Daily Oracle Card Reading 11/20/13~The Prison Waif~
This card is being given to you as a message from Spirit. Spirit has asked your Spirit Guides to help you with this. You have become a prisoner of your own thoughts.
You tell people and yourself, "I try" but in fact all your efforts are being followed with negative self talk such as. "I will fail so why bother" or "I"m not worthy" or "I'll just get hurt" or "Nothing ever works out for me".
If you truly want to make a difference in your life you must stop the self sabotaging talk, and replace it with positive self talk.
Yes you are in your own self inflicted prison, the good news is you hold the key to unlock the door...Blessings Ladean
This card is being given to you as a message from Spirit. Spirit has asked your Spirit Guides to help you with this. You have become a prisoner of your own thoughts.
You tell people and yourself, "I try" but in fact all your efforts are being followed with negative self talk such as. "I will fail so why bother" or "I"m not worthy" or "I'll just get hurt" or "Nothing ever works out for me".
If you truly want to make a difference in your life you must stop the self sabotaging talk, and replace it with positive self talk.
Yes you are in your own self inflicted prison, the good news is you hold the key to unlock the door...Blessings Ladean

- Maven Huggins:
i see. but i was asking what is the opposite of self -sabotage, poverty consciousness card...it must be the self -affirming wealth prosperity wellbeing card...and i wanted to know if i could see what it looked like
what you just described as the upside down of this same card is still negative. I was wishing to see the positive - Ladean Snodgrass:
Of coarse the upside is if you are willing to unlock the door to your prison, you will experience freedom of these thoughts, and have prosperity. I didn't see this card as negative, I saw it as a message that it's up to us to unlock the door and it can be because we hold the key. So it's not hopeless, it's good to know that all it takes is changing our way of thinking - Sarah Brashears:
For so very long, I have been struggling with this, and this week has been harder than it has been for a while. Just yesterday, I was telling myself what a major failure I am, and that I haven't accomplished anything in this lifetime that I should. I sincerely do try to be hopeful, optimistic, brave, and positive so that people don't really see the struggle that I am in with myself. I am so very very exhausted....I don't want to be brave, and don't know what to do, because it seems like good and wonderful things are happening to everyone else around me, especially to the people who are bitter, hateful, and mean! I strive so hard to not be that way, but it just seems like Spirit (my Mother Goddess, Danu) has abandoned me and my Guides have forgotten me and my loved ones who are now in Spirit must be visiting somebody else, because loneliness is definitely my best friend! OMG! I am so sorry!! I really don't mean to bring others down with me!! I did want to thank you sincerely for this card, because just maybe it was meant for me....Namaste and blessed be! - Maven Huggins:
Sarah Brashears!!
thank you for sharing and pouring your heart out...I take all of that and send it to the cosmos...the moon is waning and is a good time to try and let all that go. that is behind you. I also write as i can relate to everything you said. but I am trying to make myself strong, knowing full well, there is truth to the fact that it is other people who do that for you when you are down. but i dont have that. so i try and keep trying. one thing i decided to do and it has been a long process is put the past and current daily, all behind me,, only forward movement
the other thing i do is give force to my ideas, they come like i breathe, and what does not work, i go to the next thing
once you have life and health, everything is possible, even if you cant see it, believe in the mystical and the magical/ and if it does not come, keep waiting and looking for it
Bypass all the negative: stand aside and let them and those all pass.. do not engage, do not contend, just stand aside
(i am just writing what i do)
I also write a lot and let things release, or go. or try
Your writing makes me want to ask, where are you? what do you do? what can you do? but i also wanted to say come be with me...
I am trying to build an organic farm, just to have wholesome food to keep me well, but i know it will make massive amounts of money for my own security
i have a phd but getting ready to write the application to go to medical school to be an ob/gyn/pediatric midwife douala...they kill women and babies in my country for sport, at the hospitals, by people with the title, doctor...I just want to be a healer and a preventative death, preventative illness practitioner...and help women bring healthy alive undamaged babies into the world, and maybe have some hand in how they are inculcated for the first few months of their lives, and support their mothers. I want to build a woman's health center>
I can use the help from women like you.
we are never lost as we think. we touch people even in silence so dont discount yourself
keep breathing
and you know what else Sarah, we werent brought here to prove our worth or justify our life, so give yourself that break. there is no test or exam of producing...so even though I want to produce , i want to preserve, I wish to be a blessing to others, I will not die or kill myself, or beat myself up if i never do another thing in life/ and i feel i have not done anything for all i have done has not and is not sustaining me. but i am blessed somehow...
I am not on the street, I still eat and eat well. and i have people who hear me, in odd quarters, and people who i think would if they could. and all that i just wrote is my projection of goodness and blessings...and all i am trying to do is position myself, prepare myself, offer folk something that they may find it a good thing to plant their resources by me...so i/we can flourish, can share, can make other people strong, can change the little part of the world we stand in...
i gave my mechanic currently fixing my vehicle a business idea -- he turns a model of vehicles into buggies...fun rides. I told him a name and logo for it. told him how to make it into a company. told him how to get sponsors and he replied he already has one chomping at the bit...but by the end of the night, he told me repeatedly that he was going home to sleep on what i told him, then he said one last thing that lit up my night and world:: he said just by giving him that idea, i made him strong.
Sandra, what else is there? So. you might make others strong just by your struggle!!!!
i sent a friend requestif you feel your spirit and guides have left you, find some new ones. but they have not
I am in a valley and been so for twelve years, or more, since 9-11 I just revealed to myself. Sometimes we just need to sit in fallow, in darkness to get our thinking and mind and heart, and intention correct....so take heart in that...you just might be in a wilderness...keep walking. look for the river...follow it out to the sea
i send you love Sister.

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