:This is the beach off /of Moruga; the coastline of the companies..
And this region has other interlocking stories, lineages...it is the coast and landfall of Taino peoples from the land mass of Venezuela, of which Trinidad, at one point in time was connected. now the sea separates. But the Warao Peoples entered Trinidad at Moruga, and through Indian Walk, where my own family members laid food, clothing and drink for them, under the houses.
A people who traveled at night and walked backward to elude capture and trail. We are a mixed and integrated people.
i thank Vladimir Lucien for the use of his pic.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/MERIKINSMERIKENS
i realize this morning that i am a curator of history, myself, my experiences and art.
and it was not weeks ago in a gathering, we came up with the phrase and service to curate homes, apartments, dwellings, structures and offices: we did not describe it outside someone hiring me to bring art and hang in their living space
but truth be exact, it is the bringing of carefully selected art, to each home, client, building, their interest, their life politic, their location or origin or some particular heritage, and then to align and hang to each room, function and aesthetic
Art Home Curating
perhaps there will be a page for that in time.
but this is the page for my curating Merikin History/
Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and...
years now i was trying to get the Smithsonian to open up American History of Black People Offshore
separate from that revisiting the subject this morning and an image of WIliam WIlliams of Maryland..a handsome photograph of an African...of dual stories. Some just post his image. Some cites list him as having fought for the American US, others list him as fighting for the British. All note him as a War of 1812 Infantry man
But it is only in his history, sandwiched on the battle field between American and the British, did I See glaringly, the fact, truth and necessity of identity: The man was African ethnicity regardless of what nationality he took on, at the time, or since the war. I think that is an abiding truth for us Africans even as we have been confused these two hundred plus years after/ We were Africans before the Western World, before the Diaspora, before Western history happened. When and How did we cease being who we are. I Feel somehow as simple as this is, I just stumbled upon a revelation>
as you were soldiers.
and i think by that little quip too I show up another faultline of ours. We have yet to wake up and realize we are all soldiers, whether we fought in any war of or for our enslavers, we have been in a war for our minds, our souls, our lives and consciousness; to reclaim our source and our rightful futures. And we have yet to get on that battlefield righteous. We been in a whole lot of other distracting embattlements; dareIsay, the 70s recyclements revolution, the civil rights movement, they were all distractions. they were all mirages of the real thing that has never arrived, never been formed, and i think i can say that...to what entrenched win has any of those battles afforded us, given where we are globally today, July 08, 2015? we just been running that treadmill, while the system keeps changing to keep us lost, confused and locked in.
kind of fascinating what i stumbled upon this early morning
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