"U probably know this already but still wanted to share as I saw yr number sequence. Angel Numbers - Number Sequences - Repeating 1's 1 11 111 1111 Number 1 resonates with the vibrations and attributes of new beginnings, independence, individuality, masculinity, assertiveness, success, leadership, originality, initiative, the pioneer, organizer, instinct, courage, inspiration, strength, creation and creativity, self-reliance, tenacity, forcefulness, authority, strong willpower, leniency, attainment, happiness, glory, fame, uniqueness, omniscience, fulfillment, innovation, risk-taking, high achievements, instinct, oneness with life, self-development, progress, tenacity, leadership, strength, ambition, motivation, striving forward and progress, ambition and will power, positivity and positiveness, pioneering, raw energy, force, activity, self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative, intuition, organization, achievement and success, strength and self-reliance, authority, love, attainment, fulfilment and omniscience. Number 1, being the number of 'new' is the number from which all manifestation begins. It is the energy that begins all actions and leads the way in new directions. 1 is the number of new projects, courage, originality and decisiveness and the desire for expansion on all levels. Every number is divisible by 1. We are all one, therefore we are all connected and associated by thought. When the Angel Number 1 appears to you repeatedly it is a message to watch your thoughts and focus upon your positive desires, rather than your negative fears. The 1 number sequence (in all it’s forms) is most often the first sequence that appears to many people. Once the 1111 is acknowledged, the number sequence changes to another combination along with new life experiences, directions and opportunities. The Angel Number 1 tells of new beginnings and changes. It denotes leadership and independence and tells of new starts and new actions that will take self-reliance and determination. Leadership takes courage, strong willpower and decisiveness in all areas, so that the goal can be achieved. When Angel Number 1 appear repeatedly it signifies that an energetic gateway has opened up for you, and this will rapidly manifest your thoughts into reality. The message is to choose your thoughts wisely, ensuring that they match your true desires. Do not put your energy into focusing on fears as you may manifest them into your life. The number 11 is a ‘karmic’, Master Number. The Master Number 11 tells us that to become involved with the higher-self is to know our life purpose and soul mission. Once we learn to blend the higher-self with our daily thinking pattern, we will learn how to avoid the obstacles and pitfalls experienced when we operate fully on a materialistic level. As we learn to blend the two levels we mature and develop spiritually. It makes us grow stronger and develop an inner-strength that will help us to steer our lives in the right direction. Balance within gives us great strength to our character. The essence of the message of the number sequence of 11 is to develop intuition, clairvoyance, spiritual healing and metaphysical faculties. The Number 11 symbolizes the principle of spiritual enlightenment. When Angel Number 11 appears repeatedly in your life your angels are asking you to pay attention to your repetitive thoughts and ideas as they hold the ‘answers’ to your prayers. When you recognize an Angel Number 111 sequence appearing to you frequently, take note of your thoughts at the time that they occur. When a series of 111's appear, monitor your thoughts carefully and be sure to only think about what it is you really want, not what you don't want. The 1111 sequences is most often the first sequence that appears to many people. Once the 1111 is noticed and acknowledged, the number sequences progress onto other numbers and your angels have other messages to pass on to you. The 1111 number sequence is a sign that there is an opportunity opening up for you, and your thoughts are manifesting them into form at lightening speed. The 1111 is similar to the bright light of a flashbulb. It means that the Universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts and is manifesting your ideas into material form. Be aware that you will manifest your thoughts, therefore, do not think negative thoughts as these are what you will draw into your life. Use the positive energies of the Universe to bring to fruition your deepest desires, hopes and dreams."
Long Read. wow. Yes. Thanks much Adafih. I knew that but NEVER in such detail. and you serve an angelic and spirit purpose.
I am preparing to leave and you know earlier this week i was afraid i would be cut down in the journey from now to my flight. but I spoke it, wrote it, and i was reassured and now i am fine but this here reinforces that.
And in the last few weeks I have talked about my visions plans and dreams so much, which is why i am leaving. an old friend is willing to house and provide for me and we put our heads together to see what empires we might build
And i been working with an artist here for five months now and yesterday he told me to market myself that i might be surprised to see what comes my way. All of that is the same message you sent me, do you see???
love you sister guardian
you are surely one of my vanguards in fleet
"U know I am a 11 number sequence
My birthday is 22 of the 11 mth"
well then that makes sense. we are named and numbered for our purposes, I believe
22 us double 11
My son also has the same birthday
And I had him on my 22nd birthday
My golden birthday"
you have it reinforced. that is something
323 I saw that sequence in a post u just wrote. It means to maintain faith in the processes of the Universe, and trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be at this time. Reality is continuously changing, shifting and evolving into new experiences. The easier you can fully accept change, the quicker your soul can find balance and peace in the present moment.
I find it so interesting that all the number patterns are saying the same thing
About u and change and evolution
Fascinating "
wow. that makes me so happy. I have worked hard to get to that place!
"U also in that same post use 35 which further supports
"And yr friend also saw number 111 in yr post
"U also in that same post use 35 which further supports
And 35 is associated with number 8. Number 8 is karma
All again connected to some big change
Or turn around of events"
and that is what I see happening. my life is turning around. on all fronts
"And yr friend also saw number 111 in yr post
111 Angel Number 111 also encourages you to assist and inspire the human race via your natural abilities, relying upon your inner-wisdom and intuition to guide you. Be an inspirational guiding light to bring illumination to others and to help raise spiritual awareness. Trust that the angels support you in your ‘lightwork’.
I find that number describes u so well
So amazing
Look how many messages you got
1111 111 323 8 35 2211
And I was searching for something for u and landed in 101
Angels trumpeting in your ear
That's a lot of communication
I sure I leave out some numbers
And they all in d sane theme of change and purpose and being light and trusting the God in u
All good things to come. Wonderful/"
This is all amazing. and matches the energy i felt. I only wished you had written this on the thread...it would have been enlightening to others to read...like that psychic on that show i wrote about
"BC I see the numbers I will receive it as a double blessing
This is all amazing. and matches the energy i felt. I only wished you had written this on the thread...it would have been enlightening to others to read...like that psychic on that show i wrote about
"BC I see the numbers I will receive it as a double blessing
I too will see change in my life
It is a reminder for me to remain positive bc I manifest what I believe
"This is all amazing. and matches the energy i felt. I only wished you had written this on the thread...it would have been enlightening to others to read...like that psychic on that show i wrote about.
"U see u just did some light work there"
"I feel me sucking back into old negative energy a past relationship. This message was for me too. Not to look back and block my blessing
That change will come. Better things will come if u focus on the positive"
That is correct.
me doing lightwork is an elevation
"yes, it amazing eh"
How messages can be double edged like that
That is y we must always help others"
"In helping u I have immediately received my blessing
Same numbers but different message for u and me
Reminding me to stay on that right path
Not to look back to turn into a pillar of salt
Jus stay focus in the positive
111 was for yr friend too
A message for three "
Same numbers but different message for u and me
Reminding me to stay on that right path
Not to look back to turn into a pillar of salt
Jus stay focus in the positive
111 was for yr friend too
A message for three "
He is dense. he wont get it
"but he was used as an instrument/ to deliver a message even if he is unaware
He is dense. he wont get it
"but he was used as an instrument/ to deliver a message even if he is unaware
He Still got a message"me:
cool. i am going to take a breather. it has been an intense day sister. from since 6:30 this morning
"Makes u wonder how much times we blessed,protected and unaware of the gifts we received or wat we were saved from"
"Makes u wonder how much times we blessed,protected and unaware of the gifts we received or wat we were saved from"
Thank you for guiding me Adafih!!!!
Thank you for guiding me Adafih!!!!
"Go back to yr post u will see this
35 equals 8 equals 323 equals karma equals infinity"
[ Maven Huggins
thanks. chuckle. I completely missed it. I walking you know. walking
the path, but even i am asleep in the heights i have been installed.
"8 is the infinity sign"

like that, effortlessly, in thirtyfive minutes i had reason to
reference an angelic vanguard of a spirit army, three times, to two
different people. the third was in a blog post.]
"8 is the infinity sign"
yes. gosh.. so amazing how you show up at certain times
111 equals 3 in 1
I do believe u got divine messages
God is a god of order"
and a long time ago i was told that i have three spirit guides travelling with me, intergalactic beings
"Everything has a number a pattern a sequence
If only everyone can see the math"
ok. gonna take a breather. my head hurts
ok. gonna take a breather. my head hurts
Too much heights"
after many hours break, i return on line at 1:11am it is.
and read this:
"Joke. I just came off this message and in my feed shows up in big bold letters the word 'decoded'. Thats it from me"
and read this:
"Joke. I just came off this message and in my feed shows up in big bold letters the word 'decoded'. Thats it from me"
"I kid u not
With a neon yellow background
but this one most of all . i love the bravery, the honesty. This is the first message this person has ever written me ever, nor has she ever engaged in any other way, not even on my posts. Nothing
"Hi Maven. I've been keeping up with your posts and find myself intrigued ... maybe a little scared as well because you seem to be the type to strip masks and lay bare things that may not be quite ready for the light ... but mostly I'm intrigued.
So much of what you write, resonates with me. I would love to sit and talk sometime. Would you be willing?"
oh my gosh. of course. Hi Ruth.
MY reaction is usually because that is the kind of message I write, and never receive.
Sure we can meet. and I am proud of you to move against whatever fear there may be. Just let me know.
The only problem is I no longer have mobility. my car is down...but you are very welcome with me and you are safe.
and thanks for reading
"Thanks for that, Maven. Let's aim to meet during next week. We'll figure out the when and where as we go along. You can get me at ====, ===.com, and of course on FB. Looking forward!
I am ---
wow. i meant to write com.
the energies are high today. smh
"Yes, they are. I'll call over the weekend. Take care and thanks again."
I took a nap after an intense morning of birds in windows, like minded innovators, and Fuck You Bitches and Pomegranates to find these two women in my inbox.
I took a nap after an intense morning of birds in windows, like minded innovators, and Fuck You Bitches and Pomegranates to find these two women in my inbox.
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