Thursday, October 29, 2015

Letting Tragedy, Grief, and Brokenness

 grief pic.jpeg

  this article is blow mind.

if i could , i would have every last one of you on fb read this, but that is impossible. i could not even
get my close associates to, its trend is so far outside the norm. yet, this is my outcome..

"People tell others to take responsibility when they don’t want to understand."

"Because understanding is harder than posturing. Telling someone to “take responsibility” for their loss is a form of benevolent masturbation. It’s the inverse of inspirational porn: it’s sanctimonious porn."

the funny thing too, is that i did move walk away from people in my life who felt my downfall was my fault. but i realize in this small space, there is no escaping. you can elude but for so long. and what i thought was eluding to might be better,, i learned it was worse, more depressing, people more asleep, so trinidad to me is amazing. there is only bad, worse and deplorable. nothing else
now i am trying to find healing amidst devastation and in their perpetuity of nonunderstanding, people are still in responses of surprise, concern. cant win. cant have allies.

i think my last two years was a period of grief, where i signed off and out. just drinking and smoking and liming. yeah. and i did not know i had signed out. i am not even sure now how i came to realize that i had signed out, it is a recent revelation. but immediately i set about trying to pick up , gather and assemble new pieces. still a new enterprise. i was able to move so quickly cause this has been a process of thirteen years or more. the last two was just the raked bottom. i think i have been afforded the privilege to grieve, but not without a tug and war. i have survived. and have done so modestly beautifully. folk constantly tell me "it dont look like i suffering for anything"

and to tell you how much of a process this has been, I am not now seeking to carry my experience or journey, i have literally put it behind me. there is nothing for me to carry again. i have been carrying it. i am and have put it down. i am moving on without all that baggage. so much so, the work i am in now, is to remove , rechannel, reformulate my mode and modus to be free of all the effects and affectations from what I met, what i encountered, how i dealt with it. how it changed me. I cannot change any of that, I am merely trying to make the wrinkles smooth, the edges refined, i want to move forward as elegantly as I can and not broken and crippled and surely not obviously so, if you understand me

"Grief is woven into the fabric of the human experience. If it is not permitted to occur, its absence pillages everything that remains: the fragile, vulnerable shell you might become in the face of catastrophe."

i know about that fragile vulnerable shell
i have resolved to grow from that, out of that, and it happened for me while i was marginalized. and i may well remain so, but it is not one complaining but recognizing all of us not meant for the barrel
"Yet our culture has treated grief as a problem to be solved, an illness to be healed, or both. In the process, we've done everything we can to avoid, ignore, or transform grief. As a result, when you're faced with tragedy you usually find that you're no longer surrounded by people, you're surrounded by platitudes. "

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Reparations / Black Girl Student in Chair Slam

Artwork: Mirlande Jean-Gilles' Ascending

black africans of the northern range
let the coon hunt, assault and abuse continue from the establishment
please remember one word: sue.
perhaps two more: rabid lawyer
a few others: make sure you get most of the money
let reparations come by any means
bullied children, people and their parents
i have two words for you: restraining order
and then a few more: suits against environment, entity (school, work), bully, parents and family. authority that is to protect you.
and there is a way to do this.
dont sue them for the perpetrators to leave one jurisdiction and land in another/ sue that they must be forever removed from civil existence. no school, no work. let them stay with the pigs that raised them
so funny to read my own words when i think of goopesingh's son at the doubles vendor a few years ago.
is a wonder vigilante's eh come out yet.
gimme chance


 Semper Liesl: " Didn't I say the same thing about two weeks ago? Forty acres and a mule. Hell, if I had a law degree, I'd start a practice and name it just that: Forty Acres LLC."Maven Huggins: " see. we are always on the same vibration. once i finished writing the post before it send, i realize that is a business model and opportunity there. Just canvassing the nation for such abuses. creating a file. collecting records, and putting it out to tender for bid offers for representation/ part of the model is getting paid for doing the ground work and to settle upon the correct lawyer. It needs to be exclusive, and classy, no ambulance chasers. so we provide the service to the victims and families. navigating for them.

Hell. I can build my Black National Endowment for us with such suits. Send everyone to school for needful things."


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Sex Perspectives to Gender


["4 older men, all of whom I work with, just fought me down around the topic that 90% (that's the running statistic, it seems, but it can be as high as 95%) of women have more than one sexual partner regardless of whether they're in a committed relationship.
In fact, all women, according to these men, are easier to court and 'get tru' with after entering in a romantic relationship with someone else.
One gentleman intimates that this is good news, as 'yuh doh hadda claim she...buh yuh f***ing she'.
PS: All women, regardless of their sexual orientation, 'Love the D'...
And people have to ask me why I call myself feminist now?
Because the average male view of women is so woefully myopic, but also so critical to one's manhood, that I could be considered an idiot for not thinking of all women as objects for special gratification for myself and other men. Because this expectation of what men are makes me not want to call myself a man at all..."]    BOBrien

this is an interesting post.
it feels as if i am being inveigled to speak my mind, when i was at a default position to keep my thoughts to myself.

i repost cause it is worthy too. feeling a how to have to add anything here to lose focus is worthy at one hundred percent to the original author, my thoughts come after.

but just this morning i woke up. after new life style change initiatives. been pondering since sunday night what a family member said to me, it sending me in pursuit to get to one of my old masseuse's the one best for lymphatic drainage, reiki and deep muscle massages. cause why? massages have always been the cheat method for not being active. riding on my old athleticism of my youth and a body of strong cellular memory, it had worked for me for years. and i have a peculiar body. it gets out of alignment, where i used to go and get adjusted at least once a month. i have not been for a good year, owing to my loss of mobility and no money to hire, transport..

but the thinking of the needs of the body this morning, and focusing on different pinpoint matters to address, i thought of sex. and i felt as though women had no idea how critical it is for them to have keep the womb healthy, in place, for lack of sex it can prolapse, many may have surgery to correct. sex also helps keeps a body aligned and in my view, perspective, and reality, sex as in good sex, as in full sex, as in sex, and if it not all of that, just go home and stay there.,.is critical for keeping the body aligned, . and if good sex includes deep muscle rubs and caresses, you can see the release of the muscles against calcification and toxin load.

but in my mind, seems many have no idea of this, not the women around me who seem to be very contented and happy without, and who think i am having loads of it by the bucket full, so this post is interesting. men really think that?

and then i know too we are talking a class of men eh. one of the things fascinating about trinidad is that it so damn small and there are like one million stories of realities, and every can point to a critical mass to prove their truth. this place defies every possible explanation.

i wish i could integrate that court meme from the cricketeer's case where the judge quotes him as saying, 'she was just a fuck'. i have no words to embrace the total lack of humanity in that== men dont even value the fuck. and what i just wrote is complicated and can be easily if not one hundred percent misinterpreted what i am saying but i dont have the energy to explain. just suffice it to say. the total stripping of humaneness toward the woman , female or - is one thing. i am realizing now that males dont even value the exercise in and of it self, to give it even the dust speck of regard. "she was just a fuck". "just a fuck" when a fuck is like a spit, anywhere, of minus a million consequence.

something so

i think these rare men should come together. the brendon o;brien's the justice seepersad. and form a group. and meet in a gayelle so the few of us women like me can sit and watch. silently if we be permitted to enter their manspace

there have long been things i wish i could do-- but this aint that place, space, there is not that freedom to seek after my own health and wellbeing, my own embrace, and nor is there the soil to take such a sacred seed.

i am really intrigued to read this is the perspective of women. i wish we could take a poll to find the truth and then write a spreadsheet, categorizing for lack of a better term= by class, structure, employment and hypocrisy. yeah that...the big powerful ladies in suits, i wonder how many garden men they have for friends. i also want to know the sex goddesses who are bereft.. more than once in my life i was told my body made for making babies. lol

and while i am on the topic and may never venture there again and this may be the closest and most exposing i ever near...but why is it that the perfect offers come from the wrong people? why dont the scenarios we wish to make and write, draw, pull and create, not come to us, but all manner of what can never be tenable.

another related point: i know at least one sister who 'phucks' whomever she wants, whenever she wants, regardless of if all of them know one another, lime together, work together. i have seen it with my own eyes. incredulous i was. to see that level of agency, authenticity, doh care, boldness, ballsyness, but i have over time left with the question of if something is wrong with this sister, cause after everyone started to talk about her she ran away, stayed away, stopped being public. and i am like, did you not know. this woman ended up being in a short stint of some kind of affair with another woman in the hood.

i will just say the human stories about me have been just almost blow mind. and not all have i been upclose and privy.

i think of the other story i know most outside my own
a young couple. in their early thirties, at least the male, i dont know about the female. but he is the most selfish man i felt i have ever encountered in my life. he is a serial cheater. he is bipolar possibly schizophrenic, and i get a chance to observe this girlfriend. via social media: endless posts of pain, angst, anger, feelings of betrayal, changing pics of her profile, from them as couple to other members her mother and niece. and i am confluxxed and confused as to why she is there and stays. eight years. and a year ago i was told that relationship was on the out.. i watch her and wonder why she does not get a life, get other lovers, find other friends. and she is a red, ehnt that is the preferred. so integrate this story couple to the original post. and. no i dont know anything for a fact, just that i seem to see a female tethered and choosing heartbreak over freedom

good morning

i cant get it to play, but somehow , i feel this video and song may be applicable to this post

Monday, October 26, 2015

For Mark


[have been seeing St Marta the Dominator everywhere this week, and because I don't believe in coincidences, I note she appeared at a time when I was wondering how to deal with the racist assholes I work with. I second guessed myself however, and dismissed her because I figured she was a White saint and had nothing to offer me. As it turns out, she is anything but a White saint, and has plenty to offer.

"Santa Marta la Dominadora or Saint Martha the Dominator as she is known in English is an unpredictable Loa that is known as a Saint, a Sorceress, a witch, a healer and even a Demon." via
Houngan Asogwe O'ryan 

"This last altar belongs to my beloved St. Martha the Dominator. I have worked with her for many, many years. She is very powerful when it comes to any type of male dominance work or enemy work. She will work within minutes of being petitioned. I have seen her work miracles. Her main colors are green and purple. St Martha is not real crazy about men. She works hard and fast on them. The type of work Saint Martha is known for is not suited for everyone; some workers won’t touch it. She is a saint for women and she will deal with men with a heavy hand. Saint Martha the Dominator is not only a dominator of men but of all situations where you need to get the upper hand. Sometimes we all have jealous coworkers or someone competing unfairly against your business. " From the Conjure Workbook ‪#‎She‬ sounds perfect and touch her work I shall!]

Saturday, October 24, 2015


i have had some amazing dreams these last two nights
yesterday, and today. and it is true. I can see my higher self charting the course and the way to turn around the current path. i wrote a long post on the dream that was from yesterday
last night, I dreamt a house that is broken down fallen on my street was actually the location of some real high end glass designed structure, where there was some kind of reception. i end up going, and ended up being the belle of not the ball, but the host and his lead table, who were people who could make the sky open up. the dream is still coming to me, i have only been up for an hour/ i realize it is a function in real life that i am to attend this evening...with someone, who incidentally, is jealous and envious of me. but part of charting my own way is stepping over and around these people who will do anything to make sure your progress does not surpass theirs, even if you have already done so long time, but in their small minds, petty bullshit like lame jobs are the markers.
it is such a heady time in the cosmos right now

Friday, October 23, 2015

IYAMI...what was that?

such an awesome message
matched to the awesome night of dreams, meditations, wanderings.
i was not even going to venture a retelling, they were so bizarre , unbelievable, and you know i suffer from no trouble or hesitation for everyone here to think i am mad, so no need to encourage and further validate that . but . wow! like that

even as much as I woke to write notes, write sentences, document senses and messages, i am still not clear if i merely astral traveled, visited a previous life and identity, relived in a dream the death of a previous life, or, was a metaphoric message for my life now, and the answer and solution of my life path. yeah. and you see how weighty all of that is.

i went to bed at 1am. woke at 4am. and began recounting of the dream i was having. laid back down to go to sleep and realized I needed to rise and start writing. that is when i noticed the time and that was one of the first blessings. it was 4:15. it was angel hour.

i was on a high altitude mountain range, pinnacle and cleft. i was on my mother's land. it was all small gray rocks, sharp, no growth, no trees, no grass, no plants, it was kind of cold but we were not in coats. i knew immediately we were in chile. in the andes, mountain people.

bizarro: before that, I was with burton sankeralli. he was in my room and i was reclining either on a day bed or on a recliner of some sort, and then his feet appeared on the chair, so i told him to get his one space, then we continued talking musing or whatever it was just liming quietly and i noticed he was naked in his chair. that is when i ushered him out and home and on along.. and it seemed me walking him out the house was an entering into the andes terrain

and there were just a few people milling about. all black people, all seemingly trinidadian, but in chile, in the andes, up on the crags . my mother was in a house that was on the land, that was right there, but was somehow invisible. and then it was like i became this car that was trying to plough through and a man stood in front of it, and i remember having eye contact with him but was very clear that it was not me, my face or being, I was a man, I had a stroke, my right side of my face was drawn, and it was like i was knocking him down but he was resistant as if he was standing disbelieving he was going to be ploughed, but it was like gentle and slow moving. then the next thing i know i was over the edge. in slow motion. plummeting. no stress or fear. and at one point i told myself i am supposed to be screaming, not this calm, and i immediately told myself, get into it, how else would i fly, and then i realized i was dying of some sort or way. the giving in. do you know i made myself get up to make sure it was not real in this life.

but the deep part was this: one, the giving into the fall, the non struggle, the acceptance, and the loss of trauma when one gives in. then two, flying, i told myself this is flying. how else would i experience this -- as i go down in a car. that was plummeting forever, i expected it to hit upon a tree, an protrusion, a cliff, but nothing, just down. and the sense I had, the freeness the liberation. what i now call death. i did not know it in the middle of the night.

so many versions of the same the middle of the night, I thought the dream was telling me I could and would be able to inhabit people's bodies, I inhabited that man on the cliff going over the edge in the car. i remembered being called an iyami by an african woman.

i wondered who all the visitors and those present on the land and cliff before going over,

now. in the middle of the night, this is what i assessed the dream to be telling me:
1. that i can change my fortune. that i was to find the antidote to this curse of my current life and it was men, love and sex. family marriage children.

2. i am to become a witch, which, i already am. a liberated woman in her full powers of beingness. my orisa priestess cousin said of me to a friend of hers, "who she? she will be the biggest obeah woman in port of spain"

3. i have no idea how this came out but it did and it is one of the things I wrote down: there are no friends or enemies only teachers and guides. I know where it came from. I was thinking of a pull in my neck that i believe a woman in my neighborhood put it out there for anyone who sought after her husband a shop operator. I asked of him as he is in ill health , and looked up to see if he was in the gallery and i had a pull in my neck. my neck has been off ever since. immediately upon it happening, i knew what it was, and told a female friend i was with. I thought of it last night.. How much I need to be

4. protected. protect myself. I am too inviting, embracing, holding, touching, loving, hugging to people. and energies are exchanged, mojos lessened, powers lost and sucked .

5. something I knew for years, first as a desire , then me wondering how it is i came to want and have that preference, but i know it for men are to be healers, markers. the ex, i told i wanted to get a tattoo. imagine my surprise to realize he ended up giving.leaving me not one but two.

the other thing this dream and last night wanderings gave me: numbers. the numbers as I wondered what manner of message is this, and wherefrom these deep abiding images and dreams, all in one night. it was fascinating.

i know now it is not over, I am to keep mulling this over, and turning it. it is powerful. for in so many dimensions, relevant.

"I can change my fortune" "find the antidote to this curse"
"power people and entities, fly"

all that i would not have shared were it not for being tagged with this meme
ase' ase; ase;


 more odd stories.
to this house, household and land

when i came home and for many years prior, when i visited, my family had a dog called Spencer, a camel brown shorty, i forget the specie, where its hair as it leaves its body is long, short legs, long tail as if belonging on a big dog. and a snout nose. it died years ago.

come to today. I heard a dog barking and making noise. I knew it was not my neighbor across the street, their dog, i knew it was in the yard. no mind you for a about a week or two we have been seeing on our lawn, dog poop. my lawn is thick grass, the kind you lay on that i have, under my poui tree, to watch the stars and moon, or to sit and play on as the children and i do.  and this said lawn and my whole yard is enclosed in a high wall, 6 ft, and an electronic gate and another side gate. all too high for the dog to jump over. YET> a dog has been here at least twice before.

today. however it got it, it could not get out
and was in turmoil, running around the yard, its tags on a blue purple color clinking. i standing at window, gallery and back gate and he never saw me. i thought that odd. not very dog like. not very alert, i never saw a dog like that not able to sense another presence.  i left him. I wanted him to be agitated and traumatized to know never to return. not that we dont like dogs, but not to soil my lawn where I lie down on

but here is the thing. the dog looked/looks exactly like spencer. in every regard. and because i realize this is the dog that has been entering, I wondered if he would be staying. and imagined what that might be. and who is missing him and these people who let their dogs get away and roam

anyway, i downplayed it all along, Until. I heard my mom regaling the story to my sister. Spencer was really her dog. For my Mom to do that, indicated to me, this is significant.

Do dogs reincarnate? Why would that particular dog, of all the dogs in the neighborhood find its way into our locked down yard. and being a regular visitor. and getting stuck today, so we could see him, me and my Mom.

given the dream I had last night, I thought it something to share.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Words of Recall and Reclamation

Karen Bart-Alexander: " Maven one of the biggest problems we have in this country is our inability to use our best minds. Too many people like you are rendered useless by the system because the system resists those who interrupt its backwardness."

Semper Liesl : "They don't mind if it exists, as long as it serving them! making them look good. If you make so bold as to use YOUR POWER to move YOURSELF forward however, is chubble."
JAM, Esq: "My Dear Melise,

How are you my dear?  Hope this message reaches you feeling well and doing you Boo.
Girl is wheh yuh disappear to.  I've been using the MSU account, but got message that it's no good, and never heard from you (my email has not changed in decades).
Just wanted to touch base with you and send you LOTS of positive vibes for all that is good, and pure, and love."


You have moved me to tears.  I am so glad that you responded, and just for that I'm not going to cuss yuh out for disappearing.
Girl, YOU ARE A STAR, WERE A STAR, AND WILL ALWAYS BE A STAR.  And ignore anyone who tries to have you believe otherwise.  
Nuff Nuff Lil Sis.  Always in my prayers and laughter and thoughts of goodness and silliness.  YOU ARE A STAR.   Tell dem ah seh suh.

Be Blessed
" Melise, yuh crazy fuh so.  Liver and eyeball EmojiEmoji   Girl, I only thought that you wouldn't respond because of wanting to be left alone, not because of anything else.  Yuh aint do me nuttin.  
But for the record, you have not only been on my mind, but you have appeared in my dreams (don't remember what I dreamed, but it was positive), so I said, I am going to find Miss Missy, and I'm glad I did.
Okay, dahlin, I'm really off to bed.  I will be in touch.  Please give my regards to Aunt Marjorie."

"Hey Lady M,

Hope you had a really beautiful Tuesday.  Girl I cannot remember the dreams, but I know that they were not negative.  I am not surprised that I dreamed about you because I've been thinking about your whereabouts. I know I spoke with Jose in May when she had a conference in East Lansing, and then I spoke with Brenda and of course I asked whether either had heard anything from you.  So rest assured that the dreams were a sure conjuring up of my little sister about whom I had no information.

Well my dear, are you married, divorced, running for political office, kicked out of political office, or just chilling with your millions?  Just do you Boo.  It's all good.  As long as Lady M is happy that's all that matters.   Ah gone.

Nuff love, 
Big Sis, Jackie"

"Okay, Lady M.  Just as mysterious as ever.  
I am not going to condone the smoking, especially not at this late date.
You are too grown and too earthy, and too health-conscious to take up smoking now, unless
of course it is the "natural herb".  Enuff said on dat.
Only the Four Seasons will let me wait to hear the rest, but in the meantime, PLEASE BE KIND TO YOURSELF,
HOLD ON TO YOUR DREAMS, AND REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE A STAR!!!  You are Melise, Yuh fuh-get or wat!

Ah gone.


Monday, October 19, 2015

Guest Blog- Asaase Yaa Mma ObaaBoni

Postcolonial Grammar Snobs…God’s Biggest Creation Mistake Since Lucifer

grammarThe need to feel superior to others is never ending. It manifests in many ways, but the worst manifestation has to be the self proclaimed grammar snob. Intelligent enough to memorize the rules of a dominant colonial language, self-proclaimed grammar snobs lack the vision to understand that lingual rules are arbitrary and often used as a means to demean and exclude those without access to status quo institutions. Grammar snobs in Ghana are a beautiful contradiction. They hate colonialism, yet embrace colonial means of determining worth.For them, those who are unable to memorize and utilize the arbitrary yet heavily enforced lingual rules of British colonial English deserve to be demeaned and mocked. It does not matter that language is supposed to be a means of communication, for Grammar snobs it is acceptable to refuse to recognize the content of someone’s message, and to focus instead on trivializing their message because they don’t write or speak English the way our beloved colonial masters instructed us to. Ayeeko.

Post-Colonial Curse: Imitating Colonial Means Of Dehumanization

The curse of being post-colonial is internalizing the means through which the British asserted power over us. For example, since the British insulted and theorized that our ancestors were inferior and immoral because they were not Christian, beaucoup Ghanaians now use Christianity as the only marker of morality. Chale, cultural imperialism irritating.

The means through which the British asserted dominance over us still remain. Except, through psychological chains, Ghanaians have replaced British bodies as the enforcers of colonial values.

The means through which the British asserted dominance over us still remain, except Ghanaians are now the enforcers of the archaic ways in which the British insisted that their cultural productions were inherently superior to Black African cultural productions, as a means of normalizing white supremacy.
So here we are, demeaning other Ghanaian people in the same ways the British demeaned our ancestors. They theorized us as backwards and intellectually inferior because of an inability to speak and write dominant forms of their language: English.
Dominant English is also known as “proper English”. I emphasize proper English because it is the form of English that powerful people use. With their power the ruling class have convinced us all that there is only one acceptable and respectable expression of the English language, and that those who deviate from this expression of English are stupid, and worthy of mockery.
Despite anti-colonial values, we are  insistent on continuing to reinforce hierarchies of language generated by cultural imperialism. Not only do we disrespect those without a good command of dominant English, we relegate Pidgin* to a language undeserving of marvel, while white languages are still heavily valued and protected. The ability to speak Fra fra, Hausa, Twi, Ewe, or Ga is taken for granted as those that can speak French, Spanish, or English are praised.

English As A Marker Of Social Capital

Ironically, elitist attitudes are held by basic bitches elitism is often coupled with a hollow and a shallow world view. English, in its written or oral form reflects social capital. Even one’s accent communicates to people whether one “belongs” in certain spaces. Grammar snobs, with a shallow and hollow perspective of society,  often fail to recognize the social structures that shapes how one speaks and writes English.

The more money one has, the better their quality of education. The better one’s quality of education, the better one’s tutoring and instruction in “proper” English education.

English in oral and written form is learned. An expansive vocabulary, a mastering of correct syntax and grammar are all parts of a skill set of language that must be learned. Thus, one’s ability to possess the aforementioned skill set is directly related to the type of lingual training that they receive. To be able to speak, and write respected forms of English one must be taught respected forms of English. To have access to spaces where respected forms of English are taught, people in Ghana must usually be classed.

If English expression was not classed, Ghanaians would not fake British and American accents to appear closer to dominant English.  

The more money one has, the better the quality of education. The better the quality of education, the better one’s tutoring in dominant English education. Even in informal spaces like one’s home, access to persons who have been instructed to speak and write “proper English” is the result of having access to those who are classed. Yet Ghana as a nation has stark inequalities. Only 27% of the population has access to upper secondary school, while a meager 6% of the population has access to tertiary institutions.


So the question remains:
Is it okay to mock and demean people who have not mastered dominant forms of English? Especially since learning dominant English requires exposure, and access to instruction as exposure is classed.
Even worse, are we so shallow as to ignore the content of one’s message if its dressing is not in “proper English?”
No and no. Language is a means of human communication. And stigmatizing some people for not expressing their thoughts and beliefs in the standardized, uniform structure and method that is designated as “proper English” is elitist, classist, and embarrassing.

*Pidgin, a localized adaptation of English, infused with Ga, Twi, and other Ghanaian languages is not appreciated for its creativity and marvel. Instead Pidgin is relegated to an informal dialect of English used by “cool boys” (elite enough to know status quo English) and Ghanaians shut out of quality education systems. While “cool boys” use Pidgin to demonstrate how tough they are, Ghanaian women are restricted from using this revolutionary lingual deviation from standardized, colonial English, because we are women. It is thus considered unladylike for Ghanaian women to speak Pidgin.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Trinidad And Tobago 2015 - 2020 Electoral Government Development Plan by MDHuggins

 Photo: Courtesy Dexter Philip

there so many things we need to do in this country eh
like now, if not before. like thirty years ago. but now. the time and call and demand is now. more than ever before. and i need not be so vague . these are things the pnm and the pnm government need to do immediately. and something i notice of myself. I cannot write government without writing pnm. and it shows how much the place has trained and cultivated me. and how much they are not doing to morph into a government but still remaining a party after elections. that is not a good thing. nevertheless.

the list of things are:

1. complete an economic map of this county.
an INput/OUTput Economic Model
that outlines all our industries, sub industries, fields and itemizes the rate
of return on a $1.00 investment in terms of employment, citizen income,
gdp, revenues, taxes, etc.

i am amused. as much as i write that, not one soul has ever engaged me
on it. and i believe it is because it is over people's heads and they not
even honest enough to process it as much as they want to talk and
banter about the country, its future, and policies. etc

2. complete an economic diversification plan
from oil and gas
to identify the areas, fields and operations that will bring the longest
sustained long term benefits, integenerationally, and without damaging our
natural assets.

a good diversification plan would and is paired with an input output study
and model so people arent sitting at a desk deciding out of their ass and
thin air, what industries to develop

i realize too that we are at a disadvantage, cause no matter what we set
out to do we make mincemeat, mass and detriment out of it, and it is
because we dont know how to do nary a thing. not even clean ourselves
and i have proof of that

3. set up such an Asset Recovery Unit.
imagine. Guyana get one before Trinidad/
proof of some things.

4. Citizen Guidance Group
i also now realize the fourth thing the country needs is an airtight group
made up of totally marginalized, not at the trough of treasury citizens or
member groups to push, guide and instruct whatever government what
action to take, when and how. cause these folk, all of them that ever
existed from now to fifty years before, are bereft. they only know trains,
buses, buildings, roads and drains.. absolutely nothing else. they dont
know how to teach people to build a nation. they do not know how to

5. build marijuana and hemp production into an export, medicinal, locally
subsidized, regulated industry

and supply the US and Europe
we would be rich once again.
do asset recovery and export of marijuana right now and "recession?
what recession?"

6. Based on many of these items, Conduct and Complete a Human
Resource Demand Timeline by Skill, Talents, Professions. Specialties and
Fields. No more Lawyers. Send them to the sea/or carrera

7. Build an Organic Food Production Center in Moruga/
In connection with Green Technologies (Solar, Wind, Sea mechanisms)
for energy and harvesting.

8. Build a Rapid Rail to Tobago!
to move people, containers, machinery and vehicles. so it will have to be
tailored to our needs and not just a people mover.

If connected, Tobago would not talk nor make need of succession dreams
costs of living there may go down, as well as the island will change
irreparably, so this one is not so iron clad. much thought needs to be
discussed as to the desired and undesired impacts. it solves one
problem, but may open a pandora of others

If the PNM did these eight things, and nothing more. they would be a resounding success. it just hit me too, these governments dont do anything. it is a recipe. they get elected and they go in. and fight with cpo, the unions, have bacchanal, corruption, thievery and scandal. build roads, buildings, drains. and elections again. Not one propels the country forward. i find that amusing.

Signed, Dr. MD Huggins