"Psychologically, I think I always seen black women as an enemy because of the relationship I had with my mother. Many black men have dysfunctional relationships with their mother, she’s our first teacher, so if we don’t see value in her, we will never see value in any black woman, because we don’t see value in ourselves. 1 + 1=2"
the thing that used to kill you might be the thing that saves you
- go back to your roots; = go back to your demise; = go back to your original demon?
i'm playing new flavors in my ear. hear come some new flavas in my ear. i'm putting new cotton in mah ear (sung to that....) = block out negativity, brain washing , anti-life conditioning, destruction. peele gave y'all a message on survival and y;all still aint get it yet.
maybe by next month. however you were programmed. block the stimulus. cotton in the ear, momentary deafness against the tinkling of the hypnotic silver spoon in tea of china
{use the value of what is in front of you} is so deep to me. juxtapose that with/to black folk who eschew anything to do with planting, land, agriculture, food cropping, because of slavery, when that is the thing that can make you rich in this modern day. scorn nothing , not even what struggle and death you escaped and came out of
stop being tapped and controlled/ outsmart them, your enemies
get out of your slave mentality..."cotton picking mind"
Tupac Chopra @GUMPnATLien Feb 28
#GetOut the part where he took the cotton out his ears represented him getting out of his "cotton picking mind " (slave mentality)
when the symbol of oppression becomes your freedom

[writing this assessment ..i just had a memory...it triggered a revelation...of how arrogant i have been my whole life. from a young child even. ,all into graduate school-- when a management consultant offered me a job in his firm, J. Edgar Riley, worked primarily in Malaysia. It is striking me now in this meditation because that is what i did, what i am writing the lesson of what not to do: i eschewed things that i thought was my destruction, my oppression, dead end. In my child case, I accepted the extreme of my father's lessons and applied it to my uncle, when he tried to give me money on a visit. i must have been ten, and i refused it, saying, daddy say not to take money from anybody. smh. wow. i was not smart enough to know not to do that, but smart enough to remember the incident??? it is why the unforgiving bastard lent no help when i was in trouble in 2003. i tied and fucked myself up in a lot of ways none of which any of the bitches who charge me with now are aware of, and wrong about by their examples. i know i was afraid of riley. it was fear that made me spurn him cause i was clear that he was offering me a job because he wanted to consume me. he had poked me in my stomach in the international center at the time of a representation. a from of sexual harassment. the arrogance though was that i felt i was worth and could earn more than $40K coming out with my phd. what was 40K in nyc anyway, in 2000? but then again, i might have been there in 9=11 reminds me of how uchenna said that batie saved me in 1996. perhaps i saved myself from sitting on a perch high.
the quote above on black men and their relationships with their mothers and thus women is shared mutually exclusive from the cotton statement
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