here is what this monday marh 13 at 1:57pm
i know that felix and maria lived in a house on land that they acquired, even if by long term generational lease.
i know that you, marjorie purchased that land for a song, as was is well known of parcels to this estate, especially given the decades ago arrangement.
i know that you built this house with loans from your daughter. you did not do it by yourself.
i know that as much as I regaled you about this house being beautiful, that it is my mother who took an interior design course from parsons in the early eighties if not before
i know i remember all those fashion architecture and home beautiful magazines i used to see in the house long ago that wehen i returned to trinidad, were still in magazine racks. you throwing them away not even knowing them now for its age, would be archival materials.
i know this house is filled with furniture and furnishings that was bought in the americas, mirrored our brownstone home and has much of many of the same in the house in tortuga
i know, my dear marjorie, you did not build this house by yourself. you did not even come by this house by yourself. it was generational building.
i know now, today, that you have actually stopped me from contributing my part to this generational development, which must be some kind of ugly denial that you are now paying for.
in fact
i know now that you seem to be paying in pennies and pounds a high exchange on every dollar i offered that you rebuffed.
i know now that life is a hell of a thing. i have lessons that I wonder if i will ever get the chance to share and pass on to a pikney.
so much for the myths, and narratives of personal success. such a damn lie., we need to change the question when we speak and interview others on their success... "tell me about all the people who made your success possible
tell me about all the people....
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