There is nothing more gratifying than when your client, partner, friend, sister sojourner, writes you two three years after the fact.
the first thing is they are in flight, when all along they were walking the ground building. second of all they write you a message in total line of what you been saying, preaching, advocating and encouraging all along, but now, they get it. it is their idea. their value, their vision.
total satisfaction

when you travel the world with the bags, luggage and products (blankets) you make
and you know for the last two three nights i been having weird dreams. from all i can tell, it is that i am in demand, all sorts of people are seeking me out, but it is amazing, it is all expressed as sex and as gender male to female interests. and in the dreams, all kind of men: exotic mixed types, asians, mediterraneans and of course, black a variety of settings/ doing things to convey their interest in me, that in real life would be obscene, but in the dream, comes off totally different. but of course, in real life the demand is from my sisters too. but the sex is just a metaphor and allegory for building, creating, partnership/ and i am happy to say in the dream, none offering are shleps, bums or fuckboys.
but elevation comes in ways that may have no marker, measure or publicity...just quiet advancement...this is one of them
What do you think?
I am thinking of changing TTTT to a social business
So we can stop training women
But employ the women, produce and sell
Please ur advise is needed
Why am I thinking this way???
After training this rural women, they find it hard to become great
They always come back with their products for me to sell online
So I am thinking that if I am able to expand, employ abused women and produce for sale, pay them salary, may be we can use some profits to do more good. Please advise me"
Darling. LOL> you dont have to do either or. YOU do both. so you can develop, make, build and make money from both.
You have an institution to train women
you then create a social business to employ women and to provide them the means to make products and market them for social purposes.
you are thinking this way because you are growing and evolving and learning and seeing visions and horizons. Lovely for you!
That is a way for you to make money as well. you buy their goods, give them a good fair price, and because you are marketing and selling, you can add a premium on their prices, and you get the fame and exposure of supporting women. Everyone wins.
You have the exact model. and My Love that is what i been telling you all along. That is the model I have always pushed.
That was always the is a circle full of circles, someone bigger with more exposure, will then take what you have and offer it in places where you are not...repeat the model in ever widening circles, at greater prices, reaching higher echelon of clientele.
You on a great path.
I support that. That is what conscious creative collective is about.
That is my model !!!!!! wink emoticon
DO just that. I will help you.
------ when we reach full circle to start again <3 span="">3>
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