An activist who was in the Hindu UNC party so she would know of what she speaks, after all the years observing and being a part of...
it is clearly easy to call people racist when they speak unpleasant truths of other ethnic groups.
a nineteen year old indian girl seduced my father , an international business owner when he was well half past fifty. while my mother was alive, causing havoc in our family at great costs to me. and she told me when my mother hired her to work , she saw my father and decided she wanted him.
on some level i wish i knew what that skill was for my own benefit
on another level...i look forward to her paying for her deeds
but even i have awakened. i know now that is not how the world works
my grandmother Ruth grieved herself to death because my father brought this chick into our family home. Cindy Nirmala.
truth is always the first casualty
and ram goats of a certain status always meet the hens cocking for just that.
something i never learned having a powerful monied showering father in the home.
i learned to make my own way, or at least i thought i did, never from feminine wiles. i actually think i was rerouted in the chute at the time of birth cause all of that missed me, and then too seeing a man who philandered with all kinds of women, i never wanted to be subject to that...which is a sore point
i come home tonight not thinking of my personal situation at all but the extent to which men here live with women, have girlfriends, wives and level stables of women right through. i came home thinking of 'women with men, borrowed, sham or pretense' . it is like a badge of honor. i can so list them. they are endless. kind of fascinating.
life that i dont quite understand. none of it.
i look forward to the time in my life when i can look back with knowledge, knowing and wisdom. right now though, i just envision myself rising up again, self contained, and unsullied. a big part of this is not protecting self enough. guarding
a nineteen year old indian girl seduced my father , an international business owner when he was well half past fifty. while my mother was alive, causing havoc in our family at great costs to me. and she told me when my mother hired her to work , she saw my father and decided she wanted him.
on some level i wish i knew what that skill was for my own benefit
on another level...i look forward to her paying for her deeds
but even i have awakened. i know now that is not how the world works
my grandmother Ruth grieved herself to death because my father brought this chick into our family home. Cindy Nirmala.
truth is always the first casualty
and ram goats of a certain status always meet the hens cocking for just that.
something i never learned having a powerful monied showering father in the home.
i learned to make my own way, or at least i thought i did, never from feminine wiles. i actually think i was rerouted in the chute at the time of birth cause all of that missed me, and then too seeing a man who philandered with all kinds of women, i never wanted to be subject to that...which is a sore point
i come home tonight not thinking of my personal situation at all but the extent to which men here live with women, have girlfriends, wives and level stables of women right through. i came home thinking of 'women with men, borrowed, sham or pretense' . it is like a badge of honor. i can so list them. they are endless. kind of fascinating.
life that i dont quite understand. none of it.
i look forward to the time in my life when i can look back with knowledge, knowing and wisdom. right now though, i just envision myself rising up again, self contained, and unsullied. a big part of this is not protecting self enough. guarding
- Sherry McDonald:
"There's no end to female treachery and male deception.
Honestly, women are out, many of them, beating the bushes for men.
The things they'll do. Honestly!
Maybe they think it's survival?
My sore point too Maven. Mine too.
I guess these kind of men aren't really men. And the women aren't women.
They're just right for each other.
But they are happy to kick another woman out to do it.
But seriously, it's the man who is committed, or isn't. It's on him primarily. Basically it seems men never lose. They can be happy either way.
Just because you suffer doesn't mean they do.
I'm not able to win at such games.
It's just too sordid a game for me to play.
Let them have what they think they want. You can't stop it. It's like stopping a flood.
They ruin lives. Ruin them. And don't care.
Karma has to activate somewhere." - Sarah Mair Morgan :
"Well, how about Arnold Schwarzenegger and the hired help right under his wife's nose for years?" Maven Huggins:"something is wrong with us women. not to see. i marvel walking around this place. and i am not sure how not to be that woman ever. seems to me the issue of trust leads you down a garden path, and i think too women;s perception of themselves and their world, they think all the time there are situations, people and conditions they and those around them, their men will never enter, and it is usually just that and worse. take nothing off the table of possibility"
- Sheldon Mendoza : "That's just your conditioning and programming by Western Society"
Maven Huggins :
"yes western society have told black men *( I am only deeply entrenched into this subpopulation to know) via slavery that they can have as many women as they want, for nothing, for free, not provide for her, house her or maintain her.
so you all never even think what you doing is a robbery and treachery also
but this is not this story.. this is a story of a man and family who had plenty and the inheritors, purveyors and creators of two generations above and below this man, lost due to his playing up in his...
it was his conditioning and programming of triflingness that did not instruct him that if he wants another woman then build another house, find himself and her elsewhere. NOT in the family homes and lands. Not selling off or using legacy family assets for your new life and never at the loss and cost of your children. the first set, the remaining one.
If i could call all manner of curses upon his head, his new children and their mother;s head, her surrounding family, in fire and brimstone, I would. but this is all about scrupulous people
not the conditioning and programming you sought to put onto me. there is a right and wrong way to do everything. weasels and small minded men and people never figure that out . i call them wretched, they are"Maven Huggins:
"Um, you all may have missed the part where I stated I was repeating what this woman, my stepmother, by bigamy, of ten years or more younger than me, told me/. we used to have a relationship before my father and i became estranged and told his new family not to talk to me.
and i dont know what conditioning and programming you speak of mendoza but what I did not say , actually I mentioned it, but did not expand was the effects of this treachery>"
my thing is do what all you want to do but do not one be a bully, or two be a thief, or three rob people of their legacies and inheritance.
my beef is that my country home i used to have I no longer. a grendmother died before her time because her home twoo was corrupted, a house my mother owned for rental to public was lost by theft and sale, illegally, my grandmother's gold was melted down to make wedding ring, that should have gone to three female grandchildren. and
my point was, do what you want to do, but find your own land and housing to do it in, dont rob those of us here decades before, to figt someone new. that to me is outside integrity, but say what, I am a different kind of being. I dont believe I would let any man install me to the loss of his children of family before me. so maybe it is conditioning. I grew up unwretchedly
you talk of conditioning and programming but you all who read stories like this are so used to people just being poor and have nothing. it is a totally different story when there is a magnitude of inheritance, land, businesses. it is a testament to how trifling the practice you all want women without nary a price or cost, but here is the flip story on two counts a man who had it which is why he was schemed upon, and the cost to his blood when lord knows what, loneliness, patheticism, badmind gets to his head
you dont disown your own
one set of triflingness (women without male providing for all they choose) and disinheritance by children upon a switch or swindle)
It is all a complicated story way beyond what i write here"- Edward Bowen: "you don't disown your own" - in my time I was faced with this real schism and the attempt to disenfranchise a generation, it was mind boggling physics to say the least. The choice then, was to fight it, or leave it all alone, emigrate and start again, I stayed because I knew that if I left, there would be a loss, a bitterness for not having tried at least, to right the wrong that was clear, plain and very evident, that having recognized it in full, the illusion had been removed, and the manipulators were as vulnerable as I was. It took some years of work, the assistance came out of the blue, now years later there is understanding, dare I say it, respect."
- " you are lucky. you knew what to do at the time to do it.
i was not living here. and my mother's family tried to get me to sue my father. I refused. (that non -wrecthedness that I speak of), I could not at the time put god out of my thoughts to sue the man who was the reason for the charmed Life i had , always had. . but i have learned in this and so many cases, that you do not get rewarded for having upbringing,c class, integrity, wisdom, propriety. and you know my story, to be at this age, and homeless, struggling, without has been a bitter pill. dont know if i would go back and do differently, but going forward I do not plan to be this gentle soul. and plan to wield sword and weapons like Kali. I am still aiming to get that.
And then what has been a surprise of a type, is for even my father to turn against me even after I accepted his long life of shit against women in my family.
He took two lives prior: my mothers and my grandmothers, me, he just took my wealth
but i sometimes fancy raising a hornets nest against his people once he dies, and even then I ask myself if i am really that beast.
I am truly starting to believe that it is the good hearted people of the world who suffer. the things one cant bring themselves to do, leaves them without and in sufferation
But time will tell, perhaps" Maven Huggins:
"my father never had maturity. my father i learned in hindsight had a lot of bravado to cover up his emotional inability...something I see as a very caribbean if not diasporan male characterization. my father could not deal with deep things. not when i got hit by a car, not when my mother got sick...the vulnerability for him was too overwhelming. to the point ...i have no words. but anger and violence is the default, then banishment .
loyalty, men will be loyal to you as long as it serves their interest and your use in their life,. I saw this with him, and a lot now with current men. girlfriends who 'hold their men down while they in jail' is a big common one i hear.
you all reading need to stop making wild assumptions from your limited view, and not a lot of people are sitting around studying people, characters, family members, or have had the experiences i have had to study this
second of all dont get bent out of shape, again with the presumptions. my post without saying it was offered in the context of the juliet davy story. where i was sharing how i have my own knowledge of that trope and tripe.
You never saw me use the word "fault:" toward this woman, but she is indian, and she did tell me she used her wiles to get my father. you all keep missing that,. i find that so interesting.
i also wrote, which would allow a careful conscientious reader to use some skilled critical comprehension that "I am estranged from my father and he instructed his family not to deal with me"
my indication also that i had some relationship with this woman would or should tell the reader something, and certainly against some knee jerk reaction of 'fault"
further, this is a story that happened about. no. literally twenty years ago. I wonder what you all think about that, or how your cultural history is able to go back that far. did many of you even know yourselves in that context, and village life as well as so many other unseen circumstances. i am amused at the difference that small factor makes
finally, my father, i have learned a long time ago was and is a weak man. and i saw all the behaviors and in my own retrospect and introspection learned the patterns a caribbean male uses to compensate.
my father did a lot of shit. and for you to write your comment when i spoke/wrote directly above your comment how he destroyed women in my family , his mother, my mother and me, and for you to come and talk about 'hard back men' means you are not reading and certainly on autopilot, programmed doctrine to apply. Not here.
and finally, let me also tell you, my father told me himself, that his choices were because of his loneliness. I just find it was not done the right way and at huge costs.
finally, everybody must stand on their own damn feet. and behavior.
Cindy also told me my mother haunted her from the time she left. and was trying to kill her.
I swear to you. this shit needs to be a movie. sans all of you all's self righteous politically correct perspectives. life aint that. and i have learned is only people who aint been through half this grainy shit always wielding those empties.
plain talk.
but this post is making me realize how unbelievably rich this story. Real Rich.
and if in 2015 we dont realize we have a population of this country of predominately hard back infantile children, with the size and tools as grown men, but nothing about them is evolved, elevated, mature or of any high character trait, then is more proof that we are sleeping douens.
same thing for women when I read the stories of men of what their chidlren monther's put them through, different story i veer into but my point is, hardback what? what that mean.. the biggest asses I know are big black strapping men with the ugliest behaviors. if they not coward, the abusing, and to tell you the truth i am learning how much the former fuels the latter.
i could keep writing forever on this shit. it is almost like this is what i went to study school for...to figure these characters"Maven Huggins: "men and most people are mindless.
they make decisions and choices out of selfishness and the moment. NEVER ever thinking of the consequences and the dominoes effect and then after the fact they try to back track, correct and manage but it is too late and then they get on a high horse when their victims refuse to comply.
my father tried to make things right with me but i was still offended. I needed not to have been choosing upon my legacy and not when I was the last one standing.
again, males constant attempt to make do based on what works for them.
i guess some of us come to take different stands
That is such a powerful word: Mindless
we have a whole country context / a whole societal structure built on mindless. from SEA where a whole bunch of children are labeled as failures-- consider the mindless impact of that to the society and then the mindless criminals it foments.
to mindless party groups that are nothing of cliques,and clans of class...mindless to the impact of society
gosh. I can write all day on your very few lines.
Rich Material in deed"Maven Huggins:
"my perspective of this experience, this story is FAR MORE complex than this or any post will lead anyone to believe.
I just realized part of my thought is that stuff happens, life happens, apart from the perspective, roles, feelings and impacts on any player..however they may cast themselves as victor or victim, and more so how one thing never prevails, you are a victor in one context but a loser on another or several
and more so, holding this perspective, there is nothing to do but watch it like a movie, even when it plays out long after you are dead
but again, this post was in response to the recent juliet davy story and here was my own of hearing about the same character, identity, behaviors, intentions and impact.
and i wish the society was mature enough to discuss it rather than to damn her.
so i guess we all think it is accidental that jack warner has only helped, installed, aided and abetted indian women, from hema to the chaguanas mayor, to christine newallo, to kamla, to the slew of them at ilp. I find it amusing. and i find it interesting that no one considers multiple arrangements and relations behind the curtains of positions. many known despite the silence in the public sphere or is it that everyone is whispering loudly?
and i will say, jack is good friends, tight friends with a friend of mine. long time i learned of him as ram goat.
so davy;s comment again, was not one-sided.. that is why i use the line. ramgoats always find the hens cocking for just that. and my father was a ramgoat.
i tried to use the personal to explain a political public play before us and it turned out real interesting. so here is me taking it back just to that."
processing a post , written about an experience, long ago, with lasting consequences..and with its elements of gender identity, behavior and cultural stereotypes , archetypes ...it hits me for the first time...if misogyny is not a myth.
think about it. i come from the knowledge of the powerful feminine. it is only females who give and bring forth life. it is how i know that the cosmos, galaxies, god, other planets and the earth are women, female forms.
from that alone, all power
when you can create life and take it away as earth and the cosmos does, what else is there.
and so from that standing and these facts.
if women are all powerful, then when we hold them to fire, is that not part of the power they hold. ? and not any mamby bamby hatred? i am just musing. cause of course I admit weak men would do nothing but resent the powerful feminine.
then we talk about the sacred feminine, and the power of sex, and the potency of sex as a tool and ritual in many cultures, the issue of blood, to use./ witches. iyamis. I just wonder if we really know what we are talking about. and if this misogyn thing is not yet another example of up for down as the world would have us be turned around.
Deep stuff
What if we female women were the IT and so lost and mindlessly far from that truth we are, so instead we walk around like victims?
you know'
one sure sign of maturity and true power
is to accept hard painful bitter truths of those of your identity, pantheon, culture, society, ethnicity, race if you will.
especially and if that does not pertain to you
but that is the part of getting your garden wet or flooded eh,
or having cocoa in the sun when you planned for rain
who i am and who i am not
and what behaviors can never be prescribed onto me.
is only when i am safe to say, yeah, nod. that shit does be happening.
and these people are so damn fucking illiterate they dont realize that there is the counterpart for other groups. #jezebel/ but i am not here to teach, or am i?
and what behaviors can never be prescribed onto me.
is only when i am safe to say, yeah, nod. that shit does be happening.
and these people are so damn fucking illiterate they dont realize that there is the counterpart for other groups. #jezebel/ but i am not here to teach, or am i?
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