Saturday, March 18, 2017

GasLighted Trinidad

i read this article and it occurs to me the whole of trinidad are of gaslighters
and it is this story as example that alerted me to this truth. men in trinidad are major gaslighters. women are too but in a different way, or maybe not. this is the way and reason boys and men hate their mothers so much, and this is why these same boys grow to be men and be assholes...this very method of denying and flipping back
[A close friend of hers was always running late. Initially, she pointed this out to him noting that it was not respectful. His response was to tell her she was “too sensitive”. But over time, when this dynamic would continue to happen, it would lead to arguing and when she persisted he would say, “You really have a problem with time, don’t you?” and she in turn ended up thinking he might be right. She began to doubt herself. “I began to think – what’s the problem if someone is late? Maybe I’m not being flexible enough.’” ]
_afraid and cant lose_ > "Because when there is someone in a position of power or authority, someone you idealize, or even as in many co-dependent relationships – when there is someone you are afraid to lose – "
i also realized this is trinidad when someone wrote a post today asking what ministers are hard working and the ministers they cited , i could see it was nothing more than blubbering idiots just caping for their friends and those they look up to when i can see these people are so mediocre if not sub par and really , actually doing nothing in their portfolio. hell. one dont even have a fkg portfolio. so talk about people telling you the unreal is real
i most remember recently though, a guy telling me that i was not flexible, but really what was happening, I was not willing to dance on his selfishness, entitlement' that included zero consideration to me. i was t be on his call. not one minute. no.
"“We are living in a time where a lot of people are having a tough time deciding what’s real and feeling like they are being manipulated,” Stern says. “If they know something is true and somebody tells you it’s not true, holding on to your reality is essential. You can’t be gaslighted if you stay inside your own reality and recognize the manipulation when you see it.”
this article is life for me.
i see all the ways i was able to survive traumas of life and all the ways my abusers and saboteurs tried to cast me as pathological: "I was difficult" i was uncooperative" no. i was just defiant and resistant to being a mat. to being nice to other's attempted manipulation of me
the funny thing about all of this though is that i have never felt confused or crazy; i never doubted myself, my perceptions and sense of self was never eroded. and that is why people have gotten so angry at me. cause I resisted and not only resisted, glowed in my own recognition of truth and self.

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