You are as good as here!!
...maybe with a baby grand, maybe without (for now)...but you are here!

lol. with tears. Isnt it funny. i feel like you are breaking me out of jail and so many things can happen and go wrong on the preparation and execution to the day, deed, a movie.

you know i am always writing and living a movie

"positive worrying...we may not be certain how to get some things done...we may come against obstacles...but we are over-comers (that just came to me!!); we both have overcome major life experiences and are still standing; now we are joining forces. Look out world!!"



great line on that thread. bomb! ("they feel that their indentureship was entrepreneurship"

"Where was it again. I forget what it was. I thought I didn't write it again . I thought I deleted it . Maybe some of it . I don't feel like saying nothing no more you know. I find these Trinis insane ."

Trinis are insane. thank you for writing that. I am expected to leave out of here in July. I have not made it public news nor do I plan to tell many people, not even my family...and this morning having gone to bed at five am, I was aware of a dream i was having, and from that dream it is like it was irrelevant but the instruction was to write of my thirteen years in trinidad. Thirteen Years Embedded Exile. But it was really about or to document how insane people are here. and then you say it. hmmmm

But you wrote that indians feel their indentureship was entrepreneurship and i thought that was belly ache stage performance funny.

But i did not write it on the thread cause a big indian wrote on it seemingly in support of the post showing how indians were shot at the head of canons.

Trinis are insane and it is the ones who are most prominent, in public eye, presenting as the arbiters of our future that are most

"Lol right ! Oh that's it , yes girl I wrote so much more and deleted most if it . My heart breaks every time I write something that people don't want to touch when it's the truth . Cause then I have to question everybody and all my " friendships""

"That was a good post though . Glad I got that one .
Entrepreneurship lol. I good crazy you know . Lolol
Your 14 years of exile from the real world is over guyl.
Don turn back . When you are away it looks as if things are going on in Trinidad but it's not anything going on ever .
Don't be fooled . When I see all the yapping from pnm all I remind myself if I s that it dont even have pavement in Trinidad for people to walk on."

I now wish you had wrote what you thought, cause if that bomb line came out of that, then it would have been good and meaty for sure.. Yes you are. that shit was hilarious.

I am going to use that, just dont know how or where. I dream of being this stage performer...reading my poetry, giving my thoughts, I am funny but not funny like other people i see. but i seem to be laughing more lately, finding humour in weird things. and that line was smh. fun. NY. I am thinking perhaps i am to stage perform and share my writings...that one would not think to the contents of a book or memoir, an experience.

When I see you write, dont be fooled, dont turn back. I think of Harriet Tubman/. I am being freed. And i have gotten emotional about it. You know how you read of people who were preparing to do something big, take a flight, a trip, start a new job...and then they get cut down somehow...that concern has taken over me. And that saddens me. I was never a person of fear. I never thought that ever in my life. and I cant tell you the amount of times I was in that position. I lived in five states, traveled to africa, and other places numerous times. But trinidad has worn down my soul, my power, my bravery, and i also clearly see the wild things that run and roam this land so it is like running a got gauntlet to get away. to make sure the walking dead dont get me.

Yes Trinidad depletes your energy exactly like an abusive relationship . It'd crippling. The best thing that makes me move on something when i would rather not or don't have the energy to, is that i don't utter what I'm going to do . When I just do it before I tell anyone . Because i am very sensitive and ppl react out loud , too quickly to things they had never even thought about before . Things you you thought long and hard about . I hate that knee jerk reaction . Makes me want to sever ties with ppl ."

and you should. you write so clearly profound...have you never seen those memes that say, be around people who are doing more than you, or stay away from people who say you are hard to understand, difficult to love, stay away from people who cant see or help your vision.. all of those. I post those all the time!! And yes, this mornings conversations were so perfect, i thought to post them but i decided not to, just to remove the plans from public eye. so yes/ sever ties

Good. When you tell ppl your plan, your energy , for the least, dissipates. And then you have ppl comments all over YOUR plans. The point with Trinidad is , there's never anything going on , so any chance you take is really not a big risk because there's nothing to come back to in Trinidad , if you have to."

hm. that is so profound and poignant that you write that: That there is nothing to come to , come back to, that there is never anything going and folk here so busy, thinking just that...
a lot going on


"Yeah Trinidad Busy busy , like a airport terminal . In the middle of nowhere .
Nothing actually happens , like in a terminal . Everybody just busy carrying luggage . Thinking they are important in their way to somewhere"
lol. you should have a show. lmao

"Lolol I'm such a dud on camera - you have to see it to believe it - I'm just a writer in my bones"
that dud can work for you and carry the joke and laughter. trust me


Monday, April 11, 2016

Women, Social Enterprises, Sojourneys and StoryTelling

There is nothing more gratifying than when your client, partner, friend, sister sojourner, writes you two three years after the fact.
the first thing is they are in flight, when all along they were walking the ground building. second of all they write you a message in total line of what you been saying, preaching, advocating and encouraging all along, but now, they get it. it is their idea. their value, their vision.
total satisfaction
 when you travel the world with the bags, luggage and products (blankets) you make

and you know for the last two three nights i been having weird dreams. from all i can tell, it is that i am in demand, all sorts of people are seeking me out, but it is amazing, it is all expressed as sex and as gender male to female interests. and in the dreams, all kind of men: exotic mixed types, asians, mediterraneans and of course, black a variety of settings/ doing things to convey their interest in me, that in real life would be obscene, but in the dream, comes off totally different. but of course, in real life the demand is from my sisters too. but the sex is just a metaphor and allegory for building, creating, partnership/ and i am happy to say in the dream, none offering are shleps, bums or fuckboys.

but elevation comes in ways that may have no marker, measure or publicity...just quiet advancement...this is one of them


What do you think?
I am thinking of changing TTTT to a social business
So we can stop training women
But employ the women, produce and sell
Please ur advise is needed
Why am I thinking this way???
After training this rural women, they find it hard to become great
They always come back with their products for me to sell online
So I am thinking that if I am able to expand, employ abused women and produce for sale, pay them salary, may be we can use some profits to do more good. Please advise me"


Darling. LOL> you dont have to do either or. YOU do both. so you can develop, make, build and make money from both.

You have an institution to train women
you then create a social business to employ women and to provide them the means to make products and market them for social purposes.

you are thinking this way because you are growing and evolving and learning and seeing visions and horizons. Lovely for you!

That is a way for you to make money as well. you buy their goods, give them a good fair price, and because you are marketing and selling, you can add a premium on their prices, and you get the fame and exposure of supporting women. Everyone wins.

You have the exact model. and My Love that is what i been telling you all along. That is the model I have always pushed.
That was always the is a circle full of circles, someone bigger with more exposure, will then take what you have and offer it in places where you are not...repeat the model in ever widening circles, at greater prices, reaching higher echelon of clientele.

You on a great path.
I support that. That is what conscious creative collective is about.

That is my model !!!!!! wink emoticon
DO just that. I will help you.

------ when we reach full circle to start again <3 span="">

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Women Telling Stories

something very complicated and complex.
for the second time i am seeing bbc hardtalk since 12 midnight..
and for the first time ever, i see two black women being interviewed
where as for all the years i have watched this show, it has only been one person. why these two

then, they are very shocking looking. both with heavy curly massive weaves, one more than the other. one looks quite frankly fierce if not scary, even for me. there is something discomfiting about these women and it is surprising to me, I never felt this looking at black women. then i am not sure if hardtalk put them together in tandem or to oppose and fight each other. Neither their appearance nor their topic makes me want to listen any more. One of them I am familiar with , she speaks in favor of female mutilation as part of a cultural framework, not as abuse, patriarchy included i think. even now i do not put the volume up to hear them. I am still wondering why their appearance strikes me so.

then, do you ever wake up and wonder ;...
seems like i was having some kind of meta dream: Me dreaming of myself as another person, so me occurs twice, and i am now left wondering was the take away true or part of a dream illusion?
but it seemed as if my dreams, are all of one person, my alter ego, heroine, and all her adventures are the same as mine, she is trying to figure out the same things, for me, on my behalf, for her, and the mirror is so strong. as to be identical. i even listed the four or five areas she works on, but now elude me. on some level the interlude gave and taught me some distance, like projections and halograms, my life and its experiences are not mine. they are not personal. while i am deeply represented, i am also totally detached.

i am sitting here scanning my brain to pull up and clarify what i dreamt and what came to me. and the one thing is that i told myself 'see, i am doing movies, that whole dream and process could me content for a film, or tv series, or a book, and is that not what i been writing and working on since 2004, Ant Bites.

i dont know.
i do know, i ended up thinking of a wish list and in the dream and in real life I told myself to document the list
like do they make birkin bags in multicolors? i doubt, but to make one for me signature: a minicooper clubman, in that signature burgundy, a range rover defender luxe, i designed a watch late last night and i am anxious to put a prototype together.

i also want studios. lots and many of them.

if i could give people their working lives back wont they be willing to invest their money in a new type of union, one that has never existed before? an owner worker operator, then makes them venture capitalists? I fund myself , which saves them, which changes the world. and the latter dont even have to happen, we can just exist in our small sphere, just as we do now, but without the exploitation

what of life is not a dream