Semper Liesl: " Mummy has a friend in Canada who has an hypothesis about intellectual prostitution. The basic thrust of it (no pun there, lol) is that if you won't prostitute your intellect, is trouble for days. Chew on that a minute. My mother used to harp on the necessity for me to humble myself. "Humble yuhself before Gawd hadda humble yuh". Clearly, I didn't take the lesson. But is it "Gawd" who doing the humbling? Or is it people, terrified at the power of another, intent on cutting you down to size? I still don't have the answer, but you can chew on that too."
dont play coy with me. you just wrote the damn answer! clearly!
if i tell you how much that is the slave's refrain: "be humble" my own father used to tell me that, i hear it a lot from relatives. and that is what it is...they are shocked and afraid at how you dare to be. to be so effortlessly spectacular, and before they be over the moon proud to say you came from them, or that you are there to compensate for their struggles and passing through, they looking for cutlass. one bitch demon here just tried to argue with me cause i boiled two eggs instead of one. it comes out in a lot of way: be humble. it really means be nothing. grovel. beg, subliminate your self.
we are in a spiritual war that we dont even recognize it and the few of us like you and me, have no army, no back up, in our respective circles. so we fighting battle, fixing wounds, hospitalizing and convalescing ourselves, while still preparing to fight another day.
maya angelou spoke of this, but i wonder what she would have said had she encountered trinidadians.. god did not make us humble. for those who believe in him...i say her, the universe, cosmos, the sun, the moon, what is humble about them. i make in that same image. so revolve around my damn sun. is dem dont get it hun. not us. and even as we suffer, we do so nobly. in the face of all the bitchens who hide, shift, obscure and lie away the help and support they can give.
so funny i am writing this. just a moment ago I had a thought {if people knew how much they were needed, ...}
dont remember what made that come forth...but it brought tears to my eyes. we suffer we fail not because of our own doing. but because those who could, did not. : Help, give. support, back up. Just dont obstruct even.
anyway girl, i been paying a price for not intellectual prostitution since i was still in school. I had a professor, pretty big man in the game. a mentor of such in that his field is mine, and it is not a common one...he used to tell me, learn the thing before you critique it. but that is all part of it. some of us are starseed, come knowing long before anybody trying to think they have something to teach us.
but let me stop, cause i know i reading real arrogant and mad here. but we always do until the world shifts and changes to our coordinates
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