have to give myself a kudos
i just confirmed, having mulled and mused about it in weeks past...my intention for 2016 is to be like the ocean waves in my human interaction.
have zero response, zero reactions, zero blips to whatever comes my way, good bad or indifferent, and most especially for the bad.. whatever, where ever people are, what ever the level of their vibration and sanity
just watch them as a river moving. not my water. no my circus. not my elephants, not my monkeys.
too many have come at me with good great offers that turned out to be putrid air, putrid for their lack of honor, pure intent or high vibration, but it is only time that shows the twistedness of it all. i can call so many names. in so many regards, towards so many divergent missions.
then the bad, just people who dont mean you anything good. folk who intend to destroy you, misunderstand you, demonize and malign you.
indifferent...i think of recent events where men i accustom seeing and all of a sudden want to push up on me and declare what ever interest they have for me for so long, to the point where they are relentless and in two occasions, days separate, these folk made me get up and leave. i have never had to do that before. usually people see my non=engagement and get the message. not this time.
i guess i can add the mad to the list...like someone telling me too much cleaning products are being consumed and bought only for me to wake up to see the bath mats just put down a month ago is in the wash. or when they complain about me doing laundry but laundry doing for minimum items, or when I get ratched for using electricity and lights, or jazz on the tv, but ac running and grandchildren running amok with what is on, in how many rooms of the mansion...i see madness. so even that I do not respond. I am controlling myself. my responses. my emotions. my need to defend myself. all disappearing.
i am encouraged
a path i started that i shall expand and elongate, decorate , plant, water and flower.
and i see it is
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