rude , dread , cross and coarse, but posting scripture
reminds me of all the black couples i saw at paprika thursday night
to a man. the men all opened the doors, let themselves in and then the females proceeded after. in one case a staff member had to hold it open for her. it is not even a hold the door open once inside as your party or date or team proceeds in, but let yourself in and others to see for themselves. i and my guest watched that. if you take things in toto you will see there is a grave problem and these males are like feral creatures, past just the lack of class.
been holding things in for a few days. having experiences and not writing about them, not sure why. the movement would not come though i told myself i was trying to remember features and dreams. but i realize it is kind of hard to write about some folk who i know and are here with me on fb when i encounter them. it was brought to the fore when a beloved told me, "put me in your blog tomorrow", which itself was a lightbulb. hearing that i thought and wondered might i create a practice and following of socializing, eating and events then write about it, having a demand built up for its byline? and true enough i was surprised to hear that cute remark, and the next day a post i wrote on lusty pizza surely made its mark, if not just by two. but i also realize there are far more readers and lurkers than participants who show themselves
i was on flight yesterday. i drove for the first time from west to east, at full speed, surprisingly as my vehicle is not in its best shape. i was being trailed. That in itself provided the high, an engineer architect was accompanying me to see the land. Going full speed, as the universe would allow, ahead to plans. And what i saw when i got there both shocked, surprised, made me both happy and sad. That place is abandoned once again. Over grown to shoulder in some parts and thigh high to the drive. my painting is still sealed to the wall. cucumbers are growing wildly. I am very glad and happy i dumped the rotten ones in the drain of the mounds. i suspect the pumpkin might be coming in as well. before i even got on the land though i was greeted by one of the dogs. the other two absent. i kept on wondering where they were. i was told that they were both dead. one got hit by a car, the other ate some poison or the other, and so did her pup. but the one that remained she had a puncture wound in her thigh.
as we proceeded to review the land, i stopped taking it in as I had to pee * talk about class * but as i moved to my normal practice, i heard my co-venturer say there is another dog. i thinking nothing of it, but it would be odd for the dog to be so silent to a stranger and not come bounding me down...and so i stopped on my mission and turned to find him. i see no dog, he tells me it is in a room. I say in a room. I go to see it. only to see a big faced beige pit bull coming toward me. i backed out and told him to walk out but not run. but we should have known something was off. the dog neither barked nor rushed. no was in any way agitated. it did start to follow us. walking cooly and then jogging, jaunting. and i told him to get in his car. i doing my business between two open doors . he never followed us that far. i and we thought it was placed there to protect the property. but in talking to the neighbor, i realized immediately, he himself never thinking of it. Someone dumped that dog on the cumuto road.How he got damaged, I dont know but that is why he did not bark, he has a huge abscess in his face, at the mouth and jaw.. Brokenhearted i was for these dogs.

I then realized how much of a farce the chase has been. he morphs according to what friends and company he keeps and has, according to the agenda they map out. everyday we went there to work , clear and clean the land. every other day he would feed the dogs, cook for them. it is clear he does neither.
i had so many thoughts.
the government, those asses of a tribe, need to rewrite that dangerous dog act and make a caveat for those of us who house, care and take guardianship of dumped and abandoned dogs. we should be free of any charges, they govt should pay, quietly, for those of us who take them off the road.
second of all i want you all to see yourselves as trinidadians. what does it mean that you have an animal and because there are new rules, you just dump the animal. the level of ignorance there. it is funny to me in a tragic way because it is like the very effect the law tried to prevent, danger to the public has been increased by a fold of how ever many animals are released. it indicates a deep apathy and incapacity. ..so these owners could not amass and coordinate a plan. You know that land would be perfect for that/ To create a doggy park for abandoned dangerous dogs.
i just need partners. for the money to set things up, you can become a co-owner, or get land in return And there are so many options:
1. Doggy Park/
2. Green Complex
3 Recreational Children Grounds & Garden PathPark*
(ever notice there are no partks in this trinidadtobagoland?)
4. Recycled Model Homes Display -
5. EcoForestry Retreat/
6. Horse Paddock
7. Healing Center/
All those things I would do at the same time.
Imagine being at a park where horses come up to you, milling about, eating grass while a couple lays on a blanket amidst a flower and herb garden, while their children are in the bouncy castle, jungle jim, green paddock, cricket pitch -- offside!!
Or on the day of the healing center, people are streaming in with offerings into the pavilion welcome center, where they write their concerns and requests, get a rose and proceed to the river to dump their worries into the river for it to be taken to sea.. then perhaps have a group meditation adn light lunch.
anyway, i have to get those doges to a vet, but i am hesitant to do it as i have not the post vet visit set up in place. then I wonder who provides pro bono abandoned dogs and animals health care?
and who knows of a big organized incapacity contractor who can immediately clean and cut the land. Grade the acre. lay about a mile of soft colorful pebbles, landscape the rest, powerwash the ruin, set a unique and artist roof and top to the ruin, refurbish the ruin into a pavilion, welcome center, gourmet kitchen, italian wraparound patio, with two lounges, several out door bathrooms, install a slew of tanks, underground preferably, build a designer creative recycled home. build railings to the river. refurbish and block the riverbank from erosion and land flooding. build a dog park, build horse coverings at locations, install an outdoor work out gym, and children's park (adults to infants), and build some model recycled homes, which themselves will be retreat cabins.
i was flying yesterday because i have free and clear sailing
topping that off was a bess lime with totally new friends/ leaving to go home only to land in another patos in the neighborhood. the lighting incense at the table , my first time ever to do that in company, was a winner.
Lets create a friendly society
that is what a group of people do when they match or collectivize funding for a mission.
Let us create a collective investor group
that land is sure to make money.
it will do too many things, for too many a number of constituents, representing various interests and of international import and support
Let us do this crowd funding
all contributors owners and funders - with lifetime access and use of the place // and more terms and benefits besides
send me a billionaire patron/age who is willing to experiment and has extra to give. Help me make my hand
i will consider yesterday's revealing and blessings as a bounty and sign of the happy june solstice
other stories of days past:
i met someone and in talking and exchanging and them hearing my story, they asked me did i write and publish or was my story published in the newspaper recently and i laughed and told them yes. i thought that was odd. the immediate connection, the memory of the story. how it stood with that reader and we are talking a good two months time span eh.
i keep having visions come to my memory but as if when my mind approaches it to embrace it, to be able to tell or recall it, it vanishes happened about twice. i know these are things i would want to tell and share.
standing on their own these doodads signify nothing but as a collection of vignettes, become more entertaining. i think
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